There are No Finite Lines in Spiritual Energies
by Mia Mona Amore'
There are no finite lines in spiritual energies. Energies do not have a finite beginning and endingpoint. They do not have a finite change point. They do have peaks, windows, doorways, portals, and other such openings, but spiritual energies flow as processes. One process is beginning before another ends. The energies of the outgoing process blend with and become part of the energies of the incoming process. This process is true of every aspect of Life. Our choices are infants in our energy fields long before they are manifested into our daily lives. Even after manifestation, the energies of our choices continue to evolve as our experiences with and judgments of the manifestation of that choice develop as we live and share them.
It is important to remember that when we deal with Life, we are dealing with a symposium of constantly changing and evolving energies. What happens today may have been lifetimes in the making and may be lifetimes in the processes of sharing and learning. Nothing except Divine Will is pre-ordained, and even that is largely dependent on the choices of those involved within each application of it. Yet, it should be stated that our choices arise from a field of arranged possibilities that are orchestrated in order to serve our highest potential. Our Life’s Purpose, our Karmic lessons, Divine Will, and many other factors are combined into the energetic makeup of the smorgasbord that Free Will and Choice offers. It is a perpetual process that is infinitely complex and ever changing.
One must also remember that are no finite lines in spiritual energies as they pertain to larger events and processes, such as dimensional spaces, various “ages”, and other cosmic happenings. A new dimension develops first as an energy that is later manifested and shared. It grows, matures, evolves, and so on. This is true of a new "age”, as well. For example, the Age of Peace (also referred to as the Age of Aquarius) began long ago in energetic form, as did the Dimension of Peace. This Age/Dimension has, is, and will continue to grow, evolve, and Transform. There are openings that come and go with each phase of its evolution. But, there are no finite lines within it. There is no finite point in which it is or is not.
The energies of the Universe are ever changing, always cycling, evolving from one form into another, and ever reaching higher states of consciousness and Purpose. When one door closes, another has already opened. If one window is missed, another is just around the corner. There are no finite lines within these energies to bind and confine – only the endless spiral of Love to be lived and shared.
- excerpted from The Earth is the Classroom, Life is the Course, Here is the Handbook © copyright 2011 by Mia Mona Amore’
by Mia Mona Amore'
There are no finite lines in spiritual energies. Energies do not have a finite beginning and endingpoint. They do not have a finite change point. They do have peaks, windows, doorways, portals, and other such openings, but spiritual energies flow as processes. One process is beginning before another ends. The energies of the outgoing process blend with and become part of the energies of the incoming process. This process is true of every aspect of Life. Our choices are infants in our energy fields long before they are manifested into our daily lives. Even after manifestation, the energies of our choices continue to evolve as our experiences with and judgments of the manifestation of that choice develop as we live and share them.
It is important to remember that when we deal with Life, we are dealing with a symposium of constantly changing and evolving energies. What happens today may have been lifetimes in the making and may be lifetimes in the processes of sharing and learning. Nothing except Divine Will is pre-ordained, and even that is largely dependent on the choices of those involved within each application of it. Yet, it should be stated that our choices arise from a field of arranged possibilities that are orchestrated in order to serve our highest potential. Our Life’s Purpose, our Karmic lessons, Divine Will, and many other factors are combined into the energetic makeup of the smorgasbord that Free Will and Choice offers. It is a perpetual process that is infinitely complex and ever changing.
One must also remember that are no finite lines in spiritual energies as they pertain to larger events and processes, such as dimensional spaces, various “ages”, and other cosmic happenings. A new dimension develops first as an energy that is later manifested and shared. It grows, matures, evolves, and so on. This is true of a new "age”, as well. For example, the Age of Peace (also referred to as the Age of Aquarius) began long ago in energetic form, as did the Dimension of Peace. This Age/Dimension has, is, and will continue to grow, evolve, and Transform. There are openings that come and go with each phase of its evolution. But, there are no finite lines within it. There is no finite point in which it is or is not.
The energies of the Universe are ever changing, always cycling, evolving from one form into another, and ever reaching higher states of consciousness and Purpose. When one door closes, another has already opened. If one window is missed, another is just around the corner. There are no finite lines within these energies to bind and confine – only the endless spiral of Love to be lived and shared.
- excerpted from The Earth is the Classroom, Life is the Course, Here is the Handbook © copyright 2011 by Mia Mona Amore’