Did you know....
….cows produce about 150 pounds of manure each day, adding up to about 54,750 pounds each year. According to beef industry reports, the last five years has averaged a beef population of about 3.7 million worldwide. That makes for about 202,575,000,000 pounds of manure each year! That's more than 100 million tons of waste, part of which ends up in our waterways.
....ski resorts use millions of gallons of fresh water each ski season to make snow?
....hydraulic fracturing (fracking) processes used by the oil and gas industry use seven million gallons of fresh water each time a well is injected? Prior to injection, the water is mixed with a toxic cocktail of chemicals that seep into aquifers, destroying more fresh water with numerous contaminants.
….millions of acres of the world’s wetlands are destroyed every year?
….the United States loses about 371,000 acres of its wetlands every year?
….a quarter to half of the wetlands in the world have been seriously polluted, drained, or built upon?
….thousands of lakes are dying or have most of their oxygen depleted because of chemicals?
….in Scandinavia and eastern North America, thousands of lakes are now so acidic fish cannot live in them?
….in the United States, groundwater deposits in 38 states have been contaminated by pesticides?
….one billion people in the world don’t have access to clean drinking water?
….in 1985, when the Polish Academy of Science described Poland as the world’s most polluted country, 90% of the water in Poland’s rivers was too polluted to be used as drinking water?
….it takes 2,000 gallons of water to produce one pound of cotton?
….it takes 800 gallons of water to produce one pound of grain-fed beef?
….it takes 560 gallons of water to produce one pound of rice?
….it takes 170 gallons of water to produce one pound of corn?
….it takes 150 gallons of water to make one loaf of store-bought bread?
….it takes 100,000 gallons of water to make one automobile?
….it takes 1,000 gallons of water to make one pound of aluminum?
….it takes 300 gallons of water to make one pound of synthetic rubber?
….it takes 100 gallons of water to make one pound of paper?
….it takes 80 gallons of water to make one kilowatt of electricity?
….it takes 25 gallons of water to make one pound of steel?
….it takes 10 gallons of water to make one gallon of gasoline?
….more fresh water is polluted by animal agriculture than it is by all industrial and municipal uses put together?
….one quart of motor oil can pollute as much as 250,000 gallons of water?
….1 million gallons of water can be polluted by just one oil change not disposed of properly?
….in the United States, the amount of improperly disposed of oil from oil changes in one year is 11 times the amount of oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez?
….a water leak the size of a pinhole can waste 170 gallons of water in one month?
….a toilet has to be leaking at least 250 gallons per day to be heard.
….in the United States, people use more than twice as much water and energy than anyone else in the world?
….90 gallons of water can be lost a day due to leaking faucets in homes?
….flushing a toilet once uses 5 to 7 gallons of water?
….8 billion gallons of water are used for watering lawns in the United States each year?
….10% of the water used in the United States each year is used in office buildings?
….each year, 7,000 tons of garbage (mostly plastic) are dumped into the oceans?
….in the United States, 46% of all lakes are too polluted for aquatic life to live in?
….1.2 trillion gallons of industrial waste, untreated sewer, etc. are dumped into the water in the United States each year?
….98% of Europe has banned fluoridated water?
….fluoride has very serious health risks and does not prevent tooth decay?
….fluoride contributes to dental degradation?
….fracking (hydraulic fracturing) not only contaminates water in the immediate drill zone, but also contaminates the entirety of the aquifer it is drilled into and all those that are hydrologically connected with it?
….fracking can drain an aquifer leaving those who rely on it as a domestic water source with little or no water? In these cases, what water is left is usually too contaminated with fracking chemicals to use.
….municipal tap water can contain up to 1,000 contaminants? Pesticides, cleaning solvents, prescription drugs, oil, gasoline, bacteria, radioactive particulates, and hundreds more contaminants have been found in water tests across the country.
….the fluoride that was added to the drinking water and used for mind control by the Nazis is the same fluoride added to drinking water in the U.S. today?
….the bottled water industry is largely unregulated? That “crystal clear” bottle of water on the store shelf may well have been filled from someone’s garden hose?
