Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Metatron on the Gift of Empowerment
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Metatron, and I would speak to you at this time of the gift of Empowerment. Empowerment in a Time of Peace. What does this mean? Empowerment in the Project of Peace. What does this mean? Empowerment in the scope of finding your Peace. What does this mean? And, I say that Empowerment in these respects mean many things,
many things.
But, each and every one of you must be open to receiving your Empowerment. You see, sometimes Empowerment is subtle. Sometimes it comes out with blaring trumpets, so to speak. And, other times it like a whisper,
a tiny little whisper inside the back of your mind
that says, “Listen to me.” And, when you do, you find Empowerment. And, when you do not, you miss opportunities. Empowerment is not something that comes and stays, necessarily, until you learn what true Empowerment is.
For some people, Empowerment must come in stages. It must come little bit by little bit by little bit. And, for some of you it takes a great length of time for all these little bits to finally add up to what you may see as real Empowerment.
Others of you, though, are ready for the “whole shebang”, so to speak, all at one time.
When you think of Empowerment in terms of Peace, whether it's inner Peace or outer Peace or Cosmic Peace, you must think in contradictory terms. For, to be Empowered implies that you are in power, and yet that is the exact opposite of what real Empowerment is.
You see, real Empowerment,
true Empowerment,
is surrender.
It is not surrender to your enemies. It is not surrendering to base desires. It is not surrendering to the world at large.
It is surrendering your ego
for the sake of your Heart.
Now, think about that for just a moment.
When you can surrender your ego,
then your Heart is Free to take charge. And, in your Heart is where the Divine plan for your Life resides.
And, so you see, if you would be fully Empowered,
you must let go of the mind – the ego, not your thought faculties. The mind as in the ego.
Think about that for just a moment.
Do you have the courage it takes to let go of your ego?
To be truly humble?
Only those who are truly humble can truly receive full Empowerment, you see.
If you are filled with yourself, and your own ideas – when you are filled with “I”s and “my”s and “mine”s – you have no room for real Empowerment.
And, some of you would say, “But, what about Free Will and Choice? Doesn't that include a me, my, or I?”
Yes, to some degree it does, but only in the scope of fulfilling your Purpose.
You see, that is another misunderstanding that many people have. You feel that if you make a choice, you make your intent known to the Universe – to God, to the Great Mother, to Creator, whatever name you are going to use – you feel that if you make your choice known, then it will be Empowered.
Focus on it and it will come to you.
This is not necessarily true. Any choice you make that is contrary to Divine Will for your Life, will not be Supported. Any choice you make that is contrary the Free Will and Choice of another being of Life will not be Supported.
Now, think about that for a moment.
That rather complicates this rather simplistic view of manifestation which many of you view as Empowerment, which it is not. How many of you are manifesting things that are contrary to the Free Will and Choice of another?
So, where does this leave your Free Will and Choice? What happens when one set of choices born of Free Will is in conflict with another set of choices born of Free Will? And, I say to you that the deciding factor in this comes from Divine Will – what is in each of the participants' Purposes by Divine Will.
You see, if you wish to really be Empowered in your Life, you must put aside the competition with another person's Free Will and Choice. Competition is Illusion. You should put it away and never participate in it again.
When you have two people, each with their own Free Will and Choice that are in conflict, Divine Will trumps all. So, it may seem that one person is Supported, while another person is not. And, one will cry, “Foul! That's not fair! I had my Free Will and Choice.” Ah, yes, you did, but
Divine Will will decide.
There are times, in fact most times, when both parties can be accommodated. However, they may not be accommodated in the fashion that they were expecting. Now, this is key in Understanding real Empowerment, particularly as it comes in the scope of Peace.
You make a choice. You state your intent, and so on and so on. But, what comes to you in the form of a manifestation – if you wish to call it that, or Empowerment - if we say it properly, may not come in the form that you want it to come.
You see, real Empowerment always flows with Love.
It flows with Peace.
It flows with Joy.
