A Note Before You Vote
by Mia Mona Amore
As you prepare yourself to cast your vote, take a moment to reflect upon your choices of candidates. Sit in stillness for a moment and listen to the voice of your Heart. How does it advise you to vote?
We must recognize that there are no perfect candidates, just as there are no perfect people. However, there is perfect intention. Do the intentions of your chosen candidates resonate with your own intentions? Do they place the same value as you do in the things that matter the most to you? Do you Trust them? These candidates are elected to represent your voice. Do you Trust them to vote as you would?
As citizens of a country, we have the right and the responsibility to make our voices heard to those who would represent us in our governmental affairs. With our votes, we choose candidates who would best fulfill that task. Too often a good plan is spoken to gain votes, then cast aside to accommodate another agenda. Trust plays a most important role in choosing one candidate over another.
How is one to choose when he or she cannot possibly know the true intentions of those seeking to represent them? That is where the Heart comes into the equation. When one seeks the Guidance of the Heart, one touches the Source of all knowledge. Is a candidate true or false? Ask your Heart. It will tell you. Do not let inaction or indecision cast your vote for you. Listen to the wisdom of your Heart and act upon it.
If you are still unsure, step aside from yourself and your own perspectives for a moment. Look at your children – our younger generations. What would be important to them? What are the issues being voted upon today that will impact their future? How you vote today will define the quality of the future for generations to come. Will you hand Freedom to these generations – or servitude? Will you ensure Peace for their lives - or war? Will you ensure their autonomy – or sentence them to surrender their rights given by their forefathers and Life itself?
Some of you may feel as though you shouldn’t bother to vote at all. What does it matter? You are only one person. Others may feel as though they do not want to participate in a broken system of government that no longer serves the people. However, you are a part of our world. You are important to the whole, for without you the whole is less than it could be with you. If you dislike a system you see broken, speak to change it. If you abandon it, it will flourish for those who see it for its possibilities. When we unite our voices together, we can and do make a difference in the world. This is our world. It is our Time. It is our gift from the past. What we make it will be our gift to the future.
However you vote, let it be from the Heart. When our voices reflect our Hearts, we will find that the vast majority of us want the same things in Life, for Life, and from Life. It’s Time to join voices. It’s Time to join Hearts. Let your vote reflect the voice of your Heart.
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