Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Gabriel on the Gift of Peace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Gabriel and I would speak with you at this time as we gather once more to celebrate and honor the Season of Peace and the Dimension of Peace, and I ask you this:
Have you made your choices yet? We have spoken many times now for several years, and even more beyond which you are aware of, of making your choice to live in the state of Peace.
At this time, I would say to each and every one of you that your choice should already be made, and if it is not then you must make it now. And, so, I will continue on as if you have already made your choice to live in a state of Peace, for it is time that each and every one of you must begin moving forward now into that state. The time for choosing, of course, is always present, and yet in many ways it is not. It is past. It is time to act. It is time to act upon the choice, and many of you are making strides in that direction. And, as you make your strides in that direction, you must be systematic about it for it can be overwhelming if you do not.
So, let me ask you this: Do you know what the true meaning of Peace is?
Is it a state of non-violence? Yes. But, is that all? No. There is much more to the state of Peace than simply being a non-violent person.
You, yourself, may not perpetrate violence against another - a state of non-Peace for the other person, the other being of Life – but, indirectly you may be contributing to that state of non-Peace.
And, so it is time for you, my beloved children, to access every point in your mind that you can
that embraces Peace.
Put on your thinking cap, as the old saying goes, and think about everything that you do, every good that you use, every service that you use, the foods you consume, and so on. Are your choices there Peaceful?
And, the answer for many of you will be no, because they are not. And yet you are just opening your eyes – many of you – you are just opening your eyes to see what is Peaceful and what is not.
And, I say to you this: Take the first steps. It is overwhelming to think that you can suddenly become a Peaceful person overnight and have all aspects of your Life being Peaceful. And, that is nearly impossible in this day and age that you live in in your world in your societies. That is nearly impossible.
Your world is a state of chaos. It’s in turmoil. It’s in a state of violence, and lust, and greed, and so on, and so on, and so on. There are so many non-Peaceful fronts that you live with every day that it is not possible for you to immediately make these changes. Not without great effort.
So, for most of you, the ideal scenario then would be to take little steps. And, you must begin, Beloved Children, with yourselves. Reach inside. Find your own Peace first. And, from that Peaceful place inside, start looking at each different avenue of your Life.
How do you interact with others? How do you interact with yourself? Your immediate family? Your extended family? Your friends? Your co-workers? Your community members and so on?
How do you allow your family, your friends, you co-workers, your community members to interact with each other?
Do you see injustice?
Do you see abuses of power?
Do you see places where there could be greater kindness and compassion, greater Understanding and tolerance of one another?
If you see these things, then begin to act on them.
First is awareness within your own mind and your own body. And, the next step beyond that then, is to share that with your family, with your friends, with your co-workers, with your communities. Reach out and touch people. Share that Peacefulness you have with those around you.
When you see someone belittling another person, do not watch. Step in and say, ‘That is not right. That was rude. That was unkind. That was inconsiderate.’ Whatever the situation calls for, be a part of it.
You are ONE family
under the Sun.
You are ONE family throughout the Cosmos.
You are ONE family throughout the Universe.
It is time to act like it.
And, this is but one avenue.
And, you see, as you think along this avenue, you are thinking of humans because that is what you are. If you are not a human, then you are thinking along the avenues of whatever species you are.
And then, you must go another step. Look at the next avenue.
What about the other beings of Life with whom you interact on a daily basis?
You might have a dog. You might have a cat. Perhaps it’s a goldfish in a tank. Perhaps it’s a canary in a cage.
Did you visit the zoo?
How do you interact with these beings of Life, for they are no less a being of Life than you are, or your family is. Think along this avenue for a time. How do you interact with them? And, some of you would say, ‘Well, I treat my dog nicely. I take care of my cat. My horse is wonderful, and I feed my fish routinely and change his water.’ And, yes, you do all these things with your pets. These are wonderful.
How many pets do you eat?
Is it Peaceful to eat a pig?
Is it Peaceful to eat a chicken?
A cow?
A fish?
A turkey?
Are these things Peaceful?
NO. And, it is time to stop beating around the bush, as the saying goes, about your food. There is nothing Peaceful about eating animals. Your body was not designed for meat. I don’t care what scientist says what, your body was not designed to for meat, and I know, I was there when the body was created.
You do not need it.
It is not Peaceful.
You are not at the top of the food chain so that you have dominion over all animals, and you were never given that right.
That right does not exist by (for) any, except the Creator herself.
And so, some would say, ‘Okay. I should be a vegetarian.’ And, I would ask you this, ‘Is it any less Peaceful to kill a head of lettuce than it is to kill a pig?’
