Many people think of the "treatment of the Native Americans" as simply a part of American history long past. However, the struggles of the native peoples of this land are far from over. These people are not gone. They are still very much present - as they should be. They face prejudice, judgment, segregation, and far worse today. They still face the mental, emotional, and spiritual pain that they carry from one generation to the next stimulated by the never-ending saga of extermination in one form or another.
The first step in helping the indigenous peoples of this land - and every land - to Heal from their painful Journey is to ask for Forgiveness, to offer our Love and Support, and to - perhaps most importantly - acknowledge the wrongs done to them. We can also embrace the great wisdom and beauty in each of their cultures, and accept the wonderful contributions to the world that they have to share. No people or culture should ever be extinct.
We share this documentary with the greatest sensitivity, Love, and respect for those who have endured the pains of any holocaust in any way. We share our Love with you.