It is your being in tune and in alignment with your own Heart, which is your own Purpose. It is also a reflection of Divine Will, not only for your Life, but for all of Life.
Think of this for just a moment.
Would you really be truly Empowered?
Are you really ready to be truly Empowered?
If you are, then you must be willing to surrender to Divine Will.
You must be ready to surrender
your own will,
and let your will be that of the Divine,
of the Heavens, of your Creator.
Where will this lead you?
Many are too frightened to follow this path, for they fear it will lead in directions that they do not wish to go. And yet, I say to you that it will only lead you to your greatest Joys, to the greatest Loves you have ever known and shared.
So, why would you hesitate?
Why would you be hesitant to surrender your ego, to follow your own Heart, and to surrender your will that was born of ego to begin with and not the Heart? You see, if your will is in alignment with your Heart, then you have nothing to fear. For, your Heart is always in alignment with Divine Will.
It is always prepared to be fully Empowered.
If you wish to be satisfied in your Life and feel content with how your Life is progressing, how it is manifesting, how you are sharing it and experiencing and expressing it, the things that come to you, and so on and so on, then you must be in alignment with your Heart, for THAT
is where your real Empowerment is.
And, in this Time of the great Peace Project, as Peace now will reign one day in the very near future, it is imperative that you allow your Heart to be Empowered by removing your ego and your inner obstacles from your own path.
Some of you pray for guidance, and you pray for assistance, and you ask for this obstacle to be removed, and you ask for that obstacle to be removed, and you ask for Support, and you ask for this, and you ask for that, and many of you spend a great deal of time asking for things.
And yet, I say to you that if you would simply get out of your own way by putting aside your egos, and your own plans that do not allow for Divine Will whatsoever, or the Divine Plan for your Life, your Purpose, then you would have no requests because everything would just flow to you.
There are schools of thought that say you should never have expectations, for expectations lead to disappointment. And, I say you are well advised to some degree by this school of thought. However, it is wise to have expectations that whatever your Heart is calling for will, indeed, manifest and come to you. The question is: Are you really listening to your Heart, or are you listening to your mind?
Are your desires born of your Heart,
or, your mind -
which is also representing your ego?
Desires of the Heart reflect the true path of your Life.
Desires of the mind reflect Illusion.
Which are you following?
That is a question each of you must ponder upon.
If you are to be truly Empowered, then you must follow the path of Love, the path of your Heart, the path of Joy, of Peace, of Truth, of Grace, and so on.
It is key that you Understand the difference. It is key that you find your own Illumined state. For, if you do not, how will you know whether or not you are following your mind or your Heart?
In this Time, it is imperative that you know, for your future depends upon it,
in a way that it has never depended upon it before.
The Time of Peace is coming.
We have spoken in the past of a great segregation of people, people dividing into two camps – those who choose Peace, and those who do not.
Which will you choose? How do you want to live the rest of your Life -
Empowered in the principles of Peace,
or, not Empowered by the principles of Illusion?
And, some of you would come back and say, “Illusion has more money, therefore more comforts in Life.” And, I say to you: Which is more important – a comfort in Life or Life itself?
Which is more important?
Which is more convenient?
Does it do you much good to be filled with riches at your disposal for whatever you might desire with your mind?
Or, would you have your Heart's desires fulfilled throughout the rest of your Life
which could be long and healthy?
Which one is more convenient?
Life or convenience?
Life or comfort?
Life or riches?
Which one has Love?
Do you Love riches?
If you do, you are Loving Illusion, for they cannot Love you back.
If you Love Life,
then Life Loves you back
and that is Illumination and that is Truth.
And, that, my beloved children, is true Empowerment.
And, so during this time, as you think about Empowerment in the scope of Peace,
you must Understand that as Divine Will is dictating Peace,
only those choices that you make that foster Peace within your own selves, within your own lives, and in every choice that you make as you interact with others throughout the world, only those choices that reflect Peace are being Supported and Empowered.
Think about that for a moment.