And, the answer is no.
What about when you yank the carrot from the ground?
Is that Peaceful?
No. It is not.
There is much to learn in this respect, and my guidance to you is to take that which is offered and do not take that which is not offered.
Accept what is given.
Do not take what is not Freely given with (to) you.
That will take some doing on all your parts, and you will have to learn, and you will have to think. But, again, it is important to take small steps.
Perhaps today, you take out the dairy from your diet. You are not baby cows, or baby goats, you’re not baby horses, baby anything elses. And, if you are a baby, you should be drinking your mother’s milk, not someone else’s mother’s milk, and so on. That is not Peaceful either.
So, today, perhaps you will address dairy, and tomorrow it might be a little less meat.
You will find that you will be more Peaceful inside, and less fearful, when you stop taking these things into your body that were never meant to be and reflect the great violence of your world, your society, that is perpetrated upon other beings of Life.
Peace has many avenues.
What about the clothes that you wear, and the furniture that you sit upon?
If you are truly going to live Peacefully, then you must address all of these avenues. And, again, it will take time for you to make these changes, but you must begin now. You must begin now, and there is a reason for this. There is a reason why we have spoken so many times of making your choices of Peace, and that is this:
The time has begun where you are being separated, by your own choices.
Those who choose to live in Peace are going to find a new world opening up to them. New doors. New ways of living. New ways of existing. New ways of coming together and sharing Life, and Love, and Joy, and all the multitude of blessings that come with sharing Life together.
And, those who have chosen to continue on in a state of violence then, will be left to basically fight it out amongst themselves you might say.
We call this the Great Segregation, the segregation of those who would be Peaceful and those who would be violent, and it has begun and it will escalate.
From a world perspective, you are going to see much more violence and much more separation. And, just remember this: If you are living Peacefully,
you are going to have great challenge. And, in some ways greater challenge than those who are choosing to live in violence, because you will have to observe these things. You may even have to experience some of these things, not by your own choice, but by circumstance – by where you live, by how you live, and so on.
That will be difficult. It will be difficult to watch the violence and the suffering, and I say to you this: In these times, come together with others who are like-minded and lean on each other. It is time to recognize your true nature of brother and sister, one with another. Lean on each other and Support each other. It is time to put away the shackles and the paradigms of separatism. That is one of the greatest Illusions of all time.
You are not separate from one another.
You are ONE.
You are ONE family.
You do not need to share the same blood, and yet you do. Every being shares the same Life blood.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a human, or a dog, or a cat, or a horse, or a fish, or an ET, as you term them. It does not matter what form of Life you are. Each of you shares the same Life blood, because that blood is the energy from your Creator, and you are all part of the Creator as she is a part of you.
You are like fingers on a hand. You may look different, but you are all together. You are all part of one thing that is greater than any one of you separately. That is synergism.
And, that is what you all are.
You are all One.
And, you will experience that great synergism – the synergy, the Love – when you come together and recognize that. And, you must in these days and weeks and months and years to come. You must join together.
You also must abstain as best you can from the violence that is going to run rampant in short order in your world.
Leave it be.
Do not engage in it. There may be times when you have no choice, and that is understandable. And, if you must, then do it, but Understand that you are doing so to Protect yourself and your Loved ones, your family, your friend, your co-workers, the others of your greater family.
Not only do you say prayers, but so do we. Who do we say our prayers to? Creator, of course. But, we also say prayers to you. We give our prayers to you, and we would pray to you – not in a way of worship, in a way of request.
Please. Come together and Support each other.
Help each other to know Peace.
I urge and challenge each of you to sit down for five minutes with someone. It doesn’t matter who. Sit down together. Join hands. Look in each others’ eyes, and send each other the thought of Peace. Send each other the energy of Peace. And, know that I am with you.
All who ask for Peace shall have my blessing, and I will help each and every one of you.
Do not shy away from this.
It doesn’t matter whether you start with a spouse, a significant other, a child, a total stranger, your mother, your grandmother. It doesn’t matter who. Touch another person. And, yes, that other person could be your dog or your cat. You may have trouble getting the cat to sit still for five minutes and stare you in the eye, but try, and try with others of your own species. Sit down with another human being – hand to hand. Look into each others’ eyes, and let the Peace and the Love Flow between you.
In this day and age, there is such an abuse of the term “Love”. It is truly disheartening on many levels,
many, many levels.
Love has been confused with lust. Love has been confused with many things that are even unspeakable.
