Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Channeling Transcripts
Archangel Love on the Gift of Love
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then it is I, the Archangel of Love,
and I would come to you at this special time to discuss the gift of Love.
To begin with, let me ask you. Do you know what Love is?
What really is the definition of Love?
Is it what you feel for your Lover, your child, your spouse, your parents? Is it what you feel for your community or your country? Is Love a feeling? And I say perhaps Love is expressed this way, yes. But that is not what Love is.
What is Love?
Love is an energy. It is a power, because it is an energy. But, it is more than that.
You might say that Love is the blood of your Creator. It comes from her Heart. It is pumped out every day.
Love is your Life blood. Without it, you cannot live. Without Love, no creature can live. No being of Life can live without Love.
At this time in your world, there is a great deficiency of this important element of Life, you might say.
If this were a nutrient, then I would say you must have it or suffer the effects of ill Health. But it is more important than any nutrient. You see, I say again, without Love, you cannot live. And your world has gone so far into the Illusions of Love that the entire world is becoming sick. The Earth is becoming sick. Different creatures are becoming sick. Your forests are becoming sick, and your waters and your air and your soil. They are all becoming sick because they do not have Love in Illumination. They have the opposite. They have the Illusion of Love – hate, violence, greed, abuse, neglect, rape, murder, pillaging, and worst of all, apathy. You cannot survive if you continue on in this fashion.
You must begin to Love each other. To Love yourselves. To Love all beings of Life. And you must Love your Earth Mother. And you must Love with all your Hearts, in Illumination, and without condition.
It is time, my brothers and sisters, beloved children of the Universe, all that you are. It is time for you to open your Hearts to the true power of Love, to the Illumination of Love. You must open up to this so you might Heal yourselves, Heal each other, Heal every being of Life, and Heal your Earth Mother. And you must do it now. Now is the time.
Do you know what happens to a plant when you deny it sunlight? It grows weaker and weaker, and eventually, it begins to just wither, because it is starved for the light that it needs to live. It is the food. It cannot live without it. And likewise, every being of Life must have Love.
It is the ultimate food, for you cannot survive without it. Your world has been going down a steady downward path in abandoning Love in Illumination and accepting Love in Illusion. The scales are greatly out of Balance. And you must begin right now, right here, this very moment, putting the scales back in Balance. Or you will become disillusioned, you might say. You will find yourself in such a downward spiral into Illusion that you may not be able to pull back out. Not without intense intervention. And I do not think that any of you really want this. And it is not necessary, for each of you has the power within to choose. You can choose Love in Illumination. You do not have to accept Love in Illusion.
What does this mean?
It means that every day you have a choice. Will you participate in more of the Illusions of Love, the violence, the greed, the degradation of the planet and each other and so on and so on? Will you continue to participate in this? Will you do that by choice or by apathy?
Will you just sit by and watch?
Are you an armchair participant in Life? Perhaps you are simply and observer in Life, and I say to you this. Life is Love, and Love is Life, and you are given this great Life to live. You are given great Love that is completely unending. There is no end to the amount of Love you can have in your Life. It is the proverbial and perpetual blank check, so to speak.
Every day, you can give away Love. And the more you give it away, the more you are filled up.
It never runs dry.
Even when you have a heartache, you Love someone, you break up with your boyfriends, your girlfriends, your wife, your husband, and so on, the Love itself will Heal the Heart quickly.
And you will continue to Love. It never stops.
And there are those of you, I know, who have lost Loved ones, and the pain of Loving them is something that makes you want to turn it all off.
And I do not blame you.
But I say to you this. If, in those cases, you will simply open your Heart to more Love,
then you will feel your pain erasing. Because, you see, what has happened is, as you have closed your Heart, you are trying to hold onto Love. And you cannot ever hold onto Love at all. It is like trying to hold onto water. It must be allowed to flow. If it does not, then it will erupt at some point. It will crack the walls and tear you down. And then you see Love again as a destructive force.
Do not hold on.
Let it go. The memories of your Loved ones will never ever leave you. And the Love that you shared with them will always stay a part of you. Sweet, beautiful, wonderful Love, precious Love. It will not go away.
But if you stop Loving, it will crack you. And it will break you.
And then you will find bitterness where you should find sweet, Loving memories. So do not do this.
Every day, each and every one of you has the opportunity to Love. Everyone has someone whom they can Love. And if it is not another human being, perhaps it is the dog, or a cat. Perhaps it is the mouse in the corner, or the ant crawling upon the ground.
You can Love the sky. You can Love the trees. You can Love the ground. You walk upon your Mother Earth. Love her. There is always someone to give your Love away to. And make that a goal for yourselves, every single day. Give away as much Love as you possibly can.
