Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Metatron on the Gift of Strength
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Metatron,
and I would speak with you at this time on the gift of Strength.
What is Strength?
We have spoken of this many times now, but let us look at Strength from a different perspective. What is real Strength in an individual sense, in a collective sense, in a cosmic sense? And, I say to you, as I have said before, that Strength comes from family, and yes this is true, but there is more to Strength. What of your own Strength? How do you find your own Strength? And, how does it pertain
to the gift of Peace,
and to the project of Peace, and so on as we are in the Season of Peace celebration and we are discussing all gifts as they pertain to the Age and Dimension and project of Peace?
And, so I ask you, what is your Strength in this regard? How do you find your Strength in this regard? And, I say your Strength is your power. Your power is your Light. It is your Illumination. It is your Truth. It is your Love. It is who you are. It is what you are. It is you in your greatest potential.
That is the short answer to the question of
what is your Strength.
So the next question, then, is how does one find his or her own Strength?
And, again, look at what Strength is. You must go back to who you are, to what you are, to your own Truth, to the Love within, to the great power of your own Illumined state.
Think about that for just a moment.
When you are in your Illumined state, fully awake, fully Empowered, being who you are, being what you are,
there you have your Strength.
You see, when you are living at your fullest potential, 100% of your potential, you are an extension of your Creator. You are an extension of the Divine, the Universe, of God, of Allah, of whatever name you choose to use
for the Supreme Being
who has created you and given you Life. You are an extension. You are a part of the Creator, just as the Creator is a part of you. I do believe the Great Mother spoke these words to you.
And so, when you are in that power, that state of Grace,
you are Strength.
You are fulfilling your role in Life as it was meant to be, as it was created to be.
You have the full Strength, you might say, of the power of the Love that you are, the expression of Love that you are, from Creator Herself embodied. It is in your Heart. It is in your mind. It is in your body.
Therein lies your Strength.
Now, what does Strength mean to you? For some, it means big muscles – the ability to move heavy loads. For others, it means being strong of character, strong of mind, strong of Heart.
And, I say to you that the greatest Strength in the world is also the most gentle,
just like water.
It is Love.
When you find your greatest Strength, you will also find your greatest gentleness, your greatest softness, as well as your greatest power.
You see, when one is in his or her own state of Strength, state of Grace, state of Illumination,
one does not need
to ever
It is not necessary,
for the Love that you are speaks loudly and clearly
to everyone with whom you interact.
It precedes you. Your Essence precedes you. And, your Essence is Truth. And your Essence is Strength. And, your Essence, then,
is also Peace.
It is Love,
and so on.
In some ways it is greatly amusing to see how many people would like to rule the world. Throughout history there have been one or more rulers continuously wanting to rule the entire world, not just his or her own nation, or tribe, country, whatever the jurisdiction might be of imaginary political lines. And yet, there are always those who wish to rule the world in its entirety, and they always try to do it by force.
And, I say to you, that if you would rule anything, beginning with your own body and your own mind and Heart, you must do it only with Love, for that is the greatest Strength. Any ruler by force will always fail. But, he or she who rules with Love
will always succeed.
So, how do you rule the world with Love?
The answer to that is easy.
You simply Love it in its entirety, unconditionally, unequivocably, completely, and totally equal as it is
So, who can rule the world?
All of you.
None of you.
Anyone who wishes. Anyone who has the courage to find his or her own Strength,
and own it, and be it, and not just talk about it. You see, the time for talking is over, in many respects. Yes, there will always be conversations, but the time for talking as in saying something but not acting upon it – when it is talk only – that is over.
You can no longer do this. The time for action is here.
Many of you may know me as the Archangel of Timing, Divine Order. I am an Archangel. Archangels wear many hats, so to speak. So, yes, these are among my duties, you might say. And, so, if we were to speak of Timing, I would tell you this: There is always a time for something.
And, when it is time for something, there is also a time for something else that is NOT. That is to say that that time has already come and gone, or it is not here yet.
And, I say to you that the time where you can talk about Love, you can talk about Peace, you can talk about this or that or the other thing, but not act upon it
is over.
