A Note from the Executive Director….
About Our Fees….
I think the hardest thing about doing the work I do is trying to set the requested donation amount (or fees) for it. How can I set a price on what is truly sharing the energies of Love? It is true that what I share through the Healing Arts Center is more than these energies, for anyone could – and should – share the energies of Love. I have years of extensive training and evolutionary dedication that I make available to my clients and students for the benefit of their Healing and evolution. Some of this training I have “paid” dearly for in the way of “blood, sweat, and tears”, as well as financially. How do I put a price on that?
Truly, I feel that the energies of Love should always be Freely given in whatever form they are needed in, be it Healing, food, shelter, water, clothing, and so on. I do not just “say” that I believe in the Oneness of us all, I live it every day as much as the world we live in allows me to. This is not an easy task, for who shares with me as I try to share with others? We do not live in a world that fosters such sharing. Our world dictates that we share through a medium – the medium of money. While it is true that money does, in some ways, make sharing easier, it can also be very troublesome when it comes to something as esoteric as what I offer to my clients and students.
I have gone round and round over the subject of donation request amounts many times with Archangel Metatron. He is the Archangel who governs Support, which is what sharing is. He has always had strong words regarding asking for Support to be shared, and in this case through a price. There are Universal Laws of Support that he cites. When one shares something of value with another, the sharing must be reciprocated in kind. It might be looked at as a scale which has to be kept in Balance on both sides. If the scale is not in Balance, then disHarmony occurs and sharing does not.
Unfortunately, I can attest to the Truth of the statement that sharing does not occur. I have given away thousands and thousands of dollars of work over the years. Most of the time, the recipients of my efforts have not received nearly the benefits of it that those who paid for it did. Even though I gave the gift of my Support, it was not received because sharing did not occur. The interactions were one-sided. The sharing failed. That has been most disheartening, to say the least.
As Archangel Metatron explains, “In order for true sharing to occur, all parties involved must share. If they do not, then the sharing becomes a situation of one-sided giving and taking and no sharing occurs at all.” What Metatron is referring to here is the Balance in the scales of Support. True Support and sharing has an energy to it. If one gives and the other does not give in kind, then the energies do not Flow and the sharing does not occur. In short, we get what we share, or as some would say, “we get what we pay for”.
In my Heart, I feel that everyone deserves Support and is worthy of help with Life’s situations – no matter what they are. But, when reciprocation does not occur, then I am not Supported and cannot continue to Support others. That defeats my Purpose in Life, and makes it difficult for me to Support my family and the Foundation, too.
So, in contemplating what I consider to be sharing in kind, I must consider what I am truly offering through the Healing Arts Center. It's a lot. I offer the highest caliber of spiritual assistance to the serious spiritual seeker. I offer the same caliber of assistance to those who are seriously seeking self-Healing. I have spent many years in training to attain the skill, knowledge, and vibrational rate necessary to provide the assistance that I offer.
The tools and training that I offer to my clients and students represent the very best of my abilities and the highest of my energetic and spiritual connections. They are sacred to me, in the fact that I am acting as an emissary or messenger on behalf of the Council of Archangels, Mother Earth/Gaea, and the Great Mother/God/Creator/Universe in my role as a Healing facilitator, spiritual counselor, instructor, and so on. At the very least I present their teachings, which I reverently strive to uphold and present clearly. I use the tools and instruction that they have given to me over many years along my evolutionary Journey of Life. Therefore, my work, my time, my energies, my skills, and my knowledge are all very valuable to me.
There are also other Laws of the Universe to consider. The Laws of Interference are noteworthy in the equation of Support. There are times when money or other financially oriented forms of Support are used in the Timing or Divine Order of one’s Life, Karma, and so on. Again, Metatron (also the Archangel of both Timing and Divine Order) has stated that sharing must be mutual. To do otherwise may well interfere in the processes of another.
