Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Channeling Transcripts
Archangel of Truth on the Gift of Truth
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes then, it is I, the Archangel of Truth, and I would speak to you at this time about Truth as it pertains to a time of Peace, an era of Peace, a season of Peace.
It has been spoken that there are certain Truths of Peace – unconditional Love, unconditional acceptance, Oneness, and so on. And, these things are of the utmost importance and you must Understand.
If you cannot live according to Truth, then you do not live at all. You cannot live at all. And, that is part of the chaos that you see in the world at this time – a time of change, a time of challenge.
You are being challenged in many ways to live in your Truth. You are being challenged to live in Peace together.
Is this not the Heart's desire of each and every One of you to live Peacefully with each other, to have Peaceful Life, to flourish in Abundance and share with those whom you Love? It is the desire of every being of Life. It is meant to be a desire of every being of Life, for it according to your Heart, and your Heart is according to the Divine Plan.
So let us think for a moment about how Truth plays into the picture, you might say. How can you have Peace when you live in a world where there is no Truth? You are seeing many, many movements in your world now that are calling for Truth, transparency, do not tell lies, do not go behind the scenes.
People want Truth. Yes, you want Truth. And why do you want Truth?
It is because deep within yourselves, you know that you cannot live without Truth. You cannot have Peace without Truth.
What is the Truth?
There are many forms of Truth. One of the most important forms of Truth is that of unconditional Love. One of the most important Truths of Life is Oneness. And, all of these things are important Truths about Peace.
I say to you that it is impossible in your world, in any world, to have Peace where you do not have Truth.
You must begin by looking within yourselves to see your own Truth. Find your own Truth within and stand upon the rock that that Truth is within you. For, it is your foundation of living. If you cannot find your Truth, if you cannot live according to your Truth, then you cannot live at all. You exist. You do not live. There is a difference.
There are some of you who know exactly what I mean when I say to find your Truth. And, there are others who will be lost and bewildered by my words.
What is your Truth? And, why is it so important?
To begin with, your Truth is your own Essence. It is who you are. How could you find who you are if you will not look for your own Truth? You must begin deep inside, and ask yourself, “What is my Truth?” And, your Truth will speak to you. You will begin to see things, to know things that are your own Truths.
Do you like the color red? Yes or no? This is One of your Truths.
What foods do you like to eat?
What people do you like to be with?
What things around you are acceptable to you?
Which ones make your Heart sing?
Those things that make your Heart sing with Joy, with happiness, with Love, with radiance and brilliance of Light, these things are your Truths. All else pales, because all else is but Illusion.
You must live according to your Truths, and you must start in the beginning inside yourself. Find the Truths about yourself.
Do you like your nose? Yes or no?
If your answer is yes, then Love it. If your answer is no, then Love it anyway, for it is a part of you. And, it is essentially you for a reason. Just like all the rest of you.
Begin with the inside and go out. And, when you go out, look at the Truths around you – the Truths in your home, in the way you live your Life. Are you living according to the Truths in how you believe, the things that make you feel most passionate?
What about your relationships – husband, wife, significant other, parents, family, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, community, and so on and so on? Your own countries?
Ultimately your own greatest Truth is that you are a citizen of the Universe. You are a citizen of the planet Earth. You are a citizen and a member of humanity. But, more importantly, and, in fact, most importantly, you are a member of Life. And, to live Life you must connect with the Truth of Life, and that begins with yourself. But, you must not stop there. You must carry it out in everything you do, everything you see, everything you interact with – from the foods you buy, the foods you grow, the foods you eat, to the water you drink, the air you breathe, how you live Life. Every choice must be made according to your own Truth. And, there is no time in the history of all that is where it is more important, where it has been more important, that you choose to live in your Truth right here, right now, right in this very moment.
Because you must live in a state of Peace.
Your world will come into a state of Peace. But, it will take each and every One of you dedicating yourselves to it in order to make this happen. And, it can happen. But, you must stand within your own Truth, your own Light, be who you are, join with others as they are who they are, standing in their own Truths.
And let your Truths unite you because ultimately you all have One common Truth and that is Love.
And from that Love and that Truth will come Peace.
From that Truth, that Love, that Peace will come Abundance for all.
It will bring about your Oneness, and only in your Oneness will you survive that which is to come. You are at a time when your Truth is what is going to save you from that which can tear you apart. You live in times of change and challenge on many, many levels. How do you make it through these turbulent times? There is war in your world. There is war that you see and war that you do not see. There are illnesses, diseases, poverty, hatred, crime. The list could go on and on.
How do you negotiate Life
through these times, through these changes, and these challenges?
If you listen to your news or read your newspapers or however you find out about the world around you, you will see that from day to day, and sometimes from moment to moment, times are changing, the moment is changing. There is violence here and hunger there and disease someplace else and death and destruction all around you.
How do you negotiate your way through these times? And I say to you that the way you negotiate is through your Truth, and you must come into alignment with your own Truth. And you must allow it to guide you. Listen to your Heart and not your mind. Allow it to guide you through these times, and so it shall.
Allow yourself to connect with others who are also being guided by their Hearts and their Truths, for again, you will find that common Truth which is Love. And it will lead you to Peace, and that will lead you to Abundance and Oneness. Equality for all. And remember, your Truth does not pertain only to your species. The Truth of the matter is that all beings of Life are One. All beings of Life and none are better than another. You live in a Circle of Life, and in a Circle of Life, there is no hierarchy. There is no one species at the top and little species at the bottom, there is no one that is more important than the other. You know, the stone beneath your foot is just as important as the bird in your hand, who is just as important as you are, or any other being of Life. You are all equal, and you must come into alignment with this Truth now, at this time, if you are to make it through the challenges that face you in your world at this time.
Many of you have been lost. You have uttered your prayers. You have meditated. You have pled. You have wept. And all of these things have been heard. And yet, how can we reach to you when you will not reach within your own self? It has been spoken that Divine Intervention, given by Creator of All, is always given by the requester. And what does this mean? It means the changes must begin within your own Heart. Your own mind. You must train your minds to follow your Hearts.
I believe when you think about my words, each and every One of you, you will see this Truth that I speak to you, for I shall speak no other.
There are times when my Heart weeps for the lack of Truth that I see present in your world.
I see so much suffering. I see death. I see destruction. And yet I see glimmers of hope here and there – people trying, people wanting and waiting to reach out to help others. To find their Truths, to live in Love and Peace and Harmony, to have Abundance for all. And yet I see that shadowed by those who would continue to live in a lack of Truth, for it feeds their greed, and their need for power, and so on and so on. And yet it all boils down to something as simple as a choice. You make your choice. Allow the Universe to support you.
There are many of us in the angelic realms who are here to support the choice of every being who chooses to live in Light, to live in Truth, to live in Peace, to live in Love, and Oneness, and so on. And yet, how can we support you if you do not ask for it? And if you ask for it, you must be willing to accept it. And to accept it, you must make changes, and that means coming into your own Truth, and you must begin with your own Heart.
And so I say to you, hear my words. I have heard yours. Hear mine. Let us be strong together in Truth. And let us live well together, in Oneness and Abundance, and in Peace.
That is all for this time. I thank you for hearing my Truth. Let it be yours as well.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
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