Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Channeling Transcripts
Brother Helios (Father Sun) on Gaea, Gratitude,
Energy, and Peace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes then, it is I, Father Sun, Brother Helios, whichever you prefer to address me as.
I would speak to you about the gifts of energy. I would also speak to you about your Earth Mother, Sister Gaea, and many other things.
But first, let us speak of that which is given to you daily – the gifts from me, the gift of energy, the gift of light. You might say it is a part of Illumination in some ways. You might say it is a gift of Love. You might say it is Empowerment, or Truth. You could label it anything you want, and it is all of these gifts and more.
But, I will say to you this. Every day I give to you that which you need to nurture your beings, in concert with Sister Gaea, your Earth Mother. Every day I provide for you.
And, every day I am ignored by many.
Some of you accept what I give – Freely. I give it Freely. You accept it Freely. And I am deeply pleased and honored that you do so. And I ask that you continue for I shall continue. And, I will give throughout your lifetime and many lifetimes beyond.
But, I wonder why so many do not take what I Freely give. Why do you not accept it?
There is a difference truly, between accepting and taking. You see, you must never take that which is not Freely given. But, you should always accept that which is Freely given if it is given to you in Love and for your benefit.
Every day I give you light
to help crops grow, to help plants live, to feed them, to feed you. You need my light, too.
I keep you warm.
I give you the gift of Sight, for without my light, you would be in total darkness. And you would see nothing.
There are many ways in which one can give, and there are many ways in which one can accept or receive. And, so I ask you, what did you accept from me today?
Think about that for a moment.
Did you even acknowledge that I gave you anything?
You see, you move into a time of Peace. You move into a time of Grace, and a state of Grace, and so on, and even into Abundance and paradise as has been spoken. But, one of the key, and very important, things to this entire process is learning to properly accept. And, it is not just about having gratitude. Certainly you have gratitude for the things which you acknowledge that you have received, the things that have been given to you.
But what about the things that you don't think about? Things that are your normal course of the day? Do you ever feel gratitude for the fact that I give you light every day? Warmth? The ability for plants to grow so that they may produce food for you?
What about other things in your Life? Do you ever give gratitude for the air you breathe?
The water you drink?
Certainly some of you express gratitude
for the food that you eat.
But, how many of you stop and think about being grateful for the clothes on your backs,
the roof over your head,
the fact that you live in a place – no matter where it is on the Earth - that allows you to be alive?
These things do not have to be in place, you know. There are many other planets, as you refer to them, where you could be housed that do not accommodate Life nearly so well as your Earth Mother. And yet, you take her for granted. How many of you give gratitude to her? How many of you express your gratitude to your Earth Mother every day? And, what do you express it for?
Some people get very much caught up in the idea of expressing thanks for this and thanks for that and they get so caught up in the ritual of it that they forget what they are really giving thanks for.
And, I say to you this is what you might call a “fatal error”.
You must always be grateful. And likewise you must always be grateful for things that you do not necessarily think about. As I said, the air you breathe, the water you drink, the light that I provide to you and so on. So think about things in your Life – the furniture that you sit on. Are you grateful for that?
What about your shoes?
What are they made of?
Are they made of leather?
What is that leather?
That leather is skin. It came from a living creature. What happened to that creature that it no longer needs it skin?
Think about that. Is that Peaceful?
Did you express gratitude?
Did you ask for Forgiveness
from whatever creature died and gave up its skin that you are now wearing on your foot, or on your back in the way of clothing, or the purse in your hand, or the wallet in your pocket?
How about the belt around your waist?
The list could go on and on.
Stop and look around your environment that you call home. Look at your person. Look around you. What do you see that you have not been grateful for? For everything that is there to Support your Life you should be grateful for. It is not just the food. It is not just the house. It is not just having enough money to pay the bills and so on.
Everything. You are all connected. The being that died to give you the shoe on your foot is now a part of you. Are you grateful?
