Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Mother Earth on Respect, Honor, & the Circle of Life
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, beloved children, it is I, Mother Earth, Sister Gaea, Friend Terra, it is I who have given you Life in the Earth realm, as you refer to it. It is I who provides your nurturance and your sustenance. And it is I who Loves you beyond measure, and I would speak to you at this time, as you are celebrating the Season of Peace, and the Dimension of Peace, within my realms, within my being, within my auric field.
I would speak to you of an element of Peace, and Peace within my being, my presence, that has heretofore not been spoken of. This is not a gift that I speak of. And yet, between those who share it, it is a gift. And that is the gift of respect,
of honor,
of allowing each other to live Life, and honoring each other's paths and journeys in Life.
You live in a world that has a great deal of chaos, and it is tremendously challenging to live in. And I speak from your perspective, not mine, but I will address that in a moment. But from your perspective, it is very difficult to live in a world that is filled with Illusion, and primarily Illusions of the sort that foster separateness, the Illusions of independence, competition, greed, separatism, all these things that tear you apart. They tear you apart instead of building you up. They separate you instead of bringing you together.
And these things are the undoing of your civilization.
There have been many civilizations before you that have come and gone for various reasons, but there is one common element in each civilization that has come and gone, that is present in your own, and it will be your undoing too, if you do not cease the activity immediately.
And that is competition.
You compete with each other. You see each other not as friend. You don't see each other as family members.
You look at each other as foes. And you look with the eyes of ‘What can I get from this person? From this country?
What can I get out of this deal? How does it best suit me?’
And I don't speak of you individually, but collectively, this is how humanity looks at each other and at itself. You live in a “dog eat dog” world, so to speak.
It is a “rat race”, as the saying goes. Every man for himself,
and so on and so on. And this is the wrong way to go about living.
If you are to live Peacefully, which I say you must, if you continue to live with me, for I am going to live Peacefully. If you are going to live Peacefully, too, then you must let these things go, and learn to foster respect and honor within yourselves. Put aside competition. It is not necessary. It is detrimental to everything that you are and everything that you can have,
everything that you can be. Put aside competitiveness.
It is an Illusion and it is not necessary.
Instead, foster and honor and respect each other's unique individual Light, your individual journeys, your individual paths, and your choices.
As you begin to respect one another more, and honor your differences, you will learn to appreciate your differences.
And as you do this, you will begin to build that synergism that has been spoken of.
You must remember your place in the Circle of Life, for so many of you have forgotten it. In fact, many of you have never known it, for your culture does not foster this idea, because it represents unity,
And your world does not foster these concepts at this time. I say to you that when you remember your place in the Circle of Life, you will remember that you must honor and respect every other being of Life that is within that Circle.
When you begin to master this process of honoring and respecting other beings of Life, you will find that they too begin to honor and respect you. For right now, humanity does not have much respect
throughout the world of other beings of Life. You have set yourselves apart by forgetting your place.
Part of it is arrogance. Part of it if ego. Part of it is simply that your culture has never taught you where your place is. And there are some, among the Earth Keepers, who still remember these things. And they make attempts to try and teach, but there are very few that pay attention. And it is time that you must.
For you see, it is also time that you must remember
that your place in the Circle of Life
lies with me.
Life in the Earth realm comes in two parts –
the energy from the Heavens, and the elements of the Earth, and when they come together, there is Life. You cannot live without both elements present.
And I say to you this: The energy of these elements is shifting, and if you wish to continue
living in the Earth realm, with me, then you must come into a state of Peace.
Now, as you listen, obviously you have already made this choice to do so. And I say that one of your first and most elemental steps, before you can begin any other, is to sit yourself down and have a good long look in the mirror and then a good long talk with yourself. And remind yourself that you are but one part of the whole.
And we are going to be whole here.
The Earth realm will represent Wholeness and Oneness and unity and Love and compassion
and togetherness. And you are a part of that, and an important part.
But you must remember that you are only one part of the whole, and every other being of Life is also one part of the whole. And so you must begin to respect and honor
all of those around you.