So, you will be called into action.
And, there will be those who will sit back and say, “I don't see a need to make a choice. I already said what I had to say. Sure, I chose Peace.” Or “No, that's a bunch of hooey”.
And, I say to you this: Those words might have been spoken. Those thoughts may have been thought. They might have been in your mind. Your actions will now follow. And you may make new choices at any time, but you must let your actions follow, for if they do not, your inactivity, your inaction is an action
and it will bear repercussions. You cannot go through Life passing the buck and saying, “Oh, the poor people on the other side of the world. Oh, poor me. Oh, poor neighbor down the street”, or family member, or whoever it might be. You cannot just talk about it anymore. You must do something. If you want to live (in) your world in Peacefulness, find your own Strength, find your own power, and use it!
One of your greatest Strengths is Understanding and claiming your right to Free Will and Choice.
And, how many of you use this?
How many of you are awake enough to consciously think every day about the choices you're making, about what you're seeing in the world, and how you're interacting with it,
or how you are not?
You hear about activists barricading this and protesting that, and you say,”Wow, those people are really stupid.” Or, you say, “I wish them luck.” Or, perhaps, “I wish I could join them.” And, you see, that right there is a choice.
Now, where will you lend your Strength and your power? Because I say to you that you have it, even when you don't know it. Even when you haven't claimed it, it's still present. If you sit back and say, “Oh, those people are stupid” for protesting whatever,
you are lending your Strength
to whatever it is they're protesting.
You're not helping them. You're hurting them.
It's one or the other.
If you sit back and say, “Oh, I wish them luck”,
well, perhaps to some degree you are sending them a little energy. But, your inaction in actually helping them is harming them.
And, this isn't just about activists. What about Peace in your world? What about violence?
When you sit back and say, “Oh, I want violence to end. That's so terrible this happened. There was a shooting here and a bombing there, and war's going on someplace else, and so on. I really wish it would end. I want it to end.” whatever. That is a choice.
Where do you put your Strength, then? What action are you taking? If you are taking no action, you are Supporting
more violence.
Now, a caution has already been spoken to you on a gift of Understanding. And, that Understanding then, is a part of your Strength, because when you Understand situations, then you have the power within you to make that Illuminated choice. And, that is key, right there. You are in a time,
when you must be able to say
I Understand,
because you are expected to.
You are not helpless infants. Anyone listening to my words right now is capable of Understanding them.
Anyone reading my words right now is capable of Understanding them.
Each of you knows within your own being that you are accountable for your actions or lack thereof.
That is a Strength, because it reflects Free Will and Choice.
Use that Strength wisely,
because when you do not, it is used against you.
If you do not like violence in your world, and yet you choose to do nothing about it,
your inaction is working against you because it leaves greater energy on the side of violence.
Think of it as a set of scales. Everyone knows what a set of scales are like. What you put on one side you must put on the other if you wish it to stay in Balance. If you want your world to stay in a state of violence, do nothing and the side of violence weighs out heavier
than the side of Peace.
If you choose Peace and act upon it, you take away your Strength that you've been giving to violence and you pull it back on the Peace side of the scale. If you want Peace to overcome violence, more and more of you must claim your own Strength and your own power, and take it back from the side of violence and put it all into the side of Peace.
And, then, violence will eventually become no more.
It won't happen by talking about it.
You must let your actions follow your choices. And, therein lies your Strength. You already have it.
You must claim it.
You must use it.
You must Understand it,
from a state of Illumination.
Put yourself in a state of Grace. What do you see? What must you do? This is not the time to sit idly by and watch, and say, “Oh, woe is the world.”
It is a time to do something. Take a stand. Act upon your Strength. Use it for good. Follow your Hearts. Let your Strength be the power
in following your Heart.
Where is your Truth?
Where is your Joy?
Where is your Love?
What do you want to see in your Life, in your family's lives? What do you want to see in your communities, in your nations, in your world? What do you want to see in your planet?
Don't talk about it.
Do it.
The time for just talking is over.
It's time for action. Act upon that Strength, and never let anyone take it away. So many of you give your Strength away, commonly it is termed as giving away your power. You give away your power. How do you do this?
