Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel of Truth on the Gift of Truth
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel of Truth, and I would speak to you at this time on the gift of Truth and how it is of the utmost importance in your Life at this time.
How many of you truly know how to see your own Truth?
How many of you know what it means?
Truth is the very Essence of Life itself, for without it you have no Life. Truth is a representation of Love. It is an aspect of Love, and it is one that you cannot live without.
You live in a world of Illusion, a world of Duality. Every day you have a choice. You can choose Illusion or you can choose Illumination. And, yet, how do you know which one to make? How do you see the choice? How do you find the way to walk your correct path in Life if you do not know your own Truth?
And, I say to you that you cannot. You cannot live your Life to its greatest potential
without knowing your own Truth.
Truth is very inconvenient to many people. And, many people are frightened of their own Truth, for they see themselves - truly, inside in their own Truth - they see themselves at their greatest potential.
You have power within you to change yourself, to change your Life, and those around you. You have the power to change your world.
Each of you needs to own your own Truth at this time. You're owning your own power, the power of the Love within you that you are. You must shine your Truth brightly at this time.
Do not be afraid of your own Truth, my beloved children,
for it is your Truth that shall set you Free.
“Free from what?” you might say, “I am Free.”
No, you are not, I say.
Not one of you is Free. Not truly in the sense of real Freedom. You are contained. You are controlled. You are manipulated. Every day.
You do not live in your own Truth.
And, some of you would say, “My Life is good. It's fine. I'm Free. I'm living according to my Truth.” And I say you are not. You are living in the Illusion of it.
How many of you have your Hearts fully functioning? How many of you are unafraid to allow the Love, the greatest Love of the Universe, to flow through your being and share it with one and all, regardless of relationship, regardless of any position in Life?
That is true Freedom.
And, that is your Truth.
Each of you is a different expression of Truth, of Love, of the Divine, of the Universe,
the Creator, whatever name you wish to use. Each of you is an expression.
And yet, that expression cannot fully manifest itself if you do not live in your Truth every moment of every day.
So, why is Truth so important at this time?
And, I say to you this:
There is a time coming in the not too distant future when your Truth will make the difference between living Life in a state of Peace and living Life – forever….in your lifetime -
in a state of violence and Illusion.
There are changes coming to your world.
There are changes that will demand that you live in your Truth, stand in your Truth, recognize your Truth, and choose Life according to that Truth.
If you do not, your choices may perish. Your ability to choose may be diminished. Your Free Will and Choice will be greatly infringed upon by your own choice. You will give away your power. Those of you who do not make a choice are already giving it away, and there are so many of you. And, it saddens my Heart so greatly
to see you not accepting your own power,
your own Truth,
your own Love,
your own Life.
There is so much more that each of you could experience and express. There is so much more that you could share. There is so much more that your world can be, your Life can be, and those around you – your family, your friends, your co-workers, community members, other brothers and sisters across the globe.
When each of you stands in your own Truth, and you join together, one Light becomes two, because you are all of the same One Light. But, likewise, two Lights become One, and that Light is power beyond measure. And, your world needs that power right now. You need that power. Your neighbor needs that power. Your brother and sister around the other side of the world need that power. You need to come together now, and you need to stand in your own Truth now.
Be not afraid. Do not run from it anymore. Do not hide from it. Do not deny that it exists, for it does. And, it is an integral part of who and what you are.
Do you not wish to know who and what you are?
Why you are here?
What is the Purpose of your presence in this world?
What does Life mean to you?
Do you not wish to know the answers to these questions? If so, you must look inside. See your own Truth. Be willing to face it. It will not hurt you, I assure you of that. Only when you seek your own Truth will you find your greatest Joy, your greatest Love. That is how you know you have found your Truth, your real Truth. It is not a material thing. It is not an Illusory thing. It is not an element of control – I give to you, you have to give back to me.
That is not it.
This is about finding that flame within yourself and knowing that no matter what happens in your Life, nothing will ever be able to diminish that flame because that flame is you. That is the spark of the Divine within you. It is your Love.
It is your passion.
It is your Purpose.
It is what you are here for.
You do not do the world any favors by hiding it, pushing it aside, shoving it away in a back corner - “someday I'll take it out when the car is paid for, when I have this done, when this situation is remedied, when the world is Peaceful”. It will never be Peaceful until each of you live in your own Truth, I say this to you truly.
Because each of you has been born to live Peacefully in your own Truth, expressing the Love that you are. And, until you do, your world cannot and will not know Peace.
It is impossible, because those of you who are not living Truth are living Illusion, and Illusion is filled with violence, with greed, with control, and manipulation, and so on.
Are you not weary of these things?
Are you not ready for something more?
Are you so happy with the paradigms with which you live right now that you would keep them forever and pass them on to your children and grandchildren?
Are you happy with the Life that your father built? How about your mother? Are you happy with her Life? And, what about their parents before them?
