For those of you who think a world without water is not possible wherever you live, you might want to think again. The atmosphere is heating up. Weather patterns are changing. Less water is stored in the mountains of the world as snow to gently feed water to the thirsty land beneath the peaks. Rains come in greater quantities now as the warming atmosphere evaporates surface waters more quickly, creating superstorms and massive flooding. The days of gentle, nourishing rain showers are lessening. Flooding and drought reach every country in the world. Aquifers are running dry worldwide, and many of those remaining are contaminated through the activities associated with the global thirst for petroleum resources. When will your water be gone? When will it no longer be fit for consumption? How much time do you have before your world is one without water?
Can you imagine a world without water? No water to drink. No water to cook with. No water to bathe in. No water to wash your clothes. No water for crops or animals. Everything would perish, slowly, painfully. Could this really happen? It already is. Is it too late to stop it? Are you willing to help save this most precious and critical sustenance of Life? For those of you who think a world without water is not possible wherever you live, you might want to think again. The atmosphere is heating up. Weather patterns are changing. Less water is stored in the mountains of the world as snow to gently feed water to the thirsty land beneath the peaks. Rains come in greater quantities now as the warming atmosphere evaporates surface waters more quickly, creating superstorms and massive flooding. The days of gentle, nourishing rain showers are lessening. Flooding and drought reach every country in the world. Aquifers are running dry worldwide, and many of those remaining are contaminated through the activities associated with the global thirst for petroleum resources. When will your water be gone? When will it no longer be fit for consumption? How much time do you have before your world is one without water? Video Credit: YouTube user "zerosixtyfive" at
Green Living Resource Center
12/6/2012 03:17:14 am
Note: Neither the Green Living Resource Center or The New Gaea Foundation Supports the businesses whose commercial advertisements are shown at the end of this film.
7/9/2014 01:10:19 am
Green Living Resource Center
7/11/2014 08:09:38 am
Hi, kjhg! Where is your comment? Please post it again. :)
1/10/2016 11:24:55 pm
Note: Neither the Green Living Resource Center or The New Gaea Foundation Supports the businesses whose commercial advertisements are shown at the end of this film.
1/10/2016 11:14:44 pm
Green Living Resource Center
1/11/2016 08:44:40 am
Thank you, Riya! We are glad you enjoyed this post.
1/10/2016 11:23:28 pm
nice written
Green Living Resource Center
1/11/2016 08:45:21 am
Thank you, Shreya! We are happy that you enjoyed reading this post.
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