Inspirations in Sustainable Building
When it comes to sustainable building for homes, we can think of nothing better than an Earthship. These buildings are truly inspirations of reducing and reusing in motion. With a building base of used automobile tires filled with soil rammed tightly within them, they not only make use of a material that takes 400 years to decompose, they make for an excellent insulation. We also like the use of old glass bottles within the walls to bring in light, giving a purpose to the glass which takes millions of years to break down in the environment. An Earthship is energy-independent, making the most of alternative power sources, such as solar. We also really Love the concept of an interior growing space for growing your own food. There are many more aspects of the Earthship design that we feel come together to make it one of our top picks for green home building. Take a look at these videos to learn more, and you'll see why we Love Earthships - beautiful, unique, and sustainable!
Video Credit: YouTube user "earthship" at
Video Credit: YouTube user "earthship" at
Video Credit: YouTube user "takepills" at
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