But, the Truth of the matter is the world is SO hungry for real Love, for real Peace, for real sharing that many crimes are committed to try and force these things. And, Love cannot be forced. Peace cannot be forced. Nurturing cannot be forced – ever.
So, when you sit down with this person – hand to hand, eye to eye, Heart to Heart – put aside those thoughts, and do not be afraid of what Flows between you. It is not lust. It is not romantic Love. It is pure, unconditional, compassionate Love - person to person, Heart to Heart, as One, One Heart brother to brother, sister to sister, and so on, and so on.
It is time to put aside the shackles of Illusion,
and the bondage of paradigms that no longer serve
a new vision of a new Life for a new world -
a world of Peace.
And those of you who have chose to live in Peace, you may begin your Journey right here, right now, today.
Take that first step.
And, then, take another.
And never look back. And, even if you falter, even if you fall, get up. Take another step. Continue on. I am with you. We are all with you.
And, your brothers and sisters right there are with you.
Reach out and touch another person. Do not be afraid.
Make your steps today.
Meditate. Feel your Peace with the Earth.
You must come into Harmony with her.
I cannot, cannot, cannot, cannot, cannot stress the importance of that enough.
You must make your Peace with Mother Earth.
She is your Lifeblood. She is your mother.
Make your Peace with her.
How? Connect with her. Ground with her. Feel her energies. Do not abuse her body. Cherish it. Love it. And, let her Love yours.
Let her Love yours.
So many of you seek to give to the Earth, and Protect this, and Protect that, and so on, and you are basically talking about her as if she were a brick wall. And, you interact with her as if she is a brick wall. She is a living, breathing, Loving being, and she Loves you – each and every one of you.
So, let her Love you. Open your arms, not just to embrace her, but allow her to embrace you. There is great significance in this, and you need this for these changes that are to come.
So, for now I leave you with a challenge.
Connect with the Earth. Find your Peace and Harmony with her.
Take your baby steps.
And, connect with another being of Life. And, when you have connected with one, connect with two. And, when you have connected with two, connect with four, and so on. Do not stop.
It is time.
Remember the Great Segregation, for it is happening, and it will have unparalleled significance to the world that you live in and the way you live in it.
For this time, I will leave you with these words, and with my great thanks, and my Love, and my prayer to you and for you.
Come into a state of Peace now.
It is time to make your moves.
My Love is with you always.
And, may you all know Peace.
Have you made your choices yet? We have spoken many times now for several years, and even more beyond which you are aware of, of making your choice to live in the state of Peace.
At this time, I would say to each and every one of you that your choice should already be made, and if it is not then you must make it now. And, so, I will continue on as if you have already made your choice to live in a state of Peace, for it is time that each and every one of you must begin moving forward now into that state. The time for choosing, of course, is always present, and yet in many ways it is not. It is past. It is time to act. It is time to act upon the choice, and many of you are making strides in that direction. And, as you make your strides in that direction, you must be systematic about it for it can be overwhelming if you do not.
So, let me ask you this: Do you know what the true meaning of Peace is?
Is it a state of non-violence? Yes. But, is that all? No. There is much more to the state of Peace than simply being a non-violent person.
You, yourself, may not perpetrate violence against another - a state of non-Peace for the other person, the other being of Life – but, indirectly you may be contributing to that state of non-Peace.
And, so it is time for you, my beloved children, to access every point in your mind that you can
that embraces Peace.
Put on your thinking cap, as the old saying goes, and think about everything that you do, every good that you use, every service that you use, the foods you consume, and so on. Are your choices there Peaceful?
And, the answer for many of you will be no, because they are not. And yet you are just opening your eyes – many of you – you are just opening your eyes to see what is Peaceful and what is not.
And, I say to you this: Take the first steps. It is overwhelming to think that you can suddenly become a Peaceful person overnight and have all aspects of your Life being Peaceful. And, that is nearly impossible in this day and age that you live in in your world in your societies. That is nearly impossible.
Your world is a state of chaos. It’s in turmoil. It’s in a state of violence, and lust, and greed, and so on, and so on, and so on. There are so many non-Peaceful fronts that you live with every day that it is not possible for you to immediately make these changes. Not without great effort.
So, for most of you, the ideal scenario then would be to take little steps. And, you must begin, Beloved Children, with yourselves. Reach inside. Find your own Peace first. And, from that Peaceful place inside, start looking at each different avenue of your Life.
How do you interact with others? How do you interact with yourself? Your immediate family? Your extended family? Your friends? Your co-workers? Your community members and so on?
