Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Michael on the Gift of Understanding
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Michael, and I come to you at this time to speak of the gift of Understanding. Understanding plays a vital role in your Life today and every day. Understanding plays a vital role in every choice and decision that you make. This is a time when your world requires Understanding if you wish for it to change, and it is MY Understanding that most of you do.
There is always something that you wish to change. You wish to make your Life better, your world better, your family better, your relationships better, your job better, and so on and so on. Whatever your condition is in Life, you wish it to be better.
And, the only way to do this is to Understand why it is not what you want it to be.
In order for you to find your own Truth, your own happiness, your own Joy, your own Peace, and so on, and better circumstances in Life, then you must Understand what it is that you must do first to achieve what you wish. And, you must Understand why conditions are in place as they are so that you are not experiencing that which you wish and your Heart desires.
As this is a time (celebration) of Peace, we shall focus our thoughts on Peace at this moment, but these principles, these ideas apply to any given situation in Life. But for the moment, let us discuss the principle
and the condition of Peace.
Your world is in a state of violence. It is in a state of war. It's in a state of constant assault,
of battery
upon you, and your neighbor, your brother, your sister, and so on around the world. And, it is in this constant state of assault and battery all the time.
Sometimes in order for a lesson or a choice to be illustrated to you, it must be pointed out. And, in some ways, you could say that you are each pointing out for the other the idea that it is time to Understand your world and to make choices accordingly. It is time for you, as has been spoken many times now, to live in a state of Peace, and yet you do not. It seems as though the world is escalating in a non-Peaceful fashion. The violence is escalating day by day by day. And many of these things are not true.
Many of these things are not true.
I will say that again in order to help you Understand. Most of what you see
is questionable.
Are you seeing Truth?
Are you being shown Truth?
Well, yes, it is true that there is a great deal of violence in your world. And, it does need to change. And, if you would Understand what is behind the violence, then you must begin to look at the big picture. Look behind the violence.
In some of my teachings, I say to you – and to all of my students – that anger is a secondary emotion. Anger is never an emotion that stands alone, for you cannot be angry without some stimuli to cause it.
And, likewise, you cannot have violence for the sake of violence. There is always something behind it. So, the question is what is behind it. If you are looking at your world today, and you see huge, enormous amounts of violence happening – control, manipulation, contamination, and so on. These are all different forms of violence. If you see such violence happening in your world, the question is why.
When you Understand why, then you will know the course of action to take to stop the violence, therefore you will have your Peace.
It does you no good to sit back and say, “Oh, woe are we. The world is such a violent place.”
It does no good to sit back and say, “The government's handling it”,
because violence is not just a governmental problem to deal with. It is an individual problem. It is your problem.
It is your neighbor's problem.
And, so you must ask yourself the questions then.
is the violence happening?
Why is the world so much at odds with one another?
Why are there so many people doing such insane things?
Why are there gunmen shooting people?
Why are there bombs being dropped?
Why are heads literally rolling?
Why are people disappearing?
And, why are children being killed
and women being raped and mutilated, and so on and so on? Why are these things happening?
And, of course, one hand blames it on the other, and one government blames it on another government, and one faction of revolution blames it on something else, and there is always blame going everywhere. But, the real question is why.
Why is it happening?
Why are people disappearing? Why are women being raped and beaten? Why are children being killed? Why are there gunmen in the world? And, why are bombs being dropped. And why is there starvation? And, why is there illness? And, why are there cancers, and so on, and so on, and so on. And, I say to you this: Look at the big picture. Look behind the acts of violence, and try to Understand WHY these things are happening.
And, your minds would say, “We don't know.
We don't know. They make no sense.”
And, I say, yes, there is perfect sense behind it, if you will open your eyes and see the Truth
and Understand that.
There is control at stake.
There is manipulation.
There is opposition to your Truth
and your power.
There is opposition to Peace.
There is opposition to Love and Light.
So, when you begin to ask yourself, just as if you were a policeman investigating a crime, put yourself in that mode for a moment, and ask why are these things happening? Why is the world in such a state of violence and non-Peace. When so many of you choose Peace, why is the Peace not coming? And, I say it is.
