A Time of Change and Challenge
by Mia Mona Amore'
We live in a Time of change and challenge. No time in our recorded history has brought as much change as the world will see in the next few years, providing events continue on the course presently occurring. What does this mean for us as individuals, as families, as communities, as nations? What does it mean for us as human beings? It means the end of one way of Life and the beginning of a new way. Yet, the old will not fade away easily, for there are many who would continue in the rut of “civilization” as we know it.
In this Time of great change and challenge one of the most important changes we will see is a shift in consciousness sweeping the globe. We are each called to a higher level of consciousness, and with it a higher level of accountability. We must each look within ourselves, find our Truths, and make choices accordingly. What things are important to us? If the world around us suddenly plunged into a new condition, a new way of being, what things would be most important to us? What things do we hold dear? What things can we not live without? What things do we not want to live without? Are these things material? Are they emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual? Are they people or other beings of Life? How are we accountable to or for these things? How do these things stand up to our internal Truths? Are they real, or are they Illusion?
Think about how Life is to be lived. In this Time of change, much of what comes will be defined by the choices we make today and the actions we engage in based upon those choices. How do we wish Life to be? What conditions or actions have we endured or witnessed that we would wish to see changed? How would those changes be carried out? What is the difference that we want to see, to live, and to share every day? These are things to contemplate. These are things to use as the background for the choices we are being called upon to make now. This is a Time of change, therefore it is also a Time of choice. However, it is not enough to simply choose. We must make our choices and then act upon them, letting the choices define our way.
One of the most important things that we must choose is how our consciousness is to evolve. Evolution never stops, but there are Times in which we are called to a more rapid level of growth. This is one of those Times. To some degree, our evolution of consciousness will be defined for us through our Karma and our Life’s Purposes. Yet, even within these Divine parameters there is ample room for choice, excepting rare occasions and circumstances. Our consciousness is a direct result of our spiritual journey and choices in Life. What are our spiritual pursuits? Where are they leading us? Do they encourage and assist us in ever growing more fully into Light, Love, tolerance, acceptance, kindness, generosity, and so on? Do our spiritual practices lead us into greater aspects of Peace with all beings and processes of Life? Are we learning to seek out Peace not only for ourselves, but also for everything and everyone we touch in Life?
It is important to Understand that in this Time of change, we are accountable not only for our spiritual growth and heightening levels of consciousness, but also for the lack of it. It is time to put aside those ideals, dogmas, and teachings that Support the old ways of being, especially when they do not teach the ways of Peace. The Universe has issued the edict of Peace throughout the Cosmos. This is no longer a choice. Peace will come to be, for it is Divinely Willed to be. The question for each of us is how much of the Illusion of Peace will we endure before we choose to accept, be, live, and share Peace in Illumination. We can no longer simply say we choose Peace and then not live it, be it, share it. We have to “walk the walk”, instead of just “talking the talk”. Do we know how? What does Peace mean? What is Peace?
For some, the definition of Peace simply means “a state of non-violence”. Yet, this is far from a true Understanding of Peace. To fully live and share Peace, one must embrace Balance and Harmony. One must do no harm, cause no harm, and Support no harm in word or deed, by action or inaction. One must not only find Balance and Harmony within oneself, but also in the world around them. When Balance or Harmony is missing, so is Peace. Joy is also a component of Peace. Are we Joyous within ourselves? Is the world around us Joyous? Do our actions and inactions contribute to the Joy of others? Freedom is also a component of Peace. One cannot bask in the Light of Peace if one does not also live in a state of Freedom. Are we Free? Are those around us in the world Free? Are we limiting Freedom, Harmony, Balance, Joy, and Peace to human beings? What about non-human beings, or the Earth herself? Are they Free and at Peace, too? Peace is a gift for every being of Life, not just humans.
There are many components of Peace, and this is where our spirituality and our evolution of consciousness come into the equation. If we are to learn and live a new way of Life – a Life of Peace, as dictated by Divine Will – then we must evolve to the level of consciousness required to live together in a state of Peace, including all its various aspects and phases and for all beings of Life no matter what form they appear in. We cannot evolve to this level of being if we do not let go of the old ways of living. We must close the door on the ways of Illusion and Duality, and fully embrace the ways of Illumination.
How does one close the door of Illusion? We must look for it first. We must think about ourselves, our lives, the world around us. We must look to our Hearts to find Truth and Illumination, for our Hearts have never forgotten the Truths of the Universe – as they are in Illumination and not Illusion. In the Heart, we will find the directions for right action. In our Hearts, we will find the keys to Peace, for our Hearts are still very much aligned with this great gift of Life. It is our minds that are so deeply entrenched in the fields of Illusion.
It is not always easy to find the voice of the Heart. However, when one stills the mind, the Heart becomes increasingly easy to hear. When the Heart speaks, listen well and follow the guidance that is spoken. Sometimes the Heart shows us things we do not want to see. When Illusion is seen, it is not always easy to accept or admit to, for the sight of it most often demands immediate changes. Some of these changes will be internal, some external. Some changes will be called for in our daily and personal lives, while others will call for changes in our families, communities, nations, and beyond.
