Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Channeling Transcripts
Archangel Abundance on the Gift of Abundance
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then it is I, the Archangel of Abundance,
and I come to you at this time to speak to you of Abundance, and especially as it pertains to the time and age and dimension and space and processes of Peace. And I say to you that Abundance in Peace is paradise. It is heavenly beyond words. And I ask you this.
What is Abundance to you?
What does Abundance mean to you?
Does it mean having lots of money in the bank or food in the cupboards, lots and lots of cars in the garage, perhaps? Maybe it's shoes or handbags.
What is Abundance?
What is Abundance?
And I say to you that Abundance is always having everything that your Heart desires at the moment that it desires it. But, Abundance is not stockpiling.
Let us think for a moment of Abundance in Illumination versus Illusion. Now as I have just stated, Abundance, in Illumination, is having everything that your Heart desires present at the moment that it is desired.
Think about that. You are hungry, there was food to eat. Let us be more specific. Say you were hungry for a piece of fruit, a certain piece of fruit, say an orange or a banana.
You were hungry for it, desire it, and there is an orange, pluck it from the tree and eat it. With great Joy, I might add.
Now let us look for a moment at Abundance in Illusion.
And this, I'm afraid, has many different forms. You see, Abundance in Illusion can manifest itself as greed, as a lack mentality, as so many of you call it. You are afraid there won't be enough, so what do you do? You stockpile it.
You gather it to yourself and you hold the energy of it.
This might be money. It might be food. It might be clothing, It might be anything that can be possessed. But one thing that you can never possess and stockpile is Love.
Another is Joy.
How about Truth? How about Trust? How about Illumination or Understanding?
You see, none of the real gifts of Life can ever be possessed and held or stockpiled. You can't put them in a vault and lock them away for another day. It doesn't work that way.
You see, the true gifts of Life, and the Truth of Abundance deal with energy. And that energy is manifested through sharing. So you see, the moment you start to hold something to yourself, you have just lost your Abundance. It is gone. And it can't come back until you let go.
Now, there are many of you who would say, “Well, I've heard of so and so, who has millions and billions of dollars in the bank, and he or she never lacks for anything.” And I say yes, this might be true of food for them to consume. And perhaps they have lots of clothing. And perhaps they have many cars. And maybe they own many, many buildings, which are really not homes, but they are buildings or houses or whatever. But I ask you, where is their true Abundance? Do they have Love in their Life.
And some of you will answer “Yes, certainly, they have a husband or wife, children, family, whatever. They have Love.” And I say, do they really?
Do they have Love for themselves?
And yes, many of them are egotistical enough, perhaps they might say this. And many are not, there are many good people who have a great deal of money. I am sheerly using this as an example.
What do they really have?
Do they have their Freedom?
Or do their daily requirements consume everything? Do they have time?
Time, too, is a gift, you know.
Do they have time?
Do you have time?
You see, many people look at Abundance as success in Life. They have all the comforts for their creature self, you might say. They have a comfortable car. They have a comfortable home. They have a comfortable bed and comfortable clothing. They have a comfortable existence because it is comfortable to go to the gym to work out with friends. And it's comfortable to be seen at your favorite restaurant where you eat your foods that are very comfortable for you. And they view Abundance as comfortableness, and it's really not.
That is yet another Illusion of Abundance. And yet, these things could be Abundance.
Abundance is one of those things that is very much of the Heart perceived by the mind. And your mind can look at your Heart, and say “nmm, nmm, not good enough”, because perhaps your car isn't as new as you would like it to be. Perhaps it isn't the model you would like it to be.
And your mind is going to tell you, “nmm, nmm, not good enough. This isn't Abundance. I still lack.”
But if you will look in your Heart to see what your keys to Abundance are, you will see, “I have a car that is not, perhaps, indebted. I am not in debt for this car.” Look at the true purpose of the car. Does it get you from point A to point B in a satisfactory manner? In other words, do you get there? Do you break down? Or do you get there?
You see, satisfaction of the Heart is far less complicated than satisfaction of the mind. And the Illusions of Abundance generally reside in the mind. And very rarely do true lacks of Abundance manifest materially without the mind's coordination of it.
I know that will be hard for many of you to hear.