….most garden hoses contain lead that leaches out as water moves through them?
….the Earth has had the same amount of water for millions of years? No matter what we do, we cannot change that.
….that thousands of tons of garbage is dumped into our oceans every day?
….that one in five people on Earth does not have clean drinking water?
….that people in North America use more water on a daily basis than in any other place on Earth? Americans use an average of 140 to 160 gallons of water every day!
….every time a toilet is flushed 1.6 to 3 gallons of usable drinking water is contaminated?
….in the United States, the average person urinates about six times a day? Flushing each time uses between 9.6 and 18 gallons every day, or 3,504 to 6,570 gallons in one year! That is a lot of water contaminated and wasted to flush a little pee.
….70% of the Earth is covered with water, but less than 2% is fit for consumption?
….95% of the potable water in the world is found in aquifers?
….more water is pumped out of the aquifers in the American mid-west each year than there has been rainfall in the last 2,000 years?
….there is approximately 1,700 cubic meters of water per person in the world?
….in the last century water usage has doubled, while the population has tripled?
….it takes about 2,900 gallons of water to make one pair of jeans?
….it takes about 7,925 gallons of water to make one cell phone?
….front loading washing machines use about 20 gallons of fresh water per cycle? Top loading washers use about 40 gallons per cycle.
….an eight-minute shower uses about 20 gallons of water, while the average bath uses 30-40 gallons?
….a leaky faucet can waste as much as 90 gallons of water a day?
….billions of gallons of water are used each year in American, just for watering lawns?
….nearly half the water supplied to a typical home is flushed down the toilet?
….that wastewater can be recycled through natural means into clean water usable for irrigating greenhouses, gardens, flushing toilets, etc.?
….hydraulic fracturing (fracking) methods used by the oil and gas industry to release natural gas from shale beds irreversibly contaminates aquifers?
….water in rivers, streams, creek, faucets, showers, washing machines, and hoses in a “frack zone” routinely will ignite when exposed to a spark or match?
….consumption of “frack contaminated water” can cause a myriad of serious health problems, such as seizures, liver damage, kidney damage, eyesight damage, and even death?
....ski resorts use millions of gallons of fresh water each ski season to make snow?
....hydraulic fracturing (fracking) processes used by the oil and gas industry use seven million gallons of fresh water each time a well is injected? Prior to injection, the water is mixed with a toxic cocktail of chemicals that seep into aquifers, destroying more fresh water with numerous contaminants.
….millions of acres of the world’s wetlands are destroyed every year?
….the United States loses about 371,000 acres of its wetlands every year?
….a quarter to half of the wetlands in the world have been seriously polluted, drained, or built upon?
….thousands of lakes are dying or have most of their oxygen depleted because of chemicals?
….in Scandinavia and eastern North America, thousands of lakes are now so acidic fish cannot live in them?
….in the United States, groundwater deposits in 38 states have been contaminated by pesticides?
….one billion people in the world don’t have access to clean drinking water?
….in 1985, when the Polish Academy of Science described Poland as the world’s most polluted country, 90% of the water in Poland’s rivers was too polluted to be used as drinking water?
….it takes 2,000 gallons of water to produce one pound of cotton?
….it takes 800 gallons of water to produce one pound of grain-fed beef?
….it takes 560 gallons of water to produce one pound of rice?
….it takes 170 gallons of water to produce one pound of corn?
….it takes 150 gallons of water to make one loaf of store-bought bread?
….it takes 100,000 gallons of water to make one automobile?
….it takes 1,000 gallons of water to make one pound of aluminum?
….it takes 300 gallons of water to make one pound of synthetic rubber?
….it takes 100 gallons of water to make one pound of paper?
….it takes 80 gallons of water to make one kilowatt of electricity?
….it takes 25 gallons of water to make one pound of steel?
….it takes 10 gallons of water to make one gallon of gasoline?
….more fresh water is polluted by animal agriculture than it is by all industrial and municipal uses put together?
