Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel of Abundance on the Gift of Abundance
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel of Abundance, and I come before you at this time as you are celebrating the Season of Peace, and as we are discussing your journey into Peacefulness, and I would speak with you about the gift of Abundance.
Everybody likes Abundance, right? It is something that you all seek? Something you all desire? Who doesn’t want an Abundance?
But, I ask you this: An Abundance of what?
What is it that you seek an Abundance of?
Food? Clothes? Shoes? Friends?
Fame and glory?
What exactly do you wish an Abundance of?
Each and every one of you has been invited from the moment of your creation.
You have all been invited to sit at what we call the Feast of the Creator’s Table. And, therein lies true Abundance, for it is a feast that could satisfy any want, any desire many times over.
Anything that you could ever want, wish for, dream of, is there at the table of the Creator.
As you go down your path of Peacefulness, many of you hope that at the end of the road, in a place of Peaceful paradise, there will be a great Abundance of all things. Abundant foods to eat. Leisure. Pleasure. Whatever it is. Whatever makes you feel Joy.
And, I say: Yes, that is there.
But, I tell you that right now
it is here also.
And, none of you see it, and you cannot see it, because your world is too blanketed in Illusion.
And, so you see, my beloved children, when you begin to wake up and you remove the blinders of Illusion, you will see that you have had Abundance all along.
Now, let me give you an example so that you may better Understand what it is that I am saying.
There are many who say that the world has too many people.
‘Too many human beings. We cannot possibly feed them all. We must reduce population in order to keep us all from starving.’
And, I say to you: This is pure ”poppycock”, as the saying goes.
It is not Truth.
It is another Illusion.
If you look at the amount of land in your world that is capable of producing food, you have more than enough land to produce food for more people than you have in your immediate projections.
You will not run out of food.
The problem is that you do not use that land Peacefully.
How much land is used to raise cattle that are killed to be eaten?
So, some of you consider that to be food.
Others consider it to be something else.
And, I ask you this: How much food could you grow on that land if you were growing plant-based food instead of meat-based food?
That is just one example.
Some of you would say, ‘Well, how would we cover our feet if we didn’t have the hides from those animals that turn into meat?’
And, I would say: Textiles have been around for thousands of years, and they have been made out of plant-based materials for thousands of years. There is no reason why you can’t do that now.
You see, a great deal of Abundance, and the keys to Abundance, are the eyeglasses that you look through. Some use the example of the glass that is half full versus half empty, and that is but one way to look at it. And, some will say, ‘Well, you can’t use the ‘lack mentality’.’ And, that is one way to look at it.
And, I say to you this: If you look for the Abundance you will find it. But, the way you see it is by following a path of Peacefulness. Is it Peaceful? Is it Loving? Is it kind? Does it foster Freedom? How about Understanding, and so on, and so on? Are you respecting the other being’s state of Grace?
And, when you follow these parameters, then Abundance is always there. When you begin to share with others, you share in Abundance. You don’t share in lack! You share in Abundance! It is the sharing that creates the Abundance.
And, some of you might come back and say, ‘But, if we only have 10 pounds of potatoes, and there are 50 people to feed, what do we do?’
And, I say: Look at each other and see if anyone else has any more potatoes. How about a carrot? How about some beans? What else do you have? Make a stew. Make a soup, and share it with all. It can be done.
Look at your backyards. Must you really grow grass?
Can you not also grow some tomatoes?
How about some peppers?
Maybe you live in a place where you can grow a nut tree or a fruit tree. The land is fertile. Mother Earth has given you this tremendous gift of her body, and what have you done with it?
Well, sure, the animals use it. They eat grass, and they nibble on this, and they drink from the streams, and whatever. But, what do you humans do?
You chop it all up, say you own it, put chemicals all over it, and try to kill it.
It’s there to nurture you.
The Abundance is already there. Use it.
When you begin to share with others, in a sense of Love and kindness and compassion, and you begin to put aside all these factions of Illusion, you find that Life suddenly gets very easy and Abundance is readily available for all.
Don’t spend your time, and your money, and your efforts, and your resources fighting! Trying to control each other.
Being greedy.
These things are all Illusion, and they take away your Abundance.
They take it away.
And, the more you allow these things, the more you are allowing your Abundance to be taken.
You must stand up for yourselves and say, ‘No! No more!
No more! It is time that we share together and help each other live a better Life.’
There is a quote that Archangel Michael gave one time, and I am probably not quoting him quite right. But, he made a comment that was along the lines of: ‘If all the money in your world that was spent on war was spent on people instead, your people would know Utopia.’ And, it is true.
Look at the amount of money that is being spent on wars and preparations for wars in your world.
