Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Channeling Transcripts
Archangel Gabriel on the Gift of Peace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
"Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Gabriel, and I come to you at this time to speak about the gift of Peace, as we begin once again a new celebration of the Season of Peace, a Time of Peace, an era of Peace. And yet you live in a time of change and of challenge.
What goes before you? Do you see Peace?
No. Your world sees the opposite of Peace.
You see the Illusion of Peace. And you ask why is this so, for so many of you have prayed for Peace. You have asked for Peace. You have dedicated yourselves unto Peace, and yet you do not see this in your world. And, you wonder why.
And I say to you the reason why is because you are being shown where your world is out of Balance.
You see, when you think of Peace, you cannot think of the absence of violence. You must think in terms of Peace and not its opposite. It is true that violence is the opposite of Peace, but there are many ways in which your world is non-Peaceful – from your food and your water to the wars that you wage.
Just to give a few examples: The way you live your Life. The way you treat each other. The way you treat yourselves. The way you treat your family, your parents, your children, your siblings, and so on, your neighbors.
But, let us take this a little bit further. What if we are not speaking about simply Peace in terms of the human population?
How are you treating your planet? How do you treat the neighbor's dog? How do you treat the cat up the street? What about the blades of grass that grow on the ground and the trees that provide you with oxygen?
Peace is a multifaceted concept. It is not just about a lack of violence. What about a state of non-Peace when you look at a person who is homeless? This is also the opposite of Peace.
And so when you ask yourself, “Why is it that I pray for Peace, and yet I do not see it?”, you are being shown exactly where your world is out of Balance with the Harmony and gift of Peace. Where is the energy of Peace lacking? And, it is lacking in many, many aspects.
Peace is not something you can just pay “lip service” to, as the saying goes. You must walk the walk instead of just talking the talk. And, it is a good place to start to pray for Peace, but you must allow Peace to come to you. Let it make your changes in your Life.
Look around your own Life, your own environment. Where are you out of Balance with Peace? Where? Look at the things that do not Harmonize with the gift of Peace.
What is Peace? It is unconditional Love. That is what Peace is. When you Love everything around you unconditionally, you are completely at Peace with your world.
Do you Love your car? Is it Peaceful? Does it cause harm? If any aspect of your Life, any Support of your Life, any interaction of your Life causes hurt or harm on any level it is not Peaceful.
And that is what you are seeing in your world this day. And, this is the reason why you are seeing it. You are being shown the Illusion of Peace.
You must find the Illumination of it – the Truth of it. And, what is the Truth of Peace?
It is unconditional Love.
It is Love for all things equally.
You cannot Love your neighbor more than you can Love his dog. You cannot Love the other neighbor more than you can Love her tree. You cannot Love yourself more than you can Love your neighbor, or a foreigner who lives in a far away land.
It is time for the acceptance for the concept of Oneness,
for this also is a Truth of Peace.
You must think about these words.
When you look at your world, you see chaos in many, many respects.
And, the reason why is because you are being shown the Illumination of Truth versus the Illusion of the Truth of Peace.
Think about these things for a moment.
What do you do if you want your world to come into a Peaceful state? If you want the chaos to stop? You must join hands one with another. You must come together in a state of Oneness, in a state of unconditional Love, in a state of unconditional Peace – for all of Life, all beings of Life.
It's not just about war. It's about poverty. It's about energy. It's about food. It's about water. It's about air and soil. It's about the other living creatures with whom you share this Earth, this Life.
You are all connected. It does not matter whether it is a duck in a pond, or a bird flying overhead, or the tiniest ant crawling upon the ground. You are One with them.
These are your brothers and sisters, and until you can come to terms with living with them Peacefully, with unconditional Love, unconditional acceptance of Oneness and equality, you will never know Peace.
This is the way of Peace. This is the Truth of Peace.
And, it is what you must strive for. It is understood at every level that it will take each of you some time to come into alignment with this. But, the more you resist it, the longer it will take.
Do you like the chaos in your world?
It has come down to a choice.
You either live with the chaos and like it, or you make changes.
If you are not willing to make changes, then chaos is the ramification of that choice – a state of non-Peace.
If you wish to have Peace, then you must allow the changes to come. You must flow with them, work with them. They will be easy once you begin, but you must start somewhere.
How will you begin today?
I wish that I could snap the proverbial finger and make everything Peaceful for you, and gentle.
And yet, until you change the way your minds think, and listen to the Truth within your own Hearts, you will not be able to receive that which I can give you.
I can give you Peace.
But, you cannot accept Peace with your minds programmed against it.
As long as your minds are programmed to a hierarchy, to blinders, to conditions – you will accept this, but you will not accept that, you cannot accept the fullness of the gift of Peace. You must let go of the labels, the value system, everything is of equal value.
You have just as much importance in Life as the tree, the frog, the bird in the air, the snake on the ground, the fish in the water. You have as much importance in Life as the air, and the soil, and the water.
Your Earth Mother has cried out to you for Peace and yet you ignore her, many of you. And, many of you do not. I am not saying that everyone is bad or not on the right path of Peace. This is not my point. This is not what I am stating. What I am stating is that Peace is far deeper than the majority of you have ever given thought to.
There are many who fight this battle and that battle and another battle, and they are trying to make changes in the world. And, all of these things are wonderful, and they are good, and they are very much called for. But, they are only a beginning – only a beginning.
You must join together and address all aspects of Life, and change the way you think individually and collectively.
And as you do, then you will begin to taste the gift of Peace. And, once you truly begin to taste the gift of Peace, then you will want more. And then you will be really ready to open your doors to all that I am and all that I give to you.
So, on this Day of Peace, I want each and every one of you to think differently. I want you to think about Peace.
Think about the energy of it. Think about the acceptance of it, the unconditional nature of it, unconditional Love and acceptance - the Truth of Peace.
Write yourself a list. Where can you make changes? Where should you make changes? Where must you make changes?
And, for those of you who are on the front lines fighting the battles of one sort or another, be they at the human level or otherwise, ask yourself a question. Is what I am doing truly Peaceful? And, if it is, and you believe in it with all your Heart, then by all means continue on. But, if it is not, then I ask you to make a change here and now.
Is it not time to let the chaos of the Illusions of Peace go?
Are you not ready for the paradise of true Peace?
Join with me and I will share this gift with you.
That is all for this time, my beloved children.
That is all for this moment."
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
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