Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Mother Earth/Gaea on her Rebirth into Peace
Channeled by Mia Mona Muriel Amore
Channeled by Mia Mona Muriel Amore
This is a very interesting message, as Gaea discusses climate change and her upcoming changes as she calls us all home to live in Peace with her. She speaks of the Dimension of Peace, as well, and asks us if we are ready for it. Mother Earth is very cautious with her words in this message. If you listen to the message from the Great Mother that comes after this, you will see why.
“Yes, then, it is I, Mother Earth, Gaea, Terra, whatever name you choose to call me. My own personal preference is Gaea, but it matters not as long as you know who I am. And I am your mother, the mother who has given you your body, given birth to your sensory organism, you might say.
It is with a great Joy in my Heart that I speak with you at this time as you are concluding your Season of Peace celebrations.
It always brings my Heart such Joy to see my beloved children celebrating something that involves Peace, and sometimes me, for at least you remember who I am, when most of the time so many do not.
And, so I thank you for this time and the opportunity to speak with you. Thank you for listening to my words.
Let us speak for a moment about a subject which is a hot topic, you might say, quite literally among the human population at this time. This is truly a hot topic among other populations as well, but as humans you are not aware of these other communications. And, the hot topic to which I refer is that of climate and climate change. There is much, much discussion about this in your realm at this time, and there is much discussion in many other realms, as well. And, I must say it is a subject which is very near and dear to my Heart, of course. But, also it is on my mind substantially anymore, for as you may know, and some of you may be able to tell, there is trouble.
There are difficulties which I face every day.
You must Understand, it is a part of my duty, my responsibility, my Purpose for being – and yes, I do have one, just as you do. It is a part of my Purpose to provide a place for and to nurture Life.
As the edict for Peace has spread throughout the Universe of Universes, I, too, have answered the call. I have made my choice, just as the choice has been presented to you. I have chosen to live in Peace, and I am letting my actions follow my choice, as you have been guided to do as well.
And, so, beloved children, you must allow your actions to follow your choices. And, you must Understand that my actions must also follow my choices.
So, what does this mean?
It means that I must make adjustments.
I can no longer Support Illusion -
crimes against one another,
no form of Illusion.
I will not Support it.
I will only Support Truth, Love, Peace, Light, and so on.
Therefore, I must make changes.
The climate that you see being changed, yes, in part, it is being changed very drastically by human hands and activities – sometimes intentionally and sometimes quite unintentionally. But, the changes are there, nevertheless, and they must be dealt with.
At this time, it is with great sorrow
that I say
that some of these changes
that you are attempting to make through addressing climate change and so on,
they are too little too late.
There are some damages that have been done that you cannot reverse simply by cutting emissions, and doing this and doing that. It is too late.
The damage is done.
And, so it is left to me to repair if I am to continue – as I choose to be – a place for Life,
where Life can be Peaceful, and Loving, and kind, where true Abundance is shared by all.
And so, yes, I am going to make changes.
There are many who ask this question.
There are many, many debates over it. And, it is amusing and saddening both whenever I am party to these debates and I witness them, as I always do.
It is just
amazing to me that no one stops to consider that I might have a choice in my own actions.
There are very few who stop to think about this.
I am
a being of Life,
therefore I have choices just as you do.
So, instead of debating over what might happen with Mother Earth, and what might she change and what might she not,
and what is climate change going to do to her,
why waste the time when you can simply ask me?
And, I will tell you.
I have changes to make.
In order to move my being into a place of Peace,
in order for me to move into my own Time and space and place and Age of Peace,
then I must make adjustments.
Unfortunately, due to the climate change and damage that has been done, some of those adjustments the human population may find difficult.
Will there be devastation?
I ask you if there has not already been devastation?
What is your definition of devastation?
What if I move? What if I change my position? What if I changed my orbital path
around the Sun?
I'm not saying that I will. But, what if I did?
How would that impact you?
How would that affect the human species?
Again, it is with great sorrow that I say that some of you have gotten so far from your connections with me that any change that I make, no matter how great or how small, will have a great effect on you.
Already, as you say climate changes, the rains are more severe, the storms are more severe.
Is this not devastation?
Is flooding not devastation?
Volcanoes, winds, hurricanes, typhoons, whatever you wish to call the severe weather,
is it not a change?
And, is that change not devastating?
I wish it did not have to be so,
but there is no other way.
And, there are more changes to come. And, yes, they are big changes.
There are many,
many changes.
But, all is not hopeless.
It is not all doomsday.
It is not all death and destruction and despair,
for I say to you, as I make my changes - and as I said, there shall be many, many of them – as I make them, you will begin to see a new me – a Rebirth for me.
As with any Rebirth, it is a beautiful thing,
just as when the caterpillar changes into the butterfly. Is not the butterfly beautiful?
The caterpillar was beautiful in its own way, but the butterfly is beautiful, too.
There is just a period of change. And, I must go through my changes, too, so that I may reflect the being that I am, which is a being of Light and Love and Peacefulness.