It might be something as simple and small as a smile. Perhaps it is only a thought. But give the Love away. And the more that you can give away, the more of it you will be filled up in. And the more Loving energy, the more energy of Love that can be put out into the world, the greater your world will be for it, because then you will begin to Heal.
You will Heal. Those who you directly give the Love to will Heal.
And it is like the proverbial ripple in the pond.
It just spreads, farther and farther.
There is no end.
Love never ends.
Give it away today, a million years from now, that Love will still be traveling. And a million more after that, it will be still continuing on its way. There is no end to Love, ever.
Death does not stop Love. It cannot separate you from Love. The only thing that separates you from Love, ever, is Illusion. And to think that Love ever stops
an Illusion.
And you do not have to take it.
You do not have to accept that as your Truth.
You do have a choice. You can accept Love in Illumination, or in Illusion. The choice is always yours.
But I say to you this. If you would live in a time of Peace, an age of Peace, if you are tired of a world that lives in the Illusion of Peace, then you must find the Illumination of Love within, and live by it. It must be the law of your Life.
Everything you do must reflect Love.
And it may take you some time to make the necessary changes in order to live this way. But they will not be hard, for you have Love as a power to support you.
Think about the first time you ever fell in Love. Did you not feel as if you had wings on your feet? You could fly. Perhaps you were floating on what many people call “cloud nine”. You felt as though your Heart would simply burst if you could not see that special person, and touch him or her, and share the Love that was in your Heart. And so you see, you can live every day with that kind of passion.
And I don't mean romantic passion. I mean passion for Life,
passion for living,
and sharing Joy,
anything, everything.
Share that passion.
Share the Love that you are.
And you must do it every day. So begin right now, this very moment. And the first being of Life that comes to your mind, send them Love. And continue to do this until you cannot think of anyone else to send it to.
I challenge you to this.
And when you are done, I want you to take note,
if you would, please,
of how you feel inside.
And if you do not feel Joy, and the warmth of Love in your Heart,
then think harder for more people, more beings of Life, to send Love to. And don't forget yourself.
Every being of Life deserves to be Loved.
And that includes you.
With these words, I leave you now with my Love,
and remind each and every one of you that the gift of Love is something that can never be taken away, nor shadowed,
if you will but choose the Illumination of Love to guide your Life.
That is all for now.”
and I would come to you at this special time to discuss the gift of Love.
To begin with, let me ask you. Do you know what Love is?
What really is the definition of Love?
Is it what you feel for your Lover, your child, your spouse, your parents? Is it what you feel for your community or your country? Is Love a feeling? And I say perhaps Love is expressed this way, yes. But that is not what Love is.
What is Love?
Love is an energy. It is a power, because it is an energy. But, it is more than that.
You might say that Love is the blood of your Creator. It comes from her Heart. It is pumped out every day.
Love is your Life blood. Without it, you cannot live. Without Love, no creature can live. No being of Life can live without Love.
At this time in your world, there is a great deficiency of this important element of Life, you might say.
If this were a nutrient, then I would say you must have it or suffer the effects of ill Health. But it is more important than any nutrient. You see, I say again, without Love, you cannot live. And your world has gone so far into the Illusions of Love that the entire world is becoming sick. The Earth is becoming sick. Different creatures are becoming sick. Your forests are becoming sick, and your waters and your air and your soil. They are all becoming sick because they do not have Love in Illumination. They have the opposite. They have the Illusion of Love – hate, violence, greed, abuse, neglect, rape, murder, pillaging, and worst of all, apathy. You cannot survive if you continue on in this fashion.
You must begin to Love each other. To Love yourselves. To Love all beings of Life. And you must Love your Earth Mother. And you must Love with all your Hearts, in Illumination, and without condition.
It is time, my brothers and sisters, beloved children of the Universe, all that you are. It is time for you to open your Hearts to the true power of Love, to the Illumination of Love. You must open up to this so you might Heal yourselves, Heal each other, Heal every being of Life, and Heal your Earth Mother. And you must do it now. Now is the time.
Do you know what happens to a plant when you deny it sunlight? It grows weaker and weaker, and eventually, it begins to just wither, because it is starved for the light that it needs to live. It is the food. It cannot live without it. And likewise, every being of Life must have Love.
It is the ultimate food, for you cannot survive without it. Your world has been going down a steady downward path in abandoning Love in Illumination and accepting Love in Illusion. The scales are greatly out of Balance. And you must begin right now, right here, this very moment, putting the scales back in Balance. Or you will become disillusioned, you might say. You will find yourself in such a downward spiral into Illusion that you may not be able to pull back out. Not without intense intervention. And I do not think that any of you really want this. And it is not necessary, for each of you has the power within to choose. You can choose Love in Illumination. You do not have to accept Love in Illusion.
