We have several other messages to share today. We have a message from Mother Earth/Gaea on her Rebirth into Peace, Climate Change, and her Adjustments. This is a very interesting message, as Gaea discusses climate change and her upcoming changes as she calls us all home to live in Peace with her. She speaks of the Dimension of Peace, as well.
We have a message from Brother Helios/Father Sun on his role in assisting Gaea in her time of Rebirth. He also discusses his role as a Protector and a Healer for Gaea and for those of us who are willing to accept the Protection and Healing he offers. This is a most intriguing message, as he also speaks to those who would use energies to harm others, including Gaea.
Lastly, we have another message from the Great Mother/Creator as she clarifies some of what has been spoken throughout the Season of Peace messages this year. She bluntly calls each of us into being responsible for our actions and our choices, as she explains why she does not answer prayers for Peace and how we can help her to help us. Of all the messages shared during this Season of Peace, we think this one is possibly the best, the most moving, the most passionate, the most powerful, and the most thought-provoking. You do not want to miss hearing the Great Mother's words here!
You can find all these messages shared in the Voices of the Archangels Library. (Remember that you only need to click on the title of the message you wish to hear in all the 2015 messages, including the Season of Peace recordings. The title is the link, and will take you right to the page.)
Thank you all for sharing the Season of Peace 2015-2016 with us. We Trust you have enjoyed hearing each message and have found benefit in the words of Guidance as they have shared their Love and Peace with you. Please feel Free to leave us a comment or ask a question if you have one. We always Love to hear from any of our brothers and sisters around the world.