Voices of the Archangels
2016 Channeling
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. We do request donations for private channeling. If you're interested, just contact us to find out more.
Mother Earth for Earth Day
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes then, beloved children, it is I – Mother Earth, Sister Gaea, Friend Terra. Once again, I thank you from the depths of my being, from the depths of my Heart,
for setting aside this day your Earth, your Earth Mother, your planet, your home. This is where you live.
And, I thank you for that consideration. I thank you for those who truly Love the Earth – who Love me.
And, I thank you for your efforts to try and make your place, your world, your home a better place to live.
And, I say to you that there are times when efforts are in vain for it seems like the tides that go against you are too strong and too many, and I say to you it is time to unite together. And, together you shall overcome all that which opposes you.
You must come together to save land and water and air; to save the seas and all those who live there; to save the lands and those who dwell there as well, and this includes yourselves. You see, you are on a path, as humanity I speak, you are on a path of deep destruction.
You cannot continue on this path without repercussions. It is a time when you must make changes, and NOW more than ever is THE time to make the changes. NOW is the time.
Now is the time.
You wish to sow seeds to replenish a new Earth, and you can do this.
You wish for hope, and it is there. And, it is not in vain.
There are many who speak of climate change, and many who speak of Earth changes, and many who speak of this and that, and yet who really knows? Sometimes not even I know, and it is me of which we speak. It is my being. It is my body, and to (a) great degree it is my choice. And yet, every day, I share my being and my body with all of you.
And, those of you who are celebrating this day, and likely listening to my words at this moment, you recognize this. You recognize me as a being, a planet, your home, a place that must be cherished and honored and saved from the destruction and the death that is perpetrated against myself, against me, and against you every single day, along with every being of Life who dwells within my auspices of home. I give you home. I give you Life.
And yet, so many destroy this.
And, it makes no sense. It makes no sense to me. It makes no sense to those who assist me in this Life that I live, this Life that I share with you, this being that I share with you.
It makes no sense.
You have been spoken to many times of making changes and choices, and you live in a time of great change and challenge to those choices. Making your choice is not necessarily easy in and of itself, but it is also not easy to make the changes that your choices call for. And yet, if you do not, the path of destruction and death will continue.
And how do you do this in the face of such tremendous odds? And, I say to you that you must join together. Remember that you are all brothers and sisters. And, I speak not just of humanity, but of ALL of Life. All of Life.
I will share with you a little secret at this moment, something that many of you have not thought of. And, that is this: Not only can you join together human to human, but you can cross species and join together – the four-legged ones, the winged ones, and those who swim in the waters of the world,
the plant Life,
the minerals – the rocks beneath your feet, the soil, the microbes, the algae and the fungi, and so on and so on. All beings of Life you can call to join together with you, and there you shall find the majority that you seek. And, there, when you come together as ONE, recognizing that you are but ONE Life. Each of you depends upon the other.
Each of you depends upon the other.
When you come together as ONE LIFE,
many parts, but ONE BEING OF LIFE, because you are One -
then you are ready to make changes to save your world.
And, yes, every little bit that you do at every moment helps. You recycle this. You re-purpose that. You plant trees. You plant grass. You plant this. You plant that. You clean up here. You stop polluting there, and so on. EVERYTHING that you do helps, yes. And, thank you for that help.
Thank you for your Love, and your thoughts, and your consideration and kindness.
Please continue, and I shall help you as I can.
But, it time, my beloved ones, that you must join together with all of the beings of Life, from the tiniest microbe to the greatest being of Life on your planet, and everything in between. Join together. And, how do you do this?
One, you acknowledge their existence. Two, you respect their existence. Three, you honor their existence as if were just as important as your own. And, four, you call upon them. How do you do this?
Prayer. Meditation.
Communion. Sit and talk to the trees in the forests. You may not hear them, but I assure you that they hear you.
They hear you.
The birds in the sky.
And, the fishes in the sea.
They all hear you.
Humans have forgotten how to communicate with other species. But, other species have not forgotten how to communicate with each other and with humans, if you will but learn to listen again. You must remember. It is time.
It is time, my beloved ones.
It is time for you to all become One,
and to celebrate the Life that you each share with each other and with me.