What does this mean?
It means that every day you have a choice. Will you participate in more of the Illusions of Love, the violence, the greed, the degradation of the planet and each other and so on and so on? Will you continue to participate in this? Will you do that by choice or by apathy?
Will you just sit by and watch?
Are you an armchair participant in Life? Perhaps you are simply and observer in Life, and I say to you this. Life is Love, and Love is Life, and you are given this great Life to live. You are given great Love that is completely unending. There is no end to the amount of Love you can have in your Life. It is the proverbial and perpetual blank check, so to speak.
Every day, you can give away Love. And the more you give it away, the more you are filled up.
It never runs dry.
Even when you have a heartache, you Love someone, you break up with your boyfriends, your girlfriends, your wife, your husband, and so on, the Love itself will Heal the Heart quickly.
And you will continue to Love. It never stops.
And there are those of you, I know, who have lost Loved ones, and the pain of Loving them is something that makes you want to turn it all off.
And I do not blame you.
But I say to you this. If, in those cases, you will simply open your Heart to more Love,
then you will feel your pain erasing. Because, you see, what has happened is, as you have closed your Heart, you are trying to hold onto Love. And you cannot ever hold onto Love at all. It is like trying to hold onto water. It must be allowed to flow. If it does not, then it will erupt at some point. It will crack the walls and tear you down. And then you see Love again as a destructive force.
Do not hold on.
Let it go. The memories of your Loved ones will never ever leave you. And the Love that you shared with them will always stay a part of you. Sweet, beautiful, wonderful Love, precious Love. It will not go away.
But if you stop Loving, it will crack you. And it will break you.
And then you will find bitterness where you should find sweet, Loving memories. So do not do this.
Every day, each and every one of you has the opportunity to Love. Everyone has someone whom they can Love. And if it is not another human being, perhaps it is the dog, or a cat. Perhaps it is the mouse in the corner, or the ant crawling upon the ground.
You can Love the sky. You can Love the trees. You can Love the ground. You walk upon your Mother Earth. Love her. There is always someone to give your Love away to. And make that a goal for yourselves, every single day. Give away as much Love as you possibly can.
It might be something as simple and small as a smile. Perhaps it is only a thought. But give the Love away. And the more that you can give away, the more of it you will be filled up in. And the more Loving energy, the more energy of Love that can be put out into the world, the greater your world will be for it, because then you will begin to Heal.
You will Heal. Those who you directly give the Love to will Heal.
And it is like the proverbial ripple in the pond.
It just spreads, farther and farther.
There is no end.
Love never ends.
Give it away today, a million years from now, that Love will still be traveling. And a million more after that, it will be still continuing on its way. There is no end to Love, ever.
Death does not stop Love. It cannot separate you from Love. The only thing that separates you from Love, ever, is Illusion. And to think that Love ever stops
an Illusion.
And you do not have to take it.
You do not have to accept that as your Truth.
You do have a choice. You can accept Love in Illumination, or in Illusion. The choice is always yours.
But I say to you this. If you would live in a time of Peace, an age of Peace, if you are tired of a world that lives in the Illusion of Peace, then you must find the Illumination of Love within, and live by it. It must be the law of your Life.
Everything you do must reflect Love.
And it may take you some time to make the necessary changes in order to live this way. But they will not be hard, for you have Love as a power to support you.
Think about the first time you ever fell in Love. Did you not feel as if you had wings on your feet? You could fly. Perhaps you were floating on what many people call “cloud nine”. You felt as though your Heart would simply burst if you could not see that special person, and touch him or her, and share the Love that was in your Heart. And so you see, you can live every day with that kind of passion.
And I don't mean romantic passion. I mean passion for Life,
passion for living,
and sharing Joy,
anything, everything.
Share that passion.
Share the Love that you are.
And you must do it every day. So begin right now, this very moment. And the first being of Life that comes to your mind, send them Love. And continue to do this until you cannot think of anyone else to send it to.
I challenge you to this.
And when you are done, I want you to take note,
if you would, please,
of how you feel inside.
And if you do not feel Joy, and the warmth of Love in your Heart,
then think harder for more people, more beings of Life, to send Love to. And don't forget yourself.
Every being of Life deserves to be Loved.
And that includes you.
With these words, I leave you now with my Love,
and remind each and every one of you that the gift of Love is something that can never be taken away, nor shadowed,
if you will but choose the Illumination of Love to guide your Life.
That is all for now.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.