It is. Because, each and every one of you, as you wake up, as you begin to Understand more, then you can make choices to interact with the real cause
of the violence,
rather than what is blamed for the violence.
Take the gunman, for example. In your news, there is much talk in the western world about mass shootings.
The gunman did this. The gunman did that. And yet, what do we see happening that helps the gunman, and helps prevent more gunmen?
All we see is blaming the gun, because the gun fired a bullet.
The bullet did the killing.
And, I say to you that a bullet itself cannot kill. It is the hand behind the gun. And, what is behind the hand? It is a mind. It is a Heart. And then, you must ask yourself what is wrong with that mind and that Heart that caused a hand to pull a trigger that fired a bullet that killed another person.
You see, this is the way that you must look behind the violence and try to Understand what is causing it. And, only when you find the causes will you find the solutions.
And, only when you find solutions will you find your Peace. And, it all begins with Understanding. You must look for Truth and Understand it.
If you are not willing to dig deeper than the surface,
then you cannot affect change in your world.
If you are not willing to seek Understanding, you cannot affect change in your world.
It will not happen.
There are many who pray to the Heavens for Peace. There are many who pray for salvation and help. “Help us! Help us! Stop the violence!” We hear these prayers all the time. And, yet, who among you will stand up and say, “I will stop the violence”?
You have Free Will and Choice. It is a gift from the Heavens. From your Creator, you have the gift of Free Will and Choice.
Use it!
Use it!
Every day.
Don't sit back and say, “Woe is me. Please deliver us, and please bring Peace.”
Stand up and use it.
There are those in your world, your brothers and sisters around the world, who may not be able to stand up themselves or by themselves.
Help them.
But, do not participate in mindless violence that you don't Understand. If you don't Understand the reason why the violence, don't Support it. Now Gabriel has spoken that sometimes there must be force used to stop violence and to promote Peace. And, this is what I am speaking of.
Sometimes you do have to stand upon your own two feet and say no more. And, it's time for all of you to come together in your world, right now, together and say no more.
No more violence.
No more manipulation.
No more control.
No more greed.
No more hurt. No more pain. No more hunger. No more starvation. No more rape and murder and pillaging.
What will it take for YOU to stand up and say NO MORE?
Many of you would come back and say, “What can I do? This isn't happening to me. It's not happening in my neighborhood. It's not happening to my family.” And, I say yes it is. Because the entire world is your family and the entire world is your neighborhood.
As has been spoken, the political lines are nonsense and they are Illusion.
They are Illusion.
And, they keep you separated. And, because of a political line, you refuse to help a fellow human being?
Your brother and sister?
The child on the other side of that line could be yours.
What has a child done
to earn
your denial?
There are children in your world every day suffering and dying
of hunger.
They don't have proper beds to sleep in. Some of them don't even have the Love of a mother or a father to comfort them, and they are frightened and alone.
And you would deny them
those basic rights of LIFE?
And, I don't mean you specifically. I mean you as in general.
As has been spoken, if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. And, you may not be directly involved with the problem yourself. Yet, if you are not part of the solution, you are Supporting the problem in its continuation.
There are those in the world who purport to do good things. And, they want – perhaps in their own Hearts – to do good things, and they are misled. And, the good things that they do, or think that they are doing, are actually extremely harmful things. And, you cannot be one of those. And, the only way you can ensure you are not one of those is if you Understand every choice you make, every action you make. You must live your lives with Purpose.
And, in order to do that you must Understand every move you make. Every choice, even as simple as what food to you purchase to put on your table? What food do you grow in your gardens?
What water do you drink? What clothing do you wear?
And, then you must look at your bigger pictures. If you have rights to vote, who are you voting for? What are you voting for?
Do you Understand the person you are voting for, or the law that you're voting for or against?
You see, it all boils down to Understanding. And, if you won't take the time to Understand your own world, and your own body, and your own self, your own mind, and your own Heart, how can you go through Life living your Truth, finding your Peace, and so on?