And, if you took all that money and put it into providing for each other, you would be living in paradise in Complete Abundance RIGHT NOW here today.
But, this never happens.
It never happens.
It makes my Heart always heavy to see so many people going without, while there are others who have so much they cannot possibly use it all. There is such inequity in your world, and it is truly heartbreaking.
And, it is truly the Illusion of Love.
And, it is the Illusion of Abundance.
And, I say to you this: I have Abundance here for any of you who would choose it.
Any of you who would choose it.
But, you must act upon that choice.
You must accept what is being given.
If you do not accept it,
then you cannot have it.
I can’t force Abundance on you.
I can only offer it.
But, you must find it within yourselves to accept it.
And, it’s not just something that’s at the end of the road in a Peaceful paradise. It’s here today, right at this moment.
So, put aside those things that are Illusion that take away your Abundance and the Abundance of all others. Human beings have gone to great lengths to take Abundance away from other creatures of Life.
Look at loss of habitat, as an example. Look at the destruction of the oceans, as another example. The air. Even a simple flower. A butterfly cannot even drink from the nectar of a flower. That has no bearing whatsoever on a human being. And, yet, human beings see it within themselves to spray chemicals all over, so that when the butterfly drinks the nectar from the flower, it’s drinking poison and dies.
You are robbing the Abundance from others, and it is costing them their lives, and this is wrong.
So, if you wish for Abundance, and as you walk down your path of Peacefulness, and you look to find Abundance, you must put an end to the Illusions of it.
You must put an end to the things that take away Abundance from all.
If you want more Abundance in your Life, give it to others. Share it. Accept it within. You have an Abundance of Love coming from your Creator and all of us who are a part of your being.
Allow that Love to Flow, and as it does, it will melt away the blinders that you still have.
And, you will see Truth, and you will see the Light of Love all around you. And, you will see that great Abundance
that I try to give you every day. Creator tries to give it to you. We all do. It is here.
It is now.
Open your eyes.
Accept the Abundance of Love.
Accept the Abundance of Peacefulness.
And, as you do, you will find an Abundance of all things.
That is true Abundance.
That is how it works.
Those are your keys.
I thank you for listening to me.
And, I hope that you heed my words.
But, for now, I will leave you as always
with the utmost of Abundance.
And, it is my most sincere prayer to you, and prayer for you, that you find it in your Heart to accept that Abundance in this and every moment of your Life.
But, for now, I leave you with these words and with my Love.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
Everybody likes Abundance, right? It is something that you all seek? Something you all desire? Who doesn’t want an Abundance?
But, I ask you this: An Abundance of what?
What is it that you seek an Abundance of?
Food? Clothes? Shoes? Friends?
Fame and glory?
What exactly do you wish an Abundance of?
Each and every one of you has been invited from the moment of your creation.
You have all been invited to sit at what we call the Feast of the Creator’s Table. And, therein lies true Abundance, for it is a feast that could satisfy any want, any desire many times over.
Anything that you could ever want, wish for, dream of, is there at the table of the Creator.
As you go down your path of Peacefulness, many of you hope that at the end of the road, in a place of Peaceful paradise, there will be a great Abundance of all things. Abundant foods to eat. Leisure. Pleasure. Whatever it is. Whatever makes you feel Joy.
And, I say: Yes, that is there.
But, I tell you that right now
it is here also.
And, none of you see it, and you cannot see it, because your world is too blanketed in Illusion.
And, so you see, my beloved children, when you begin to wake up and you remove the blinders of Illusion, you will see that you have had Abundance all along.
Now, let me give you an example so that you may better Understand what it is that I am saying.
There are many who say that the world has too many people.
‘Too many human beings. We cannot possibly feed them all. We must reduce population in order to keep us all from starving.’
And, I say to you: This is pure ”poppycock”, as the saying goes.
It is not Truth.
It is another Illusion.
If you look at the amount of land in your world that is capable of producing food, you have more than enough land to produce food for more people than you have in your immediate projections.
You will not run out of food.
The problem is that you do not use that land Peacefully.
How much land is used to raise cattle that are killed to be eaten?
So, some of you consider that to be food.
Others consider it to be something else.
And, I ask you this: How much food could you grow on that land if you were growing plant-based food instead of meat-based food?
That is just one example.
Some of you would say, ‘Well, how would we cover our feet if we didn’t have the hides from those animals that turn into meat?’
And, I would say: Textiles have been around for thousands of years, and they have been made out of plant-based materials for thousands of years. There is no reason why you can’t do that now.
You see, a great deal of Abundance, and the keys to Abundance, are the eyeglasses that you look through. Some use the example of the glass that is half full versus half empty, and that is but one way to look at it. And, some will say, ‘Well, you can’t use the ‘lack mentality’.’ And, that is one way to look at it.
