Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Gabriel on the Gift of Peace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Gabriel, and I would speak to you at this time on the first day of Winter, Winter Solstice, the first day of the Season of Peace celebration, as we celebrate the gift of Peace. And, I would speak to you at this time on the subject of Peace.
And, I would deliver unto you a message of hope.
Hope for a time of Peace, and a way of Peace, and a Life of Peace, and an end to violence and strife and so on. There are so many of you who have asked for Peace. You have prayed for Peace. You have meditated for Peace. And yet, it seems your world is more violent and non-Peaceful than it ever has been. And, I say to you this: Sometimes the way to Peace
is through non-Peaceful measures. That is to say Peace does not always have to be simple and kind and Loving and passive. Sometimes Peace is assertive and there are times when it is appropriate for Peace to be assertive. You are a part of a Peace keeping force if you have asked for Peace.
And that force is Love.
And, Love is not always soft and gentle and easy and passive. Sometimes Love is dynamic. It is powerful beyond measure. In Truth it is the most powerful energy in the entire Universe of Universes. And when you ask for Peace, you become part of the Peace keeping force and that force is Love, as I have said. And so you are filled with Love and you are filled with Peace. And, you know that in your Heart there is Peace, but your world may not know it. Your world may not show it.
You are each and all being called to action at this time by the very acts of non-Peacefulness in your world.
It's time to make a choice.
What choice will you make?
I offer you a message of hope, but the choice is yours. It will always remain yours up to a certain point anyway when Peace will rule no matter what. So the question is: Will you join the Peace Project and Process now
or will you wait?
Do you wish to have more strife in your world? Do you wish to have more violence?
Do you wish to have more crime, more pain, more hurt, more loss of Life and limb, and so on?
What will it take before each and every one of you makes the conscious choice of Peace and acts upon it? It is not enough to sit back and say: “We want Peace. Oh, Heavens bring us the Peace!”
These things are not going to work. It starts with you, each and every one of you in every choice that you make.
We are moving now in a time when this is beyond Peacefulness of clothing and Peacefulness of foods – and yes, these things are very important and they are part of living Peacefully. But, you are at a time now where Peace is at
such a great
precipice. You are on the very edge of either condemning your world to violence
or living in it Peacefully forever.
Which will you choose?
As you see your world is greatly divided right now, and it is easy (to see) if you just pay attention to what is happening around you. It is easy to see the world is dividing into those who choose Peace and those who choose non-Peace.
As long as the Illusions are still enforced and Supported through greed, through violence, through force, through control, and so on, you cannot have Peace. But, if you choose Peace, then it time to put your foot down and say “NO” to greed. You must say “NO” to violence. Stand up on your own two feet. Make your choice and take your stand.
If you die in the process, you will be reborn again in a time of Peace (or) at least in a place where you will learn of Peace, and so on.
Each and every one of you must make your own choices. We have spoken many, many, many times of making the choice for Peace. But, now, in this moment in time, the choice is different and it is staring each of you right in your face. Will you tolerate, will you Support by your own inactions
the continuation of violence?
Violence is perpetrated against you in so many ways you have become immune to seeing it, in many cases.
There are assaults on your being and your Peaceful nature every single day. There are assaults on your body through your foods, through your air, through your water, through the actions of those around you. What will it take for YOU to Understand that YOU must reach out to your neighbor – who also wishes to live in Peace – and join hands and together be stronger than you were singly and together you say “Peace IS the way we choose to live”? Whose world do you live in?
Does your world belong to someone else?
Does it not belong to you equally
just as it does your neighbor?
Maybe your neighbor is Peaceful. Maybe your neighbor is violent. It belongs to you equally.
So, how much is it going to take in the way of pushing and bringing the message of choosing Peace to the forefronts of your mind before you actually act upon it? I am calling each and every one of you to action right now in this very moment.