By inaction.
When you know you should do something,
and you do not,
you have given away your power – your Strength.
When you know something is wrong,
and you do nothing,
you've given away your power.
When you allow someone to tell you something,
and convince you of something, that you know is not correct,
again, you have given away your power – your Strength.
And, you give it away little bit by little bit every day.
How many of you give away the power of your own body?
It is one thing to seek a physician's assistance with an ailment that you do not Understand, but it is ultimately your responsibility and your power to Heal your own bodies – to make the changes necessary to bring your body back into a state of perfect health.
How many of you listen whenever someone on your news channels, the reporters, come back and say, “Oh, this happened, and oh, that happened, and this is the way we feel and this is the way you should feel.” And, how many of you say, “Okay, sure”?
You just gave away your power and your Strength, because you did not investigate and Understand and come to your own conclusions, you see.
It is easy to jump on a bandwagon and be led along the way,
go for a ride.
Sometimes it is difficult to stand in your own Truth and claim your own power. But, I say to you that the more of you that come together, standing in your own Truth, claiming your own power, your own Strength, and then joining together
the more you will find your world responds to you in a way that is positive and productive.
If you want to make changes, you must join together with others who also wish to make the same changes. You must help others to find their own Strength,
and in so doing,
you foster not only theirs, but your own.
When you come together,
you are exponentially more than either of you are apart.
And, so you see, you can build Strength in your world for good this way, and your world is very weak right now. It needs Strength. There are too many of you who are lazy. You will not do what it takes to be the person that you are meant to be, to live to the greatest of your potential.
Perhaps you are not lazy but frightened.
Perhaps you are too busy.
Perhaps you simply procrastinate,
or go into a state of denial.
How many of you who are listening to my words right now, or are reading them, can actually say that you are living to the greatest of your potential?
How many?
How many of you want to?
How many of you feel that it's too much,
too much to bear?
There are many reasons why you could not. And, we could speak of them all day long.
But, the bottom line, as the saying goes, is this: It all boils down to your choice.
Do you choose to accept your own Strength or not?
Do you choose to live it, claim it, use it for the benefit of those around you and the world you live in?
Or, will you give it away,
let it be usurped by those who would use it against you?
So many people in the world you live in do not like their governments. They may not like family members. Perhaps they are in abusive relationships and family settings. So many of you do not like your employers. There are so many things that so many of you do not like. And, yet, what do you do to change these things?
Every day you give away your power to change things. And, at the end of the day when you lay your head upon your pillow to sleep, perhaps you wish
that you had done something to make a change that day. And, you may even promise yourself that tomorrow you will make a change, you will do something. But, tomorrow comes and you go through the same routine of giving away your power again.
It doesn't matter what it is.
You're too busy to live your potential.
You're too busy to research the Truth so that you know what course of action to take. And, I say to you this:
If you are too busy to live your Life, then what is your Life worth to you?
Your busy-ness?
Will you spend your Life being busy?
And, when you Life is done, you will look back at it and say, “I was busy a lot.”
Or, will you look back at your Life and say, “I claimed my power and made a difference in my world. I made a difference for those I Love.”?
What will you do?
And, so as we speak of the gift of Strength, I say to you this:
Your Strength is your power.
It is your Love. It is your Light. It is your Illumined state, your state of Grace.
It is your Joy,
and so on.
And, if you would find it then you will always know your way. And, you will never be lost. And, you will never feel helpless. You will know what to do in Life, and more importantly, you will know what to do with
Life – your own Life.
And, you will know how to help others with their Life, and the Life that you all share together as human beings and brothers and sisters.
So, think of my words.
Think on them with great consideration, and know that the gift of Strength is waiting for you when you have the courage to embrace it. And, do not let yourselves be led astray by one thing or another. And, I also say to you:
Stop giving away your Strength.
Each of you needs it.
It is meant for you.
It is meant to serve your Life.
So, claim that Strength.
Find your Love. Find your Truth. Find your Light. Find your Peace within, and let these things guide you.
