As Archangel Gabriel tells us, “True Freedom is found in the Heart, and not the head.” This statement has never been more true or applicable than it is today. In the world we live in, our Freedoms are rapidly vanishing through the Illusions that are presented to our heads. If we allow ourselves to be led by our heads, and do not follow the Truth of Freedom that lies unsullied within our Hearts, then we shall have but the Illusion of Freedom. Without Freedom, Life will become survival and existence at best. Our Hearts will weep for this loss that will ultimately challenge our very presence in Life. The Heart will never know the Joy of its Purpose fulfilled, Love shared, or true Life experienced and expressed. Life itself will become an Illusion, a shadowy memory of what was meant to be by Divine Will.
On this day of celebration, remember the precious gift of Freedom. Let us also remember that the Freedoms the founding fathers of the United States have assured to the American people through legacy and intention is our responsibility today. The preservation and continuation of true Freedom is the duty of each of us who live today so that the next generations may know the same Freedoms that we have enjoyed – or better. How can we offer our children and their children a real Life to live if we cannot hand them a world with true Freedoms? How will any of us ever share a world in a state of Peace if we do not have the Freedom to make the choices that Support it?
Freedom of choice is the ultimate gift from our Creator – by whatever name we use to define “Creator”. We are Divinely given the right of “Free Will and Choice” by Universal Law. Even the American founding fathers acknowledged that true Freedom is an “unalienable right” given by the Creator. It is not something that can be taken from us – unless we willingly surrender it.
Will we give up those rights willingly as we choose to follow the Illusions presented to our heads? Or will we follow the Truth and the Freedom within our Hearts, and allow this generation and all those to come to live in the state of Peace that so many have dreamt of and died for? What future will we create for ourselves and the generations to come through the power or the destruction of our Freedom to choose? What will you choose? How will you Support your choice? Will you accept the parameters of the Illusions of Freedom as set by another? Or, will you follow the Truth of Freedom that is given to you by your Creator to fulfill your very Purpose for being? These are things to reflect upon on this and every day. True Freedom should be celebrated and acted upon every day – and never taken for granted or given away.
for The New Gaea Foundation