The time for being passive and subtle and gentle and kind and so on is, in some ways, at an end simply because when the messages are delivered as kind and gentle and “everything will be okay” is over. (the time)
You can't wait anymore. Now is the time. There are big changes coming in your future,
very big changes,
much bigger than any of you see at this moment.
Those changes will be defined by the choices you make today…...right now.
How long will you wait?
In some ways, this is like standing on the train track watching the train barreling towards you. What will it take for you to see that if you do not move off that track to one side or the other the train will run you over and you will perish?
This is no different.
The time to choose Peace or violence is right in front of you.
And, you MUST make your choice and join hands with your neighbor whose choice is the same as yours.
It is time to put aside petty differences and remember that you are all people. You are all human beings. You are all the same. You are all of one family. These political lines are nonsense.
Absolute nonsense.
I have been called, in many cases, somewhat of a drill sergeant, for sometimes I can be soft and gentle, and, other times I can be quite forceful. And this is one of those forceful moments, and it must be and I must be, because I am trying to get the message through to you right now!
I have tried subtle.
And, I am not listened to.
And, now it is time to stand before and say,
NOW!! And, you must act on it.”
Those of you who serve in militaries around the world…..why do you do this?
If you wish Peace to be in your world,
are you Supporting violence? And yet, just a moment ago I said that sometimes Peace must take the form of force. Yes, this is true!
This is very true, but you must act according to your own Hearts, each and every one of you
regardless of your station in Life, regardless of your position in Life, and so on and so on.
You must act according to your own Hearts, and I say to you now look into them. Be not afraid to act upon what you see and you know your own Truth.
There are many of you who do not,
who DO NOT
what you do.
You do not like the jobs that you have. You do not like the way you serve humanity.
But, you convince yourself that you must because you are following orders, or you are following your paycheck. You have a family to Support and so on, and I say to you this: You are not Supporting your family. And, if an order is non-Peaceful and it is not in alignment with what your Heart knows as Truth, then you are not following it either.
It is time for you to stand your ground – each and every one of you. And, as I said, join hands with your neighbors, your brothers, your sisters around the world regardless of political lines. Put those aside. They are nothing but Illusion. They are control measures…..period.
That is all.
Join hands with your brothers and sisters around the world and say:
No more control.
No more greed.
It is TIME, my children, for you to be children together. Learn to play in the sandbox of Life together….Peacefully, Harmoniously, Abundantly.
You have all the resources you need in the world right now to Support your lives with each of you experiencing the greatest of Abundance. No one needs to go without anything.
And, yet you do. So many of you do.
You do without. You suffer. People die every day for the lack of food. Why? Because your world is not living Peacefully and you are not living according to your own Truth.
You are living in Illusion. You are letting Illusion control you, control the world, and because of that control
people are dying.
People who have prayed for Peace, and it has not come to them.
And, why has it not come? Why have the Heavens not stepped in and delivered Peace to your world? I will tell you why. It's because not enough of you have chosen it.
You live in a world of duality, folks.
You have Free Will and Choice, and you are exercising it either by direct choice or direct lack thereof. And, I am saying to each and every one of you: Make that choice.
Act on it.
If you want help,
act on it.
Ask for it, and then start by helping yourselves. Help you neighbor. Help your brother or sister on the other side of the world. I don't mean by sending money. I mean by making a choice. Your choice is the most powerful thing you can ever do.
How many of you do it?
How many of you say the words, “I choose to live in Peace”, and then you go on with Life as if nothing has happened? You watch the evening news. You listen to whatever radio show you are listening to. You listen to whatever you read on the Internet. You listen to your friends, you neighbors, your family, whatever it might be and you hear about so-and-so being shot down the street. You hear about somebody on the other side of the world being bombed. You hear about refugees and people starving, and so-and-so was murdered, and this person had their head cut off, and so on and so on. And, you hear of all this violence and yet you are immune to it.
What can you do?
Every single time you hear it
you choose Peace again.
And, you keep choosing it.
And, you keep acting on it.