In some ways it seems like it is not fair. For there are many of you who do not have enough.
You do not have enough. There are people in the world who die every day because they do not have enough food. There is no Abundance for them.
Not of food.
There are people who die for lack of shelter.
There are people who die for lack of Love.
There are people who die for lack of water.
And clean air.
And clean food.
People die from the Illusions of Abundance every day.
Now if you notice, that's the different way of looking at this terminology, the Illusions of Abundance. And unfortunately, this brings great sadness to me to point out this very important Understanding.
In your world, there is enough for everyone, for every living being of Life.
There is enough support.
There is enough sustenance.
There is enough water, and enough air to breathe.
There is enough soil to tread upon or to put roots down into.
And so on and so on.
But there are those who live by the rules of Abundance in Illusion. And they take. And they stockpile.
And you see, there is only so much they can take without affecting another person, another being of Life. Take too much water, and someone else has none to drink.
Take the air and contaminate it, and then there are none who can breathe the air without harm.
Take too much food,
and hold it,
and people will die without it.
Now let us take a different look at Abundance,
for now it is sad,
and there is no Joy.
Do we see true Abundance?
We see the Illusion of it.
When you think about your world, you see a great deal of the Illusions of Abundance.
And as you do, you would ask the question of “How do we bring it back? How do we bring Abundance to each and every being of Life?” And I say to you that you must remember your place in the Circle of Life, in the web of Life. You must remember that no one being is more important than another. And you must share, and share alike. Share in equality. Share in Oneness.
In this fashion, you will find Abundance for all.
You cannot ration Life.
You cannot ration the supports for Life.
And so what do you do?
Many of you, I am sure, would ask this question. What do we do to return the Abundance to us? For so much of it seems to be out of your control. And I say to you this. If you want your world to be back in a state of Abundance, in a true state of Abundance, and it has been there before, and it can be there again, but it will take many changes. And to do this, you must, each and every one, walk the path of Peace,
the path of Love.
You have heard this throughout all the messages throughout the Season of Peace celebration.
You must walk the path of Peace.
You must walk the path of Love,
of Oneness,
of unconditional acceptance,
and Love,
and Trust
and so on.
And you must do it in Illumination, and not Illusion. It is time to put aside the shackles of Illusion,
for they keep you from Life. Life itself is Abundance.
Abundance is Life.
You do not have to go without.
Nor do you have to take it.
And likewise, you do not have to wait for it to be given to you.
There are many who believe that you must work for your living.
And they believe in a strong work ethic. And those that don't have anything in their Life must not have worked hard enough to have something. And this is wrong. It is absolutely, unequivocably wrong.
Yes, a good work ethic is important. Yes, you must each work at whatever is it that you do. Because you are sharing. You are participating. You are supporting each other, not just yourself. You support each other.
And as each of you does this to the best of your ability,
every day, every moment, you share and support each other. You Love each other, to the best of your ability. Then you begin to experience true Abundance.
Your world right now is in such a state of an Illusion of Abundance that there are people, who no matter what the try, will never have enough. And they will live a Lifetime, if they are lucky, they will live a Lifetime of lack. And it is not their fault.
It is the fault of a world who lives with a broken Circle of Life, a broken web of Life.
And only you can change it. Each and every one of you.
You must come together in Love, in Joy, in Peace, in Truth, in harmony, and so on. And you must Trust each other to live and share the Abundance together.
I can shower the blessings of Abundance upon you every day.
And I try, every day.
And yet, who is there to accept it? Because true Abundance can only fall to those who participate in the Truth of Life
and the Love of Life.
And if you wish for Abundance for your Life,
then you must look inside and find your own Truth and your own Love. And there your Abundance will begin. And the more you share it, the greater it will blossom, and the more fruitful it shall become.
Let your wings take you higher.
Let your wings help you fly to Abundance.
Your wings are Love, and Truth, and Trust, and Peace.
They are sharing.
They are unconditional acceptance and Oneness and so on.
So open your wings, my beloved children.
And allow yourself to fly into the Abundance of All That Is.
And I await you with open arms to embrace you with all that I am.
And I leave you with these words, and with the greatest of my Love and Abundance.
Please come and feast at my table,
for I have prepared an Abundance of Life for you
in Peace
and in Love
and in Truth.