You speak of climate change, and again, it is what you call a hot topic these days. And especially now at this time all over the world people are talking about climate because you are seeing climate change. And, of course, it is changing. It is not a faction of someone's imagination. It isn't fiction.
You can see it. Where once there were glaciers, there are no more. Where once you had an ice cap at the North Pole, there is no more. The only thing that can change this is the climate. And so it is. And, so it has. And, so it shall continue. For in some ways, you are on a path that cannot be stopped at this time. It can only be dealt with, interacted with and a new beginning begun.
It cannot go back.
What you have put into the atmosphere, you cannot take away. You must wait for it to run its cycle. The question is: How severe will the cycle be? And that, my beloved ones, is up to you.
You must make changes right here, right now, today if you wish to change that cycle. And, even as it is, there will be severe repercussions for what has been put into the atmosphere. What has been put into the soil? That also contributes to climate change,
for it impacts your soil quality, your water, and so on and so on. And, all of these factors together are what you term climate change.
Think about that for a moment.
How will you interact with a new Earth? Because I tell you this: One way or another, there will be a new Earth, a new me. There will be a new way of living. You have gone past the point of no return, you might say.
And now, you are on an uncharted course as far as human perspective and Understanding goes. You are on an uncharted course as far as the history of my being goes, for never before have I been treated in such a manner. Never before have conditions been present within my being – that you call home – that are present today.
So, we are definitely in an uncharted course. And, the actions of the future that interact with that course are yet to be determined in some ways.
So, there are many of you then who sit back then and say “Ah! But, what about Earth changes then?” And, that is a good question. So let me ask you this: Do you Understand how climate change then is prompting Earth changes? And, this is only part of the formula, you might say, part of the picture that Earth changes are all about.
But, yes, climate change does impact Earth changes, and you are already seeing this. You weather is changing. As your weather changes, and the rainfall, the snow, all of the moisture patterns change. The temperature changes, and so on. These things affect how the planet functions. How the tectonic plates sit together. How the waters flow. Where the pressure is. How the soils move. How the waters move. The aquifers beneath your feet, and so on and so on.
So, yes, climate change does impact Earth changes. In some cases, it does cause Earth changes. That is not the only factor, as has been spoken now many times. That is not the only factor.
But, it is one factor.
And, it is, in many ways, the only factor in which you have a hand in interacting with.
Think about those words for just a moment.
You will live on a new planet – one way or another.
I am changing – in many ways, because you have changed me.
But, there are other ways that I am changing. I am changing because I must.
As it is time for me to make changes – again, as has been spoken many times – I will make changes to come into alignment with the energies of Peace.
I am a Peaceful being, and so it is that I wish my body to be. And, all those who share in living with my body must also come into a state and a place and a time and a space of Peace.
That is no question.
And, it is no choice.
Because it is MY choice. And, if I am to share with you, I choose what I share, just as you choose. You choose how you share with the people in your Life. Likewise, I choose how I share with the people in my Life. I invite each and all of you to share with me.
I am a being of Peace. If you would share Life with me, then you must also be a being of Peace.
There it is. Plain and simple. Simply put. No questions.
No doubts.
It is time. You must come into a state of Peace if you are to continue to live with me for that is the direction that I am moving. And, that is the reason why some of the Earth changes will come.
Yes, there will be big changes.
Yes, I will take on a new look, a new image, just as you - many times you wish to make great changes in your Life. You want a new image, a new you. What do you do? You make changes. I must make changes, but not for the reasons of vanity, or for the sake of appreciating my own appearance. I make changes so that I can Support Life.
And, unfortunately, some of those changes
will cost lives.
There are too many places that are diseased through the actions of mankind. There are too many places that are diseased through the hand of mankind. No other creature has done these things ever in my history. And yet, man goes about these things every single day, and most of the time without so much as a second thought.
No thought to my being.
No thought to the other Life forms that are being destroyed.
And, I must correct this. I have no choice at this point in time.
We can speak more of Earth changes at another time, but for this moment, let us resume our discussion on climate change. And, I say to you this: Many of you would help, if you but knew how.
