Did you know....
….the top ten solar generating countries are: Germany, Spain, Japan, U.S., Italy, the Czech Republic, Belgium, China, France, and India?
….the top ten wind energy producers are: China, U.S., Germany, Spain, India, Italy, France, U.K., Canada, and Portugal?
….the top ten hydro-electricity producers are: China, Brazil, Canada, U.S., Russia, Norway, India, Japan, Venezuela, and Sweden?
….the top ten geothermal energy producers are: U.S., Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico, Italy, New Zealand, Iceland, Japan, El Salvador, and Kenya?
….the United States gets about 91% of its energy from nonrenewable sources?
….many “undeveloped” countries get about 41% or more of their energy from renewable resources?
….25% of the energy produced in Denmark comes from wind?
….the United States unnecessarily wastes at least 43% of all the energy it produces?
….making a disposable battery takes 50 times more energy than the battery can generate?
….2.5 billion disposable batteries that contain toxic metals such as cadmium and lead are thrown away each year in the United States?
….the largest wind farm in the world is in Australia? The MacArthur Wind Farm generates enough electricity to power 200,000 homes.
….the United States uses 26% of the world’s energy and produces 30% of the world’s waste, even though it only has about 5% of the world’s population?
….over half of the energy supplied to homes in the United States is used for heating and cooling?
….making one paper bag takes more energy than it does to make two plastic bags?
….turning off all the computers and monitors in the United States every night would save enough energy to close 8 power stations?
….appliances that are turned off but still plugged in account for 5% of energy use in homes in the United States?
….the U.S. imports more than 8.68 million barrels of oil every day? More than 8 million of those barrels is used simply to fuel our vehicles.
….SUVs are NOT the gas hogs of the auto industry? It is not the body style of a vehicle that consumes the fuel. It is the engine that burns it. SUVs have the same engine, chassis, frame, etc. as some of their short-bed truck counterparts. The only difference is the body style.
….the Corvette, Camaro, and Mustang use as much or more fuel than an SUV? So do some Cadillacs! The bigger the engine, the more fuel that is consumed, no matter what the body style is. Any engine that is a 6.2 liter or larger falls into this category.
….electric vehicles have fewer parts to break down and maintain, emit no pollutants, and cost pennies on the dollar to operate compared with a petro-fueled vehicle?
….the electricity required to re-charge the battery for an electric vehicle can come from solar sources, therefore eliminating the production of virtually all greenhouse gasses?
….that CFL light bulbs use 60% less energy than regular incandescent bulbs use?
….that CFL light bulbs contain mercury and lead, create a hazardous waste zones in your home if broken, must be disposed of as hazardous waste, and emit mercury vapor while they are in use?
….that LED light bulbs uses about 80% less energy than their incandescent counterparts?
….that LED light bulbs contain no mercury or lead, can last between 25,000 and 50,000 hours, emit 95% less heat than incandescent bulbs, and project more light downward (rather than upward) than incandescent bulbs therefore making them brighter?
….hydropower delivers around 20% of the world’s energy supply? Hydropower is a clean energy producing no pollution.
….the Earth receives enough energy from the Sun every day to provide for our energy requirements for 4-5 years?
….wind power is another clean energy that produces no pollution?
….solar power is a clean energy that does not produce pollution?
….hydro, wind, and solar power do not contribute to greenhouse gas production?
….even when appliances, cell phone chargers, hair dryers, televisions, etc. are turned off they are still using energy?
….LCD computer screens used 30% less energy than cathoderay models?
….hydroelectricity generation does not require a large hydro dam setup? All that is required is a steady stream of flowing water and a turbine (along with a few other components). Even an irrigation ditch or small stream can function as a hydroelectric “plant”.
….one PC requires enough plastic to use up 7 quarts of crude oil to make?
….there have been 858 fires and explosions, 1,349 injuries, and 69 deaths related to offshore drilling since 2001 in the Gulf of Mexico alone?
….oil spill contaminants remain in the soils of the spill area for more than 30 years after the spill occurs?
….a laptop computer can consume as much as 90% less energy than a desktop computer?
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