And, you do not Support anything or anyone that fosters violence – any Illusion of Peace…..violence, greed, control, manipulation, and so on.
The time has come.
Will you stand up
for your own rights?
Or, will you lay down passively and play victim
to what is basically your own lack of fortitude?
I am not criticizing those who die in the course of fighting for Peace.
Make no mistake.
And, those who die fighting for Peace – the Truth of Peace, the Illumination of Peace -
are taken care of in a very special way.
They are not forsaken.
What I am saying is that each and every one of you is powerful beyond measure when it comes to affecting change in your own world.
But, having that power means absolutely nothing if you do not use it. Your inaction is just as powerful as your action, because it is an action. What you do not actively Support you oppose. What you do not actively oppose, you Support. It is one or the other.
So, for those of you who have prayed for Peace, I will give you this task:
Do everything within your power to live Peacefully with every choice you make. Support only those, no matter political lines, Support only those who truly foster Peace. Every time you hear of an act of violence, an act of control, an act of greed or manipulation, say silently to yourself -
or out loud to your neighbors if you wish, family, friends, whatever the case might be….co-workers – say the words:
“I choose Peace – again. My vote is for Peace. By my Free Will and Choice, I choose Peace, and I intend to live it – right here now, today.”
It is time to take a stand.
It is TIME
to take a stand.
It is TIME to BE the PEACE you seek,
and not sit by idly and say, “Oh, poor me. Oh, poor world. Those poor refugees. Those poor bomb victims.”
Change it.
And, as you know Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, I say to you this:
When you hear of an act of violence, and you choose Peace, I want you to – each and every one of you, and this is my guidance and suggestion to you – each and every one of you send Love – all the Love you can pass through your being.
Call upon me and I will help you.
Send Love to those who perpetrate the violence,
and together, we shall see a time when Peace reigns in your world,
for none can withstand the power of Love. It touches every Heart equally, whether the recipient likes it or not. It is a force of the Universe that is built within each of your beings, and it is not one that can be denied. Send Love.... and choose Peace.
That is my guidance to you.
That is my message of hope.
You CAN change the world.
but ONLY if you are willing to act to do it.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
And, I would deliver unto you a message of hope.
Hope for a time of Peace, and a way of Peace, and a Life of Peace, and an end to violence and strife and so on. There are so many of you who have asked for Peace. You have prayed for Peace. You have meditated for Peace. And yet, it seems your world is more violent and non-Peaceful than it ever has been. And, I say to you this: Sometimes the way to Peace
is through non-Peaceful measures. That is to say Peace does not always have to be simple and kind and Loving and passive. Sometimes Peace is assertive and there are times when it is appropriate for Peace to be assertive. You are a part of a Peace keeping force if you have asked for Peace.
And that force is Love.
And, Love is not always soft and gentle and easy and passive. Sometimes Love is dynamic. It is powerful beyond measure. In Truth it is the most powerful energy in the entire Universe of Universes. And when you ask for Peace, you become part of the Peace keeping force and that force is Love, as I have said. And so you are filled with Love and you are filled with Peace. And, you know that in your Heart there is Peace, but your world may not know it. Your world may not show it.
You are each and all being called to action at this time by the very acts of non-Peacefulness in your world.
It's time to make a choice.
What choice will you make?
I offer you a message of hope, but the choice is yours. It will always remain yours up to a certain point anyway when Peace will rule no matter what. So the question is: Will you join the Peace Project and Process now
or will you wait?
Do you wish to have more strife in your world? Do you wish to have more violence?
Do you wish to have more crime, more pain, more hurt, more loss of Life and limb, and so on?
What will it take before each and every one of you makes the conscious choice of Peace and acts upon it? It is not enough to sit back and say: “We want Peace. Oh, Heavens bring us the Peace!”
These things are not going to work. It starts with you, each and every one of you in every choice that you make.
