Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Metatron on the Gift of Empowerment
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Metatron, and I come before you at this time, as you are in celebration of the Season of Peace, the Dimension of Peace, the space and place and Time of Peace, and I say to you that we should discuss the gift of Empowerment, particularly as Empowerment falls as a part of living Peacefully. And I say to you this: Empowerment is not what you think.
Empowerment is many things, but the greatest of Empowerment comes with being filled with power, which is Love.
The greatest power in the Universe, the greatest force in the Universe, is Love, and it comes from Creator. It is pure, unadulterated Love, which is pure, unadulterated power, and the greatest Empowerment you can ever receive is surrender.
That is a gift.
If you can surrender yourself, then you have Empowered yourself. If you can surrender to Love, then you have Empowered yourself.
If others will surrender to Love, they have Empowered themselves, and if you would help them with their Empowerment, then the greatest gift you can give to them is to Love them.
If you want to help someone in this world, Love them,
without filters, without binders, without boundaries or limits or restrictions. Simply Love them.
The greatest Empowerment in the Universe is the surrender to Love.
You become a conduit for Love, and you are Empowered.
Now how do you take this state of being, and this state of motion, for it is, out into your daily Life? And I say, as you continue in your path of Rebirth into a Time of Peace, it becomes easier and easier, because, you see, as you start to see others, in their Truths, in their states of Freedom, in their Illumination, as you begin to look around and wake up and see the Illusions for yourself, it is easy to find Love for these beings. It is easy to find compassion.
And when you do, when you start surrendering to these feelings of compassion, you will find your own true passions coming out. And they will come out with a force that will shock you, because you are Empowered with the force of Love.
Put it into everything that you do.
From the moment you wake in the morning, to the moment you fall asleep at night, fill your days with Love, and share that Love with every being with whom you interact.
Consider it with everything you do. ‘Am I sharing Love? Yes, I'm on the right path. No, oops, better make a change.’
That is Empowerment.
Many are afraid of the power of Love. You are afraid of your own Empowerment, because, you see, when you are filled with Love, you are powerful beyond measure, because Love is without measure.
When you touch something with the greatest of these energies, you are fully Empowered to do anything, and I say anything loosely, anything within the confines of Love,
of which there are none,
except when you Love another, you cannot harm another.
You see, it has to be Love in Illumination, and not Illusion. To cause harm to another is Illusion.
If you would see your world Empowered to make changes so that you might all live Peacefully together, you would see a world filled with Love. And so if you wish to see this happen, Empower the world every day by sending Love out into it, fill your being with Love and radiate it outward.
And likewise, remember that Love is not a one way street. You cannot Love fully until you can accept being Loved fully.
It works both ways. As the sword cuts both ways, so does Love Love both ways.
And for many of you, this will be the greatest challenge of all. It is easy to Love another, it is easy to say, ‘I Love you’. It is easy to do nice things, and say nice things, and send Love out into the world. It is not so easy to accept being Loved.
If someone came up to you today on the street, and said, ‘You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You are magnificent without measure.’,
and they embraced you with the most gentle and respective of embraces,
and then what if they told you, ‘Anything that you need, to do anything that you want in Life, I am here to give you, because I Love you.
What makes you happy makes me happy.’
How would you react to such a scenario?
Would you be calling the police because there was some “wacko” about to accost you?
Would you be stunned? Or would you embrace that person back and say, ‘Thank you, and I would do the same for you. Let us both be happy together.’?
And of course most of you would not do this. Most of you would not do this because you are afraid to share that kind of intimacy with a stranger.
It is important for you to remember that none of you are strangers. You have all touched each other in one lifetime or another, touched as in connected, as in interacted.
Some of you have been learning partners, some of you have been peripheral partners. There are so many different ways relationships have happened, but I say to you that none of you are strangers. You are all one family. You've all gone to the same school of Life, and you've all been classmates.
So, there are no strangers. And yet you must be wary in this day and age,
for you do not know who is awake and who is asleep, and that is an extremely difficult thing to live with.
