Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Channeling Transcripts
Archangel Uriel on the Gift of Strength
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Uriel,
and I would speak to you at this time of Peace about the gift of Strength.
You see, true Strength is family, among other things. But one of the greatest Strengths that you will ever experience in your being is that of family. And yet so many of you do not know what family is.
Do you know how family relates to Peace at this time?
Do you know what family is?
How many of you know what Peace is?
There's an aspect of Peace that has to do with Strength, and Strength has to do with family, as I have said. And, I say to you this:
If you were to find your Peace, you will also find your Strength. And, when you find your Strength, you will find it in your family, among other places. There are many different types of Strength.
But, as we speak in terms of Peace, one of the greatest signs, and forms, and conditions, you might say, of Peace – that is not to say condition as in placing a condition upon something, that is condition as in a state of being, the state of Peace – (that) we speak of (is) family.
Let us speak of family. What is your family? And, how does it relate to Peace?
Quite simply put, you are all one family.
It has been spoken a number of times now – the dog up the street, the tree, the bird, the tortoise and hare, and whoever, and whoever. They are all your family.
But you are a part of a greater family. And, let us speak for a moment about the various levels of family. Of course, you know your parents, your children, your spouse, your Loved ones – no matter what role they play in your Life. You consider them to be your family. You have your societal “norms”, you might say, that define your family. And some of you branch out from that and you consider good friends actually to be family. And, yes, some of you can see the bigger picture and see that you are all of one family on the Earth, and I say to you this is only the beginning.
You are part of a cosmic family.
You have brothers and sisters, family members, that are not even of the same Life form that you are or that you have ever seen or that you know about.
You are a part of a cosmic family, a universal family.
The Universe of Universes,
all beings of Life are your family.
And yet you say, “Well this may be immaterial to us because we don't know them. We don't live with them. And this true. This is very much true. And you may not ever know them.
But, I can tell you this - If you are to experience true Peace, true Love, and so on, and so on, as has been spoken, then you will know that you must also Love every member of your family.
You must Forgive them. You must Love them. You must consider them when you make your choices in Life.
Now, what does this mean and how does this relate to Peace as we have been discussing it all along? And, I say to you this -
Many of you are aware that the Earth is a place that many other beings come to observe. The Earth is observed by many other beings because we have the capacity here, YOU have the capacity here
to Love,
to Love each other.
There are many beings throughout the Universe that do not have the ability to Love that you do. And yet because of the gift of Free Will and Choice, they certainly can, but they don't know how. So, they come and observe the Earth realm to find out how to Love.
And, what do they see?
They see a great deal of the Illusion of it.
Instead of Loving each other as one big happy family, many of you fight.
You display violence,
or worse yet, apathy.
You don't care if your neighbor down the street is starving to death.
How many of you have walked by someone with a flat tire?
Or, someone who is ill or hurting?
And, you've just walked right on by, continued on down the road.
And, there are many of you who do not. You will stop and help.
How many of you open your pocketbooks to someone in need?
Maybe your family member, as you know them to be, yes, you might do that. It might be a good friend, yes. You might donate here and donate there. But, how many of you would walk up to a stranger whom you saw in need and hand him or her pocketbook, and say, “Here. Take what you need to take care of yourself”?
How many of you would put aside your pocketbook in favor of your world (environment)?
Remember, we have already spoken...The tree is part of your family. Do not kill it. Love it.
What about the water?
How much damage is being done to the water around the world? Another family member....Do you Love water?
No. Many of you do not, unfortunately. There are many of you who do. And to those who do, I commend you and I thank you.
You must also know I am the Archangel of Karma. So, I know who does what, when, where, and why. And, I say to you that it is a great shame that your brothers and sisters from out in the Universe come here. And they come to observe Love. And they see the Illusion of it rather than the Illumination of it.
Some of you have a Heart so big you are afraid to use it.
Some of you are aware that you have big Hearts. And, in Truth, all of you have the capacity of having a big Heart. But, very few of you will actually open your Heart and let the Love come out and share it as it is meant to be shared.
You just do not do it. And why? Because you are afraid. And why are you afraid? Because you have Karma, brothers and sisters. You do have Karma. Of course, because in many lifetimes you have hurt and harm. You have caused it. You have been the recipient of it. What goes around comes around, as the saying goes. There are none of you who are perfect.
And, you are not expected to be. This is all a part of learning. It is all part of the Dimension of Duality, the concept of Duality, Free Will and Choice. You have a choice. Love your neighbor or hate him -
Illumination or Illusion.
And, so I say to you that if you are ever going to find your true Strength, if you are ever going to find your Peace, you are going to have to overcome all this.
You have to accept the idea that you are all One family – without condition and with absolute Love.