How do you allow your family, your friends, you co-workers, your community members to interact with each other?
Do you see injustice?
Do you see abuses of power?
Do you see places where there could be greater kindness and compassion, greater Understanding and tolerance of one another?
If you see these things, then begin to act on them.
First is awareness within your own mind and your own body. And, the next step beyond that then, is to share that with your family, with your friends, with your co-workers, with your communities. Reach out and touch people. Share that Peacefulness you have with those around you.
When you see someone belittling another person, do not watch. Step in and say, ‘That is not right. That was rude. That was unkind. That was inconsiderate.’ Whatever the situation calls for, be a part of it.
You are ONE family
under the Sun.
You are ONE family throughout the Cosmos.
You are ONE family throughout the Universe.
It is time to act like it.
And, this is but one avenue.
And, you see, as you think along this avenue, you are thinking of humans because that is what you are. If you are not a human, then you are thinking along the avenues of whatever species you are.
And then, you must go another step. Look at the next avenue.
What about the other beings of Life with whom you interact on a daily basis?
You might have a dog. You might have a cat. Perhaps it’s a goldfish in a tank. Perhaps it’s a canary in a cage.
Did you visit the zoo?
How do you interact with these beings of Life, for they are no less a being of Life than you are, or your family is. Think along this avenue for a time. How do you interact with them? And, some of you would say, ‘Well, I treat my dog nicely. I take care of my cat. My horse is wonderful, and I feed my fish routinely and change his water.’ And, yes, you do all these things with your pets. These are wonderful.
How many pets do you eat?
Is it Peaceful to eat a pig?
Is it Peaceful to eat a chicken?
A cow?
A fish?
A turkey?
Are these things Peaceful?
NO. And, it is time to stop beating around the bush, as the saying goes, about your food. There is nothing Peaceful about eating animals. Your body was not designed for meat. I don’t care what scientist says what, your body was not designed to for meat, and I know, I was there when the body was created.
You do not need it.
It is not Peaceful.
You are not at the top of the food chain so that you have dominion over all animals, and you were never given that right.
That right does not exist by (for) any, except the Creator herself.
And so, some would say, ‘Okay. I should be a vegetarian.’ And, I would ask you this, ‘Is it any less Peaceful to kill a head of lettuce than it is to kill a pig?’
And, the answer is no.
What about when you yank the carrot from the ground?
Is that Peaceful?
No. It is not.
There is much to learn in this respect, and my guidance to you is to take that which is offered and do not take that which is not offered.
Accept what is given.
Do not take what is not Freely given with (to) you.
That will take some doing on all your parts, and you will have to learn, and you will have to think. But, again, it is important to take small steps.
Perhaps today, you take out the dairy from your diet. You are not baby cows, or baby goats, you’re not baby horses, baby anything elses. And, if you are a baby, you should be drinking your mother’s milk, not someone else’s mother’s milk, and so on. That is not Peaceful either.
So, today, perhaps you will address dairy, and tomorrow it might be a little less meat.
You will find that you will be more Peaceful inside, and less fearful, when you stop taking these things into your body that were never meant to be and reflect the great violence of your world, your society, that is perpetrated upon other beings of Life.
Peace has many avenues.
What about the clothes that you wear, and the furniture that you sit upon?
If you are truly going to live Peacefully, then you must address all of these avenues. And, again, it will take time for you to make these changes, but you must begin now. You must begin now, and there is a reason for this. There is a reason why we have spoken so many times of making your choices of Peace, and that is this:
The time has begun where you are being separated, by your own choices.
Those who choose to live in Peace are going to find a new world opening up to them. New doors. New ways of living. New ways of existing. New ways of coming together and sharing Life, and Love, and Joy, and all the multitude of blessings that come with sharing Life together.
And, those who have chosen to continue on in a state of violence then, will be left to basically fight it out amongst themselves you might say.
We call this the Great Segregation, the segregation of those who would be Peaceful and those who would be violent, and it has begun and it will escalate.
From a world perspective, you are going to see much more violence and much more separation. And, just remember this: If you are living Peacefully,
you are going to have great challenge. And, in some ways greater challenge than those who are choosing to live in violence, because you will have to observe these things. You may even have to experience some of these things, not by your own choice, but by circumstance – by where you live, by how you live, and so on.
That will be difficult. It will be difficult to watch the violence and the suffering, and I say to you this: In these times, come together with others who are like-minded and lean on each other. It is time to recognize your true nature of brother and sister, one with another. Lean on each other and Support each other. It is time to put away the shackles and the paradigms of separatism. That is one of the greatest Illusions of all time.