You must respect and honor your own spiritual path, your path of Peacefulness, your path of Loving, and Forgiving, and compassion, and so on.
It is time to be respectful and respectable people,
parts of the whole,
part of the Circle of Life.
As for my part, you must respect me also, you must honor me as well, as I honor you, and I respect you and your choices. And I have long since allowed each and every one of you, each and every being of Life that lives within my auspices, my realms, I have allowed you your choices.
Just as you allow your child the opportunity to have a choice,
whatever your child might be,
it might be a human child, it might be a canine child, perhaps it is your baby kitty,
whatever it is, you know that which of I speak,
I have allowed you your choices. But there comes a time whenever the choices are so harmful that one must Protect one's self.
And I have been pushed to this limit,
That coincides with my choices to live in a state of Peace, and just as you must change your body and your energy field, as has been spoken, your nervous structure, and so on, to accommodate the changes, so must I change my body, and that I shall do.
What does this mean?
It means that I am about to make great changes. In the coming years, you are going to see great changes coming in the body of Gaea. And so you must prepare yourself, as has been spoken, you must ground with me and allow me to assist you with the changes with your nervous systems.
There are new energies coming, and you must be able to assimilate them properly.
Think of it as wiring, electrical wiring. Your wiring needs and update, because there are massive downloads, you might say, coming in. If your wiring is not updated, you will not be able to handle the new energies coming in.
And so come to me, and be kind, and be respectful. I am a person, too. Think of that in all that you do, and do not let us be apart.
For so long, I have held you in my Heart, and hoped and prayed that you would come home,
like the errant child
that the parent so longs for
and wishes to hold in an embrace again.
And as I have waited, the Earth Keepers have kept me company. And to each and every Earth Keeper, I say thank you. Thank you, from the depths of my being. And do not worry, my children. We will all be alright through this.
For those of you who are just coming into your path, who are just coming into your awareness of your place in the Circle of Life, know that you too are meant to be an Earth Keeper. What does that mean? It means that you help keep the Earth. It means that you help keep every being of Life. You were never meant to have dominion over anyone in Life, you were meant to Support each other. And you as human beings, with the abilities that you have above others,
it is your duty and your responsibility, your job, so to speak, to help those who are not able to help themselves, to make Life easier for others, as they in turn make it easier for you.
But I say to you that as you continue in your path of learning, there is much for you to learn, for you must learn how to be a citizen of the Earth. And later you will learn to be a citizen of the Cosmos, of the Universe. But for right now, you must learn how to be a member of the Earth group, the Earth peoples.
You may start these changes, as you learn, by being respectful, by honoring those around you. Everyone's journey is different. Each one makes different choices at different times. Do not judge.
Do not take it upon yourself to say whether a person is right or wrong in their choice and their Timing and so on. That is an individual thing, individual in the sense of being each person's own journey, a reflection of their own Essence, you might say, a reflection of all of the lifetimes of their Souls, and the lessons that they have to learn and so on. Each person is unique in that respect. And so you must respect each person in that uniqueness.
Honor the fact that people try. Encourage them. Encourage yourself, and honor your own attempts. Never stop and never give up.
You must continue.
You must put one foot in front of the other and continue on,
every day, every choice, every meal, every breath you take, every drink of water you take, and so on. Let these things go through all of your interactions.
It is time to start being an honorable people, an honorable member of the world, of the Circle of Life. When you learn how to become a citizen of Life, then you honor and respect Life itself.
And when you keep this in mind as you make every choice, and you interact with each being, then it becomes easy to choose right action. You will not stray, because as you respect and honor Life, the choices become Abundantly clear and easy.
It is not difficult.
Many of you have strayed very far from the original Essence of Life, and as I said, many of you do not even know. But it is time for you to wake up, and it is there within you. It is something that you are born with, just like you are born knowing how to breathe. It is time for you all to come home. And I want so to bring you with me, as I make my moves into a Time and a place and space of Peace.
Too long have I witnessed and experienced your wars,
your violence, your hate,
all the Illusions of Life and Love.