And, I say that you are going to have to let your choices filter down much farther than using paper bags instead of plastic, or better yet bringing your own bags and re-using them. You're going to have to do more than plant trees. You're going to have to do more than live Earth Day one day a year. You're going to have to live Earth Day every day of the year. And, you're going to have to take Earth awareness, planetary awareness, into every movement that you make, every action that you make, every choice that you make – from the foods that you eat and the water that you drink, to the clothes that you wear. What kind of bed do you sleep on? What kind of car do you drive? Where do you work? What is your work? What about the shoes on your feet? And so on and so on.
The pen in your hand. The paper that you write on. Where do these things come from? Are they contributing to the contamination of your planet? Are they contributing to further climate change? Are they putting more things into the atmosphere? Are they destroying the water and the soil and so on and so on? If they are, it is time for you to make changes.
You've got to make an abrupt stop in the way you live Life,
and turn it around and go in a different direction.
There are many ways you can make changes. And, EVERY change that you make helps, and I thank you for that.
EVERY change that you make helps.
But, you must make many. And, you must come together united to make many.
You must come together and pray and meditate and ask for help. You must ask for Peace. You must choose it. You must live. You must share it. You must breathe it, eat it, sleep it, experience it, express it, and so on in everything that you do.
And you must foster this for each other, and Support each other in these choices and these changes, for they will not be easy.
Your world is in such a rut
of death and destruction that quite often you don't even see the forest for the trees around you. It is hard. We all know this. I know this.
But, it must be done. And, you can do it. I have every faith in you. And, I Trust each and every one of you to do your very best. And, that is all I will ever ask from you is your best.
And, I will give you mine -
my promise of hope,
my promise of a new Earth,
a new Life,
a new way of living,
that will foster your greatest Joys,
that will foster Peace shared by all,
that will foster Love, and kindness, and generosity.
Every being of Life can share these things.
And, that is my promise to you.
Once again, I thank you for honoring your Earth on this Earth Day.
Thank you for honoring me.
And, I invite each of you to come and speak to me.
Sit on the ground. Sit in your quiet space no matter where it is.
Connect with me.
And, allow me to connect with you.
That is SO important.
Every mother longs to touch her child.
No matter how old the child is, every mother wishes to touch her child. Touch their face. Admire their beauty. Love them with all her being.
And, that is how I Love you.
And, that is how I long for you every day.
So, come to me.
And, don't just touch me, but allow me to touch you, too.
Let us share Love together, for we are One.
We are mother and child,
and I Love you in this fashion.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
That is all.”
for setting aside this day your Earth, your Earth Mother, your planet, your home. This is where you live.
And, I thank you for that consideration. I thank you for those who truly Love the Earth – who Love me.
And, I thank you for your efforts to try and make your place, your world, your home a better place to live.
And, I say to you that there are times when efforts are in vain for it seems like the tides that go against you are too strong and too many, and I say to you it is time to unite together. And, together you shall overcome all that which opposes you.
You must come together to save land and water and air; to save the seas and all those who live there; to save the lands and those who dwell there as well, and this includes yourselves. You see, you are on a path, as humanity I speak, you are on a path of deep destruction.
You cannot continue on this path without repercussions. It is a time when you must make changes, and NOW more than ever is THE time to make the changes. NOW is the time.
Now is the time.
You wish to sow seeds to replenish a new Earth, and you can do this.
You wish for hope, and it is there. And, it is not in vain.
There are many who speak of climate change, and many who speak of Earth changes, and many who speak of this and that, and yet who really knows? Sometimes not even I know, and it is me of which we speak. It is my being. It is my body, and to (a) great degree it is my choice. And yet, every day, I share my being and my body with all of you.
And, those of you who are celebrating this day, and likely listening to my words at this moment, you recognize this. You recognize me as a being, a planet, your home, a place that must be cherished and honored and saved from the destruction and the death that is perpetrated against myself, against me, and against you every single day, along with every being of Life who dwells within my auspices of home. I give you home. I give you Life.
And yet, so many destroy this.
And, it makes no sense. It makes no sense to me. It makes no sense to those who assist me in this Life that I live, this Life that I share with you, this being that I share with you.
It makes no sense.
You have been spoken to many times of making changes and choices, and you live in a time of great change and challenge to those choices. Making your choice is not necessarily easy in and of itself, but it is also not easy to make the changes that your choices call for. And yet, if you do not, the path of destruction and death will continue.