While I fully Understand these Laws of the Universe, I also contend with a compassionate Heart. In an effort to appease my Heart and remain within the Laws, I turned to Metatron for guidance on the subject of my fees and how I share my Support with others. In response to my request, Metatron and the Council of Archangels suggested a schedule of fees or requested donations. These fees are based upon the amount of time and caliber of energy and training that is required to fulfill the obligations of each session, procedure, or other tool available through the Healing Arts Center. I agreed to this schedule of fees, but requested more flexibility in how I administer it for the sharing of my Support.
In order to make my facilitations and tools more easily accessible for my clients, I created the One Heart Mission Program – a sliding requested donation (fee) scale. This scale is based upon the client's annual household income or a business's gross annual revenues, and rquested donation amounts are reduced accordingly. I also have several discounts that are available, as well. You can contact me if you'd like to discuss these discounts or the One Heart Mission Program.
The Requested Donation Schedule for the Center's courses, classes, workshops, and other training opportunities can be discussed by contacting us as well. These fees are not eligible for the One Heart Mission Program. However, The New Gaea Foundation® sometimes has scholarships available that will help with training fees. If you are interested in a scholarship, just contact me and I'd be happy to discuss it with you.
There have been some who have asked if the Center is open to bartering. Absolutely! I am very much open to non-financial means of sharing, provided that the trade is mutually agreed upon before we engage in my providing you with services and/or training. It is the sharing and the exchange that is important, not necessarily the means by which this is accomplished. We do not have to be bound by the financial world unless we choose to be. Yes, the Foundation does use goods and services that we cannot provide for ourselves. As of this date, I have no choice but to use money to accommodate those requirements. However, as an organization dedicated to Peace and a new way of Life, I do foster the concept of a society of symbiosis and synergism in all its applications – and that includes using means other than money through which to share in Life. If you are interested in being a part of this type of sharing, please let me know. I would be happy to discuss it further with you.
Also, if you find yourself in a position where you truly feel that you require my help through something that is offered through the Healing Arts Center, but you cannot afford to pay for it and have nothing to barter for it at this time, please do contact me anyway. I know well how the Fields of Adversity work. I know what it is like to be without, to be in need, and to have no way to obtain the help necessary to rise above the situation. Where there is a will, there is a way. I am very much open to speaking with you about your situation, and please know that I do not judge you for it. Sometimes Life puts us in awkward positions simply to establish a connection. That is no reflection of your worth as a person. There is simply a lesson to be learned or some other faction of Divine Will at work.
Another subject that my clients and students should be aware of is the Foundation's policy on refunds and guarantees. The Healing Arts Center is a spiritual organization, and I am doing spiritual work through it. While I take my work very seriously and share it to the best of my abilities, holding myself to the highest of standards, we are still dealing with the world of spirituality. It is not possible to guarantee anything except my time spent. I cannot guarantee results when those results are not wholly dependent upon my efforts. The result of any Healing or other spiritual interaction is dependent on many factors, only one of which is the facilitator’s training, skill, and knowledge.
As it is not possible to guarantee my work, the Center (or Foundation) will not refund payments or deposits if I have expended my time and energies on behalf of my clients as I have indicated that I would do. While I have never been asked for a refund, you should know that only under extenuating circumstances would I ever consider refunding a payment, a deposit, or any portion thereof. If you have concerns about this part of our sharing Support, I encourage you to read my “Note from the Executive Director for Prospective Clients” and the note “for Students” and consider carefully before requesting services or training from the Center.
I do my part in the equation of sharing Support. Your acceptance of that Support is up to you. However, if I do my part in sharing, you must do your part in paying the fee (or requested donation, however you choose to term it). If issues arise, we will discuss them, but time and energy expended is still time and energy expended – and not guaranteed. I want each of you who are considering becoming a client or a student of the Healing Arts Center to know this up front and make your own decisions accordingly. I am honest and Truthful in the way I share with you. I am Trusting you to be honest and Truthful with me as well.
I do not want to dissuade any from coming to the Center for assistance, though. There is nothing that I Love doing more than “doing what I do” and helping people. But, I want what I share to be fully received so that the Love that it represents can blossom into the beautiful expression of Oneness that it is. In the end, we are all One. Let us share and Support the Journey of Oneness in the Illumination of it – even if only for a few brief moments along the way. Sometimes a single moment can change a lifetime. I’d like to help you change yours.