Too long.
Too long.
And I think when you look in your own Hearts, you will agree that the world has too long experienced the Illusions of Life.
And it is time to live Life, not simply survive it. You truly are not surviving Life, you are surviving the Illusions of it. And if you would put the Illusions aside, you would not have to survive anymore, you could live.
Live with me.
Live with me.
Live with one another, and with all beings of Life, all those who are within the Circle of Life. You have no idea how much power there is in simply Loving one another, being respectful and kind, honoring one another. It is time for you to wake up and to step up. It is time to put aside the coarse and crude behaviors, those that reflect selfishness
and greed,
arrogance and ego.
They are all Illusions. And they will be your undoing. As I have said, there have been many civilizations before you. You do not know of most of these. There have been civilizations throughout the entire Universe that have come and gone. And the common theme in every one of them
is separatism.
You are a part of the Creator. She is a part of you. You are a part of me, as I am a part of you. And you are a part of every being in the Circle of Life, no matter how large nor how small, and they are a part of you.
When you kill another, when you take a Life, you take part of your own. You kill a portion of yourself.
Think about that for a moment.
When you kill another, you are killing part of yourself.
When you allow another to kill, you allow them also to kill part of you.
You will never be whole as long as these things happen.
You must put them aside. You can no longer turn a blind eye to the misdeeds of the world. You can no longer turn a blind eye to the Illusions, because you are waking up. And as has been spoken, it is your responsibility to Understand. It is your responsibility, then, to act upon that Understanding, upon that Truth, upon that Illumination, and the Freedom, and so on and so on and so on.
And so I say to you, Beloved Children: Wake up, and step up, and grow up, because when you are growing, you are beautiful beyond measure. And when you grow and you bloom, you are Loving beyond measure. And there is none who can compare.
And so I say to you, be kind, be honorable, be respectable. Treat others with honor and respect. And come home to me. And let us continue on and make whole the Circle of Life again, for at this time, it has many breaks, and we need to Heal them, so that we can all experience Wholeness and the Joys of Life in Illumination.
Hear my words. And remember them as you journey down your path.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
I leave you with my Love.
And whatever your choice today or tomorrow or next week or next year, know that I honor and respect that choice, even when I do not like it.
That is all for this time.
I would speak to you of an element of Peace, and Peace within my being, my presence, that has heretofore not been spoken of. This is not a gift that I speak of. And yet, between those who share it, it is a gift. And that is the gift of respect,
of honor,
of allowing each other to live Life, and honoring each other's paths and journeys in Life.
You live in a world that has a great deal of chaos, and it is tremendously challenging to live in. And I speak from your perspective, not mine, but I will address that in a moment. But from your perspective, it is very difficult to live in a world that is filled with Illusion, and primarily Illusions of the sort that foster separateness, the Illusions of independence, competition, greed, separatism, all these things that tear you apart. They tear you apart instead of building you up. They separate you instead of bringing you together.
And these things are the undoing of your civilization.
There have been many civilizations before you that have come and gone for various reasons, but there is one common element in each civilization that has come and gone, that is present in your own, and it will be your undoing too, if you do not cease the activity immediately.
And that is competition.
You compete with each other. You see each other not as friend. You don't see each other as family members.
You look at each other as foes. And you look with the eyes of ‘What can I get from this person? From this country?
What can I get out of this deal? How does it best suit me?’
And I don't speak of you individually, but collectively, this is how humanity looks at each other and at itself. You live in a “dog eat dog” world, so to speak.
It is a “rat race”, as the saying goes. Every man for himself,
and so on and so on. And this is the wrong way to go about living.
If you are to live Peacefully, which I say you must, if you continue to live with me, for I am going to live Peacefully. If you are going to live Peacefully, too, then you must let these things go, and learn to foster respect and honor within yourselves. Put aside competition. It is not necessary. It is detrimental to everything that you are and everything that you can have,
everything that you can be. Put aside competitiveness.
It is an Illusion and it is not necessary.
Instead, foster and honor and respect each other's unique individual Light, your individual journeys, your individual paths, and your choices.