Thank you for hearing my words.
That is all for this time.”
and I would speak with you at this time on the gift of Strength.
What is Strength?
We have spoken of this many times now, but let us look at Strength from a different perspective. What is real Strength in an individual sense, in a collective sense, in a cosmic sense? And, I say to you, as I have said before, that Strength comes from family, and yes this is true, but there is more to Strength. What of your own Strength? How do you find your own Strength? And, how does it pertain
to the gift of Peace,
and to the project of Peace, and so on as we are in the Season of Peace celebration and we are discussing all gifts as they pertain to the Age and Dimension and project of Peace?
And, so I ask you, what is your Strength in this regard? How do you find your Strength in this regard? And, I say your Strength is your power. Your power is your Light. It is your Illumination. It is your Truth. It is your Love. It is who you are. It is what you are. It is you in your greatest potential.
That is the short answer to the question of
what is your Strength.
So the next question, then, is how does one find his or her own Strength?
And, again, look at what Strength is. You must go back to who you are, to what you are, to your own Truth, to the Love within, to the great power of your own Illumined state.
Think about that for just a moment.
When you are in your Illumined state, fully awake, fully Empowered, being who you are, being what you are,
there you have your Strength.
You see, when you are living at your fullest potential, 100% of your potential, you are an extension of your Creator. You are an extension of the Divine, the Universe, of God, of Allah, of whatever name you choose to use
for the Supreme Being
who has created you and given you Life. You are an extension. You are a part of the Creator, just as the Creator is a part of you. I do believe the Great Mother spoke these words to you.
And so, when you are in that power, that state of Grace,
you are Strength.
You are fulfilling your role in Life as it was meant to be, as it was created to be.
You have the full Strength, you might say, of the power of the Love that you are, the expression of Love that you are, from Creator Herself embodied. It is in your Heart. It is in your mind. It is in your body.
Therein lies your Strength.
Now, what does Strength mean to you? For some, it means big muscles – the ability to move heavy loads. For others, it means being strong of character, strong of mind, strong of Heart.
And, I say to you that the greatest Strength in the world is also the most gentle,
just like water.
It is Love.
When you find your greatest Strength, you will also find your greatest gentleness, your greatest softness, as well as your greatest power.
You see, when one is in his or her own state of Strength, state of Grace, state of Illumination,
one does not need
to ever
It is not necessary,
for the Love that you are speaks loudly and clearly
to everyone with whom you interact.
It precedes you. Your Essence precedes you. And, your Essence is Truth. And your Essence is Strength. And, your Essence, then,
is also Peace.
It is Love,
and so on.
In some ways it is greatly amusing to see how many people would like to rule the world. Throughout history there have been one or more rulers continuously wanting to rule the entire world, not just his or her own nation, or tribe, country, whatever the jurisdiction might be of imaginary political lines. And yet, there are always those who wish to rule the world in its entirety, and they always try to do it by force.
And, I say to you, that if you would rule anything, beginning with your own body and your own mind and Heart, you must do it only with Love, for that is the greatest Strength. Any ruler by force will always fail. But, he or she who rules with Love
will always succeed.
So, how do you rule the world with Love?
The answer to that is easy.
You simply Love it in its entirety, unconditionally, unequivocably, completely, and totally equal as it is
So, who can rule the world?
All of you.
None of you.
Anyone who wishes. Anyone who has the courage to find his or her own Strength,
and own it, and be it, and not just talk about it. You see, the time for talking is over, in many respects. Yes, there will always be conversations, but the time for talking as in saying something but not acting upon it – when it is talk only – that is over.
You can no longer do this. The time for action is here.
Many of you may know me as the Archangel of Timing, Divine Order. I am an Archangel. Archangels wear many hats, so to speak. So, yes, these are among my duties, you might say. And, so, if we were to speak of Timing, I would tell you this: There is always a time for something.
And, when it is time for something, there is also a time for something else that is NOT. That is to say that that time has already come and gone, or it is not here yet.
And, I say to you that the time where you can talk about Love, you can talk about Peace, you can talk about this or that or the other thing, but not act upon it
is over.