Would you continue on with the same struggles, the same heartaches, the same pain, the same lack of Abundance every day? Or, would you, on the other hand, build a new world and a new Life for yourself, for your children, for your grandchildren, and their children, and so on – a Life that embraces true Love, Abundance, Peacefulness for everyone, happiness every day. Imagine that. Imagine what it would be like if
every day
every person
was happy,
every being of Life was happy. Imagine the Joy.
Can you for that moment – just one moment – can you imagine
what it would be like if every being of Life on the planet experienced Joy for just one day?
Think of that. And, then I want you to Understand that EVERY day can be like that.
And, some of you might come back and say, “You know, that actually sounds rather boring.
We need drama. We need excitement.”
Well, there will always be excitement, but the excitement doesn't always have to come at the expense of someone else's happiness.
Excitement can be Joy shared. It doesn't have to be excitement in the sense of danger to one's body.
It doesn't have to be in the sense of someone else's displeasure…...or pain.
That is the Illusion of excitement.
That is not the Truth of it.
And so verily I say unto you this: Go into your Hearts and look there to see what truly pleases you.
What is it that makes you feel so satisfied inside?
What is it that makes you feel powerful beyond measure,
as if you were filled with such an excitement, such a Joy, such a Strength that nothing could hold you back?
THAT is your Truth.
THAT is your passion.
And, THAT is your Life.
And, yes, you share it with others who are like-minded. Join passions and let the flames of them burn brightly together.
As I said, two becomes One. And the world needs more of this because one passion will ignite another. And, two passions will ignite four more, and so on and so on. And, exponentially you change the world. But, it has to start somewhere, and it can start right now, right here with you.
Each of you.
Find that passion within. That is your Truth.
Find that Truth. Find that Light.
Find that Love, and let it flow. Stop being afraid. Stop holding back.
The world needs you right now. It needs the Light you have inside.
I call you each to action. Find your Truth and share it.
Even in those moments when you think your Truth is small and insignificant, know that it is not, for your Truth is a piece of the puzzle just like everyone else's Truth is. And, only when you come together will you have the whole picture that the puzzle presents.
You are meant to fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
You are meant to fit together like the proverbial hand in the glove.
You are Love. You are each the keys to each other's Hearts.
One passion ignites another.
And, so I say to you this, beloved children: Please look for your passion. Look for your Truth. Find your Truth, and live it. Share it. Express it. Light the fires of the passions of those around you
by sharing your own.
Do not be afraid.
Truth is imperative at this time. And, it is the only thing that will set you Free from the bondage of Illusion.
I leave you with these words to think about.
And, I leave you with my Love and my Truth.
That is all for this time.”
How many of you truly know how to see your own Truth?
How many of you know what it means?
Truth is the very Essence of Life itself, for without it you have no Life. Truth is a representation of Love. It is an aspect of Love, and it is one that you cannot live without.
You live in a world of Illusion, a world of Duality. Every day you have a choice. You can choose Illusion or you can choose Illumination. And, yet, how do you know which one to make? How do you see the choice? How do you find the way to walk your correct path in Life if you do not know your own Truth?
And, I say to you that you cannot. You cannot live your Life to its greatest potential
without knowing your own Truth.
Truth is very inconvenient to many people. And, many people are frightened of their own Truth, for they see themselves - truly, inside in their own Truth - they see themselves at their greatest potential.
You have power within you to change yourself, to change your Life, and those around you. You have the power to change your world.
Each of you needs to own your own Truth at this time. You're owning your own power, the power of the Love within you that you are. You must shine your Truth brightly at this time.
Do not be afraid of your own Truth, my beloved children,
for it is your Truth that shall set you Free.
“Free from what?” you might say, “I am Free.”
No, you are not, I say.
Not one of you is Free. Not truly in the sense of real Freedom. You are contained. You are controlled. You are manipulated. Every day.
You do not live in your own Truth.
And, some of you would say, “My Life is good. It's fine. I'm Free. I'm living according to my Truth.” And I say you are not. You are living in the Illusion of it.
How many of you have your Hearts fully functioning? How many of you are unafraid to allow the Love, the greatest Love of the Universe, to flow through your being and share it with one and all, regardless of relationship, regardless of any position in Life?
That is true Freedom.
And, that is your Truth.
Each of you is a different expression of Truth, of Love, of the Divine, of the Universe,
the Creator, whatever name you wish to use. Each of you is an expression.
And yet, that expression cannot fully manifest itself if you do not live in your Truth every moment of every day.
So, why is Truth so important at this time?
And, I say to you this:
There is a time coming in the not too distant future when your Truth will make the difference between living Life in a state of Peace and living Life – forever….in your lifetime -
in a state of violence and Illusion.
There are changes coming to your world.
There are changes that will demand that you live in your Truth, stand in your Truth, recognize your Truth, and choose Life according to that Truth.
If you do not, your choices may perish. Your ability to choose may be diminished. Your Free Will and Choice will be greatly infringed upon by your own choice. You will give away your power. Those of you who do not make a choice are already giving it away, and there are so many of you. And, it saddens my Heart so greatly
to see you not accepting your own power,
your own Truth,
your own Love,
your own Life.