Do you feel remorse for what might have happened to that creature in its death that its skin might be taken to provide leather for your foot in the form of a shoe or a boot?
Your world is very much out of Balance, and part of it has to do with ego. There are too many egos that are too large in your world. There are too many who are self-centered. There are too many
who are focused only on what they can take from Life. “Life is here. Reach out and grab it.” seems to be a common sentiment. “Make the most of Life.” “Take what you can and build upon it.” “Succeed in Life.” And this is all Illusion of the worst form.
You should never take that which is not Freely given.
And what is Freely given, you should always be grateful for, and accept it with Love, for it is given in Love. And, this is how you experience true Abundance. This has already been spoken to you.
Now, let us speak for a moment on another topic.
As we speak of taking and accepting,
where do you get your energy to stay warm, to provide you with light to run your vehicles, and your computers, and your households, and so on, and so on?
Where does your energy come from?
Are you taking to get your energy?
You see, when you take and do not accept, that is a form of violence.
That is not Peaceful.
So, when your energy comes from some means which has included taking, it is an act of violence. And, if you participate in that, then you are participating in that very act of violence.
So you see, it makes no sense to take what some people term as “yesterday's light” in the form of oil, gas, coal, and so on when every day I give you “today's light”, “today's energy”. I give you more than enough energy every single day to power anything you wish to power. And, yes, this technology has long been around that could be used and it has been suppressed.
So, I ask you, each and every one of you, as choices have been spoken of, you must choose to walk the path of Peace. And, I say to you this. Are you going to choose to walk the path of Peace when it comes to your energy requirements and uses? Or, will you continue to walk a path that includes violence because the energy was taken, forced from the Earth?
These things are no longer yours to use. They were given. What was needed was used, and what was left over was given to Mother Earth. These are her things.
You are stealing from her. You are robbing her.
Some people term it raping and pillaging. And, those terms could be appropriate, so on her behalf, I ask you to stop this immediately.
This is a wrong you are doing to her. If you would walk the path of Peace, you must cease this immediately.
And, I know there are many of you who would come back and say, “I can't just give up my car. I have nothing else to use.” And, I say to you this. There is something else you could use. It's available to you. Make the change.
Why do you put it off?
Ah! Some of you will come back and say it's a money issue.
And, I say to you money is an Illusion. If you wish to let money ruin your Life, and run your Life, then so be it.
But, these things are available for you to use. They may not be necessarily convenient. They may not be easy, as has already been spoken. Sometimes choosing the correct path in Life, the path of Peace, is not always the easiest road. And, it will not ever be easy if you don't start traversing it. And it takes all of you. Each and every one of you must make these choices. And, as you do, you Support each other and then the road becomes more easily traveled.
So, where does your energy come from?
What will you do about it?
Continue to steal from the Earth? Or, will you take what I am Freely giving to you every day?
Now let us speak about energy in a different light.
There are those who like to use energy for wrongful purposes – purposes of hurt and harm, intentional Life taking. And I say to you that this, too, must cease immediately.
It would seem that very few of you Understand that you are at a crossroads, you might say, in your evolution as a species. You are at a crossroads in your evolution as a part of the Universe of Universes. And, you are at a crossroads in your survival on the Earth.
If you persist in following the old ways, you are going to kill each other.
It's not a time to mince words anymore.
Bluntness is called for so that each of you Understands fully and completely what is happening around you.
You must Understand that you must make choices. And, yes, it may seem like a choice is a very small thing and very insignificant. But, I say to right now that each and every choice adds up. Just like each snowflake adds up to the snowball, and the snowball can them become part of a
greater fall of snow eventually becoming an avalanche. And, it changes the atmosphere. It changes the environment. It builds momentum. The form changes. And, something new is created.
And, that is how you must build your new world.
You must change the world
by your choice.
