Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel of Truth on the Gift of Truth
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel of Truth, and I come before you yet again during another Season of Peace celebration to speak with you regarding the gift of Truth. The gift of Truth, the second in your Dimension of Peace attributes. The gift of Truth, which is synonymous with the gift of Peace, for you cannot have Peace if you do not have Truth. If one is to have Peace, then one must find Truth in all things. And, one must be willing to embrace Truth in all things.
As with Archangel Gabriel, I will speak to those of you who have chosen to live in a state of Peace, to make that Transition in your Life, and I call each and every one of you into a Time, a place, and a space of Truth.
And, you must begin with yourself. As with all things, you must begin with your own Truth. Look into the mirror. What do you see? Who do you see? Who are you? How many of you have delved into yourselves far enough to find out the Truth of who you are?
Who are you meant to be?
Who are you pretending to be?
What face, what mask do you put on every day to greet the world?
What face do you put on to speak to yourself?
You must begin with your own Truth. And, only in your own Truth – completely embraced – shall you find your own Peace. It does no good to keep secrets from yourself, for that is a futile attempt at avoiding issues that each of you has internally that need to be worked out.
You must embrace your whole Truth, your whole self, as the saying goes, the good, the bad, and the ugly. What are you hiding? What are you afraid of? You must embrace these Truths. And, once you start embracing Truth within yourself, then look outside. Look at your relationships – your family, your friends, your co-workers, your community members.
Look in the world around you. You live in a world that is filled with non-Truth. And, because there is no Truth, there is no Peace. People pray for Peace in the world, and yet they will not embrace the Truth of why there is no Peace. And, there cannot be Peace until there is Truth. And, if you live in a state of Truth, then you know how to find and create the states of Peaceful and Harmonious interactions.
But, for the moment, let’s go back to your own Truth.
You have chosen to live in a state of Peace – yes?
This is true? Obviously you are listening, so I hope that this is true. If it is not, then I suggest that you make your choice right at this moment.
You choose to live in a state of Peace, therefore you choose to live in a state of Truth. Now, you must look at yourself. Look at your actions. Look at your thoughts. Look at your deeds. Look at your relationships. Are they all Truthful?
Are there Truths that you know are present, yet you ignore them in your Life?
Look at your relationships with other people. How Truthful are they?
This is a critical stepping stone for you to make the ascension into the Dimension of Peace, for if you cannot embrace the principles of Truth – Truth itself, in totality – you cannot access the Dimension of Peace. You cannot live there, if you are not Truthful -
with yourself and with all those around you.
The first step in this journey into Truthfulness
is to quite simply look within.
Be honest with yourself. How much do you do out of ego?
How much do you do out of keeping up with the neighbors, or your friends, or your co-workers? How much do you do, do you say, for appearances sake for your place in your community?
You must begin there.
Speak Truthfully. Act Truthfully. Live Truthfully. In all that you do. Your clothing. Your vehicles. Your pets. Your foods. Everything.
must be kept in a state of Truth.
And, you would ask, ‘Now, how can I keep my living in a state of Truth?’
And, I say to you this: If you’re wearing leather shoes, be honest with yourself and acknowledge that some animal died to cover your feet. Was it necessary?
Be honest. Be Truthful.
When you sit down to fill your plate at dinner,
are you eating the flesh of another animal?
That animal died for you,
but did it do so willingly?
How many animals do you think line up and willingly die so that you may eat their flesh and put their hides on your feet?
This is but one Truth.
This is but ONE Truth.
What about in your world arena?
How does that play into your personal Truth?
Do you see things in your world that you know are not Truthful? And yet you turn a blind eye to them and allow them to be.
You see, Truth is very stark. It is black and white, yes or no, get the job done or don’t bother.
You cannot ride the fence, as the saying goes.
You either live in a state of Truth or you do not,
and that is all there is to it.
You can’t dabble in Truth. There is no such thing as a partial Truth. It either is or it is not.
So many will tell a little Truth, and they will live a little Truth. And, they will act a little Truth. And, they consider themselves to be honest people. But, they are not.
They have one toe in Truth, but the rest of them lies in Illusion. That is not Truthful living.