That is all for now.”
and I come to you at this time to speak to you of Abundance, and especially as it pertains to the time and age and dimension and space and processes of Peace. And I say to you that Abundance in Peace is paradise. It is heavenly beyond words. And I ask you this.
What is Abundance to you?
What does Abundance mean to you?
Does it mean having lots of money in the bank or food in the cupboards, lots and lots of cars in the garage, perhaps? Maybe it's shoes or handbags.
What is Abundance?
What is Abundance?
And I say to you that Abundance is always having everything that your Heart desires at the moment that it desires it. But, Abundance is not stockpiling.
Let us think for a moment of Abundance in Illumination versus Illusion. Now as I have just stated, Abundance, in Illumination, is having everything that your Heart desires present at the moment that it is desired.
Think about that. You are hungry, there was food to eat. Let us be more specific. Say you were hungry for a piece of fruit, a certain piece of fruit, say an orange or a banana.
You were hungry for it, desire it, and there is an orange, pluck it from the tree and eat it. With great Joy, I might add.
Now let us look for a moment at Abundance in Illusion.
And this, I'm afraid, has many different forms. You see, Abundance in Illusion can manifest itself as greed, as a lack mentality, as so many of you call it. You are afraid there won't be enough, so what do you do? You stockpile it.
You gather it to yourself and you hold the energy of it.
This might be money. It might be food. It might be clothing, It might be anything that can be possessed. But one thing that you can never possess and stockpile is Love.
Another is Joy.
How about Truth? How about Trust? How about Illumination or Understanding?
You see, none of the real gifts of Life can ever be possessed and held or stockpiled. You can't put them in a vault and lock them away for another day. It doesn't work that way.
You see, the true gifts of Life, and the Truth of Abundance deal with energy. And that energy is manifested through sharing. So you see, the moment you start to hold something to yourself, you have just lost your Abundance. It is gone. And it can't come back until you let go.
Now, there are many of you who would say, “Well, I've heard of so and so, who has millions and billions of dollars in the bank, and he or she never lacks for anything.” And I say yes, this might be true of food for them to consume. And perhaps they have lots of clothing. And perhaps they have many cars. And maybe they own many, many buildings, which are really not homes, but they are buildings or houses or whatever. But I ask you, where is their true Abundance? Do they have Love in their Life.
And some of you will answer “Yes, certainly, they have a husband or wife, children, family, whatever. They have Love.” And I say, do they really?
Do they have Love for themselves?
And yes, many of them are egotistical enough, perhaps they might say this. And many are not, there are many good people who have a great deal of money. I am sheerly using this as an example.
What do they really have?
Do they have their Freedom?
Or do their daily requirements consume everything? Do they have time?
Time, too, is a gift, you know.
Do they have time?
Do you have time?
You see, many people look at Abundance as success in Life. They have all the comforts for their creature self, you might say. They have a comfortable car. They have a comfortable home. They have a comfortable bed and comfortable clothing. They have a comfortable existence because it is comfortable to go to the gym to work out with friends. And it's comfortable to be seen at your favorite restaurant where you eat your foods that are very comfortable for you. And they view Abundance as comfortableness, and it's really not.
That is yet another Illusion of Abundance. And yet, these things could be Abundance.
Abundance is one of those things that is very much of the Heart perceived by the mind. And your mind can look at your Heart, and say “nmm, nmm, not good enough”, because perhaps your car isn't as new as you would like it to be. Perhaps it isn't the model you would like it to be.
And your mind is going to tell you, “nmm, nmm, not good enough. This isn't Abundance. I still lack.”
But if you will look in your Heart to see what your keys to Abundance are, you will see, “I have a car that is not, perhaps, indebted. I am not in debt for this car.” Look at the true purpose of the car. Does it get you from point A to point B in a satisfactory manner? In other words, do you get there? Do you break down? Or do you get there?
You see, satisfaction of the Heart is far less complicated than satisfaction of the mind. And the Illusions of Abundance generally reside in the mind. And very rarely do true lacks of Abundance manifest materially without the mind's coordination of it.
I know that will be hard for many of you to hear.
In some ways it seems like it is not fair. For there are many of you who do not have enough.
