Secrets of the Stones
Stones Helpful for Fractured Bones
We have, unfortunately, had the occasion to use Healing stones for the problem of a fractured bone. In our use, the fractured bones were small, such as in the hands or feet, only partially fractured, and did not require medical attention. Along with the proper splinting, we used a paper tape to hold a clear Quartz point in place over the bone with the terminated end directed toward the outward most end of the bone (such as the fingertip). In the case of the smaller bones, we have experienced the Healing of the bone in hours. For larger bones, it has taken longer. In one instance, we used clear Quartz points to assist in a fractured arm that had been properly set according to medical procedures. The Quartz greatly lessened the ache of the initial Healing and sped up the Healing process itself. The arm bone was Healed in much less than the typical six-week span of time.
It is not our intent to suggest that you use Healing stones in place of regular medical attention for broken bones. However, using the stones to assist in the Healing of a broken bone that has been properly set and cast or splinted can help greatly.
It is not our intent to suggest that you use Healing stones in place of regular medical attention for broken bones. However, using the stones to assist in the Healing of a broken bone that has been properly set and cast or splinted can help greatly.
Please note: Information shared here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or address in any other way any physiological malady of any sort, nor should the information here be construed as health advice of any kind. If you have any biological symptom that you are concerned with, please contact your health care provider. The information shared here is simply a reflection of our own experiences with the Healing stones.
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