And, you must embrace it, for you cannot go any further in your own states of evolution if you will not embrace your own Truth. And, as you do, then you must also reach out to those around you and you must be Truthful with them. You can be kind. You can be blunt and you can be kind. But, you still must be Truthful.
Now, you cannot be a Peaceful person if you walk up to someone and insult them with a Truth, but a Truth that is presented in such a way that it is hurtful.
So, you must think before you speak. And you must think before you act. And you must always, always use your Truth stone inside to project outward as you interact with other people from the smallest relationship to the largest relationship with your family, your friends, your co-workers, communities, countrymen, and citizens of the world at large. And, you must demand Truth from those around you.
You must demand Truth in all things that touch you. That is living in your state of Truth. It must be all encompassing.
If you hire – and I say the word “hire” because elected means nothing, you hire and pay with your tax dollars – your politicians. Demand that they are Truthful.
Demand that they are Peaceful.
You have a voice. They work for you. They are your employees.
If you think for a moment about the power that each of you has, individually and especially collectively, in insisting on the Truth in all things. You speak of transparency, and yet, you live in a world without it.
You get the one toe in the Truth and the rest of it you can’t see. Imagine the power if all of you come together and insist on a state of Truthfulness from all of your “hired” officials.
This is but one avenue of Truth.
What about your energy?
Is there Truth there?
Is there really only one way to get from point A to point B?
You are just now beginning to see electric vehicles, and hydrogen vehicles, and vehicles that run on water, and so on. These things have been ready for many years. And, yet they have been suppressed,
because there are those who would convince you that there is only one way. There is only one source of energy. There is only one way to do things. And, there is not. There are a multitude of ways to do everything in Life.
You must find the Truth.
You must find your own Truth.
You must find your Truth as a family,
as a group of friends, as co-workers in your business, in your livelihood.
You must find Truths as a community, and embrace these, for you cannot move forward in Life whatsoever if you will not embrace the Truth.
And, so, if you have chosen to live in a state of Peace, and you are coming together with other like-minded individuals who also have chosen to live in a state of Peace, then you must also collectively come together,
find your Truths,
and live them
and share them
each and every day
in every way.
Everything that you do should be Truthful, and you must start with yourself.
And, so, I ask each and every one of you to take a moment and reflect.
Reflect upon who you are right at this moment.
Who do you see yourself as?
Look at the many roles you fulfill,
for they help
to some extent,
who you are.
Are they the right roles?
Do you really like your job?
If you are Truthful with yourself, is this the job you need to be in?
You must follow your Heart to find the Truth.
What about your relationships? Do you have unresolved issues that require Truth between family members?
You must always go back to Truth.
That should be your beginning point in everything you do.
Now, look at yourself again.
Think back about the Life you have lived thus far.
How would your Life be different if you had been more Truthful,
or demanded more Truth from those with whom you interacted?
Can you see the lesson?
Truth must always be first and foremost.
You cannot have Peace with your past until you see it in the Light of Truth.
It is of paramount importance.
Now look at yourself again.
Look within your own Heart.
Who are you?
Why are you here?
What are you meant to do with your Life?
What brings your Heart its greatest Joy?
Do not hide from these things. Be honest with yourself. Be Truthful. And, let your Truth come out. You needn’t take out a billboard and speak your Truth to the entire world, unless you are ready to do so.
But, to begin with, when you find your own Truth, and you start to see who you are, and what you are, and why you’re here, and what you CAN do with your Life,
you will feel vulnerable.
You may feel afraid.
You may feel overwhelmed as if you cannot possibly do these things. And, I say to you this: You’re meant to do these things. And, the rest of the world is counting on you to do these things.
Your living your Truth and sharing that with the world is a great piece of the puzzle that you all belong to,
that we all belong to.
The world needs you in your state of Truth. And, in your state of Truth, you will find tremendous Strength, and power, and Love, and Peacefulness.
And, from that place, every Life that you touch – no matter how minutely –
is changed for the better.
And, in this way your world finds Truth and it finds Peace.
And, it all begins with you.
So, reach inside
and find your Truth.
Do not hesitate. Embrace it with all that you are, and be not afraid
for you have the power of the Heavens
to Support you
as you walk your path of Truth.
You are a Light,
a glorious Light
of Love,
of Peace,
of Truth, and inspiration
to all who see you.
Be that Light, for the world needs you.
You are a Light of Truth.