So, you will be called into action.
And, there will be those who will sit back and say, “I don't see a need to make a choice. I already said what I had to say. Sure, I chose Peace.” Or “No, that's a bunch of hooey”.
And, I say to you this: Those words might have been spoken. Those thoughts may have been thought. They might have been in your mind. Your actions will now follow. And you may make new choices at any time, but you must let your actions follow, for if they do not, your inactivity, your inaction is an action
and it will bear repercussions. You cannot go through Life passing the buck and saying, “Oh, the poor people on the other side of the world. Oh, poor me. Oh, poor neighbor down the street”, or family member, or whoever it might be. You cannot just talk about it anymore. You must do something. If you want to live (in) your world in Peacefulness, find your own Strength, find your own power, and use it!
One of your greatest Strengths is Understanding and claiming your right to Free Will and Choice.
And, how many of you use this?
How many of you are awake enough to consciously think every day about the choices you're making, about what you're seeing in the world, and how you're interacting with it,
or how you are not?
You hear about activists barricading this and protesting that, and you say,”Wow, those people are really stupid.” Or, you say, “I wish them luck.” Or, perhaps, “I wish I could join them.” And, you see, that right there is a choice.
Now, where will you lend your Strength and your power? Because I say to you that you have it, even when you don't know it. Even when you haven't claimed it, it's still present. If you sit back and say, “Oh, those people are stupid” for protesting whatever,
you are lending your Strength
to whatever it is they're protesting.
You're not helping them. You're hurting them.
It's one or the other.
If you sit back and say, “Oh, I wish them luck”,
well, perhaps to some degree you are sending them a little energy. But, your inaction in actually helping them is harming them.
And, this isn't just about activists. What about Peace in your world? What about violence?
When you sit back and say, “Oh, I want violence to end. That's so terrible this happened. There was a shooting here and a bombing there, and war's going on someplace else, and so on. I really wish it would end. I want it to end.” whatever. That is a choice.
Where do you put your Strength, then? What action are you taking? If you are taking no action, you are Supporting
more violence.
Now, a caution has already been spoken to you on a gift of Understanding. And, that Understanding then, is a part of your Strength, because when you Understand situations, then you have the power within you to make that Illuminated choice. And, that is key, right there. You are in a time,
when you must be able to say
I Understand,
because you are expected to.
You are not helpless infants. Anyone listening to my words right now is capable of Understanding them.
Anyone reading my words right now is capable of Understanding them.
Each of you knows within your own being that you are accountable for your actions or lack thereof.
That is a Strength, because it reflects Free Will and Choice.
Use that Strength wisely,
because when you do not, it is used against you.
If you do not like violence in your world, and yet you choose to do nothing about it,
your inaction is working against you because it leaves greater energy on the side of violence.
Think of it as a set of scales. Everyone knows what a set of scales are like. What you put on one side you must put on the other if you wish it to stay in Balance. If you want your world to stay in a state of violence, do nothing and the side of violence weighs out heavier
than the side of Peace.
If you choose Peace and act upon it, you take away your Strength that you've been giving to violence and you pull it back on the Peace side of the scale. If you want Peace to overcome violence, more and more of you must claim your own Strength and your own power, and take it back from the side of violence and put it all into the side of Peace.
And, then, violence will eventually become no more.
It won't happen by talking about it.
You must let your actions follow your choices. And, therein lies your Strength. You already have it.
You must claim it.
You must use it.
You must Understand it,
from a state of Illumination.
Put yourself in a state of Grace. What do you see? What must you do? This is not the time to sit idly by and watch, and say, “Oh, woe is the world.”
It is a time to do something. Take a stand. Act upon your Strength. Use it for good. Follow your Hearts. Let your Strength be the power
in following your Heart.
Where is your Truth?
Where is your Joy?
Where is your Love?
What do you want to see in your Life, in your family's lives? What do you want to see in your communities, in your nations, in your world? What do you want to see in your planet?
Don't talk about it.
Do it.
The time for just talking is over.
It's time for action. Act upon that Strength, and never let anyone take it away. So many of you give your Strength away, commonly it is termed as giving away your power. You give away your power. How do you do this?