As you begin to respect one another more, and honor your differences, you will learn to appreciate your differences.
And as you do this, you will begin to build that synergism that has been spoken of.
You must remember your place in the Circle of Life, for so many of you have forgotten it. In fact, many of you have never known it, for your culture does not foster this idea, because it represents unity,
And your world does not foster these concepts at this time. I say to you that when you remember your place in the Circle of Life, you will remember that you must honor and respect every other being of Life that is within that Circle.
When you begin to master this process of honoring and respecting other beings of Life, you will find that they too begin to honor and respect you. For right now, humanity does not have much respect
throughout the world of other beings of Life. You have set yourselves apart by forgetting your place.
Part of it is arrogance. Part of it if ego. Part of it is simply that your culture has never taught you where your place is. And there are some, among the Earth Keepers, who still remember these things. And they make attempts to try and teach, but there are very few that pay attention. And it is time that you must.
For you see, it is also time that you must remember
that your place in the Circle of Life
lies with me.
Life in the Earth realm comes in two parts –
the energy from the Heavens, and the elements of the Earth, and when they come together, there is Life. You cannot live without both elements present.
And I say to you this: The energy of these elements is shifting, and if you wish to continue
living in the Earth realm, with me, then you must come into a state of Peace.
Now, as you listen, obviously you have already made this choice to do so. And I say that one of your first and most elemental steps, before you can begin any other, is to sit yourself down and have a good long look in the mirror and then a good long talk with yourself. And remind yourself that you are but one part of the whole.
And we are going to be whole here.
The Earth realm will represent Wholeness and Oneness and unity and Love and compassion
and togetherness. And you are a part of that, and an important part.
But you must remember that you are only one part of the whole, and every other being of Life is also one part of the whole. And so you must begin to respect and honor
all of those around you.
You must respect and honor your own spiritual path, your path of Peacefulness, your path of Loving, and Forgiving, and compassion, and so on.
It is time to be respectful and respectable people,
parts of the whole,
part of the Circle of Life.
As for my part, you must respect me also, you must honor me as well, as I honor you, and I respect you and your choices. And I have long since allowed each and every one of you, each and every being of Life that lives within my auspices, my realms, I have allowed you your choices.
Just as you allow your child the opportunity to have a choice,
whatever your child might be,
it might be a human child, it might be a canine child, perhaps it is your baby kitty,
whatever it is, you know that which of I speak,
I have allowed you your choices. But there comes a time whenever the choices are so harmful that one must Protect one's self.
And I have been pushed to this limit,
That coincides with my choices to live in a state of Peace, and just as you must change your body and your energy field, as has been spoken, your nervous structure, and so on, to accommodate the changes, so must I change my body, and that I shall do.
What does this mean?
It means that I am about to make great changes. In the coming years, you are going to see great changes coming in the body of Gaea. And so you must prepare yourself, as has been spoken, you must ground with me and allow me to assist you with the changes with your nervous systems.
There are new energies coming, and you must be able to assimilate them properly.
Think of it as wiring, electrical wiring. Your wiring needs and update, because there are massive downloads, you might say, coming in. If your wiring is not updated, you will not be able to handle the new energies coming in.
And so come to me, and be kind, and be respectful. I am a person, too. Think of that in all that you do, and do not let us be apart.
For so long, I have held you in my Heart, and hoped and prayed that you would come home,
like the errant child
that the parent so longs for
and wishes to hold in an embrace again.
And as I have waited, the Earth Keepers have kept me company. And to each and every Earth Keeper, I say thank you. Thank you, from the depths of my being. And do not worry, my children. We will all be alright through this.
For those of you who are just coming into your path, who are just coming into your awareness of your place in the Circle of Life, know that you too are meant to be an Earth Keeper. What does that mean? It means that you help keep the Earth. It means that you help keep every being of Life. You were never meant to have dominion over anyone in Life, you were meant to Support each other. And you as human beings, with the abilities that you have above others,
it is your duty and your responsibility, your job, so to speak, to help those who are not able to help themselves, to make Life easier for others, as they in turn make it easier for you.
