Voices of the Archangels Library
Voices of the Archangels Recording and Transcript Library
Please Read This Warning Before You Request a Password for this Library
We have recently been made aware that there have been abuses of our generosity in sharing the channeled messages found in the Voices of the Archangels Library. In spite of our warning that we would have to password the audio portion of these messages, the abuse has continued. So, we have had no choice but to password this library and share it on a more private basis.
It is, and always has been, our intent to share these messages freely for the purposes of spiritual enlightenment and evolution, to further the Understanding of how we are to move into a state of Peace in this world, and to lend a voice to the Archangels so they may speak directly with any who would hear their words. Evidently, there are those who have used these recordings for other purposes, which we consider to be an abuse of the gift and the privilege of these messages.
Please be advised that while you are hearing the voice of the channeler, you are also hearing the words and experiencing the energies of the speaker (ie; Archangel Michael). When you are listening to one of these messages, you are in the direct presence of the Archangels, Mother Earth, Helios, or the Great Mother/Creator herself. Conduct yourself accordingly.
For those of you who share the intent of spirituality, Understanding, and connection with the Archangels in listening to these messages, we welcome you.
For those of you who would further abuse this privilege, we caution you, for you will be met with the Karmic repercussions of your inappropriate behavior. Some of you will laugh or scoff at this warning. We wish you well in your journey of Life. Enter the Library and partake of the messages at your own risk.
In Love and Joy, Peace and Truth,
If you'd like to request a password to the Voices of the Archangels Recording and Transcript Library, please click on the candle below.
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.