By inaction.
When you know you should do something,
and you do not,
you have given away your power – your Strength.
When you know something is wrong,
and you do nothing,
you've given away your power.
When you allow someone to tell you something,
and convince you of something, that you know is not correct,
again, you have given away your power – your Strength.
And, you give it away little bit by little bit every day.
How many of you give away the power of your own body?
It is one thing to seek a physician's assistance with an ailment that you do not Understand, but it is ultimately your responsibility and your power to Heal your own bodies – to make the changes necessary to bring your body back into a state of perfect health.
How many of you listen whenever someone on your news channels, the reporters, come back and say, “Oh, this happened, and oh, that happened, and this is the way we feel and this is the way you should feel.” And, how many of you say, “Okay, sure”?
You just gave away your power and your Strength, because you did not investigate and Understand and come to your own conclusions, you see.
It is easy to jump on a bandwagon and be led along the way,
go for a ride.
Sometimes it is difficult to stand in your own Truth and claim your own power. But, I say to you that the more of you that come together, standing in your own Truth, claiming your own power, your own Strength, and then joining together
the more you will find your world responds to you in a way that is positive and productive.
If you want to make changes, you must join together with others who also wish to make the same changes. You must help others to find their own Strength,
and in so doing,
you foster not only theirs, but your own.
When you come together,
you are exponentially more than either of you are apart.
And, so you see, you can build Strength in your world for good this way, and your world is very weak right now. It needs Strength. There are too many of you who are lazy. You will not do what it takes to be the person that you are meant to be, to live to the greatest of your potential.
Perhaps you are not lazy but frightened.
Perhaps you are too busy.
Perhaps you simply procrastinate,
or go into a state of denial.
How many of you who are listening to my words right now, or are reading them, can actually say that you are living to the greatest of your potential?
How many?
How many of you want to?
How many of you feel that it's too much,
too much to bear?
There are many reasons why you could not. And, we could speak of them all day long.
But, the bottom line, as the saying goes, is this: It all boils down to your choice.
Do you choose to accept your own Strength or not?
Do you choose to live it, claim it, use it for the benefit of those around you and the world you live in?
Or, will you give it away,
let it be usurped by those who would use it against you?
So many people in the world you live in do not like their governments. They may not like family members. Perhaps they are in abusive relationships and family settings. So many of you do not like your employers. There are so many things that so many of you do not like. And, yet, what do you do to change these things?
Every day you give away your power to change things. And, at the end of the day when you lay your head upon your pillow to sleep, perhaps you wish
that you had done something to make a change that day. And, you may even promise yourself that tomorrow you will make a change, you will do something. But, tomorrow comes and you go through the same routine of giving away your power again.
It doesn't matter what it is.
You're too busy to live your potential.
You're too busy to research the Truth so that you know what course of action to take. And, I say to you this:
If you are too busy to live your Life, then what is your Life worth to you?
Your busy-ness?
Will you spend your Life being busy?
And, when you Life is done, you will look back at it and say, “I was busy a lot.”
Or, will you look back at your Life and say, “I claimed my power and made a difference in my world. I made a difference for those I Love.”?
What will you do?
And, so as we speak of the gift of Strength, I say to you this:
Your Strength is your power.
It is your Love. It is your Light. It is your Illumined state, your state of Grace.
It is your Joy,
and so on.
And, if you would find it then you will always know your way. And, you will never be lost. And, you will never feel helpless. You will know what to do in Life, and more importantly, you will know what to do with
Life – your own Life.
And, you will know how to help others with their Life, and the Life that you all share together as human beings and brothers and sisters.
So, think of my words.
Think on them with great consideration, and know that the gift of Strength is waiting for you when you have the courage to embrace it. And, do not let yourselves be led astray by one thing or another. And, I also say to you:
Stop giving away your Strength.
Each of you needs it.
It is meant for you.
It is meant to serve your Life.
So, claim that Strength.
Find your Love. Find your Truth. Find your Light. Find your Peace within, and let these things guide you.
Thank you for hearing my words.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
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