You are not separate from one another.
You are ONE.
You are ONE family.
You do not need to share the same blood, and yet you do. Every being shares the same Life blood.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a human, or a dog, or a cat, or a horse, or a fish, or an ET, as you term them. It does not matter what form of Life you are. Each of you shares the same Life blood, because that blood is the energy from your Creator, and you are all part of the Creator as she is a part of you.
You are like fingers on a hand. You may look different, but you are all together. You are all part of one thing that is greater than any one of you separately. That is synergism.
And, that is what you all are.
You are all One.
And, you will experience that great synergism – the synergy, the Love – when you come together and recognize that. And, you must in these days and weeks and months and years to come. You must join together.
You also must abstain as best you can from the violence that is going to run rampant in short order in your world.
Leave it be.
Do not engage in it. There may be times when you have no choice, and that is understandable. And, if you must, then do it, but Understand that you are doing so to Protect yourself and your Loved ones, your family, your friend, your co-workers, the others of your greater family.
Not only do you say prayers, but so do we. Who do we say our prayers to? Creator, of course. But, we also say prayers to you. We give our prayers to you, and we would pray to you – not in a way of worship, in a way of request.
Please. Come together and Support each other.
Help each other to know Peace.
I urge and challenge each of you to sit down for five minutes with someone. It doesn’t matter who. Sit down together. Join hands. Look in each others’ eyes, and send each other the thought of Peace. Send each other the energy of Peace. And, know that I am with you.
All who ask for Peace shall have my blessing, and I will help each and every one of you.
Do not shy away from this.
It doesn’t matter whether you start with a spouse, a significant other, a child, a total stranger, your mother, your grandmother. It doesn’t matter who. Touch another person. And, yes, that other person could be your dog or your cat. You may have trouble getting the cat to sit still for five minutes and stare you in the eye, but try, and try with others of your own species. Sit down with another human being – hand to hand. Look into each others’ eyes, and let the Peace and the Love Flow between you.
In this day and age, there is such an abuse of the term “Love”. It is truly disheartening on many levels,
many, many levels.
Love has been confused with lust. Love has been confused with many things that are even unspeakable.
But, the Truth of the matter is the world is SO hungry for real Love, for real Peace, for real sharing that many crimes are committed to try and force these things. And, Love cannot be forced. Peace cannot be forced. Nurturing cannot be forced – ever.
So, when you sit down with this person – hand to hand, eye to eye, Heart to Heart – put aside those thoughts, and do not be afraid of what Flows between you. It is not lust. It is not romantic Love. It is pure, unconditional, compassionate Love - person to person, Heart to Heart, as One, One Heart brother to brother, sister to sister, and so on, and so on.
It is time to put aside the shackles of Illusion,
and the bondage of paradigms that no longer serve
a new vision of a new Life for a new world -
a world of Peace.
And those of you who have chose to live in Peace, you may begin your Journey right here, right now, today.
Take that first step.
And, then, take another.
And never look back. And, even if you falter, even if you fall, get up. Take another step. Continue on. I am with you. We are all with you.
And, your brothers and sisters right there are with you.
Reach out and touch another person. Do not be afraid.
Make your steps today.
Meditate. Feel your Peace with the Earth.
You must come into Harmony with her.
I cannot, cannot, cannot, cannot, cannot stress the importance of that enough.
You must make your Peace with Mother Earth.
She is your Lifeblood. She is your mother.
Make your Peace with her.
How? Connect with her. Ground with her. Feel her energies. Do not abuse her body. Cherish it. Love it. And, let her Love yours.
Let her Love yours.
So many of you seek to give to the Earth, and Protect this, and Protect that, and so on, and you are basically talking about her as if she were a brick wall. And, you interact with her as if she is a brick wall. She is a living, breathing, Loving being, and she Loves you – each and every one of you.
So, let her Love you. Open your arms, not just to embrace her, but allow her to embrace you. There is great significance in this, and you need this for these changes that are to come.
So, for now I leave you with a challenge.
Connect with the Earth. Find your Peace and Harmony with her.
Take your baby steps.
And, connect with another being of Life. And, when you have connected with one, connect with two. And, when you have connected with two, connect with four, and so on. Do not stop.
It is time.
Remember the Great Segregation, for it is happening, and it will have unparalleled significance to the world that you live in and the way you live in it.
For this time, I will leave you with these words, and with my great thanks, and my Love, and my prayer to you and for you.
Come into a state of Peace now.
It is time to make your moves.
My Love is with you always.
And, may you all know Peace.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.