Intuitive Biological Readings
Intuitive Biological Readings are done through the use of the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. When conducting an IBR, the practitioner uses these gifts to look into the biological body and/or energetic field to identify the causes of pain, discomfort, blocked chakras, and so on. These are not medical procedures and do not reflect any sort of diagnosis or curative procedure. They are simply intuitive observations that are shared with the client who may then choose a course of action. We recommend that each client use his/her own discernment when choosing these actions and consult the medical practitioner of his/her choice when the issue is biological in nature. All TNGF Healing Arts Center practitioners work with energetic issues only, even though we may receive intuited information pertaining to the biological body, nutritional deficiencies and excesses, etc. Intuitive Biological Readings have also been found to be very useful when working with animals, as the animals can point us to the direction of their pain, discomfort, etc. We can then observe the condition that is present and convey that information on to the animal’s owner and/or veterinarian.
How Can an Intuitive Biological Reading help you?
The description of these readings really say it all. In short, I simply "look" into the body to "see" what is causing pain, energy blockages, etc. I can also use this process to monitor the progress of certain Healing processes. Is the chakra staying open? If not, why? Is the bone Healing well? If not, why? Again, I am ONLY working with energy and intuition through my psychic tools. I am not a physician and make no claim to be. You might see this kind of reading as another way to listen to the body as it speaks to you. Observation is a powerful tool, especially when it is done clairvoyantly.
One Heart Mission Rates for Requested Donations
Gross Annual Income:
Group 1 - $0-$100,000
Group 2 - $100,000-$150,000
Group 3 - $150,000-$200,000
Group 4 - $200,000+
Rates are listed in US dollars.
Requested donations are listed by group.
Intuitive Wellness Counseling with Intuitive Body "reading"
(up to 2 hr.)
Group #1 - $250 #2 - $500 #3 - $750 #4 - $1,000
Group 1 - $0-$100,000
Group 2 - $100,000-$150,000
Group 3 - $150,000-$200,000
Group 4 - $200,000+
Rates are listed in US dollars.
Requested donations are listed by group.
Intuitive Wellness Counseling with Intuitive Body "reading"
(up to 2 hr.)
Group #1 - $250 #2 - $500 #3 - $750 #4 - $1,000
Note: Services are void where prohibited.
Services may be considered to be gifts by The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Services may be considered to be gifts by The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of
The New Gaea Foundation™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.
The New Gaea Foundation™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.