So how do you know when you are Empowered, and when another person is Empowered with Love, so that you might come together and share it? And I say this to you, look for the Light of Love. Feel it. Don't be afraid to use your intuition.
Now, am I telling you to embrace a stranger out walking at midnight, in the dark, in a shadowy place where no one can see you, and the back of your neck is crawling?
No. I am not. Because if that person was really kind and Loving toward you, the back of your neck would not be telling you to run.
It is time to wake up and Empower yourself with some basic instincts. Love speaks in many forms. Just as an animal can tell when a person is friendly and when they are not. An animal knows when it should be on guard and when it should run, or when it should come toward you
to be embraced.
They know this with every creature they meet. And you have that same inherent sense within you. It has simply long been forgotten.
Look at a baby. How often does a baby know when it can and cannot
Trust another being? And yet so many babies are abused. It is because they Love so fully, that is why, for those of you who have wondered that little piece of information.
It is because they are so Loving and so Trusting. They Love so fully. There is more to that subject, but that is a topic for another time.
For now, I would say to you this, let yourself be Empowered with the force of Love, and as you do, let it awaken within you that magnetism that connects with other beings of Love, and repels those who are in the Illusion of Love. Again, it is surrender. It is scary to Trust another person.
Likewise, it is scary to realize you have Trusted someone that you should not have.
It is so difficult whenever one is asleep and one is awake, in any relationship. But that is the way of Free Will and Choice, and there is no getting around it. There is only surrendering to the Empowerment of Love so that you might Love that person
regardless of their state of being awake or asleep.
But for you, Empower your Life. Fill it with Love.
Fill it with the glory of the Creator, in all of her beautiful manifestations,
from the tiniest flower, to the cloud in the sky, to the magnificent creature that you watch running upon the land or swimming in the seas, flying in the air. It doesn't matter where. It doesn't matter what. It doesn't matter who. Feel the Love and allow it to Flow through your being. And as you allow it to Flow, you will find yourself becoming stronger and stronger. It is Empowerment. That is how you make changes in Life. That is how you live Life versus being in existence. That is how you get things done, you might say. That is how you follow your path of Peace.
Follow the markers of Love and Joy.
It is really very simply. And so I say to you: As you look for Empowerment and make changes,
follow that path of Love. As you look for changes in your world, look for that path of Love.
When you see others who are being Loving, and kind, and compassionate, and doing no harm, join with them. Support each other, Empower each other through the sharing of Love,
and help it spread. Never, ever be afraid to speak the words of Love to someone else. And if you encounter those who are afraid of Love, then they are not ready for it.
Love them anyway.
But do it from a distance that does not feel threatening to them, because many people see the Illusion of Love, and they are fearful. And many of them feel that they are not worthy of Love, and so they run from it.
They bear guilt.
Forgive them.
Forgive them. Even if they did nothing to you, Empower them with Forgiveness. That, too, is a great form of Love and Empowerment. It is Forgiveness. It is another aspect of Loving.
You must Forgive yourself, you must Forgive others, and encourage and help them to Forgive themselves. Even if they did nothing to you, you can still Forgive them.
Somewhere along the lines, I promise you, they did something to you and you did something to them. Exchange Forgiveness.
It can only help, it can only foster Love, it can only Heal.
Forgiveness never harms.
It is a faction of Love.
Start measuring things in your Life, your thoughts, your deeds, your interactions, start measuring them against the Truth stone of Love.
Is this Loving? Is it kind? If it is, it's also Truthful, and it's Peaceful, and so on.
Live your Life from this state, and you will find yourself in a state of true Empowerment. Be not afraid of it. You are all worthy of this Love. You were already given this Love by she who has created you.
Accept it.
Shine the Light that you are.
Be the brilliant diamond of Light that you were meant to be.
Therein lies your Empowerment. Be your true self. You are already Empowered. You must simply surrender to it by accepting the Love that you are.
You are the Love of the Creator,
in experience and in expression.