….one quart of motor oil can pollute as much as 250,000 gallons of water?
….1 million gallons of water can be polluted by just one oil change not disposed of properly?
….in the United States, the amount of improperly disposed of oil from oil changes in one year is 11 times the amount of oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez?
….a water leak the size of a pinhole can waste 170 gallons of water in one month?
….a toilet has to be leaking at least 250 gallons per day to be heard.
….in the United States, people use more than twice as much water and energy than anyone else in the world?
….90 gallons of water can be lost a day due to leaking faucets in homes?
….flushing a toilet once uses 5 to 7 gallons of water?
….8 billion gallons of water are used for watering lawns in the United States each year?
….10% of the water used in the United States each year is used in office buildings?
….each year, 7,000 tons of garbage (mostly plastic) are dumped into the oceans?
….in the United States, 46% of all lakes are too polluted for aquatic life to live in?
….1.2 trillion gallons of industrial waste, untreated sewer, etc. are dumped into the water in the United States each year?
….98% of Europe has banned fluoridated water?
….fluoride has very serious health risks and does not prevent tooth decay?
….fluoride contributes to dental degradation?
….fracking (hydraulic fracturing) not only contaminates water in the immediate drill zone, but also contaminates the entirety of the aquifer it is drilled into and all those that are hydrologically connected with it?
….fracking can drain an aquifer leaving those who rely on it as a domestic water source with little or no water? In these cases, what water is left is usually too contaminated with fracking chemicals to use.
….municipal tap water can contain up to 1,000 contaminants? Pesticides, cleaning solvents, prescription drugs, oil, gasoline, bacteria, radioactive particulates, and hundreds more contaminants have been found in water tests across the country.
….the fluoride that was added to the drinking water and used for mind control by the Nazis is the same fluoride added to drinking water in the U.S. today?
….the bottled water industry is largely unregulated? That “crystal clear” bottle of water on the store shelf may well have been filled from someone’s garden hose?
….most garden hoses contain lead that leaches out as water moves through them?
….the Earth has had the same amount of water for millions of years? No matter what we do, we cannot change that.
….that thousands of tons of garbage is dumped into our oceans every day?
….that one in five people on Earth does not have clean drinking water?
….that people in North America use more water on a daily basis than in any other place on Earth? Americans use an average of 140 to 160 gallons of water every day!
….every time a toilet is flushed 1.6 to 3 gallons of usable drinking water is contaminated?
….in the United States, the average person urinates about six times a day? Flushing each time uses between 9.6 and 18 gallons every day, or 3,504 to 6,570 gallons in one year! That is a lot of water contaminated and wasted to flush a little pee.
….70% of the Earth is covered with water, but less than 2% is fit for consumption?
….95% of the potable water in the world is found in aquifers?
….more water is pumped out of the aquifers in the American mid-west each year than there has been rainfall in the last 2,000 years?
….there is approximately 1,700 cubic meters of water per person in the world?
….in the last century water usage has doubled, while the population has tripled?
….it takes about 2,900 gallons of water to make one pair of jeans?
….it takes about 7,925 gallons of water to make one cell phone?
….front loading washing machines use about 20 gallons of fresh water per cycle? Top loading washers use about 40 gallons per cycle.
….an eight-minute shower uses about 20 gallons of water, while the average bath uses 30-40 gallons?
….a leaky faucet can waste as much as 90 gallons of water a day?
….billions of gallons of water are used each year in American, just for watering lawns?
….nearly half the water supplied to a typical home is flushed down the toilet?
….that wastewater can be recycled through natural means into clean water usable for irrigating greenhouses, gardens, flushing toilets, etc.?
….hydraulic fracturing (fracking) methods used by the oil and gas industry to release natural gas from shale beds irreversibly contaminates aquifers?
….water in rivers, streams, creek, faucets, showers, washing machines, and hoses in a “frack zone” routinely will ignite when exposed to a spark or match?
….consumption of “frack contaminated water” can cause a myriad of serious health problems, such as seizures, liver damage, kidney damage, eyesight damage, and even death?
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