Do not shield it.
I leave you with these words and my Love and my thanks.
Walk your path
in a state of Peacefulness
and Truthfulness
and therein you shall find your power.
Namaste, Beloved Ones.
As with Archangel Gabriel, I will speak to those of you who have chosen to live in a state of Peace, to make that Transition in your Life, and I call each and every one of you into a Time, a place, and a space of Truth.
And, you must begin with yourself. As with all things, you must begin with your own Truth. Look into the mirror. What do you see? Who do you see? Who are you? How many of you have delved into yourselves far enough to find out the Truth of who you are?
Who are you meant to be?
Who are you pretending to be?
What face, what mask do you put on every day to greet the world?
What face do you put on to speak to yourself?
You must begin with your own Truth. And, only in your own Truth – completely embraced – shall you find your own Peace. It does no good to keep secrets from yourself, for that is a futile attempt at avoiding issues that each of you has internally that need to be worked out.
You must embrace your whole Truth, your whole self, as the saying goes, the good, the bad, and the ugly. What are you hiding? What are you afraid of? You must embrace these Truths. And, once you start embracing Truth within yourself, then look outside. Look at your relationships – your family, your friends, your co-workers, your community members.
Look in the world around you. You live in a world that is filled with non-Truth. And, because there is no Truth, there is no Peace. People pray for Peace in the world, and yet they will not embrace the Truth of why there is no Peace. And, there cannot be Peace until there is Truth. And, if you live in a state of Truth, then you know how to find and create the states of Peaceful and Harmonious interactions.
But, for the moment, let’s go back to your own Truth.
You have chosen to live in a state of Peace – yes?
This is true? Obviously you are listening, so I hope that this is true. If it is not, then I suggest that you make your choice right at this moment.
You choose to live in a state of Peace, therefore you choose to live in a state of Truth. Now, you must look at yourself. Look at your actions. Look at your thoughts. Look at your deeds. Look at your relationships. Are they all Truthful?
Are there Truths that you know are present, yet you ignore them in your Life?
Look at your relationships with other people. How Truthful are they?
This is a critical stepping stone for you to make the ascension into the Dimension of Peace, for if you cannot embrace the principles of Truth – Truth itself, in totality – you cannot access the Dimension of Peace. You cannot live there, if you are not Truthful -
with yourself and with all those around you.
The first step in this journey into Truthfulness
is to quite simply look within.
Be honest with yourself. How much do you do out of ego?
How much do you do out of keeping up with the neighbors, or your friends, or your co-workers? How much do you do, do you say, for appearances sake for your place in your community?
You must begin there.
Speak Truthfully. Act Truthfully. Live Truthfully. In all that you do. Your clothing. Your vehicles. Your pets. Your foods. Everything.
must be kept in a state of Truth.
And, you would ask, ‘Now, how can I keep my living in a state of Truth?’
And, I say to you this: If you’re wearing leather shoes, be honest with yourself and acknowledge that some animal died to cover your feet. Was it necessary?
Be honest. Be Truthful.
When you sit down to fill your plate at dinner,
are you eating the flesh of another animal?
That animal died for you,
but did it do so willingly?
How many animals do you think line up and willingly die so that you may eat their flesh and put their hides on your feet?
This is but one Truth.
This is but ONE Truth.
What about in your world arena?
How does that play into your personal Truth?
Do you see things in your world that you know are not Truthful? And yet you turn a blind eye to them and allow them to be.
You see, Truth is very stark. It is black and white, yes or no, get the job done or don’t bother.
You cannot ride the fence, as the saying goes.
You either live in a state of Truth or you do not,
and that is all there is to it.
You can’t dabble in Truth. There is no such thing as a partial Truth. It either is or it is not.
So many will tell a little Truth, and they will live a little Truth. And, they will act a little Truth. And, they consider themselves to be honest people. But, they are not.
They have one toe in Truth, but the rest of them lies in Illusion. That is not Truthful living.
And, you must embrace it, for you cannot go any further in your own states of evolution if you will not embrace your own Truth. And, as you do, then you must also reach out to those around you and you must be Truthful with them. You can be kind. You can be blunt and you can be kind. But, you still must be Truthful.
Now, you cannot be a Peaceful person if you walk up to someone and insult them with a Truth, but a Truth that is presented in such a way that it is hurtful.
