Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Channeling Transcripts
Archangel Gabriel on the Gift of Freedom
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then it is I, the Archangel Gabriel, and I would speak to you at this time about the gift of Freedom.
As you may well have noticed, at this time, if you have listened to other messages during this Season of Peace celebration, we are speaking about the idea of Peace, a time of Peace, and era of Peace, and so on. And you all know me as the Archangel of Peace. And I am also Archangel of Freedom, one of them, anyway.
How does Freedom tie to Peace? And I say to you this. You will never, ever know true Freedom unless you know your Peace.
You will never know Freedom unless you know your Truth, your Rebirth, your Illumination, Understanding, and so on. All of the gifts that have been spoken of so far are quite necessary if you ever are to know true Freedom. And what is Freedom?
And I say Freedom is living in Illumination completely. It is putting aside the shackles of Illusion,
for Illusion holds you back from that which you truly are. Each of you, in your own right, is brilliant beyond words. And I do not mean smart, I mean in the form of Light. You are a brilliant Light, for you are a part of our Creator, our Universe, the Great Mother herself. You are a part of her.
You are brilliant. Your Light is so bright it would blind you if you could see it. And yet it is hidden away through the shadows of Illusion.
You must find your courage within to live according to your passions and your Truths, and allow your Light to come out. And as you do, you will find your Freedom.
You will experience your Freedom, you will share it. And you will share the gift of Freedom with other peoples in such a way that those peoples throughout the Universe of Universes will also find their Freedom. It is like one candle Lighting the next, that Lights the next, that Lights the next, and so on. And soon, the entire Universe of Universes shall be illumined
in Freedom,
in Peace.
Think of this for a moment. It seems like a very grand idea, very lofty and difficult to reach, perhaps. Perhaps even impossible, some of you might say. And I say it is not impossible. It is quite probable, in fact,
if you will only have the courage to stand in your Truth and grasp the Freedom that has already been given to you.
You were Free from the moment you were born. And before. You were Free from the moment you were created. No one gave you Illusion. No one gave you shackles and bondage. You have allowed that yourself.
Now many of you will balk at that idea, and say, “I did not choose this. I did not agree to this.” And I say you do. You have. And the reason why you have is not because you intended to. You are not stupid people. You are not ignorant. But what you do not realize is by not making choices that enforce your Freedom, that embrace your Freedom, you are, by default, choosing to not have Freedom.
You must live according to you passions inside, your Truths. These things give you Freedom, your greatest Joys. That is Freedom. When you stand in your Truth, when you live by that cornerstone of Life, then you see your Freedom. And you inspire others to do the same. Perhaps you Empower others to do the same.
You must be brave enough to take the first step. Look inside first and see who you are. You cannot be Free if you do not know who you are.
What if your name is truly Jo, and someone says your name is Carrie. And all your Life, you live by Carrie, and then you find out that your name was really Jo.
It would make no difference, it's a label. But my point is this. If you live by what other people tell you, if you let other people define who you are, how you are, why you are here, what you do in Life, then you will never know your own Truth. And you will never be Free. You will never know your own Freedom. And each of you has Freedom in a different way. Freedom is not a one size fits all.
We don't cookie cut Freedom in the heavens somewhere and pass them out like dollar bills. Each and every one of you has a different version of Freedom, because it is specific to you. Now, in order to be Free, you must not only live according to your Truths, but you must also clean up your past. Because, you see, your past will follow you.
And this is a very, very complicated concept. It is not cut and dry, as many people think that it is. And I speak partially of Karma. I also speak of Life lessons. Sometimes they are one and the same, and sometimes they are not. You must clean up your wrongs from this Lifetime and all the other Lifetimes that you have. You must complete your Life lessons, those that you are learning in this Lifetime, as well as those from other Lifetimes. This is all part of you Rebirth process, but it is also part of your Freedom. For you see, you cannot be truly Free as long as you have that shadow of Illusion still hanging onto you.
And it will.
There are beings that are present in the world,
in any world, and some people refer to them as negative entities. And these negative entities are no longer in body.