How can you live a Life – your Life – if you don't even know what your Life is? How can you live your Life if you don't even Understand what it is, what it's meant to be, what it can be?
Will you settle for 10% of what your potential is?
What if you were working at a job? Would you settle for 10% of what the wage for that job could be?
Would you not want 100% of the wage, the salary, the payment that should be given to you for that job? Of course, you would.
Likewise, live 100% of your own potential as a human being. You have this lifetime. Yes, there are other lifetimes, but not your lifetime. Your lifetime is right here right now. This is your consciousness, your choice, your time to shine you might say.
But, if you don't Understand what there is that you can do, you can experience, you can share,
how will you ever live it?
You won't. You'll waste it.
So, you must reach within yourself first to Understand. Understand yourself first.
And, then, look around in your world, in your families, in your relationships, in your schools, and your jobs, your communities, and your nations, and your world as it plays and interacts together
and Understand the big picture.
And, do not be misled
so that you make faulty choices, because you are still responsible for them. You cannot come back some day after your body is dead and gone and say, “Well, I didn't know.”
Because, it's your responsibility to know.
And, you could have known
had you made the effort to learn, to Understand.
So, do not allow yourselves to be misled.
If you want Peace in your world, act upon that.
But, first you must Understand why you don't have Peace. What's really going on in your world? What's really going on behind closed doors that define political lines?
What's really going on behind closed doors and closed minds that pull triggers and shoot people for no apparent reason?
What's really going on when you hear in the news – or you live through it – a situation of hostages, or refugees, or bombing, governments being overthrown, revolutions are happening, and so on? If you want to see changes in your Life and in your world, you must begin with Understanding. And, you cannot Understand if you don't have the Truth. And, in order to have the Truth, you must first become Peaceful inside even for just a moment.
Be silent. Find a moment of Peace inside and look for the Truth and then seek to Understand it and then you will know your right course of action.
Think about my words.
This is a great time in the history of humanity and the Earth. And, you are a part of it. And, you are an important part, because
Every choice matters.
Much more than you realize.
So, Understand well before you make your choices. And, make your choices from the Heart always.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
There is always something that you wish to change. You wish to make your Life better, your world better, your family better, your relationships better, your job better, and so on and so on. Whatever your condition is in Life, you wish it to be better.
And, the only way to do this is to Understand why it is not what you want it to be.
In order for you to find your own Truth, your own happiness, your own Joy, your own Peace, and so on, and better circumstances in Life, then you must Understand what it is that you must do first to achieve what you wish. And, you must Understand why conditions are in place as they are so that you are not experiencing that which you wish and your Heart desires.
As this is a time (celebration) of Peace, we shall focus our thoughts on Peace at this moment, but these principles, these ideas apply to any given situation in Life. But for the moment, let us discuss the principle
and the condition of Peace.
Your world is in a state of violence. It is in a state of war. It's in a state of constant assault,
of battery
upon you, and your neighbor, your brother, your sister, and so on around the world. And, it is in this constant state of assault and battery all the time.
Sometimes in order for a lesson or a choice to be illustrated to you, it must be pointed out. And, in some ways, you could say that you are each pointing out for the other the idea that it is time to Understand your world and to make choices accordingly. It is time for you, as has been spoken many times now, to live in a state of Peace, and yet you do not. It seems as though the world is escalating in a non-Peaceful fashion. The violence is escalating day by day by day. And many of these things are not true.
Many of these things are not true.
I will say that again in order to help you Understand. Most of what you see
is questionable.
Are you seeing Truth?
Are you being shown Truth?
Well, yes, it is true that there is a great deal of violence in your world. And, it does need to change. And, if you would Understand what is behind the violence, then you must begin to look at the big picture. Look behind the violence.
In some of my teachings, I say to you – and to all of my students – that anger is a secondary emotion. Anger is never an emotion that stands alone, for you cannot be angry without some stimuli to cause it.