Surrender to that Love,
and accept your own Empowerment.
Think about my words,
for I speak them truly.
And know that I leave you with my Love, which is Empowerment.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
Empowerment is many things, but the greatest of Empowerment comes with being filled with power, which is Love.
The greatest power in the Universe, the greatest force in the Universe, is Love, and it comes from Creator. It is pure, unadulterated Love, which is pure, unadulterated power, and the greatest Empowerment you can ever receive is surrender.
That is a gift.
If you can surrender yourself, then you have Empowered yourself. If you can surrender to Love, then you have Empowered yourself.
If others will surrender to Love, they have Empowered themselves, and if you would help them with their Empowerment, then the greatest gift you can give to them is to Love them.
If you want to help someone in this world, Love them,
without filters, without binders, without boundaries or limits or restrictions. Simply Love them.
The greatest Empowerment in the Universe is the surrender to Love.
You become a conduit for Love, and you are Empowered.
Now how do you take this state of being, and this state of motion, for it is, out into your daily Life? And I say, as you continue in your path of Rebirth into a Time of Peace, it becomes easier and easier, because, you see, as you start to see others, in their Truths, in their states of Freedom, in their Illumination, as you begin to look around and wake up and see the Illusions for yourself, it is easy to find Love for these beings. It is easy to find compassion.
And when you do, when you start surrendering to these feelings of compassion, you will find your own true passions coming out. And they will come out with a force that will shock you, because you are Empowered with the force of Love.
Put it into everything that you do.
From the moment you wake in the morning, to the moment you fall asleep at night, fill your days with Love, and share that Love with every being with whom you interact.
Consider it with everything you do. ‘Am I sharing Love? Yes, I'm on the right path. No, oops, better make a change.’
That is Empowerment.
Many are afraid of the power of Love. You are afraid of your own Empowerment, because, you see, when you are filled with Love, you are powerful beyond measure, because Love is without measure.
When you touch something with the greatest of these energies, you are fully Empowered to do anything, and I say anything loosely, anything within the confines of Love,
of which there are none,
except when you Love another, you cannot harm another.
You see, it has to be Love in Illumination, and not Illusion. To cause harm to another is Illusion.
If you would see your world Empowered to make changes so that you might all live Peacefully together, you would see a world filled with Love. And so if you wish to see this happen, Empower the world every day by sending Love out into it, fill your being with Love and radiate it outward.
And likewise, remember that Love is not a one way street. You cannot Love fully until you can accept being Loved fully.
It works both ways. As the sword cuts both ways, so does Love Love both ways.
And for many of you, this will be the greatest challenge of all. It is easy to Love another, it is easy to say, ‘I Love you’. It is easy to do nice things, and say nice things, and send Love out into the world. It is not so easy to accept being Loved.
If someone came up to you today on the street, and said, ‘You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You are magnificent without measure.’,
and they embraced you with the most gentle and respective of embraces,
and then what if they told you, ‘Anything that you need, to do anything that you want in Life, I am here to give you, because I Love you.
What makes you happy makes me happy.’
How would you react to such a scenario?
Would you be calling the police because there was some “wacko” about to accost you?
Would you be stunned? Or would you embrace that person back and say, ‘Thank you, and I would do the same for you. Let us both be happy together.’?
And of course most of you would not do this. Most of you would not do this because you are afraid to share that kind of intimacy with a stranger.
It is important for you to remember that none of you are strangers. You have all touched each other in one lifetime or another, touched as in connected, as in interacted.
Some of you have been learning partners, some of you have been peripheral partners. There are so many different ways relationships have happened, but I say to you that none of you are strangers. You are all one family. You've all gone to the same school of Life, and you've all been classmates.
So, there are no strangers. And yet you must be wary in this day and age,
for you do not know who is awake and who is asleep, and that is an extremely difficult thing to live with.
So how do you know when you are Empowered, and when another person is Empowered with Love, so that you might come together and share it? And I say this to you, look for the Light of Love. Feel it. Don't be afraid to use your intuition.