As we move forward into this Time of great change and challenge, we will witness and participate in tremendous upheavals in our world. It is good to remember that when one cleans house, a dust is raised. It will take a while for the dust to settle again. The changes at hand are those that would offer a new Life if we follow through with them. We will see a shift in the people, as they choose to come into alignment with the Universal dictates of Peace and those who choose to ignore this Divine calling. For those who sincerely choose to accept Peace as the new way of Life, they will be ushered through the necessary evolutionary steps to allow them to be a part of this new way in a new Time and space – a new dimension. The evolution necessary may not be easily or quickly done. An open and willing Heart is key to these processes. Each must accept what lessons they are shown to master, for it is only in mastery that one will find the Peace within. That Peace is the first step into the gateway of the Peace to be lived and shared as a way of Life.
For those who choose to cling to the old ways of Life, they will be afforded the opportunity to do so until they, too, are weary of the continual struggle for power and control. They will tire of the violence, the lack, the struggles, the suffering, and the falsehoods of Duality and Illusion. When they finally choose to accept Peace as the Law of the Universe, they, too, will go through the evolutionary processes required to ascend into a state of Peace. For some this may take days or weeks. For others it may take years or lifetimes.
It is good for us to remember that the Universe is ultimately patient and Forgiving. We are given as many chances to learn and master the lessons of Life as is necessary. What many fail to recognize is that while the Creator-Great Mother is infinitely patient with us, it is we who pay the price of spiritual or evolutionary procrastination. It is we who live through the hardships, the pain, the suffering. It is our choices that bring our circumstances, whether they are from this lifetime or another. When we learn the lessons hidden in the situations we are presented with, we move on to mastery. When we are tested in the lesson, and choose right action, our challenge of mastery is satisfied. We move on to the next lesson and begin again. This process repeats itself until we have mastered all the lessons of Life, at which point we come into the state of Peace. When we Transcend to this state of being, then we ascend into the dimensional space or Time of Peace.
While these processes may sound harsh, they are anything but. The Great Mother-Universe offers us the ultimate in Love and Freedom in having given us the right of Free Will and Choice. It is our choice how long we take to move into the state of Peace – a return to Oneness. If we are wise, we will not take long. If we enjoy the delights of Duality, then we will take longer. Either way, we will all come to the same place in the Universe eventually. But, for now, if we are ready to move into a space of Peace and are willing to embrace the changes and challenges necessary for us to live and share the experiences of daily Life in this way, then it is here. The Journey of Peace and new Life has begun. As we live in this Time of great changes and challenges, we also live in the dawning of the Age of Peace – the Age of Aquarius. Are you ready?
In this Time of great change and challenge one of the most important changes we will see is a shift in consciousness sweeping the globe. We are each called to a higher level of consciousness, and with it a higher level of accountability. We must each look within ourselves, find our Truths, and make choices accordingly. What things are important to us? If the world around us suddenly plunged into a new condition, a new way of being, what things would be most important to us? What things do we hold dear? What things can we not live without? What things do we not want to live without? Are these things material? Are they emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual? Are they people or other beings of Life? How are we accountable to or for these things? How do these things stand up to our internal Truths? Are they real, or are they Illusion?
Think about how Life is to be lived. In this Time of change, much of what comes will be defined by the choices we make today and the actions we engage in based upon those choices. How do we wish Life to be? What conditions or actions have we endured or witnessed that we would wish to see changed? How would those changes be carried out? What is the difference that we want to see, to live, and to share every day? These are things to contemplate. These are things to use as the background for the choices we are being called upon to make now. This is a Time of change, therefore it is also a Time of choice. However, it is not enough to simply choose. We must make our choices and then act upon them, letting the choices define our way.
One of the most important things that we must choose is how our consciousness is to evolve. Evolution never stops, but there are Times in which we are called to a more rapid level of growth. This is one of those Times. To some degree, our evolution of consciousness will be defined for us through our Karma and our Life’s Purposes. Yet, even within these Divine parameters there is ample room for choice, excepting rare occasions and circumstances. Our consciousness is a direct result of our spiritual journey and choices in Life. What are our spiritual pursuits? Where are they leading us? Do they encourage and assist us in ever growing more fully into Light, Love, tolerance, acceptance, kindness, generosity, and so on? Do our spiritual practices lead us into greater aspects of Peace with all beings and processes of Life? Are we learning to seek out Peace not only for ourselves, but also for everything and everyone we touch in Life?
It is important to Understand that in this Time of change, we are accountable not only for our spiritual growth and heightening levels of consciousness, but also for the lack of it. It is time to put aside those ideals, dogmas, and teachings that Support the old ways of being, especially when they do not teach the ways of Peace. The Universe has issued the edict of Peace throughout the Cosmos. This is no longer a choice. Peace will come to be, for it is Divinely Willed to be. The question for each of us is how much of the Illusion of Peace will we endure before we choose to accept, be, live, and share Peace in Illumination. We can no longer simply say we choose Peace and then not live it, be it, share it. We have to “walk the walk”, instead of just “talking the talk”. Do we know how? What does Peace mean? What is Peace?
