Growing Dome® Greenhouses
We've looked far and wide to find a greenhouse setup that we really think is a step ahead of the others. We have found many good greenhouse kits and ideas out there. Some are incorporated into the building plans of homes themselves. Some are built right into commercial buildings. These concepts are wonderful and seem to work very well. However, when it comes to a "stand alone" greenhouse, we have found what we feel is the best of the best!
We'd like to introduce you to Growing Dome® Greenhouses. The unique geodesic design of these greenhouses, coupled with solid construction, adaptations for cold and heat, the use of a water element in each greenhouse, and the solar energy provisions put the Growing Dome Greenhouses at the top of our list! They are as beautiful as they are functional. The construction is solid enough to handle the snow load and temperature range of a Rocky Mountain winter. We can tell you first-hand that is quite an accomplishment! The variety of configurations that can be accommodated in the interior set up is only limited by the owner's imagination. You can bring in the company's building team to put your greenhouse up for you, or build it yourself with the help of their consultations. From Forest Gardens to tropical flowers, these greenhouses can handle your green thumb and desire to grow your own good-for-you foods. With a size suitable for everyone, we highly recommend these greenhouses.
You can learn more about Growing Dome Greenhouses on the Growing Spaces website. Be sure you check out their fantastic photo gallery for a better look at these unique greenhouses as well as interior design ideas. We have a few of their videos here to get you started, but there more videos available on their YouTube Channel. We suggest you take a look at them all. You will find lots of tips and great support in the videos and on the Growing Spaces website.
If you've ever thought seriously about a growing your own food year-round, we suggest you strongly consider a Growing Dome Greenhouse!
We'd like to introduce you to Growing Dome® Greenhouses. The unique geodesic design of these greenhouses, coupled with solid construction, adaptations for cold and heat, the use of a water element in each greenhouse, and the solar energy provisions put the Growing Dome Greenhouses at the top of our list! They are as beautiful as they are functional. The construction is solid enough to handle the snow load and temperature range of a Rocky Mountain winter. We can tell you first-hand that is quite an accomplishment! The variety of configurations that can be accommodated in the interior set up is only limited by the owner's imagination. You can bring in the company's building team to put your greenhouse up for you, or build it yourself with the help of their consultations. From Forest Gardens to tropical flowers, these greenhouses can handle your green thumb and desire to grow your own good-for-you foods. With a size suitable for everyone, we highly recommend these greenhouses.
You can learn more about Growing Dome Greenhouses on the Growing Spaces website. Be sure you check out their fantastic photo gallery for a better look at these unique greenhouses as well as interior design ideas. We have a few of their videos here to get you started, but there more videos available on their YouTube Channel. We suggest you take a look at them all. You will find lots of tips and great support in the videos and on the Growing Spaces website.
If you've ever thought seriously about a growing your own food year-round, we suggest you strongly consider a Growing Dome Greenhouse!
Here's a little introduction to the Growing Dome....
A Forest Garden indoors? You bet!
A look at the Growing Dome and a Rocky Mountain winter....
So, how are they built?
We hope you are as excited about Growing Dome Greenhouses as we are! It's time we all moved into creating a sustainable source for our own food requirements. The Growing Dome makes it easy to accomplish this.
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