Many of you will not like the words that I am speaking in this message.
You expected something vastly different when it comes to Strength.
Perhaps you expected (Archangel) Metatron to come and tell you how Strength is a part of Peace. And, Peace is Strength, for Peace is synonymous with Love and there is no greater power in the entire Universe. So, indeed, Peace is Strength because it is Love. And, it is true. And, if Metatron were here right now, he would say these very words to you. But, he is not and I am. And, I speak on a different aspect of Strength. And, that aspect is family.
It is time for each and every one of you to look inside yourselves and find that key to open the door so that you may Love your family, you may accept your family. Forgive them if need be. Understand your family. Share the Joys with them. Do not share the Illusion of Joy, share the Illumination.
Open your Hearts.
Love one another.
Embrace each other as the family members you are. Put your differences aside. Many of them are petty and do not matter.
Think about what is important.
Do you want to live in a world of Peace? Or not?
If you do, embrace your family. Come together as family, and choose – as a family – to live in Peace. THERE is your real Strength.
Do you want it, or do you not?
And, if you do, join together with your other family members who also want to live in Peace,
and act upon it.
Support each other as a family. You have Strength.
Love each other as a family. You have Strength.
Find your Peace together as a family. And, you have Strength.
Think about my words.
Look at your neighbors.
Look at every being of Life.
Walk outside and take a look around.
See the soil beneath your feet?
There are an untold number of microbes living in that soil.
Don't dump chemicals on them.
You'll kill them.
You need them to grow food.
They need you to stay alive.
You are all a part of the Circle of Life.
You are all one family.
Love each other.
No more violence.
Some people say I have a sense of humor. With that in mind, I could tell you my books of Karma are too full. You must stop generating it. If you must, generate good Karma. THAT is what you call it when you Love your family.
You live together as a family. What happens to one family member happens to all family members, because you are all connected. And, because you Love each other, you share One Heart.
What hurts one hurts all.
You share the Joy.
You share the pain.
You share the growth. You share the Abundance, and so on.
So, come together as a family, for that is your Truth, and it is your Strength. You will find your Peace this way and no other way, for you cannot come together in Peace unless you acknowledge that you are family.
So think about my words this day. And, be not afraid to Love. Be not afraid to accept your family and your Strength, especially in this time as we come in to
a place, a space, a dimension of
That is all for this time. Thank you for listening to my words.”
and I would speak to you at this time of Peace about the gift of Strength.
You see, true Strength is family, among other things. But one of the greatest Strengths that you will ever experience in your being is that of family. And yet so many of you do not know what family is.
Do you know how family relates to Peace at this time?
Do you know what family is?
How many of you know what Peace is?
There's an aspect of Peace that has to do with Strength, and Strength has to do with family, as I have said. And, I say to you this:
If you were to find your Peace, you will also find your Strength. And, when you find your Strength, you will find it in your family, among other places. There are many different types of Strength.
But, as we speak in terms of Peace, one of the greatest signs, and forms, and conditions, you might say, of Peace – that is not to say condition as in placing a condition upon something, that is condition as in a state of being, the state of Peace – (that) we speak of (is) family.
Let us speak of family. What is your family? And, how does it relate to Peace?
Quite simply put, you are all one family.
It has been spoken a number of times now – the dog up the street, the tree, the bird, the tortoise and hare, and whoever, and whoever. They are all your family.
But you are a part of a greater family. And, let us speak for a moment about the various levels of family. Of course, you know your parents, your children, your spouse, your Loved ones – no matter what role they play in your Life. You consider them to be your family. You have your societal “norms”, you might say, that define your family. And some of you branch out from that and you consider good friends actually to be family. And, yes, some of you can see the bigger picture and see that you are all of one family on the Earth, and I say to you this is only the beginning.
You are part of a cosmic family.
You have brothers and sisters, family members, that are not even of the same Life form that you are or that you have ever seen or that you know about.
You are a part of a cosmic family, a universal family.
The Universe of Universes,
all beings of Life are your family.
And yet you say, “Well this may be immaterial to us because we don't know them. We don't live with them. And this true. This is very much true. And you may not ever know them.
But, I can tell you this - If you are to experience true Peace, true Love, and so on, and so on, as has been spoken, then you will know that you must also Love every member of your family.
You must Forgive them. You must Love them. You must consider them when you make your choices in Life.
Now, what does this mean and how does this relate to Peace as we have been discussing it all along? And, I say to you this -
Many of you are aware that the Earth is a place that many other beings come to observe. The Earth is observed by many other beings because we have the capacity here, YOU have the capacity here
to Love,
to Love each other.