And, I say to you this: If you look for the Abundance you will find it. But, the way you see it is by following a path of Peacefulness. Is it Peaceful? Is it Loving? Is it kind? Does it foster Freedom? How about Understanding, and so on, and so on? Are you respecting the other being’s state of Grace?
And, when you follow these parameters, then Abundance is always there. When you begin to share with others, you share in Abundance. You don’t share in lack! You share in Abundance! It is the sharing that creates the Abundance.
And, some of you might come back and say, ‘But, if we only have 10 pounds of potatoes, and there are 50 people to feed, what do we do?’
And, I say: Look at each other and see if anyone else has any more potatoes. How about a carrot? How about some beans? What else do you have? Make a stew. Make a soup, and share it with all. It can be done.
Look at your backyards. Must you really grow grass?
Can you not also grow some tomatoes?
How about some peppers?
Maybe you live in a place where you can grow a nut tree or a fruit tree. The land is fertile. Mother Earth has given you this tremendous gift of her body, and what have you done with it?
Well, sure, the animals use it. They eat grass, and they nibble on this, and they drink from the streams, and whatever. But, what do you humans do?
You chop it all up, say you own it, put chemicals all over it, and try to kill it.
It’s there to nurture you.
The Abundance is already there. Use it.
When you begin to share with others, in a sense of Love and kindness and compassion, and you begin to put aside all these factions of Illusion, you find that Life suddenly gets very easy and Abundance is readily available for all.
Don’t spend your time, and your money, and your efforts, and your resources fighting! Trying to control each other.
Being greedy.
These things are all Illusion, and they take away your Abundance.
They take it away.
And, the more you allow these things, the more you are allowing your Abundance to be taken.
You must stand up for yourselves and say, ‘No! No more!
No more! It is time that we share together and help each other live a better Life.’
There is a quote that Archangel Michael gave one time, and I am probably not quoting him quite right. But, he made a comment that was along the lines of: ‘If all the money in your world that was spent on war was spent on people instead, your people would know Utopia.’ And, it is true.
Look at the amount of money that is being spent on wars and preparations for wars in your world.
And, if you took all that money and put it into providing for each other, you would be living in paradise in Complete Abundance RIGHT NOW here today.
But, this never happens.
It never happens.
It makes my Heart always heavy to see so many people going without, while there are others who have so much they cannot possibly use it all. There is such inequity in your world, and it is truly heartbreaking.
And, it is truly the Illusion of Love.
And, it is the Illusion of Abundance.
And, I say to you this: I have Abundance here for any of you who would choose it.
Any of you who would choose it.
But, you must act upon that choice.
You must accept what is being given.
If you do not accept it,
then you cannot have it.
I can’t force Abundance on you.
I can only offer it.
But, you must find it within yourselves to accept it.
And, it’s not just something that’s at the end of the road in a Peaceful paradise. It’s here today, right at this moment.
So, put aside those things that are Illusion that take away your Abundance and the Abundance of all others. Human beings have gone to great lengths to take Abundance away from other creatures of Life.
Look at loss of habitat, as an example. Look at the destruction of the oceans, as another example. The air. Even a simple flower. A butterfly cannot even drink from the nectar of a flower. That has no bearing whatsoever on a human being. And, yet, human beings see it within themselves to spray chemicals all over, so that when the butterfly drinks the nectar from the flower, it’s drinking poison and dies.
You are robbing the Abundance from others, and it is costing them their lives, and this is wrong.
So, if you wish for Abundance, and as you walk down your path of Peacefulness, and you look to find Abundance, you must put an end to the Illusions of it.
You must put an end to the things that take away Abundance from all.
If you want more Abundance in your Life, give it to others. Share it. Accept it within. You have an Abundance of Love coming from your Creator and all of us who are a part of your being.
Allow that Love to Flow, and as it does, it will melt away the blinders that you still have.
And, you will see Truth, and you will see the Light of Love all around you. And, you will see that great Abundance
that I try to give you every day. Creator tries to give it to you. We all do. It is here.
It is now.
Open your eyes.
Accept the Abundance of Love.
Accept the Abundance of Peacefulness.
And, as you do, you will find an Abundance of all things.
That is true Abundance.
That is how it works.
Those are your keys.
I thank you for listening to me.
And, I hope that you heed my words.
But, for now, I will leave you as always
with the utmost of Abundance.
And, it is my most sincere prayer to you, and prayer for you, that you find it in your Heart to accept that Abundance in this and every moment of your Life.
But, for now, I leave you with these words and with my Love.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.