And, likewise, you cannot have violence for the sake of violence. There is always something behind it. So, the question is what is behind it. If you are looking at your world today, and you see huge, enormous amounts of violence happening – control, manipulation, contamination, and so on. These are all different forms of violence. If you see such violence happening in your world, the question is why.
When you Understand why, then you will know the course of action to take to stop the violence, therefore you will have your Peace.
It does you no good to sit back and say, “Oh, woe are we. The world is such a violent place.”
It does no good to sit back and say, “The government's handling it”,
because violence is not just a governmental problem to deal with. It is an individual problem. It is your problem.
It is your neighbor's problem.
And, so you must ask yourself the questions then.
is the violence happening?
Why is the world so much at odds with one another?
Why are there so many people doing such insane things?
Why are there gunmen shooting people?
Why are there bombs being dropped?
Why are heads literally rolling?
Why are people disappearing?
And, why are children being killed
and women being raped and mutilated, and so on and so on? Why are these things happening?
And, of course, one hand blames it on the other, and one government blames it on another government, and one faction of revolution blames it on something else, and there is always blame going everywhere. But, the real question is why.
Why is it happening?
Why are people disappearing? Why are women being raped and beaten? Why are children being killed? Why are there gunmen in the world? And, why are bombs being dropped. And why is there starvation? And, why is there illness? And, why are there cancers, and so on, and so on, and so on. And, I say to you this: Look at the big picture. Look behind the acts of violence, and try to Understand WHY these things are happening.
And, your minds would say, “We don't know.
We don't know. They make no sense.”
And, I say, yes, there is perfect sense behind it, if you will open your eyes and see the Truth
and Understand that.
There is control at stake.
There is manipulation.
There is opposition to your Truth
and your power.
There is opposition to Peace.
There is opposition to Love and Light.
So, when you begin to ask yourself, just as if you were a policeman investigating a crime, put yourself in that mode for a moment, and ask why are these things happening? Why is the world in such a state of violence and non-Peace. When so many of you choose Peace, why is the Peace not coming? And, I say it is.
It is. Because, each and every one of you, as you wake up, as you begin to Understand more, then you can make choices to interact with the real cause
of the violence,
rather than what is blamed for the violence.
Take the gunman, for example. In your news, there is much talk in the western world about mass shootings.
The gunman did this. The gunman did that. And yet, what do we see happening that helps the gunman, and helps prevent more gunmen?
All we see is blaming the gun, because the gun fired a bullet.
The bullet did the killing.
And, I say to you that a bullet itself cannot kill. It is the hand behind the gun. And, what is behind the hand? It is a mind. It is a Heart. And then, you must ask yourself what is wrong with that mind and that Heart that caused a hand to pull a trigger that fired a bullet that killed another person.
You see, this is the way that you must look behind the violence and try to Understand what is causing it. And, only when you find the causes will you find the solutions.
And, only when you find solutions will you find your Peace. And, it all begins with Understanding. You must look for Truth and Understand it.
If you are not willing to dig deeper than the surface,
then you cannot affect change in your world.
If you are not willing to seek Understanding, you cannot affect change in your world.
It will not happen.
There are many who pray to the Heavens for Peace. There are many who pray for salvation and help. “Help us! Help us! Stop the violence!” We hear these prayers all the time. And, yet, who among you will stand up and say, “I will stop the violence”?
You have Free Will and Choice. It is a gift from the Heavens. From your Creator, you have the gift of Free Will and Choice.
Use it!
Use it!
Every day.
Don't sit back and say, “Woe is me. Please deliver us, and please bring Peace.”
Stand up and use it.
There are those in your world, your brothers and sisters around the world, who may not be able to stand up themselves or by themselves.
Help them.
But, do not participate in mindless violence that you don't Understand. If you don't Understand the reason why the violence, don't Support it. Now Gabriel has spoken that sometimes there must be force used to stop violence and to promote Peace. And, this is what I am speaking of.
Sometimes you do have to stand upon your own two feet and say no more. And, it's time for all of you to come together in your world, right now, together and say no more.
No more violence.
No more manipulation.