And each and every one of you can change your world by your choice. And, you must do so because too many choices have been made that have caused too much damage in your world. As you heard Mother Earth speak, she is sick. She is hurt. And, on her behalf, I say to you (that) you must stop the damage that you are doing to her.
If you do not,
if you do not,
you are walking down a very perilous path that may have dire consequences for all who live within her realm. You may all perish.
There is a new place there that is waiting for you that she has created for those who would walk the path of Peace. But, you see, she is at this time in her evolution, this place in her evolution, this space within her being, that it is time for her to make changes, too. And, as she said, those who are in alignment with her changes will fare well. Those who are not in alignment with her changes will not.
So, if you wish to make it through the changes that are coming, if you wish to stop your world from its downward spiral into nothingness, then you must align with her. You must choose the path of Peace. And, in so doing, one of the first steps that you must learn is to accept what is Freely given and do not take that which is not yours.
You must let go of these ego trips, you might say, that cause you to feel that you are at the top of all chains of Life. You are not the most important cat on the block, so to speak.
We are all One. This has been spoken throughout these Season of Peace messages. We are all One. We are all equal. None is more important than the other.
You must think of these things.
You must change your attitudes.
You must change the way you live.
And it need not be difficult. We are all here to Support you. The changes should be easy.
It is sad that they must take place, for the wrong choices should have never been made to begin with. But they were. You live in a dimension of duality.
You have that choice to make. Unfortunately, at this time, many of you must live with the ramifications of those choices, and that is what you are seeing happening in the world today. You see violence. You see hatred. You see greed. You see much chaos. You see illness, disease. You see a great deal of death and destruction, and it will continue to spiral downward and get far worse than it is now if many of you do not come together, right now, and change your ways.
It is time to make a change.
And now is the time to do it.
Not next week, not next year. This isn't a New Year's resolution.
Right here, right now,
every moment.
Every day.
You must follow through with your changes.
Do not fall back into complacency.
This is no time for you to sit by and be an observer in Life. Whether you like it or not, you are a participant.
Whether you mean to or not, you are making choices, as has been spoken. You either make your choices consciously and with a purpose, or you make them by default.
So would you choose to continue on a path of non-Peace, or shall we say, violence,
and Illusion, simply by default? Or will you step up to the plate and be the person that you that are meant to be. Fulfill your purpose. Stand in your Truth. And walk the path of Peace and live.
There is much Life to be lived. And it is time to put aside the Illusions of power and greed and money, and so on, and start sharing with each other, with the things that each and every one of you wants the most, Love, and Joy, Abundance, Peacefulness, even adventure. It's a form of Joy.
None of you wants war. Unless you are one who gains through greed and power. But each of you can make that choice. How many of you in the world choose war?
Think about that for a moment. Raise your hand in the air. Do you choose war?
If you do, stop listening to me.
If you do not, let us continue on then. Make your choice right here, right now. Say it out loud:
'I choose Peace.
I intend to live my Life in a Peaceful fashion.
I intend to live my Life in a Peaceful place.
And I intend to Support my Earth Mother in her time of Peace, for it is also my time of Peace.'
I challenge each and every one of you to say these words, right at this moment.
I also challenge you to accept what I Freely give to you every day. I give you light. I give you Love. I give you warmth. And so on and so on. And I ask you, what do you give to me? I give to you every day. What do you give to me?
Many of you do not even acknowledge I exist. You simply take my light for granted.
All I would ever ask in return is you Love me, and accept what I give, and perhaps even be grateful for it, for that is the proper thing to do.
So think about my words. And know that I always will Support you.
But also know this. I Support Mother Earth. And her Support is greater than yours, simply because she is bigger than you. So when her time for changes come, I will Support her. And I hope that you are in alignment with her so I am also Supporting you. For those who choose to not be in alignment with Peace are swimming backwards against the flow of Life. And you will not get very far swimming backwards against such a mighty flow, for it is the flow of Love from the Creator herself.