You do not have enough. There are people in the world who die every day because they do not have enough food. There is no Abundance for them.
Not of food.
There are people who die for lack of shelter.
There are people who die for lack of Love.
There are people who die for lack of water.
And clean air.
And clean food.
People die from the Illusions of Abundance every day.
Now if you notice, that's the different way of looking at this terminology, the Illusions of Abundance. And unfortunately, this brings great sadness to me to point out this very important Understanding.
In your world, there is enough for everyone, for every living being of Life.
There is enough support.
There is enough sustenance.
There is enough water, and enough air to breathe.
There is enough soil to tread upon or to put roots down into.
And so on and so on.
But there are those who live by the rules of Abundance in Illusion. And they take. And they stockpile.
And you see, there is only so much they can take without affecting another person, another being of Life. Take too much water, and someone else has none to drink.
Take the air and contaminate it, and then there are none who can breathe the air without harm.
Take too much food,
and hold it,
and people will die without it.
Now let us take a different look at Abundance,
for now it is sad,
and there is no Joy.
Do we see true Abundance?
We see the Illusion of it.
When you think about your world, you see a great deal of the Illusions of Abundance.
And as you do, you would ask the question of “How do we bring it back? How do we bring Abundance to each and every being of Life?” And I say to you that you must remember your place in the Circle of Life, in the web of Life. You must remember that no one being is more important than another. And you must share, and share alike. Share in equality. Share in Oneness.
In this fashion, you will find Abundance for all.
You cannot ration Life.
You cannot ration the supports for Life.
And so what do you do?
Many of you, I am sure, would ask this question. What do we do to return the Abundance to us? For so much of it seems to be out of your control. And I say to you this. If you want your world to be back in a state of Abundance, in a true state of Abundance, and it has been there before, and it can be there again, but it will take many changes. And to do this, you must, each and every one, walk the path of Peace,
the path of Love.
You have heard this throughout all the messages throughout the Season of Peace celebration.
You must walk the path of Peace.
You must walk the path of Love,
of Oneness,
of unconditional acceptance,
and Love,
and Trust
and so on.
And you must do it in Illumination, and not Illusion. It is time to put aside the shackles of Illusion,
for they keep you from Life. Life itself is Abundance.
Abundance is Life.
You do not have to go without.
Nor do you have to take it.
And likewise, you do not have to wait for it to be given to you.
There are many who believe that you must work for your living.
And they believe in a strong work ethic. And those that don't have anything in their Life must not have worked hard enough to have something. And this is wrong. It is absolutely, unequivocably wrong.
Yes, a good work ethic is important. Yes, you must each work at whatever is it that you do. Because you are sharing. You are participating. You are supporting each other, not just yourself. You support each other.
And as each of you does this to the best of your ability,
every day, every moment, you share and support each other. You Love each other, to the best of your ability. Then you begin to experience true Abundance.
Your world right now is in such a state of an Illusion of Abundance that there are people, who no matter what the try, will never have enough. And they will live a Lifetime, if they are lucky, they will live a Lifetime of lack. And it is not their fault.
It is the fault of a world who lives with a broken Circle of Life, a broken web of Life.
And only you can change it. Each and every one of you.
You must come together in Love, in Joy, in Peace, in Truth, in harmony, and so on. And you must Trust each other to live and share the Abundance together.
I can shower the blessings of Abundance upon you every day.
And I try, every day.
And yet, who is there to accept it? Because true Abundance can only fall to those who participate in the Truth of Life
and the Love of Life.
And if you wish for Abundance for your Life,
then you must look inside and find your own Truth and your own Love. And there your Abundance will begin. And the more you share it, the greater it will blossom, and the more fruitful it shall become.
Let your wings take you higher.
Let your wings help you fly to Abundance.
Your wings are Love, and Truth, and Trust, and Peace.
They are sharing.
They are unconditional acceptance and Oneness and so on.
So open your wings, my beloved children.
And allow yourself to fly into the Abundance of All That Is.
And I await you with open arms to embrace you with all that I am.
And I leave you with these words, and with the greatest of my Love and Abundance.
Please come and feast at my table,
for I have prepared an Abundance of Life for you
in Peace
and in Love
and in Truth.
That is all for now.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
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