Truly, I feel that the energies of Love should always be Freely given in whatever form they are needed in, be it Healing, food, shelter, water, clothing, and so on. I do not just “say” that I believe in the Oneness of us all, I live it every day as much as the world we live in allows me to. This is not an easy task, for who shares with me as I try to share with others? We do not live in a world that fosters such sharing. Our world dictates that we share through a medium – the medium of money. While it is true that money does, in some ways, make sharing easier, it can also be very troublesome when it comes to something as esoteric as what I offer to my clients and students.
I have gone round and round over the subject of donation request amounts many times with Archangel Metatron. He is the Archangel who governs Support, which is what sharing is. He has always had strong words regarding asking for Support to be shared, and in this case through a price. There are Universal Laws of Support that he cites. When one shares something of value with another, the sharing must be reciprocated in kind. It might be looked at as a scale which has to be kept in Balance on both sides. If the scale is not in Balance, then disHarmony occurs and sharing does not.
Unfortunately, I can attest to the Truth of the statement that sharing does not occur. I have given away thousands and thousands of dollars of work over the years. Most of the time, the recipients of my efforts have not received nearly the benefits of it that those who paid for it did. Even though I gave the gift of my Support, it was not received because sharing did not occur. The interactions were one-sided. The sharing failed. That has been most disheartening, to say the least.
As Archangel Metatron explains, “In order for true sharing to occur, all parties involved must share. If they do not, then the sharing becomes a situation of one-sided giving and taking and no sharing occurs at all.” What Metatron is referring to here is the Balance in the scales of Support. True Support and sharing has an energy to it. If one gives and the other does not give in kind, then the energies do not Flow and the sharing does not occur. In short, we get what we share, or as some would say, “we get what we pay for”.
In my Heart, I feel that everyone deserves Support and is worthy of help with Life’s situations – no matter what they are. But, when reciprocation does not occur, then I am not Supported and cannot continue to Support others. That defeats my Purpose in Life, and makes it difficult for me to Support my family and the Foundation, too.
So, in contemplating what I consider to be sharing in kind, I must consider what I am truly offering through the Healing Arts Center. It's a lot. I offer the highest caliber of spiritual assistance to the serious spiritual seeker. I offer the same caliber of assistance to those who are seriously seeking self-Healing. I have spent many years in training to attain the skill, knowledge, and vibrational rate necessary to provide the assistance that I offer.
The tools and training that I offer to my clients and students represent the very best of my abilities and the highest of my energetic and spiritual connections. They are sacred to me, in the fact that I am acting as an emissary or messenger on behalf of the Council of Archangels, Mother Earth/Gaea, and the Great Mother/God/Creator/Universe in my role as a Healing facilitator, spiritual counselor, instructor, and so on. At the very least I present their teachings, which I reverently strive to uphold and present clearly. I use the tools and instruction that they have given to me over many years along my evolutionary Journey of Life. Therefore, my work, my time, my energies, my skills, and my knowledge are all very valuable to me.
There are also other Laws of the Universe to consider. The Laws of Interference are noteworthy in the equation of Support. There are times when money or other financially oriented forms of Support are used in the Timing or Divine Order of one’s Life, Karma, and so on. Again, Metatron (also the Archangel of both Timing and Divine Order) has stated that sharing must be mutual. To do otherwise may well interfere in the processes of another.
While I fully Understand these Laws of the Universe, I also contend with a compassionate Heart. In an effort to appease my Heart and remain within the Laws, I turned to Metatron for guidance on the subject of my fees and how I share my Support with others. In response to my request, Metatron and the Council of Archangels suggested a schedule of fees or requested donations. These fees are based upon the amount of time and caliber of energy and training that is required to fulfill the obligations of each session, procedure, or other tool available through the Healing Arts Center. I agreed to this schedule of fees, but requested more flexibility in how I administer it for the sharing of my Support.