Now, am I telling you to embrace a stranger out walking at midnight, in the dark, in a shadowy place where no one can see you, and the back of your neck is crawling?
No. I am not. Because if that person was really kind and Loving toward you, the back of your neck would not be telling you to run.
It is time to wake up and Empower yourself with some basic instincts. Love speaks in many forms. Just as an animal can tell when a person is friendly and when they are not. An animal knows when it should be on guard and when it should run, or when it should come toward you
to be embraced.
They know this with every creature they meet. And you have that same inherent sense within you. It has simply long been forgotten.
Look at a baby. How often does a baby know when it can and cannot
Trust another being? And yet so many babies are abused. It is because they Love so fully, that is why, for those of you who have wondered that little piece of information.
It is because they are so Loving and so Trusting. They Love so fully. There is more to that subject, but that is a topic for another time.
For now, I would say to you this, let yourself be Empowered with the force of Love, and as you do, let it awaken within you that magnetism that connects with other beings of Love, and repels those who are in the Illusion of Love. Again, it is surrender. It is scary to Trust another person.
Likewise, it is scary to realize you have Trusted someone that you should not have.
It is so difficult whenever one is asleep and one is awake, in any relationship. But that is the way of Free Will and Choice, and there is no getting around it. There is only surrendering to the Empowerment of Love so that you might Love that person
regardless of their state of being awake or asleep.
But for you, Empower your Life. Fill it with Love.
Fill it with the glory of the Creator, in all of her beautiful manifestations,
from the tiniest flower, to the cloud in the sky, to the magnificent creature that you watch running upon the land or swimming in the seas, flying in the air. It doesn't matter where. It doesn't matter what. It doesn't matter who. Feel the Love and allow it to Flow through your being. And as you allow it to Flow, you will find yourself becoming stronger and stronger. It is Empowerment. That is how you make changes in Life. That is how you live Life versus being in existence. That is how you get things done, you might say. That is how you follow your path of Peace.
Follow the markers of Love and Joy.
It is really very simply. And so I say to you: As you look for Empowerment and make changes,
follow that path of Love. As you look for changes in your world, look for that path of Love.
When you see others who are being Loving, and kind, and compassionate, and doing no harm, join with them. Support each other, Empower each other through the sharing of Love,
and help it spread. Never, ever be afraid to speak the words of Love to someone else. And if you encounter those who are afraid of Love, then they are not ready for it.
Love them anyway.
But do it from a distance that does not feel threatening to them, because many people see the Illusion of Love, and they are fearful. And many of them feel that they are not worthy of Love, and so they run from it.
They bear guilt.
Forgive them.
Forgive them. Even if they did nothing to you, Empower them with Forgiveness. That, too, is a great form of Love and Empowerment. It is Forgiveness. It is another aspect of Loving.
You must Forgive yourself, you must Forgive others, and encourage and help them to Forgive themselves. Even if they did nothing to you, you can still Forgive them.
Somewhere along the lines, I promise you, they did something to you and you did something to them. Exchange Forgiveness.
It can only help, it can only foster Love, it can only Heal.
Forgiveness never harms.
It is a faction of Love.
Start measuring things in your Life, your thoughts, your deeds, your interactions, start measuring them against the Truth stone of Love.
Is this Loving? Is it kind? If it is, it's also Truthful, and it's Peaceful, and so on.
Live your Life from this state, and you will find yourself in a state of true Empowerment. Be not afraid of it. You are all worthy of this Love. You were already given this Love by she who has created you.
Accept it.
Shine the Light that you are.
Be the brilliant diamond of Light that you were meant to be.
Therein lies your Empowerment. Be your true self. You are already Empowered. You must simply surrender to it by accepting the Love that you are.
You are the Love of the Creator,
in experience and in expression.
Surrender to that Love,
and accept your own Empowerment.
Think about my words,
for I speak them truly.
And know that I leave you with my Love, which is Empowerment.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.