For some, the definition of Peace simply means “a state of non-violence”. Yet, this is far from a true Understanding of Peace. To fully live and share Peace, one must embrace Balance and Harmony. One must do no harm, cause no harm, and Support no harm in word or deed, by action or inaction. One must not only find Balance and Harmony within oneself, but also in the world around them. When Balance or Harmony is missing, so is Peace. Joy is also a component of Peace. Are we Joyous within ourselves? Is the world around us Joyous? Do our actions and inactions contribute to the Joy of others? Freedom is also a component of Peace. One cannot bask in the Light of Peace if one does not also live in a state of Freedom. Are we Free? Are those around us in the world Free? Are we limiting Freedom, Harmony, Balance, Joy, and Peace to human beings? What about non-human beings, or the Earth herself? Are they Free and at Peace, too? Peace is a gift for every being of Life, not just humans.
There are many components of Peace, and this is where our spirituality and our evolution of consciousness come into the equation. If we are to learn and live a new way of Life – a Life of Peace, as dictated by Divine Will – then we must evolve to the level of consciousness required to live together in a state of Peace, including all its various aspects and phases and for all beings of Life no matter what form they appear in. We cannot evolve to this level of being if we do not let go of the old ways of living. We must close the door on the ways of Illusion and Duality, and fully embrace the ways of Illumination.
How does one close the door of Illusion? We must look for it first. We must think about ourselves, our lives, the world around us. We must look to our Hearts to find Truth and Illumination, for our Hearts have never forgotten the Truths of the Universe – as they are in Illumination and not Illusion. In the Heart, we will find the directions for right action. In our Hearts, we will find the keys to Peace, for our Hearts are still very much aligned with this great gift of Life. It is our minds that are so deeply entrenched in the fields of Illusion.
It is not always easy to find the voice of the Heart. However, when one stills the mind, the Heart becomes increasingly easy to hear. When the Heart speaks, listen well and follow the guidance that is spoken. Sometimes the Heart shows us things we do not want to see. When Illusion is seen, it is not always easy to accept or admit to, for the sight of it most often demands immediate changes. Some of these changes will be internal, some external. Some changes will be called for in our daily and personal lives, while others will call for changes in our families, communities, nations, and beyond.
As we move forward into this Time of great change and challenge, we will witness and participate in tremendous upheavals in our world. It is good to remember that when one cleans house, a dust is raised. It will take a while for the dust to settle again. The changes at hand are those that would offer a new Life if we follow through with them. We will see a shift in the people, as they choose to come into alignment with the Universal dictates of Peace and those who choose to ignore this Divine calling. For those who sincerely choose to accept Peace as the new way of Life, they will be ushered through the necessary evolutionary steps to allow them to be a part of this new way in a new Time and space – a new dimension. The evolution necessary may not be easily or quickly done. An open and willing Heart is key to these processes. Each must accept what lessons they are shown to master, for it is only in mastery that one will find the Peace within. That Peace is the first step into the gateway of the Peace to be lived and shared as a way of Life.
For those who choose to cling to the old ways of Life, they will be afforded the opportunity to do so until they, too, are weary of the continual struggle for power and control. They will tire of the violence, the lack, the struggles, the suffering, and the falsehoods of Duality and Illusion. When they finally choose to accept Peace as the Law of the Universe, they, too, will go through the evolutionary processes required to ascend into a state of Peace. For some this may take days or weeks. For others it may take years or lifetimes.
It is good for us to remember that the Universe is ultimately patient and Forgiving. We are given as many chances to learn and master the lessons of Life as is necessary. What many fail to recognize is that while the Creator-Great Mother is infinitely patient with us, it is we who pay the price of spiritual or evolutionary procrastination. It is we who live through the hardships, the pain, the suffering. It is our choices that bring our circumstances, whether they are from this lifetime or another. When we learn the lessons hidden in the situations we are presented with, we move on to mastery. When we are tested in the lesson, and choose right action, our challenge of mastery is satisfied. We move on to the next lesson and begin again. This process repeats itself until we have mastered all the lessons of Life, at which point we come into the state of Peace. When we Transcend to this state of being, then we ascend into the dimensional space or Time of Peace.
While these processes may sound harsh, they are anything but. The Great Mother-Universe offers us the ultimate in Love and Freedom in having given us the right of Free Will and Choice. It is our choice how long we take to move into the state of Peace – a return to Oneness. If we are wise, we will not take long. If we enjoy the delights of Duality, then we will take longer. Either way, we will all come to the same place in the Universe eventually. But, for now, if we are ready to move into a space of Peace and are willing to embrace the changes and challenges necessary for us to live and share the experiences of daily Life in this way, then it is here. The Journey of Peace and new Life has begun. As we live in this Time of great changes and challenges, we also live in the dawning of the Age of Peace – the Age of Aquarius. Are you ready?
© Copyright 2012-2015 The New Gaea Foundation™ and Mia Mona Amore’. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation™ and Mia Mona Amore’.