If you are wondering why your Life is lacking Support, why your Life is lacking Empowerment, and so on, it is because Illusion
is not
being Supported.
It is not being Empowered.
To be filled with power, means to be filled with Love,
not Illusion,
Love is Truth.
Where is your Truth?
Where is the Truth of the world?
Why is the world not Empowered to make changes? We speak of humanity now, as a whole. We speak of all beings of Life as a whole. Why are they not Empowered
to simply bring about a state of Peace because it is chosen. And, I say to you: It's because the majority of you have not chosen this.
And, those of you – many of you, who have chosen it do not act upon it.
Perhaps you do not know how, and this what part of this teaching during this Season of Peace celebration and these messages have been for. (It) is to teach you
act upon
your choices.
Now is the time.
You must act upon these choices.
You cannot be armchair witnesses to Life anymore. You are participants, one way or another.
It is Universal Law, you might say – if it is to be Understood properly (and there is much, much, much in the way of depth to Universal Laws). But to put it in a very small nutshell, so to speak:
If you
do not take responsibility for your own actions,
including non-action,
then your choice is made by that action.
The choice is made by your responsibility.
That is to say, action is a choice. Non-action is a choice. You are responsible for both.
If you choose, at this time, to ignore the call to Peace,
you are still held responsible for making the choice of non-Peacefulness.
The same is true of Love,
of Truth, and so on.
You cannot hide anymore.
So, if you wish your Life to be Empowered,
you must follow the path of Peace,
of Love, of Truth, and Joy, and Grace, and so on.
You do Understand. Every being of Life does.
There is no denying that and there's no getting away from it. You cannot hide from it. You cannot lie about it.
We all know the Truth.
So, if you would wish for your Empowerment to come to you, then I say: Open your Hearts. Put aside your minds and your egos and surrender. Surrender to your own Truth. Surrender to who and what you are and why you are here. And, surrender to Peace.
Have the courage, my beloved children.
We are all here to assist you,
but we can only assist when you make the proper choice.
There is no more Support for Illusion.
There is only Support for Illumination.
There is where you shall find your Empowerment.
I leave you with these words now,
and with the greatest of my Love.
Thank you for listening.
That is all for this time.”
many things.
But, each and every one of you must be open to receiving your Empowerment. You see, sometimes Empowerment is subtle. Sometimes it comes out with blaring trumpets, so to speak. And, other times it like a whisper,
a tiny little whisper inside the back of your mind
that says, “Listen to me.” And, when you do, you find Empowerment. And, when you do not, you miss opportunities. Empowerment is not something that comes and stays, necessarily, until you learn what true Empowerment is.
For some people, Empowerment must come in stages. It must come little bit by little bit by little bit. And, for some of you it takes a great length of time for all these little bits to finally add up to what you may see as real Empowerment.
Others of you, though, are ready for the “whole shebang”, so to speak, all at one time.
When you think of Empowerment in terms of Peace, whether it's inner Peace or outer Peace or Cosmic Peace, you must think in contradictory terms. For, to be Empowered implies that you are in power, and yet that is the exact opposite of what real Empowerment is.
You see, real Empowerment,
true Empowerment,
is surrender.
It is not surrender to your enemies. It is not surrendering to base desires. It is not surrendering to the world at large.
It is surrendering your ego
for the sake of your Heart.
Now, think about that for just a moment.
When you can surrender your ego,
then your Heart is Free to take charge. And, in your Heart is where the Divine plan for your Life resides.
And, so you see, if you would be fully Empowered,
you must let go of the mind – the ego, not your thought faculties. The mind as in the ego.
Think about that for just a moment.
Do you have the courage it takes to let go of your ego?
To be truly humble?
Only those who are truly humble can truly receive full Empowerment, you see.
If you are filled with yourself, and your own ideas – when you are filled with “I”s and “my”s and “mine”s – you have no room for real Empowerment.
And, some of you would say, “But, what about Free Will and Choice? Doesn't that include a me, my, or I?”