And how do you do this in the face of such tremendous odds? And, I say to you that you must join together. Remember that you are all brothers and sisters. And, I speak not just of humanity, but of ALL of Life. All of Life.
I will share with you a little secret at this moment, something that many of you have not thought of. And, that is this: Not only can you join together human to human, but you can cross species and join together – the four-legged ones, the winged ones, and those who swim in the waters of the world,
the plant Life,
the minerals – the rocks beneath your feet, the soil, the microbes, the algae and the fungi, and so on and so on. All beings of Life you can call to join together with you, and there you shall find the majority that you seek. And, there, when you come together as ONE, recognizing that you are but ONE Life. Each of you depends upon the other.
Each of you depends upon the other.
When you come together as ONE LIFE,
many parts, but ONE BEING OF LIFE, because you are One -
then you are ready to make changes to save your world.
And, yes, every little bit that you do at every moment helps. You recycle this. You re-purpose that. You plant trees. You plant grass. You plant this. You plant that. You clean up here. You stop polluting there, and so on. EVERYTHING that you do helps, yes. And, thank you for that help.
Thank you for your Love, and your thoughts, and your consideration and kindness.
Please continue, and I shall help you as I can.
But, it time, my beloved ones, that you must join together with all of the beings of Life, from the tiniest microbe to the greatest being of Life on your planet, and everything in between. Join together. And, how do you do this?
One, you acknowledge their existence. Two, you respect their existence. Three, you honor their existence as if were just as important as your own. And, four, you call upon them. How do you do this?
Prayer. Meditation.
Communion. Sit and talk to the trees in the forests. You may not hear them, but I assure you that they hear you.
They hear you.
The birds in the sky.
And, the fishes in the sea.
They all hear you.
Humans have forgotten how to communicate with other species. But, other species have not forgotten how to communicate with each other and with humans, if you will but learn to listen again. You must remember. It is time.
It is time, my beloved ones.
It is time for you to all become One,
and to celebrate the Life that you each share with each other and with me.
You speak of climate change, and again, it is what you call a hot topic these days. And especially now at this time all over the world people are talking about climate because you are seeing climate change. And, of course, it is changing. It is not a faction of someone's imagination. It isn't fiction.
You can see it. Where once there were glaciers, there are no more. Where once you had an ice cap at the North Pole, there is no more. The only thing that can change this is the climate. And so it is. And, so it has. And, so it shall continue. For in some ways, you are on a path that cannot be stopped at this time. It can only be dealt with, interacted with and a new beginning begun.
It cannot go back.
What you have put into the atmosphere, you cannot take away. You must wait for it to run its cycle. The question is: How severe will the cycle be? And that, my beloved ones, is up to you.
You must make changes right here, right now, today if you wish to change that cycle. And, even as it is, there will be severe repercussions for what has been put into the atmosphere. What has been put into the soil? That also contributes to climate change,
for it impacts your soil quality, your water, and so on and so on. And, all of these factors together are what you term climate change.
Think about that for a moment.
How will you interact with a new Earth? Because I tell you this: One way or another, there will be a new Earth, a new me. There will be a new way of living. You have gone past the point of no return, you might say.
And now, you are on an uncharted course as far as human perspective and Understanding goes. You are on an uncharted course as far as the history of my being goes, for never before have I been treated in such a manner. Never before have conditions been present within my being – that you call home – that are present today.
So, we are definitely in an uncharted course. And, the actions of the future that interact with that course are yet to be determined in some ways.
So, there are many of you then who sit back then and say “Ah! But, what about Earth changes then?” And, that is a good question. So let me ask you this: Do you Understand how climate change then is prompting Earth changes? And, this is only part of the formula, you might say, part of the picture that Earth changes are all about.
But, yes, climate change does impact Earth changes, and you are already seeing this. You weather is changing. As your weather changes, and the rainfall, the snow, all of the moisture patterns change. The temperature changes, and so on. These things affect how the planet functions. How the tectonic plates sit together. How the waters flow. Where the pressure is. How the soils move. How the waters move. The aquifers beneath your feet, and so on and so on.
So, yes, climate change does impact Earth changes. In some cases, it does cause Earth changes. That is not the only factor, as has been spoken now many times. That is not the only factor.
But, it is one factor.
And, it is, in many ways, the only factor in which you have a hand in interacting with.
Think about those words for just a moment.
