“Providing tools, Understanding, guidance, and assistance for self-Healing, self-discovery, self-Transformation, and the evolution of body and consciousness – with the Light of one Love
and the path of Peace, Truth, Love, and Joy.”
and the path of Peace, Truth, Love, and Joy.”
One Heart Touch®Master Practitioner
This level of training is primarily for those who have or wish to devote their lives to assisting others in their Journeys of Life. It is during this level of instruction that all One Heart Touch® special procedures are taught. These techniques are very complex and require great dedication, clarity of Heart, and commitment to the Great Mother (Universe/Creator) and the Council of Archangels. The OHT Master Practitioner training is intense, deeply Life altering, and is best suited for those who are genuinely committed to not only serving others but also to taking the necessary steps in their own evolution to reach their greatest potential in this lifetime. This training involves a series of initiatory attunements to energies and symbols which promote vastly deeper levels of self-awareness, Understanding, Insight, and evolution.
The course provides an Understanding of our DNA structure as it pertains to physiological health, the akashic records, and the chakra system. Learn how to access your DNA and that of others to ascertain if a perfect state of Health has been encoded into the energetic structure. Learn how to access and activate these DNA codes if they are present. Learn how to access Soul level communications to obtain the reason why a state of perfect health may not have been encoded, and what lesson is to be learned or what Healing is called for to remedy the situation if it is possible. Learn how to Heal through the DNA structure and how to “recode” it through the OHT energies, symbols, and techniques.
Soul Spiral Healing® is taught in this level of OHT. This technique is very deep and intense and incorporates Healing for the entire Soul Family and all their incarnations at one time, from “beginning to end”, providing an opportunity to Heal and release throughout the lives of all the incarnations extended along the way. This is a very powerful method of Healing, and is used for both general and specific Healing. Soul Spiral Healing® is also frequently used in conjunction with Negative Entity Releasement and various other techniques taught in OHT.
Negative Entity Releasement is taught as a part of the OHT Master Practitioner training. Learn how negative influences and attachments impact the energetic structure, including the chakra system and the physical body, as well as an environment, a pet, objects, etc.. Learn how these influences and attachments can turn into “possessions”, and how they can impact one’s every day Life, interactions with others, etc. Learn what causes attachments and influences, and how to release them. Instruction and techniques in Negative Entity Releasement for people, pets, objects, and places is included. Learn how to empower your “angelic self” and call upon the angelic realms for assistance in this process.
The course also encompasses advanced procedures in Negative Entity Releasement. Learn how influences, attachments, and possessions can take over or alter the energetic structure of a person. Learn how to recognize the presence of these influences, etc. in clients and various situations presented in consultations and Healing facilitation sessions. Learn how Karma, Divine Will and Order, one’s Life’s Purpose, etc. play a role in these attachments and influences. Negative Entity Releasement procedures for “ET” or “MDB” influences, attachments, and possessions are also included. Learn what causes these types of connections at these very deep and lasting levels, which sometimes span numerous Lifetimes and include various Life forms. Learn how to use Divine Intervention in these situations to Peacefully end these sometimes extremely complicated cases.
The course will provide training in learning how to communicate with the Spirit of another. Through these communications, one can gain direct access to “active” akashic records on behalf of others requesting Healing assistance. Training is provided in techniques allowing the release of one’s own Spirit to offer Healing assistance to others in other places and/or realms, while maintaining the connection with the aware human consciousness. This form of Spiritual and distance Healing is highly advanced, and requires the evolution necessary to exercise self-discipline, Understanding, and the ability to follow Divine Will and Order in every situation.
This course provides training in the Transition and Rebirth facilitation processes. These techniques allow one to assist others in their death process as they Transition out of the body and back into the Essence of the Soul Family – even long after death has occurred. These techniques do not assist or expedite the death process, except as they assist the individual in feeling more safe and comfortable. In some ways, it is like having a friend to hold their hand as they step across the threshold and back into the world of Spirit. The Transition facilitation provides guidance, assistance, and Protection for the Spirit of the individual as well. Training is provided in Understanding and working with the post-biological portions of the death processes, including the Life review at Human consciousness and Spirit consciousness levels, and the Transcension back into Soul Essence. The Rebirth facilitation process is used for those who are ready for a Rebirth in Life. In these cases, the client is prepared to Transition out of one Life pattern and into another, while remaining in the same biological body. Rebirth facilitations are truly Life changing events. Both of these processes are most beautiful and rewarding, although deeply intense and ultimately spiritual. They require the utmost in discretion, dedication, and self-control in the sense of being able to observe and assist rather than succumb to the emotions of others while still remaining caring and compassionate.
The OHT Master Practitioner course provides OHT symbols and a minimum of twenty (20) attunements, as well as class time and consultations with the OHT Grand Master. This process is intensely stimulating to one’s evolution in the changes it brings about in the energetic structure, particularly in assisting one in the evolutionary journey into the Age and Dimension of Peace. To properly assimilate these shifts in energy and consciousness, the attunements can be given no closer than thirty (30) days apart. Therefore, a student must allow at least twenty (20) months as a minimum for this instruction and attunement process. Some students may require a longer period in which to complete the training. This course is tremendously Life Transforming and should only be considered by those who have a serious commitment to the Healing arts, to their own evolution and ascension into the Age and Dimension of Peace, and, of course, to the Great Mother and the Council of Archangels. Psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience, will be considered by those inquiring for training, as they are required in order to master some of the techniques.
The OHT Master Pracitioner course provides the student with training in other areas which will be discussed at the time of acceptance into the program. This training will include practice and mastery of all techniques presented. These techniques are the most advanced offered through One Heart Touch™ at this time. They are intensely evolutionary, stimulating the student to a place of complete Oneness with the angelic realms and the Great Mother (Universe/Creator). Only the evolution of the student will allow for mastery of the OHT special techniques and procedures that are required to receive certification as an OHT Master Practitioner. Mastery at each level of instruction and attunement must be demonstrated before the next level is embarked upon. It is possible that not all students who begin the course will finish the course or receive certification as an OHT Master Practitioner.
Length of Course:
This course will require a minimum of twenty (20) months, as mentioned above.
OHT Eighth Degree certification
An invitation from the One Heart Touch® Grand Master or a certified One Heart Touch® Master Instructor following the submission of your inquiry/application.
Waiting Period:
Thirty (30) days after completion of OHT 8th Degree training, unless by special invitation. This waiting period affords the initiate the opportunity to fully assimilate one series of energy attunements before receiving the next.
Instructional Fees:
One Heart Touch® Master Practitioner - $25,000
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The New Gaea Foundation® and Mia Mona Muriel Amore