So hear my words and make your choices. And always be grateful in your acceptance of what is Freely given. And never take that which is not yours.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
I would speak to you about the gifts of energy. I would also speak to you about your Earth Mother, Sister Gaea, and many other things.
But first, let us speak of that which is given to you daily – the gifts from me, the gift of energy, the gift of light. You might say it is a part of Illumination in some ways. You might say it is a gift of Love. You might say it is Empowerment, or Truth. You could label it anything you want, and it is all of these gifts and more.
But, I will say to you this. Every day I give to you that which you need to nurture your beings, in concert with Sister Gaea, your Earth Mother. Every day I provide for you.
And, every day I am ignored by many.
Some of you accept what I give – Freely. I give it Freely. You accept it Freely. And I am deeply pleased and honored that you do so. And I ask that you continue for I shall continue. And, I will give throughout your lifetime and many lifetimes beyond.
But, I wonder why so many do not take what I Freely give. Why do you not accept it?
There is a difference truly, between accepting and taking. You see, you must never take that which is not Freely given. But, you should always accept that which is Freely given if it is given to you in Love and for your benefit.
Every day I give you light
to help crops grow, to help plants live, to feed them, to feed you. You need my light, too.
I keep you warm.
I give you the gift of Sight, for without my light, you would be in total darkness. And you would see nothing.
There are many ways in which one can give, and there are many ways in which one can accept or receive. And, so I ask you, what did you accept from me today?
Think about that for a moment.
Did you even acknowledge that I gave you anything?
You see, you move into a time of Peace. You move into a time of Grace, and a state of Grace, and so on, and even into Abundance and paradise as has been spoken. But, one of the key, and very important, things to this entire process is learning to properly accept. And, it is not just about having gratitude. Certainly you have gratitude for the things which you acknowledge that you have received, the things that have been given to you.
But what about the things that you don't think about? Things that are your normal course of the day? Do you ever feel gratitude for the fact that I give you light every day? Warmth? The ability for plants to grow so that they may produce food for you?
What about other things in your Life? Do you ever give gratitude for the air you breathe?
The water you drink?
Certainly some of you express gratitude
for the food that you eat.
But, how many of you stop and think about being grateful for the clothes on your backs,
the roof over your head,
the fact that you live in a place – no matter where it is on the Earth - that allows you to be alive?
These things do not have to be in place, you know. There are many other planets, as you refer to them, where you could be housed that do not accommodate Life nearly so well as your Earth Mother. And yet, you take her for granted. How many of you give gratitude to her? How many of you express your gratitude to your Earth Mother every day? And, what do you express it for?
Some people get very much caught up in the idea of expressing thanks for this and thanks for that and they get so caught up in the ritual of it that they forget what they are really giving thanks for.
And, I say to you this is what you might call a “fatal error”.
You must always be grateful. And likewise you must always be grateful for things that you do not necessarily think about. As I said, the air you breathe, the water you drink, the light that I provide to you and so on. So think about things in your Life – the furniture that you sit on. Are you grateful for that?
What about your shoes?
What are they made of?
Are they made of leather?
What is that leather?
That leather is skin. It came from a living creature. What happened to that creature that it no longer needs it skin?
Think about that. Is that Peaceful?
Did you express gratitude?
Did you ask for Forgiveness
from whatever creature died and gave up its skin that you are now wearing on your foot, or on your back in the way of clothing, or the purse in your hand, or the wallet in your pocket?
How about the belt around your waist?
The list could go on and on.
Stop and look around your environment that you call home. Look at your person. Look around you. What do you see that you have not been grateful for? For everything that is there to Support your Life you should be grateful for. It is not just the food. It is not just the house. It is not just having enough money to pay the bills and so on.
Everything. You are all connected. The being that died to give you the shoe on your foot is now a part of you. Are you grateful?
Do you feel remorse for what might have happened to that creature in its death that its skin might be taken to provide leather for your foot in the form of a shoe or a boot?