You will live on a new planet – one way or another.
I am changing – in many ways, because you have changed me.
But, there are other ways that I am changing. I am changing because I must.
As it is time for me to make changes – again, as has been spoken many times – I will make changes to come into alignment with the energies of Peace.
I am a Peaceful being, and so it is that I wish my body to be. And, all those who share in living with my body must also come into a state and a place and a time and a space of Peace.
That is no question.
And, it is no choice.
Because it is MY choice. And, if I am to share with you, I choose what I share, just as you choose. You choose how you share with the people in your Life. Likewise, I choose how I share with the people in my Life. I invite each and all of you to share with me.
I am a being of Peace. If you would share Life with me, then you must also be a being of Peace.
There it is. Plain and simple. Simply put. No questions.
No doubts.
It is time. You must come into a state of Peace if you are to continue to live with me for that is the direction that I am moving. And, that is the reason why some of the Earth changes will come.
Yes, there will be big changes.
Yes, I will take on a new look, a new image, just as you - many times you wish to make great changes in your Life. You want a new image, a new you. What do you do? You make changes. I must make changes, but not for the reasons of vanity, or for the sake of appreciating my own appearance. I make changes so that I can Support Life.
And, unfortunately, some of those changes
will cost lives.
There are too many places that are diseased through the actions of mankind. There are too many places that are diseased through the hand of mankind. No other creature has done these things ever in my history. And yet, man goes about these things every single day, and most of the time without so much as a second thought.
No thought to my being.
No thought to the other Life forms that are being destroyed.
And, I must correct this. I have no choice at this point in time.
We can speak more of Earth changes at another time, but for this moment, let us resume our discussion on climate change. And, I say to you this: Many of you would help, if you but knew how.
And, I say that you are going to have to let your choices filter down much farther than using paper bags instead of plastic, or better yet bringing your own bags and re-using them. You're going to have to do more than plant trees. You're going to have to do more than live Earth Day one day a year. You're going to have to live Earth Day every day of the year. And, you're going to have to take Earth awareness, planetary awareness, into every movement that you make, every action that you make, every choice that you make – from the foods that you eat and the water that you drink, to the clothes that you wear. What kind of bed do you sleep on? What kind of car do you drive? Where do you work? What is your work? What about the shoes on your feet? And so on and so on.
The pen in your hand. The paper that you write on. Where do these things come from? Are they contributing to the contamination of your planet? Are they contributing to further climate change? Are they putting more things into the atmosphere? Are they destroying the water and the soil and so on and so on? If they are, it is time for you to make changes.
You've got to make an abrupt stop in the way you live Life,
and turn it around and go in a different direction.
There are many ways you can make changes. And, EVERY change that you make helps, and I thank you for that.
EVERY change that you make helps.
But, you must make many. And, you must come together united to make many.
You must come together and pray and meditate and ask for help. You must ask for Peace. You must choose it. You must live. You must share it. You must breathe it, eat it, sleep it, experience it, express it, and so on in everything that you do.
And you must foster this for each other, and Support each other in these choices and these changes, for they will not be easy.
Your world is in such a rut
of death and destruction that quite often you don't even see the forest for the trees around you. It is hard. We all know this. I know this.
But, it must be done. And, you can do it. I have every faith in you. And, I Trust each and every one of you to do your very best. And, that is all I will ever ask from you is your best.
And, I will give you mine -
my promise of hope,
my promise of a new Earth,
a new Life,
a new way of living,
that will foster your greatest Joys,
that will foster Peace shared by all,
that will foster Love, and kindness, and generosity.
Every being of Life can share these things.
And, that is my promise to you.
Once again, I thank you for honoring your Earth on this Earth Day.
Thank you for honoring me.
And, I invite each of you to come and speak to me.
Sit on the ground. Sit in your quiet space no matter where it is.
Connect with me.
And, allow me to connect with you.
That is SO important.
Every mother longs to touch her child.
No matter how old the child is, every mother wishes to touch her child. Touch their face. Admire their beauty. Love them with all her being.
And, that is how I Love you.
And, that is how I long for you every day.
So, come to me.
And, don't just touch me, but allow me to touch you, too.
Let us share Love together, for we are One.
We are mother and child,
and I Love you in this fashion.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
That is all.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.