Yes, to some degree it does, but only in the scope of fulfilling your Purpose.
You see, that is another misunderstanding that many people have. You feel that if you make a choice, you make your intent known to the Universe – to God, to the Great Mother, to Creator, whatever name you are going to use – you feel that if you make your choice known, then it will be Empowered.
Focus on it and it will come to you.
This is not necessarily true. Any choice you make that is contrary to Divine Will for your Life, will not be Supported. Any choice you make that is contrary the Free Will and Choice of another being of Life will not be Supported.
Now, think about that for a moment.
That rather complicates this rather simplistic view of manifestation which many of you view as Empowerment, which it is not. How many of you are manifesting things that are contrary to the Free Will and Choice of another?
So, where does this leave your Free Will and Choice? What happens when one set of choices born of Free Will is in conflict with another set of choices born of Free Will? And, I say to you that the deciding factor in this comes from Divine Will – what is in each of the participants' Purposes by Divine Will.
You see, if you wish to really be Empowered in your Life, you must put aside the competition with another person's Free Will and Choice. Competition is Illusion. You should put it away and never participate in it again.
When you have two people, each with their own Free Will and Choice that are in conflict, Divine Will trumps all. So, it may seem that one person is Supported, while another person is not. And, one will cry, “Foul! That's not fair! I had my Free Will and Choice.” Ah, yes, you did, but
Divine Will will decide.
There are times, in fact most times, when both parties can be accommodated. However, they may not be accommodated in the fashion that they were expecting. Now, this is key in Understanding real Empowerment, particularly as it comes in the scope of Peace.
You make a choice. You state your intent, and so on and so on. But, what comes to you in the form of a manifestation – if you wish to call it that, or Empowerment - if we say it properly, may not come in the form that you want it to come.
You see, real Empowerment always flows with Love.
It flows with Peace.
It flows with Joy.
It is your being in tune and in alignment with your own Heart, which is your own Purpose. It is also a reflection of Divine Will, not only for your Life, but for all of Life.
Think of this for just a moment.
Would you really be truly Empowered?
Are you really ready to be truly Empowered?
If you are, then you must be willing to surrender to Divine Will.
You must be ready to surrender
your own will,
and let your will be that of the Divine,
of the Heavens, of your Creator.
Where will this lead you?
Many are too frightened to follow this path, for they fear it will lead in directions that they do not wish to go. And yet, I say to you that it will only lead you to your greatest Joys, to the greatest Loves you have ever known and shared.
So, why would you hesitate?
Why would you be hesitant to surrender your ego, to follow your own Heart, and to surrender your will that was born of ego to begin with and not the Heart? You see, if your will is in alignment with your Heart, then you have nothing to fear. For, your Heart is always in alignment with Divine Will.
It is always prepared to be fully Empowered.
If you wish to be satisfied in your Life and feel content with how your Life is progressing, how it is manifesting, how you are sharing it and experiencing and expressing it, the things that come to you, and so on and so on, then you must be in alignment with your Heart, for THAT
is where your real Empowerment is.
And, in this Time of the great Peace Project, as Peace now will reign one day in the very near future, it is imperative that you allow your Heart to be Empowered by removing your ego and your inner obstacles from your own path.
Some of you pray for guidance, and you pray for assistance, and you ask for this obstacle to be removed, and you ask for that obstacle to be removed, and you ask for Support, and you ask for this, and you ask for that, and many of you spend a great deal of time asking for things.
And yet, I say to you that if you would simply get out of your own way by putting aside your egos, and your own plans that do not allow for Divine Will whatsoever, or the Divine Plan for your Life, your Purpose, then you would have no requests because everything would just flow to you.
There are schools of thought that say you should never have expectations, for expectations lead to disappointment. And, I say you are well advised to some degree by this school of thought. However, it is wise to have expectations that whatever your Heart is calling for will, indeed, manifest and come to you. The question is: Are you really listening to your Heart, or are you listening to your mind?
Are your desires born of your Heart,
or, your mind -
which is also representing your ego?