There are many beings throughout the Universe that do not have the ability to Love that you do. And yet because of the gift of Free Will and Choice, they certainly can, but they don't know how. So, they come and observe the Earth realm to find out how to Love.
And, what do they see?
They see a great deal of the Illusion of it.
Instead of Loving each other as one big happy family, many of you fight.
You display violence,
or worse yet, apathy.
You don't care if your neighbor down the street is starving to death.
How many of you have walked by someone with a flat tire?
Or, someone who is ill or hurting?
And, you've just walked right on by, continued on down the road.
And, there are many of you who do not. You will stop and help.
How many of you open your pocketbooks to someone in need?
Maybe your family member, as you know them to be, yes, you might do that. It might be a good friend, yes. You might donate here and donate there. But, how many of you would walk up to a stranger whom you saw in need and hand him or her pocketbook, and say, “Here. Take what you need to take care of yourself”?
How many of you would put aside your pocketbook in favor of your world (environment)?
Remember, we have already spoken...The tree is part of your family. Do not kill it. Love it.
What about the water?
How much damage is being done to the water around the world? Another family member....Do you Love water?
No. Many of you do not, unfortunately. There are many of you who do. And to those who do, I commend you and I thank you.
You must also know I am the Archangel of Karma. So, I know who does what, when, where, and why. And, I say to you that it is a great shame that your brothers and sisters from out in the Universe come here. And they come to observe Love. And they see the Illusion of it rather than the Illumination of it.
Some of you have a Heart so big you are afraid to use it.
Some of you are aware that you have big Hearts. And, in Truth, all of you have the capacity of having a big Heart. But, very few of you will actually open your Heart and let the Love come out and share it as it is meant to be shared.
You just do not do it. And why? Because you are afraid. And why are you afraid? Because you have Karma, brothers and sisters. You do have Karma. Of course, because in many lifetimes you have hurt and harm. You have caused it. You have been the recipient of it. What goes around comes around, as the saying goes. There are none of you who are perfect.
And, you are not expected to be. This is all a part of learning. It is all part of the Dimension of Duality, the concept of Duality, Free Will and Choice. You have a choice. Love your neighbor or hate him -
Illumination or Illusion.
And, so I say to you that if you are ever going to find your true Strength, if you are ever going to find your Peace, you are going to have to overcome all this.
You have to accept the idea that you are all One family – without condition and with absolute Love.
Many of you will not like the words that I am speaking in this message.
You expected something vastly different when it comes to Strength.
Perhaps you expected (Archangel) Metatron to come and tell you how Strength is a part of Peace. And, Peace is Strength, for Peace is synonymous with Love and there is no greater power in the entire Universe. So, indeed, Peace is Strength because it is Love. And, it is true. And, if Metatron were here right now, he would say these very words to you. But, he is not and I am. And, I speak on a different aspect of Strength. And, that aspect is family.
It is time for each and every one of you to look inside yourselves and find that key to open the door so that you may Love your family, you may accept your family. Forgive them if need be. Understand your family. Share the Joys with them. Do not share the Illusion of Joy, share the Illumination.
Open your Hearts.
Love one another.
Embrace each other as the family members you are. Put your differences aside. Many of them are petty and do not matter.
Think about what is important.
Do you want to live in a world of Peace? Or not?
If you do, embrace your family. Come together as family, and choose – as a family – to live in Peace. THERE is your real Strength.
Do you want it, or do you not?
And, if you do, join together with your other family members who also want to live in Peace,
and act upon it.
Support each other as a family. You have Strength.
Love each other as a family. You have Strength.
Find your Peace together as a family. And, you have Strength.
Think about my words.
Look at your neighbors.
Look at every being of Life.
Walk outside and take a look around.
See the soil beneath your feet?
There are an untold number of microbes living in that soil.
Don't dump chemicals on them.
You'll kill them.
You need them to grow food.
They need you to stay alive.
You are all a part of the Circle of Life.
You are all one family.
Love each other.
No more violence.
Some people say I have a sense of humor. With that in mind, I could tell you my books of Karma are too full. You must stop generating it. If you must, generate good Karma. THAT is what you call it when you Love your family.
You live together as a family. What happens to one family member happens to all family members, because you are all connected. And, because you Love each other, you share One Heart.
What hurts one hurts all.
You share the Joy.
You share the pain.
You share the growth. You share the Abundance, and so on.
So, come together as a family, for that is your Truth, and it is your Strength. You will find your Peace this way and no other way, for you cannot come together in Peace unless you acknowledge that you are family.
So think about my words this day. And, be not afraid to Love. Be not afraid to accept your family and your Strength, especially in this time as we come in to
a place, a space, a dimension of
That is all for this time. Thank you for listening to my words.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.