They are discarnate,
most of those, at least who I am speaking of at the moment. And sometimes, they have such a fearsome form,
for example, they may take the form of a dragon or a serpent or some other evil being that you would look at and call it evil, or at least wonder if it were. And I'm not saying dragons are evil. Nor serpents either.
What I am saying is once you start removing all the negative energy, all the shadows of Illusion from these beings, you find a person inside. You find a being of Life in its original form. And what I am telling you now is if you live your Life shadowed by Illusions, you will never know who you are, you will never experience your own Rebirth, and you will never find your own Freedom. How can you spread your wings and fly in Freedom if your wings are weighted down by old faulty ideas, by hurt and harm that you have perpetrated against another, or kept for your own in the ways of guilt, or anger, or blame? You must put aside all these things that are of Illusion. Let them all go. Live your Life. And state your being. Live in your Truth, in Illumination. And when you do, your wings can spread and fly Free as you have never experienced Freedom before.
This is a part of your greatest Joy.
This is a part of your sense of Grace.
To be completely Free.
Imagine that feeling.
It is within you.
Reach inside and feel it right now.
Feel that sense of Freedom inside your Heart.
And hold onto it.
Nurture it.
Live your Life according to that Freedom. Help it grow. In so doing, you help yourself to grow. You experience your Rebirth. You find your Joys. And so on.
Do not hold back. Never hold back with a passion. But remember, your passion must always, always be Loving. It must be kind. It must be unconditionally accepting of others, unconditionally Loving for others, unconditionally Forgiving for others. And ultimately, Joyous is what it will be for you and those with whom you share it.
So do not hold back when it comes to your Freedoms.
Look inside and find them. Think about the things, your inner passions, your inner Truths, that help you feel Free.
And hold onto those and live by them.
Freedom is synonymous with Truth, and with Peace, and Love, for you cannot have one without the other. They are all connected. Just as you are all connected. It is all part of the great Circle of Life.
I leave you with these thoughts at this time. And I leave you with that spark of Freedom within. Hold onto it. Let yourselves fly Free.
That is all for this time.”
As you may well have noticed, at this time, if you have listened to other messages during this Season of Peace celebration, we are speaking about the idea of Peace, a time of Peace, and era of Peace, and so on. And you all know me as the Archangel of Peace. And I am also Archangel of Freedom, one of them, anyway.
How does Freedom tie to Peace? And I say to you this. You will never, ever know true Freedom unless you know your Peace.
You will never know Freedom unless you know your Truth, your Rebirth, your Illumination, Understanding, and so on. All of the gifts that have been spoken of so far are quite necessary if you ever are to know true Freedom. And what is Freedom?
And I say Freedom is living in Illumination completely. It is putting aside the shackles of Illusion,
for Illusion holds you back from that which you truly are. Each of you, in your own right, is brilliant beyond words. And I do not mean smart, I mean in the form of Light. You are a brilliant Light, for you are a part of our Creator, our Universe, the Great Mother herself. You are a part of her.
You are brilliant. Your Light is so bright it would blind you if you could see it. And yet it is hidden away through the shadows of Illusion.
You must find your courage within to live according to your passions and your Truths, and allow your Light to come out. And as you do, you will find your Freedom.
You will experience your Freedom, you will share it. And you will share the gift of Freedom with other peoples in such a way that those peoples throughout the Universe of Universes will also find their Freedom. It is like one candle Lighting the next, that Lights the next, that Lights the next, and so on. And soon, the entire Universe of Universes shall be illumined
in Freedom,
in Peace.
Think of this for a moment. It seems like a very grand idea, very lofty and difficult to reach, perhaps. Perhaps even impossible, some of you might say. And I say it is not impossible. It is quite probable, in fact,
if you will only have the courage to stand in your Truth and grasp the Freedom that has already been given to you.
You were Free from the moment you were born. And before. You were Free from the moment you were created. No one gave you Illusion. No one gave you shackles and bondage. You have allowed that yourself.