Desires of the Heart reflect the true path of your Life.
Desires of the mind reflect Illusion.
Which are you following?
That is a question each of you must ponder upon.
If you are to be truly Empowered, then you must follow the path of Love, the path of your Heart, the path of Joy, of Peace, of Truth, of Grace, and so on.
It is key that you Understand the difference. It is key that you find your own Illumined state. For, if you do not, how will you know whether or not you are following your mind or your Heart?
In this Time, it is imperative that you know, for your future depends upon it,
in a way that it has never depended upon it before.
The Time of Peace is coming.
We have spoken in the past of a great segregation of people, people dividing into two camps – those who choose Peace, and those who do not.
Which will you choose? How do you want to live the rest of your Life -
Empowered in the principles of Peace,
or, not Empowered by the principles of Illusion?
And, some of you would come back and say, “Illusion has more money, therefore more comforts in Life.” And, I say to you: Which is more important – a comfort in Life or Life itself?
Which is more important?
Which is more convenient?
Does it do you much good to be filled with riches at your disposal for whatever you might desire with your mind?
Or, would you have your Heart's desires fulfilled throughout the rest of your Life
which could be long and healthy?
Which one is more convenient?
Life or convenience?
Life or comfort?
Life or riches?
Which one has Love?
Do you Love riches?
If you do, you are Loving Illusion, for they cannot Love you back.
If you Love Life,
then Life Loves you back
and that is Illumination and that is Truth.
And, that, my beloved children, is true Empowerment.
And, so during this time, as you think about Empowerment in the scope of Peace,
you must Understand that as Divine Will is dictating Peace,
only those choices that you make that foster Peace within your own selves, within your own lives, and in every choice that you make as you interact with others throughout the world, only those choices that reflect Peace are being Supported and Empowered.
Think about that for a moment.
If you are wondering why your Life is lacking Support, why your Life is lacking Empowerment, and so on, it is because Illusion
is not
being Supported.
It is not being Empowered.
To be filled with power, means to be filled with Love,
not Illusion,
Love is Truth.
Where is your Truth?
Where is the Truth of the world?
Why is the world not Empowered to make changes? We speak of humanity now, as a whole. We speak of all beings of Life as a whole. Why are they not Empowered
to simply bring about a state of Peace because it is chosen. And, I say to you: It's because the majority of you have not chosen this.
And, those of you – many of you, who have chosen it do not act upon it.
Perhaps you do not know how, and this what part of this teaching during this Season of Peace celebration and these messages have been for. (It) is to teach you
act upon
your choices.
Now is the time.
You must act upon these choices.
You cannot be armchair witnesses to Life anymore. You are participants, one way or another.
It is Universal Law, you might say – if it is to be Understood properly (and there is much, much, much in the way of depth to Universal Laws). But to put it in a very small nutshell, so to speak:
If you
do not take responsibility for your own actions,
including non-action,
then your choice is made by that action.
The choice is made by your responsibility.
That is to say, action is a choice. Non-action is a choice. You are responsible for both.
If you choose, at this time, to ignore the call to Peace,
you are still held responsible for making the choice of non-Peacefulness.
The same is true of Love,
of Truth, and so on.
You cannot hide anymore.
So, if you wish your Life to be Empowered,
you must follow the path of Peace,
of Love, of Truth, and Joy, and Grace, and so on.
You do Understand. Every being of Life does.
There is no denying that and there's no getting away from it. You cannot hide from it. You cannot lie about it.
We all know the Truth.
So, if you would wish for your Empowerment to come to you, then I say: Open your Hearts. Put aside your minds and your egos and surrender. Surrender to your own Truth. Surrender to who and what you are and why you are here. And, surrender to Peace.
Have the courage, my beloved children.
We are all here to assist you,
but we can only assist when you make the proper choice.
There is no more Support for Illusion.
There is only Support for Illumination.
There is where you shall find your Empowerment.
I leave you with these words now,
and with the greatest of my Love.
Thank you for listening.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.