For those of you who may have missed this celebration, you can still listen to the channeling recordings on all the gifts of the Dimension of Peace. They will remain available to you in the Voices of the Archangels area of our website. We ended up with about three hours of recorded channeled messages this year. Each of them was powerful, passionate, and very pointed. Each message built upon those previous to it, providing a great learning atmosphere. If you are just finding the channeling, you might want to keep the sequential nature of the recordings in mind if you want to get the full impact of them. Begin with the recording on the bottom first and move up the list. Of course, any of the messages is very beneficial by itself, but together, they are just dynamite!
For those of you who are in our non-English speaking audience, we want you to know that we have not forgotten or excluded you. In order to be able to share our channeled messages from the Archangels, the Great Mother, Mother Earth/Gaea, and Father Sun/Helios with you, we are working on getting transcripts made of the recordings. We aren't sure how long it will take us to accomplish this, but we will announce the transcripts for you when they are ready. We truly want to share the words of Guidance with everyone, no matter what language is spoken.