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The New Gaea Foundation Green Living Resource Center™ serves to open the doors to right relationship with Mother Earth through good stewardship and responsible building practices. Through this Resource Center, we offer information, connections, and consultations on a variety of topics such as “green” building materials and techniques, alternative energy sources, proper usage of lands and construction components, and many other related areas.
The Resource Center works very closely with Sacred Earth Gardens in promoting and fostering sustainable, organic, and non-GMO gardening and farming – holistic stewardship of the land.
Mother Earth is our Lifeline in every aspect of our being and our Support for living Life. Without her, we would have no Life at all. It is Time that we all remember and live according to this which is the ultimate law of nature.
The Resource Center works very closely with Sacred Earth Gardens in promoting and fostering sustainable, organic, and non-GMO gardening and farming – holistic stewardship of the land.
Mother Earth is our Lifeline in every aspect of our being and our Support for living Life. Without her, we would have no Life at all. It is Time that we all remember and live according to this which is the ultimate law of nature.
© Copyright 2012-2015 The New Gaea Foundation Green Living Resource Center™ All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Green Living Resource Center™.