We are moving now in a time when this is beyond Peacefulness of clothing and Peacefulness of foods – and yes, these things are very important and they are part of living Peacefully. But, you are at a time now where Peace is at
such a great
precipice. You are on the very edge of either condemning your world to violence
or living in it Peacefully forever.
Which will you choose?
As you see your world is greatly divided right now, and it is easy (to see) if you just pay attention to what is happening around you. It is easy to see the world is dividing into those who choose Peace and those who choose non-Peace.
As long as the Illusions are still enforced and Supported through greed, through violence, through force, through control, and so on, you cannot have Peace. But, if you choose Peace, then it time to put your foot down and say “NO” to greed. You must say “NO” to violence. Stand up on your own two feet. Make your choice and take your stand.
If you die in the process, you will be reborn again in a time of Peace (or) at least in a place where you will learn of Peace, and so on.
Each and every one of you must make your own choices. We have spoken many, many, many times of making the choice for Peace. But, now, in this moment in time, the choice is different and it is staring each of you right in your face. Will you tolerate, will you Support by your own inactions
the continuation of violence?
Violence is perpetrated against you in so many ways you have become immune to seeing it, in many cases.
There are assaults on your being and your Peaceful nature every single day. There are assaults on your body through your foods, through your air, through your water, through the actions of those around you. What will it take for YOU to Understand that YOU must reach out to your neighbor – who also wishes to live in Peace – and join hands and together be stronger than you were singly and together you say “Peace IS the way we choose to live”? Whose world do you live in?
Does your world belong to someone else?
Does it not belong to you equally
just as it does your neighbor?
Maybe your neighbor is Peaceful. Maybe your neighbor is violent. It belongs to you equally.
So, how much is it going to take in the way of pushing and bringing the message of choosing Peace to the forefronts of your mind before you actually act upon it? I am calling each and every one of you to action right now in this very moment.
The time for being passive and subtle and gentle and kind and so on is, in some ways, at an end simply because when the messages are delivered as kind and gentle and “everything will be okay” is over. (the time)
You can't wait anymore. Now is the time. There are big changes coming in your future,
very big changes,
much bigger than any of you see at this moment.
Those changes will be defined by the choices you make today…...right now.
How long will you wait?
In some ways, this is like standing on the train track watching the train barreling towards you. What will it take for you to see that if you do not move off that track to one side or the other the train will run you over and you will perish?
This is no different.
The time to choose Peace or violence is right in front of you.
And, you MUST make your choice and join hands with your neighbor whose choice is the same as yours.
It is time to put aside petty differences and remember that you are all people. You are all human beings. You are all the same. You are all of one family. These political lines are nonsense.
Absolute nonsense.
I have been called, in many cases, somewhat of a drill sergeant, for sometimes I can be soft and gentle, and, other times I can be quite forceful. And this is one of those forceful moments, and it must be and I must be, because I am trying to get the message through to you right now!
I have tried subtle.
And, I am not listened to.
And, now it is time to stand before and say,
NOW!! And, you must act on it.”
Those of you who serve in militaries around the world…..why do you do this?
If you wish Peace to be in your world,
are you Supporting violence? And yet, just a moment ago I said that sometimes Peace must take the form of force. Yes, this is true!
This is very true, but you must act according to your own Hearts, each and every one of you
regardless of your station in Life, regardless of your position in Life, and so on and so on.
You must act according to your own Hearts, and I say to you now look into them. Be not afraid to act upon what you see and you know your own Truth.
There are many of you who do not,
who DO NOT
what you do.
You do not like the jobs that you have. You do not like the way you serve humanity.
But, you convince yourself that you must because you are following orders, or you are following your paycheck. You have a family to Support and so on, and I say to you this: You are not Supporting your family. And, if an order is non-Peaceful and it is not in alignment with what your Heart knows as Truth, then you are not following it either.
It is time for you to stand your ground – each and every one of you. And, as I said, join hands with your neighbors, your brothers, your sisters around the world regardless of political lines. Put those aside. They are nothing but Illusion. They are control measures…..period.
That is all.