So, you must think before you speak. And you must think before you act. And you must always, always use your Truth stone inside to project outward as you interact with other people from the smallest relationship to the largest relationship with your family, your friends, your co-workers, communities, countrymen, and citizens of the world at large. And, you must demand Truth from those around you.
You must demand Truth in all things that touch you. That is living in your state of Truth. It must be all encompassing.
If you hire – and I say the word “hire” because elected means nothing, you hire and pay with your tax dollars – your politicians. Demand that they are Truthful.
Demand that they are Peaceful.
You have a voice. They work for you. They are your employees.
If you think for a moment about the power that each of you has, individually and especially collectively, in insisting on the Truth in all things. You speak of transparency, and yet, you live in a world without it.
You get the one toe in the Truth and the rest of it you can’t see. Imagine the power if all of you come together and insist on a state of Truthfulness from all of your “hired” officials.
This is but one avenue of Truth.
What about your energy?
Is there Truth there?
Is there really only one way to get from point A to point B?
You are just now beginning to see electric vehicles, and hydrogen vehicles, and vehicles that run on water, and so on. These things have been ready for many years. And, yet they have been suppressed,
because there are those who would convince you that there is only one way. There is only one source of energy. There is only one way to do things. And, there is not. There are a multitude of ways to do everything in Life.
You must find the Truth.
You must find your own Truth.
You must find your Truth as a family,
as a group of friends, as co-workers in your business, in your livelihood.
You must find Truths as a community, and embrace these, for you cannot move forward in Life whatsoever if you will not embrace the Truth.
And, so, if you have chosen to live in a state of Peace, and you are coming together with other like-minded individuals who also have chosen to live in a state of Peace, then you must also collectively come together,
find your Truths,
and live them
and share them
each and every day
in every way.
Everything that you do should be Truthful, and you must start with yourself.
And, so, I ask each and every one of you to take a moment and reflect.
Reflect upon who you are right at this moment.
Who do you see yourself as?
Look at the many roles you fulfill,
for they help
to some extent,
who you are.
Are they the right roles?
Do you really like your job?
If you are Truthful with yourself, is this the job you need to be in?
You must follow your Heart to find the Truth.
What about your relationships? Do you have unresolved issues that require Truth between family members?
You must always go back to Truth.
That should be your beginning point in everything you do.
Now, look at yourself again.
Think back about the Life you have lived thus far.
How would your Life be different if you had been more Truthful,
or demanded more Truth from those with whom you interacted?
Can you see the lesson?
Truth must always be first and foremost.
You cannot have Peace with your past until you see it in the Light of Truth.
It is of paramount importance.
Now look at yourself again.
Look within your own Heart.
Who are you?
Why are you here?
What are you meant to do with your Life?
What brings your Heart its greatest Joy?
Do not hide from these things. Be honest with yourself. Be Truthful. And, let your Truth come out. You needn’t take out a billboard and speak your Truth to the entire world, unless you are ready to do so.
But, to begin with, when you find your own Truth, and you start to see who you are, and what you are, and why you’re here, and what you CAN do with your Life,
you will feel vulnerable.
You may feel afraid.
You may feel overwhelmed as if you cannot possibly do these things. And, I say to you this: You’re meant to do these things. And, the rest of the world is counting on you to do these things.
Your living your Truth and sharing that with the world is a great piece of the puzzle that you all belong to,
that we all belong to.
The world needs you in your state of Truth. And, in your state of Truth, you will find tremendous Strength, and power, and Love, and Peacefulness.
And, from that place, every Life that you touch – no matter how minutely –
is changed for the better.
And, in this way your world finds Truth and it finds Peace.
And, it all begins with you.
So, reach inside
and find your Truth.
Do not hesitate. Embrace it with all that you are, and be not afraid
for you have the power of the Heavens
to Support you
as you walk your path of Truth.
You are a Light,
a glorious Light
of Love,
of Peace,
of Truth, and inspiration
to all who see you.
Be that Light, for the world needs you.
You are a Light of Truth.
Do not shield it.
I leave you with these words and my Love and my thanks.
Walk your path
in a state of Peacefulness
and Truthfulness
and therein you shall find your power.
Namaste, Beloved Ones.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.