There is so much more that each of you could experience and express. There is so much more that you could share. There is so much more that your world can be, your Life can be, and those around you – your family, your friends, your co-workers, community members, other brothers and sisters across the globe.
When each of you stands in your own Truth, and you join together, one Light becomes two, because you are all of the same One Light. But, likewise, two Lights become One, and that Light is power beyond measure. And, your world needs that power right now. You need that power. Your neighbor needs that power. Your brother and sister around the other side of the world need that power. You need to come together now, and you need to stand in your own Truth now.
Be not afraid. Do not run from it anymore. Do not hide from it. Do not deny that it exists, for it does. And, it is an integral part of who and what you are.
Do you not wish to know who and what you are?
Why you are here?
What is the Purpose of your presence in this world?
What does Life mean to you?
Do you not wish to know the answers to these questions? If so, you must look inside. See your own Truth. Be willing to face it. It will not hurt you, I assure you of that. Only when you seek your own Truth will you find your greatest Joy, your greatest Love. That is how you know you have found your Truth, your real Truth. It is not a material thing. It is not an Illusory thing. It is not an element of control – I give to you, you have to give back to me.
That is not it.
This is about finding that flame within yourself and knowing that no matter what happens in your Life, nothing will ever be able to diminish that flame because that flame is you. That is the spark of the Divine within you. It is your Love.
It is your passion.
It is your Purpose.
It is what you are here for.
You do not do the world any favors by hiding it, pushing it aside, shoving it away in a back corner - “someday I'll take it out when the car is paid for, when I have this done, when this situation is remedied, when the world is Peaceful”. It will never be Peaceful until each of you live in your own Truth, I say this to you truly.
Because each of you has been born to live Peacefully in your own Truth, expressing the Love that you are. And, until you do, your world cannot and will not know Peace.
It is impossible, because those of you who are not living Truth are living Illusion, and Illusion is filled with violence, with greed, with control, and manipulation, and so on.
Are you not weary of these things?
Are you not ready for something more?
Are you so happy with the paradigms with which you live right now that you would keep them forever and pass them on to your children and grandchildren?
Are you happy with the Life that your father built? How about your mother? Are you happy with her Life? And, what about their parents before them?
Would you continue on with the same struggles, the same heartaches, the same pain, the same lack of Abundance every day? Or, would you, on the other hand, build a new world and a new Life for yourself, for your children, for your grandchildren, and their children, and so on – a Life that embraces true Love, Abundance, Peacefulness for everyone, happiness every day. Imagine that. Imagine what it would be like if
every day
every person
was happy,
every being of Life was happy. Imagine the Joy.
Can you for that moment – just one moment – can you imagine
what it would be like if every being of Life on the planet experienced Joy for just one day?
Think of that. And, then I want you to Understand that EVERY day can be like that.
And, some of you might come back and say, “You know, that actually sounds rather boring.
We need drama. We need excitement.”
Well, there will always be excitement, but the excitement doesn't always have to come at the expense of someone else's happiness.
Excitement can be Joy shared. It doesn't have to be excitement in the sense of danger to one's body.
It doesn't have to be in the sense of someone else's displeasure…...or pain.
That is the Illusion of excitement.
That is not the Truth of it.
And so verily I say unto you this: Go into your Hearts and look there to see what truly pleases you.
What is it that makes you feel so satisfied inside?
What is it that makes you feel powerful beyond measure,
as if you were filled with such an excitement, such a Joy, such a Strength that nothing could hold you back?
THAT is your Truth.
THAT is your passion.
And, THAT is your Life.
And, yes, you share it with others who are like-minded. Join passions and let the flames of them burn brightly together.
As I said, two becomes One. And the world needs more of this because one passion will ignite another. And, two passions will ignite four more, and so on and so on. And, exponentially you change the world. But, it has to start somewhere, and it can start right now, right here with you.
Each of you.
Find that passion within. That is your Truth.
Find that Truth. Find that Light.
Find that Love, and let it flow. Stop being afraid. Stop holding back.
The world needs you right now. It needs the Light you have inside.
I call you each to action. Find your Truth and share it.
Even in those moments when you think your Truth is small and insignificant, know that it is not, for your Truth is a piece of the puzzle just like everyone else's Truth is. And, only when you come together will you have the whole picture that the puzzle presents.
You are meant to fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
You are meant to fit together like the proverbial hand in the glove.
You are Love. You are each the keys to each other's Hearts.
One passion ignites another.
And, so I say to you this, beloved children: Please look for your passion. Look for your Truth. Find your Truth, and live it. Share it. Express it. Light the fires of the passions of those around you
by sharing your own.
Do not be afraid.
Truth is imperative at this time. And, it is the only thing that will set you Free from the bondage of Illusion.
I leave you with these words to think about.
And, I leave you with my Love and my Truth.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.