No more control.
No more greed.
No more hurt. No more pain. No more hunger. No more starvation. No more rape and murder and pillaging.
What will it take for YOU to stand up and say NO MORE?
Many of you would come back and say, “What can I do? This isn't happening to me. It's not happening in my neighborhood. It's not happening to my family.” And, I say yes it is. Because the entire world is your family and the entire world is your neighborhood.
As has been spoken, the political lines are nonsense and they are Illusion.
They are Illusion.
And, they keep you separated. And, because of a political line, you refuse to help a fellow human being?
Your brother and sister?
The child on the other side of that line could be yours.
What has a child done
to earn
your denial?
There are children in your world every day suffering and dying
of hunger.
They don't have proper beds to sleep in. Some of them don't even have the Love of a mother or a father to comfort them, and they are frightened and alone.
And you would deny them
those basic rights of LIFE?
And, I don't mean you specifically. I mean you as in general.
As has been spoken, if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. And, you may not be directly involved with the problem yourself. Yet, if you are not part of the solution, you are Supporting the problem in its continuation.
There are those in the world who purport to do good things. And, they want – perhaps in their own Hearts – to do good things, and they are misled. And, the good things that they do, or think that they are doing, are actually extremely harmful things. And, you cannot be one of those. And, the only way you can ensure you are not one of those is if you Understand every choice you make, every action you make. You must live your lives with Purpose.
And, in order to do that you must Understand every move you make. Every choice, even as simple as what food to you purchase to put on your table? What food do you grow in your gardens?
What water do you drink? What clothing do you wear?
And, then you must look at your bigger pictures. If you have rights to vote, who are you voting for? What are you voting for?
Do you Understand the person you are voting for, or the law that you're voting for or against?
You see, it all boils down to Understanding. And, if you won't take the time to Understand your own world, and your own body, and your own self, your own mind, and your own Heart, how can you go through Life living your Truth, finding your Peace, and so on?
How can you live a Life – your Life – if you don't even know what your Life is? How can you live your Life if you don't even Understand what it is, what it's meant to be, what it can be?
Will you settle for 10% of what your potential is?
What if you were working at a job? Would you settle for 10% of what the wage for that job could be?
Would you not want 100% of the wage, the salary, the payment that should be given to you for that job? Of course, you would.
Likewise, live 100% of your own potential as a human being. You have this lifetime. Yes, there are other lifetimes, but not your lifetime. Your lifetime is right here right now. This is your consciousness, your choice, your time to shine you might say.
But, if you don't Understand what there is that you can do, you can experience, you can share,
how will you ever live it?
You won't. You'll waste it.
So, you must reach within yourself first to Understand. Understand yourself first.
And, then, look around in your world, in your families, in your relationships, in your schools, and your jobs, your communities, and your nations, and your world as it plays and interacts together
and Understand the big picture.
And, do not be misled
so that you make faulty choices, because you are still responsible for them. You cannot come back some day after your body is dead and gone and say, “Well, I didn't know.”
Because, it's your responsibility to know.
And, you could have known
had you made the effort to learn, to Understand.
So, do not allow yourselves to be misled.
If you want Peace in your world, act upon that.
But, first you must Understand why you don't have Peace. What's really going on in your world? What's really going on behind closed doors that define political lines?
What's really going on behind closed doors and closed minds that pull triggers and shoot people for no apparent reason?
What's really going on when you hear in the news – or you live through it – a situation of hostages, or refugees, or bombing, governments being overthrown, revolutions are happening, and so on? If you want to see changes in your Life and in your world, you must begin with Understanding. And, you cannot Understand if you don't have the Truth. And, in order to have the Truth, you must first become Peaceful inside even for just a moment.
Be silent. Find a moment of Peace inside and look for the Truth and then seek to Understand it and then you will know your right course of action.
Think about my words.
This is a great time in the history of humanity and the Earth. And, you are a part of it. And, you are an important part, because
Every choice matters.
Much more than you realize.
So, Understand well before you make your choices. And, make your choices from the Heart always.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.