For those of us who don't like to use chemicals in our homes and lives, giving our pets a bath can be a challenge. Many soaps and shampoos are heavily laden with all kinds of chemicals that just aren't good for a healthy pet (or human). The answer we have found for our pets is Dr. Bronner's Liquid Castile soaps. These soaps are gentle, chemical-free, non-irritating to the skin, and smell great! They're inexpensive, too.
In this video, Lisa Bronner is demonstrating with the use of the peppermint liquid castile soap. We have used almond and rose, as well. We like to add a few drops of organic lavender, lemongrass, and/or tea tree essential oil to serve as a natural flea and tick repellent. Our dog Loves his baths! He comes out of it relaxed and smelling wonderful.
In this video, Lisa Bronner is demonstrating with the use of the peppermint liquid castile soap. We have used almond and rose, as well. We like to add a few drops of organic lavender, lemongrass, and/or tea tree essential oil to serve as a natural flea and tick repellent. Our dog Loves his baths! He comes out of it relaxed and smelling wonderful.
Video Credit: YouTube user "Lisa Bronner" at