And, so imagine, then, those of you who will continue to live with me,
in my Peaceful form,
what will Life be like?
What would it be like to live on an Earth where everything is Peaceful – Peaceful and Loving?
Imagine that.
Are you ready for that?
Are you ready to let go of all of the entrapments of Illusion?
Are you ready for the simpleness, the simple Joys of Peacefulness?
Some you might say that sounds boring,
no excitement.
And, I say to you that Life has plenty of excitement. It is a matter of learning to see it in its true form.
Will your adrenaline be rushing every day?
I certainly hope not. That's not very healthy for your biological bodies.
But, true excitement is a form of Joy.
And, where Love and Peace abound, so does Joy.
None of you will be bored. And, it will not be because you don't have time to be bored for all the chores you will have to do to live in a new world without the entrapments of Illusion.
So, my question to you is:
Are you ready?
The Dimension of Peace is ready. It is ready now for habitation. And, very soon
there will be changes made that will foster the opening of the doors, the portals, if you will. Those doors will open soon.
And, once the portals are ready to accept those who are ready to step forward, then I will welcome each of you with open arms
and great Love and Joy and Abundance for all.
I realize some of you may not Understand what I am referring to, so let me put it plainly:
You have been spoken to of a time of segregation – those who choose to live in Peace, and those who choose to not live in Peace, those who would continue on with Illusion as they have.
There is a time coming
when there will be parts of my being that are separated to accommodate both groups,
as I say bon voyage and farewell to those who choose to live in Illusion, for I will no longer Support it.
That is my choice. If you live with me, you must live by my choices.
I choose to live in Peace.
And, those of you who choose to live in Peace, I shall welcome with open arms and nurture you with all of my being.
But, rest assured that there must be changes that happen. And, it is not my wish to cause harm to any,
but I am left in a position where I have no choice.
You see, once I could have accommodated Life, all of Life, in a Peaceful fashion had Life chosen it that way – Life meaning all inhabitants who dwell with me. But, that is not the case anymore.
Therefore, I must make adjustments.
And, so I shall.
And, for those of you who wonder how you make it through these times of change and so on, I say to you this:
Simply prepare and align your energies with mine.
Come back to me.
You are my children. I am your mother.
Allow me to Love you. Allow me to care for you.
And, so I shall.
Do not be afraid,
for there is nothing to fear.
There are those of you who would still wish for more information, and I say to you that there is more information, but this is not the time or place for it.
What there is now, is a time for Love and celebration, for the time draws near when Peace shall be at hand.
And, the offer has been made to you
by the Heavens above and the Earth below, so to speak, by me
to join hands,
join Hearts,
and join lives,
and live the Truth of who and what you are with me, as I live the Truth of who and what I am.
I am a being of Light and Love and Peace.
I am a being of great Joy and Abundance.
And, I am your Earth Mother.
I am your Gaea.
So, come home to me,
and allow me to Love you.
Thank you again for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
It is with a great Joy in my Heart that I speak with you at this time as you are concluding your Season of Peace celebrations.
It always brings my Heart such Joy to see my beloved children celebrating something that involves Peace, and sometimes me, for at least you remember who I am, when most of the time so many do not.
And, so I thank you for this time and the opportunity to speak with you. Thank you for listening to my words.
Let us speak for a moment about a subject which is a hot topic, you might say, quite literally among the human population at this time. This is truly a hot topic among other populations as well, but as humans you are not aware of these other communications. And, the hot topic to which I refer is that of climate and climate change. There is much, much discussion about this in your realm at this time, and there is much discussion in many other realms, as well. And, I must say it is a subject which is very near and dear to my Heart, of course. But, also it is on my mind substantially anymore, for as you may know, and some of you may be able to tell, there is trouble.
There are difficulties which I face every day.
You must Understand, it is a part of my duty, my responsibility, my Purpose for being – and yes, I do have one, just as you do. It is a part of my Purpose to provide a place for and to nurture Life.
As the edict for Peace has spread throughout the Universe of Universes, I, too, have answered the call. I have made my choice, just as the choice has been presented to you. I have chosen to live in Peace, and I am letting my actions follow my choice, as you have been guided to do as well.
And, so, beloved children, you must allow your actions to follow your choices. And, you must Understand that my actions must also follow my choices.
So, what does this mean?
It means that I must make adjustments.
I can no longer Support Illusion -
crimes against one another,
no form of Illusion.
I will not Support it.
I will only Support Truth, Love, Peace, Light, and so on.
Therefore, I must make changes.
The climate that you see being changed, yes, in part, it is being changed very drastically by human hands and activities – sometimes intentionally and sometimes quite unintentionally. But, the changes are there, nevertheless, and they must be dealt with.
At this time, it is with great sorrow
that I say
that some of these changes
that you are attempting to make through addressing climate change and so on,
they are too little too late.
There are some damages that have been done that you cannot reverse simply by cutting emissions, and doing this and doing that. It is too late.
The damage is done.
And, so it is left to me to repair if I am to continue – as I choose to be – a place for Life,
where Life can be Peaceful, and Loving, and kind, where true Abundance is shared by all.