Join hands with your brothers and sisters around the world and say:
No more control.
No more greed.
It is TIME, my children, for you to be children together. Learn to play in the sandbox of Life together….Peacefully, Harmoniously, Abundantly.
You have all the resources you need in the world right now to Support your lives with each of you experiencing the greatest of Abundance. No one needs to go without anything.
And, yet you do. So many of you do.
You do without. You suffer. People die every day for the lack of food. Why? Because your world is not living Peacefully and you are not living according to your own Truth.
You are living in Illusion. You are letting Illusion control you, control the world, and because of that control
people are dying.
People who have prayed for Peace, and it has not come to them.
And, why has it not come? Why have the Heavens not stepped in and delivered Peace to your world? I will tell you why. It's because not enough of you have chosen it.
You live in a world of duality, folks.
You have Free Will and Choice, and you are exercising it either by direct choice or direct lack thereof. And, I am saying to each and every one of you: Make that choice.
Act on it.
If you want help,
act on it.
Ask for it, and then start by helping yourselves. Help you neighbor. Help your brother or sister on the other side of the world. I don't mean by sending money. I mean by making a choice. Your choice is the most powerful thing you can ever do.
How many of you do it?
How many of you say the words, “I choose to live in Peace”, and then you go on with Life as if nothing has happened? You watch the evening news. You listen to whatever radio show you are listening to. You listen to whatever you read on the Internet. You listen to your friends, you neighbors, your family, whatever it might be and you hear about so-and-so being shot down the street. You hear about somebody on the other side of the world being bombed. You hear about refugees and people starving, and so-and-so was murdered, and this person had their head cut off, and so on and so on. And, you hear of all this violence and yet you are immune to it.
What can you do?
Every single time you hear it
you choose Peace again.
And, you keep choosing it.
And, you keep acting on it.
And, you do not Support anything or anyone that fosters violence – any Illusion of Peace…..violence, greed, control, manipulation, and so on.
The time has come.
Will you stand up
for your own rights?
Or, will you lay down passively and play victim
to what is basically your own lack of fortitude?
I am not criticizing those who die in the course of fighting for Peace.
Make no mistake.
And, those who die fighting for Peace – the Truth of Peace, the Illumination of Peace -
are taken care of in a very special way.
They are not forsaken.
What I am saying is that each and every one of you is powerful beyond measure when it comes to affecting change in your own world.
But, having that power means absolutely nothing if you do not use it. Your inaction is just as powerful as your action, because it is an action. What you do not actively Support you oppose. What you do not actively oppose, you Support. It is one or the other.
So, for those of you who have prayed for Peace, I will give you this task:
Do everything within your power to live Peacefully with every choice you make. Support only those, no matter political lines, Support only those who truly foster Peace. Every time you hear of an act of violence, an act of control, an act of greed or manipulation, say silently to yourself -
or out loud to your neighbors if you wish, family, friends, whatever the case might be….co-workers – say the words:
“I choose Peace – again. My vote is for Peace. By my Free Will and Choice, I choose Peace, and I intend to live it – right here now, today.”
It is time to take a stand.
It is TIME
to take a stand.
It is TIME to BE the PEACE you seek,
and not sit by idly and say, “Oh, poor me. Oh, poor world. Those poor refugees. Those poor bomb victims.”
Change it.
And, as you know Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, I say to you this:
When you hear of an act of violence, and you choose Peace, I want you to – each and every one of you, and this is my guidance and suggestion to you – each and every one of you send Love – all the Love you can pass through your being.
Call upon me and I will help you.
Send Love to those who perpetrate the violence,
and together, we shall see a time when Peace reigns in your world,
for none can withstand the power of Love. It touches every Heart equally, whether the recipient likes it or not. It is a force of the Universe that is built within each of your beings, and it is not one that can be denied. Send Love.... and choose Peace.
That is my guidance to you.
That is my message of hope.
You CAN change the world.
but ONLY if you are willing to act to do it.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.