In order to make my facilitations and tools more easily accessible for my clients, I created the One Heart Mission Program – a sliding requested donation (fee) scale. This scale is based upon the client's annual household income or a business's gross annual revenues, and rquested donation amounts are reduced accordingly. I also have several discounts that are available, as well. You can contact me if you'd like to discuss these discounts or the One Heart Mission Program.
The Requested Donation Schedule for the Center's courses, classes, workshops, and other training opportunities can be discussed by contacting us as well. These fees are not eligible for the One Heart Mission Program. However, The New Gaea Foundation® sometimes has scholarships available that will help with training fees. If you are interested in a scholarship, just contact me and I'd be happy to discuss it with you.
There have been some who have asked if the Center is open to bartering. Absolutely! I am very much open to non-financial means of sharing, provided that the trade is mutually agreed upon before we engage in my providing you with services and/or training. It is the sharing and the exchange that is important, not necessarily the means by which this is accomplished. We do not have to be bound by the financial world unless we choose to be. Yes, the Foundation does use goods and services that we cannot provide for ourselves. As of this date, I have no choice but to use money to accommodate those requirements. However, as an organization dedicated to Peace and a new way of Life, I do foster the concept of a society of symbiosis and synergism in all its applications – and that includes using means other than money through which to share in Life. If you are interested in being a part of this type of sharing, please let me know. I would be happy to discuss it further with you.
Also, if you find yourself in a position where you truly feel that you require my help through something that is offered through the Healing Arts Center, but you cannot afford to pay for it and have nothing to barter for it at this time, please do contact me anyway. I know well how the Fields of Adversity work. I know what it is like to be without, to be in need, and to have no way to obtain the help necessary to rise above the situation. Where there is a will, there is a way. I am very much open to speaking with you about your situation, and please know that I do not judge you for it. Sometimes Life puts us in awkward positions simply to establish a connection. That is no reflection of your worth as a person. There is simply a lesson to be learned or some other faction of Divine Will at work.
Another subject that my clients and students should be aware of is the Foundation's policy on refunds and guarantees. The Healing Arts Center is a spiritual organization, and I am doing spiritual work through it. While I take my work very seriously and share it to the best of my abilities, holding myself to the highest of standards, we are still dealing with the world of spirituality. It is not possible to guarantee anything except my time spent. I cannot guarantee results when those results are not wholly dependent upon my efforts. The result of any Healing or other spiritual interaction is dependent on many factors, only one of which is the facilitator’s training, skill, and knowledge.
As it is not possible to guarantee my work, the Center (or Foundation) will not refund payments or deposits if I have expended my time and energies on behalf of my clients as I have indicated that I would do. While I have never been asked for a refund, you should know that only under extenuating circumstances would I ever consider refunding a payment, a deposit, or any portion thereof. If you have concerns about this part of our sharing Support, I encourage you to read my “Note from the Executive Director for Prospective Clients” and the note “for Students” and consider carefully before requesting services or training from the Center.
I do my part in the equation of sharing Support. Your acceptance of that Support is up to you. However, if I do my part in sharing, you must do your part in paying the fee (or requested donation, however you choose to term it). If issues arise, we will discuss them, but time and energy expended is still time and energy expended – and not guaranteed. I want each of you who are considering becoming a client or a student of the Healing Arts Center to know this up front and make your own decisions accordingly. I am honest and Truthful in the way I share with you. I am Trusting you to be honest and Truthful with me as well.
I do not want to dissuade any from coming to the Center for assistance, though. There is nothing that I Love doing more than “doing what I do” and helping people. But, I want what I share to be fully received so that the Love that it represents can blossom into the beautiful expression of Oneness that it is. In the end, we are all One. Let us share and Support the Journey of Oneness in the Illumination of it – even if only for a few brief moments along the way. Sometimes a single moment can change a lifetime. I’d like to help you change yours.
I wish you the greatest blessings of good health and happiness.
Muriel Amore (Mia Mona Muriel Amore)
Executive Director
Healing Arts Center at The New Gaea Foundation®
Executive Director
Healing Arts Center at The New Gaea Foundation®
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation® and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved.
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The New Gaea Foundation® and Mia Mona Muriel Amore
No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of
The New Gaea Foundation® and Mia Mona Muriel Amore