And so, yes, I am going to make changes.
There are many who ask this question.
There are many, many debates over it. And, it is amusing and saddening both whenever I am party to these debates and I witness them, as I always do.
It is just
amazing to me that no one stops to consider that I might have a choice in my own actions.
There are very few who stop to think about this.
I am
a being of Life,
therefore I have choices just as you do.
So, instead of debating over what might happen with Mother Earth, and what might she change and what might she not,
and what is climate change going to do to her,
why waste the time when you can simply ask me?
And, I will tell you.
I have changes to make.
In order to move my being into a place of Peace,
in order for me to move into my own Time and space and place and Age of Peace,
then I must make adjustments.
Unfortunately, due to the climate change and damage that has been done, some of those adjustments the human population may find difficult.
Will there be devastation?
I ask you if there has not already been devastation?
What is your definition of devastation?
What if I move? What if I change my position? What if I changed my orbital path
around the Sun?
I'm not saying that I will. But, what if I did?
How would that impact you?
How would that affect the human species?
Again, it is with great sorrow that I say that some of you have gotten so far from your connections with me that any change that I make, no matter how great or how small, will have a great effect on you.
Already, as you say climate changes, the rains are more severe, the storms are more severe.
Is this not devastation?
Is flooding not devastation?
Volcanoes, winds, hurricanes, typhoons, whatever you wish to call the severe weather,
is it not a change?
And, is that change not devastating?
I wish it did not have to be so,
but there is no other way.
And, there are more changes to come. And, yes, they are big changes.
There are many,
many changes.
But, all is not hopeless.
It is not all doomsday.
It is not all death and destruction and despair,
for I say to you, as I make my changes - and as I said, there shall be many, many of them – as I make them, you will begin to see a new me – a Rebirth for me.
As with any Rebirth, it is a beautiful thing,
just as when the caterpillar changes into the butterfly. Is not the butterfly beautiful?
The caterpillar was beautiful in its own way, but the butterfly is beautiful, too.
There is just a period of change. And, I must go through my changes, too, so that I may reflect the being that I am, which is a being of Light and Love and Peacefulness.
And, so imagine, then, those of you who will continue to live with me,
in my Peaceful form,
what will Life be like?
What would it be like to live on an Earth where everything is Peaceful – Peaceful and Loving?
Imagine that.
Are you ready for that?
Are you ready to let go of all of the entrapments of Illusion?
Are you ready for the simpleness, the simple Joys of Peacefulness?
Some you might say that sounds boring,
no excitement.
And, I say to you that Life has plenty of excitement. It is a matter of learning to see it in its true form.
Will your adrenaline be rushing every day?
I certainly hope not. That's not very healthy for your biological bodies.
But, true excitement is a form of Joy.
And, where Love and Peace abound, so does Joy.
None of you will be bored. And, it will not be because you don't have time to be bored for all the chores you will have to do to live in a new world without the entrapments of Illusion.
So, my question to you is:
Are you ready?
The Dimension of Peace is ready. It is ready now for habitation. And, very soon
there will be changes made that will foster the opening of the doors, the portals, if you will. Those doors will open soon.
And, once the portals are ready to accept those who are ready to step forward, then I will welcome each of you with open arms
and great Love and Joy and Abundance for all.
I realize some of you may not Understand what I am referring to, so let me put it plainly:
You have been spoken to of a time of segregation – those who choose to live in Peace, and those who choose to not live in Peace, those who would continue on with Illusion as they have.
There is a time coming
when there will be parts of my being that are separated to accommodate both groups,
as I say bon voyage and farewell to those who choose to live in Illusion, for I will no longer Support it.
That is my choice. If you live with me, you must live by my choices.
I choose to live in Peace.
And, those of you who choose to live in Peace, I shall welcome with open arms and nurture you with all of my being.
But, rest assured that there must be changes that happen. And, it is not my wish to cause harm to any,
but I am left in a position where I have no choice.
You see, once I could have accommodated Life, all of Life, in a Peaceful fashion had Life chosen it that way – Life meaning all inhabitants who dwell with me. But, that is not the case anymore.
Therefore, I must make adjustments.
And, so I shall.
And, for those of you who wonder how you make it through these times of change and so on, I say to you this:
Simply prepare and align your energies with mine.
Come back to me.
You are my children. I am your mother.
Allow me to Love you. Allow me to care for you.
And, so I shall.
Do not be afraid,
for there is nothing to fear.
There are those of you who would still wish for more information, and I say to you that there is more information, but this is not the time or place for it.
What there is now, is a time for Love and celebration, for the time draws near when Peace shall be at hand.
And, the offer has been made to you
by the Heavens above and the Earth below, so to speak, by me
to join hands,
join Hearts,
and join lives,
and live the Truth of who and what you are with me, as I live the Truth of who and what I am.
I am a being of Light and Love and Peace.
I am a being of great Joy and Abundance.
And, I am your Earth Mother.
I am your Gaea.
So, come home to me,
and allow me to Love you.
Thank you again for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.