But I say to you that as you continue in your path of learning, there is much for you to learn, for you must learn how to be a citizen of the Earth. And later you will learn to be a citizen of the Cosmos, of the Universe. But for right now, you must learn how to be a member of the Earth group, the Earth peoples.
You may start these changes, as you learn, by being respectful, by honoring those around you. Everyone's journey is different. Each one makes different choices at different times. Do not judge.
Do not take it upon yourself to say whether a person is right or wrong in their choice and their Timing and so on. That is an individual thing, individual in the sense of being each person's own journey, a reflection of their own Essence, you might say, a reflection of all of the lifetimes of their Souls, and the lessons that they have to learn and so on. Each person is unique in that respect. And so you must respect each person in that uniqueness.
Honor the fact that people try. Encourage them. Encourage yourself, and honor your own attempts. Never stop and never give up.
You must continue.
You must put one foot in front of the other and continue on,
every day, every choice, every meal, every breath you take, every drink of water you take, and so on. Let these things go through all of your interactions.
It is time to start being an honorable people, an honorable member of the world, of the Circle of Life. When you learn how to become a citizen of Life, then you honor and respect Life itself.
And when you keep this in mind as you make every choice, and you interact with each being, then it becomes easy to choose right action. You will not stray, because as you respect and honor Life, the choices become Abundantly clear and easy.
It is not difficult.
Many of you have strayed very far from the original Essence of Life, and as I said, many of you do not even know. But it is time for you to wake up, and it is there within you. It is something that you are born with, just like you are born knowing how to breathe. It is time for you all to come home. And I want so to bring you with me, as I make my moves into a Time and a place and space of Peace.
Too long have I witnessed and experienced your wars,
your violence, your hate,
all the Illusions of Life and Love.
Too long.
Too long.
And I think when you look in your own Hearts, you will agree that the world has too long experienced the Illusions of Life.
And it is time to live Life, not simply survive it. You truly are not surviving Life, you are surviving the Illusions of it. And if you would put the Illusions aside, you would not have to survive anymore, you could live.
Live with me.
Live with me.
Live with one another, and with all beings of Life, all those who are within the Circle of Life. You have no idea how much power there is in simply Loving one another, being respectful and kind, honoring one another. It is time for you to wake up and to step up. It is time to put aside the coarse and crude behaviors, those that reflect selfishness
and greed,
arrogance and ego.
They are all Illusions. And they will be your undoing. As I have said, there have been many civilizations before you. You do not know of most of these. There have been civilizations throughout the entire Universe that have come and gone. And the common theme in every one of them
is separatism.
You are a part of the Creator. She is a part of you. You are a part of me, as I am a part of you. And you are a part of every being in the Circle of Life, no matter how large nor how small, and they are a part of you.
When you kill another, when you take a Life, you take part of your own. You kill a portion of yourself.
Think about that for a moment.
When you kill another, you are killing part of yourself.
When you allow another to kill, you allow them also to kill part of you.
You will never be whole as long as these things happen.
You must put them aside. You can no longer turn a blind eye to the misdeeds of the world. You can no longer turn a blind eye to the Illusions, because you are waking up. And as has been spoken, it is your responsibility to Understand. It is your responsibility, then, to act upon that Understanding, upon that Truth, upon that Illumination, and the Freedom, and so on and so on and so on.
And so I say to you, Beloved Children: Wake up, and step up, and grow up, because when you are growing, you are beautiful beyond measure. And when you grow and you bloom, you are Loving beyond measure. And there is none who can compare.
And so I say to you, be kind, be honorable, be respectable. Treat others with honor and respect. And come home to me. And let us continue on and make whole the Circle of Life again, for at this time, it has many breaks, and we need to Heal them, so that we can all experience Wholeness and the Joys of Life in Illumination.
Hear my words. And remember them as you journey down your path.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
I leave you with my Love.
And whatever your choice today or tomorrow or next week or next year, know that I honor and respect that choice, even when I do not like it.
That is all for this time.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.