Now many of you will balk at that idea, and say, “I did not choose this. I did not agree to this.” And I say you do. You have. And the reason why you have is not because you intended to. You are not stupid people. You are not ignorant. But what you do not realize is by not making choices that enforce your Freedom, that embrace your Freedom, you are, by default, choosing to not have Freedom.
You must live according to you passions inside, your Truths. These things give you Freedom, your greatest Joys. That is Freedom. When you stand in your Truth, when you live by that cornerstone of Life, then you see your Freedom. And you inspire others to do the same. Perhaps you Empower others to do the same.
You must be brave enough to take the first step. Look inside first and see who you are. You cannot be Free if you do not know who you are.
What if your name is truly Jo, and someone says your name is Carrie. And all your Life, you live by Carrie, and then you find out that your name was really Jo.
It would make no difference, it's a label. But my point is this. If you live by what other people tell you, if you let other people define who you are, how you are, why you are here, what you do in Life, then you will never know your own Truth. And you will never be Free. You will never know your own Freedom. And each of you has Freedom in a different way. Freedom is not a one size fits all.
We don't cookie cut Freedom in the heavens somewhere and pass them out like dollar bills. Each and every one of you has a different version of Freedom, because it is specific to you. Now, in order to be Free, you must not only live according to your Truths, but you must also clean up your past. Because, you see, your past will follow you.
And this is a very, very complicated concept. It is not cut and dry, as many people think that it is. And I speak partially of Karma. I also speak of Life lessons. Sometimes they are one and the same, and sometimes they are not. You must clean up your wrongs from this Lifetime and all the other Lifetimes that you have. You must complete your Life lessons, those that you are learning in this Lifetime, as well as those from other Lifetimes. This is all part of you Rebirth process, but it is also part of your Freedom. For you see, you cannot be truly Free as long as you have that shadow of Illusion still hanging onto you.
And it will.
There are beings that are present in the world,
in any world, and some people refer to them as negative entities. And these negative entities are no longer in body.
They are discarnate,
most of those, at least who I am speaking of at the moment. And sometimes, they have such a fearsome form,
for example, they may take the form of a dragon or a serpent or some other evil being that you would look at and call it evil, or at least wonder if it were. And I'm not saying dragons are evil. Nor serpents either.
What I am saying is once you start removing all the negative energy, all the shadows of Illusion from these beings, you find a person inside. You find a being of Life in its original form. And what I am telling you now is if you live your Life shadowed by Illusions, you will never know who you are, you will never experience your own Rebirth, and you will never find your own Freedom. How can you spread your wings and fly in Freedom if your wings are weighted down by old faulty ideas, by hurt and harm that you have perpetrated against another, or kept for your own in the ways of guilt, or anger, or blame? You must put aside all these things that are of Illusion. Let them all go. Live your Life. And state your being. Live in your Truth, in Illumination. And when you do, your wings can spread and fly Free as you have never experienced Freedom before.
This is a part of your greatest Joy.
This is a part of your sense of Grace.
To be completely Free.
Imagine that feeling.
It is within you.
Reach inside and feel it right now.
Feel that sense of Freedom inside your Heart.
And hold onto it.
Nurture it.
Live your Life according to that Freedom. Help it grow. In so doing, you help yourself to grow. You experience your Rebirth. You find your Joys. And so on.
Do not hold back. Never hold back with a passion. But remember, your passion must always, always be Loving. It must be kind. It must be unconditionally accepting of others, unconditionally Loving for others, unconditionally Forgiving for others. And ultimately, Joyous is what it will be for you and those with whom you share it.
So do not hold back when it comes to your Freedoms.
Look inside and find them. Think about the things, your inner passions, your inner Truths, that help you feel Free.
And hold onto those and live by them.
Freedom is synonymous with Truth, and with Peace, and Love, for you cannot have one without the other. They are all connected. Just as you are all connected. It is all part of the great Circle of Life.
I leave you with these thoughts at this time. And I leave you with that spark of Freedom within. Hold onto it. Let yourselves fly Free.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.