Your world is very much out of Balance, and part of it has to do with ego. There are too many egos that are too large in your world. There are too many who are self-centered. There are too many
who are focused only on what they can take from Life. “Life is here. Reach out and grab it.” seems to be a common sentiment. “Make the most of Life.” “Take what you can and build upon it.” “Succeed in Life.” And this is all Illusion of the worst form.
You should never take that which is not Freely given.
And what is Freely given, you should always be grateful for, and accept it with Love, for it is given in Love. And, this is how you experience true Abundance. This has already been spoken to you.
Now, let us speak for a moment on another topic.
As we speak of taking and accepting,
where do you get your energy to stay warm, to provide you with light to run your vehicles, and your computers, and your households, and so on, and so on?
Where does your energy come from?
Are you taking to get your energy?
You see, when you take and do not accept, that is a form of violence.
That is not Peaceful.
So, when your energy comes from some means which has included taking, it is an act of violence. And, if you participate in that, then you are participating in that very act of violence.
So you see, it makes no sense to take what some people term as “yesterday's light” in the form of oil, gas, coal, and so on when every day I give you “today's light”, “today's energy”. I give you more than enough energy every single day to power anything you wish to power. And, yes, this technology has long been around that could be used and it has been suppressed.
So, I ask you, each and every one of you, as choices have been spoken of, you must choose to walk the path of Peace. And, I say to you this. Are you going to choose to walk the path of Peace when it comes to your energy requirements and uses? Or, will you continue to walk a path that includes violence because the energy was taken, forced from the Earth?
These things are no longer yours to use. They were given. What was needed was used, and what was left over was given to Mother Earth. These are her things.
You are stealing from her. You are robbing her.
Some people term it raping and pillaging. And, those terms could be appropriate, so on her behalf, I ask you to stop this immediately.
This is a wrong you are doing to her. If you would walk the path of Peace, you must cease this immediately.
And, I know there are many of you who would come back and say, “I can't just give up my car. I have nothing else to use.” And, I say to you this. There is something else you could use. It's available to you. Make the change.
Why do you put it off?
Ah! Some of you will come back and say it's a money issue.
And, I say to you money is an Illusion. If you wish to let money ruin your Life, and run your Life, then so be it.
But, these things are available for you to use. They may not be necessarily convenient. They may not be easy, as has already been spoken. Sometimes choosing the correct path in Life, the path of Peace, is not always the easiest road. And, it will not ever be easy if you don't start traversing it. And it takes all of you. Each and every one of you must make these choices. And, as you do, you Support each other and then the road becomes more easily traveled.
So, where does your energy come from?
What will you do about it?
Continue to steal from the Earth? Or, will you take what I am Freely giving to you every day?
Now let us speak about energy in a different light.
There are those who like to use energy for wrongful purposes – purposes of hurt and harm, intentional Life taking. And I say to you that this, too, must cease immediately.
It would seem that very few of you Understand that you are at a crossroads, you might say, in your evolution as a species. You are at a crossroads in your evolution as a part of the Universe of Universes. And, you are at a crossroads in your survival on the Earth.
If you persist in following the old ways, you are going to kill each other.
It's not a time to mince words anymore.
Bluntness is called for so that each of you Understands fully and completely what is happening around you.
You must Understand that you must make choices. And, yes, it may seem like a choice is a very small thing and very insignificant. But, I say to right now that each and every choice adds up. Just like each snowflake adds up to the snowball, and the snowball can them become part of a
greater fall of snow eventually becoming an avalanche. And, it changes the atmosphere. It changes the environment. It builds momentum. The form changes. And, something new is created.
And, that is how you must build your new world.
You must change the world
by your choice.
And each and every one of you can change your world by your choice. And, you must do so because too many choices have been made that have caused too much damage in your world. As you heard Mother Earth speak, she is sick. She is hurt. And, on her behalf, I say to you (that) you must stop the damage that you are doing to her.
If you do not,
if you do not,
you are walking down a very perilous path that may have dire consequences for all who live within her realm. You may all perish.
There is a new place there that is waiting for you that she has created for those who would walk the path of Peace. But, you see, she is at this time in her evolution, this place in her evolution, this space within her being, that it is time for her to make changes, too. And, as she said, those who are in alignment with her changes will fare well. Those who are not in alignment with her changes will not.
So, if you wish to make it through the changes that are coming, if you wish to stop your world from its downward spiral into nothingness, then you must align with her. You must choose the path of Peace. And, in so doing, one of the first steps that you must learn is to accept what is Freely given and do not take that which is not yours.
You must let go of these ego trips, you might say, that cause you to feel that you are at the top of all chains of Life. You are not the most important cat on the block, so to speak.
We are all One. This has been spoken throughout these Season of Peace messages. We are all One. We are all equal. None is more important than the other.
You must think of these things.
You must change your attitudes.
You must change the way you live.
And it need not be difficult. We are all here to Support you. The changes should be easy.
It is sad that they must take place, for the wrong choices should have never been made to begin with. But they were. You live in a dimension of duality.
You have that choice to make. Unfortunately, at this time, many of you must live with the ramifications of those choices, and that is what you are seeing happening in the world today. You see violence. You see hatred. You see greed. You see much chaos. You see illness, disease. You see a great deal of death and destruction, and it will continue to spiral downward and get far worse than it is now if many of you do not come together, right now, and change your ways.
It is time to make a change.
And now is the time to do it.
Not next week, not next year. This isn't a New Year's resolution.
Right here, right now,
every moment.
Every day.
You must follow through with your changes.
Do not fall back into complacency.
This is no time for you to sit by and be an observer in Life. Whether you like it or not, you are a participant.
Whether you mean to or not, you are making choices, as has been spoken. You either make your choices consciously and with a purpose, or you make them by default.
So would you choose to continue on a path of non-Peace, or shall we say, violence,
and Illusion, simply by default? Or will you step up to the plate and be the person that you that are meant to be. Fulfill your purpose. Stand in your Truth. And walk the path of Peace and live.
There is much Life to be lived. And it is time to put aside the Illusions of power and greed and money, and so on, and start sharing with each other, with the things that each and every one of you wants the most, Love, and Joy, Abundance, Peacefulness, even adventure. It's a form of Joy.
None of you wants war. Unless you are one who gains through greed and power. But each of you can make that choice. How many of you in the world choose war?
Think about that for a moment. Raise your hand in the air. Do you choose war?
If you do, stop listening to me.
If you do not, let us continue on then. Make your choice right here, right now. Say it out loud:
'I choose Peace.
I intend to live my Life in a Peaceful fashion.
I intend to live my Life in a Peaceful place.
And I intend to Support my Earth Mother in her time of Peace, for it is also my time of Peace.'
I challenge each and every one of you to say these words, right at this moment.
I also challenge you to accept what I Freely give to you every day. I give you light. I give you Love. I give you warmth. And so on and so on. And I ask you, what do you give to me? I give to you every day. What do you give to me?
Many of you do not even acknowledge I exist. You simply take my light for granted.
All I would ever ask in return is you Love me, and accept what I give, and perhaps even be grateful for it, for that is the proper thing to do.
So think about my words. And know that I always will Support you.
But also know this. I Support Mother Earth. And her Support is greater than yours, simply because she is bigger than you. So when her time for changes come, I will Support her. And I hope that you are in alignment with her so I am also Supporting you. For those who choose to not be in alignment with Peace are swimming backwards against the flow of Life. And you will not get very far swimming backwards against such a mighty flow, for it is the flow of Love from the Creator herself.
So hear my words and make your choices. And always be grateful in your acceptance of what is Freely given. And never take that which is not yours.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.