Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Raphael on the Gift of Joy
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Raphael, and I would speak with you at this time,
as you celebrate the Season of Peace once again, about the gift of Joy.
To those of you who have made your choice to live in Peace, please know that you bring me Joy. Even as I am the Archangel of Joy, and it is my gift to give, I also receive this gift from you, and for that I say thank you to each and every one of you. And if you have not yet made your choice, please do so.
Please do so. Time is of the Essence. And, you must.
But, as we speak of the gift of Joy, let us speak of a Time of Peace,
and a place of Peace,
a Dimension of Peace.
And, I say to that there will be no greater Joy than living in a complete and utter state of Peacefulness,
Harmony with all things,
with Life itself.
Some of you cannot imagine living Life without some kind of crisis happening in your world. You cannot imagine living without a problem to solve, an issue to fix, to repair, to remedy,
something that has gone wrong. You cannot imagine living in a state without these things.
And yet, living without these things is part of living in a state of Peace and that is Joy.
Imagine your most Joyous moments in Life.
Imagine if EVERY moment carried that kind of Joy.
And, I say to you that it can.
And, it shall,
at some point.
But, in order to find that Joy and live in that state, there are steps which you must follow. You must make your choice. You must live Peacefully. How can you experience Joy if your actions are causing someone else to live in sorrow,
to live in pain,
to live in poverty,
to face death?
How about torture?
How can you be Joyous,
if your actions are causing someone else to feel such an Illusion of Joy -
the opposite of true Joy?
What is the Truth of Joy?
It is utter Harmony. It is Love. It is unconditional, unfettered, unresisted Love.
THAT is Joy.
You see, Love takes on many forms, and Joy is but one of them – one of the most pleasurable, of course – but it is simply a facet of Love. And, how can YOU experience this Love and this Joy when you know that your actions have caused another to feel great pain, great discomfort?
You can’t.
You cannot
know that Joy.
So, if you wish to experience that Time, and that place, and that space of Peace, and the Joy that comes with that, then you must begin now by looking to see where Joy is in your Life in Illusion.
You see, when you live Life in such a way that causes discomfort to another, you are living the Illusion of Joy.
So, look at your Life and how you live it. And, look at your interactions with others and then look at the world around you. What are you Supporting with your choices?
Are you Supporting the Truth and the Illumination of Joy?
Or, are you Supporting the Illusion
of Joy?
That is a tough one to swallow for many. But, it is a good filter to help you gauge your Life, to scrutinize your own Life and your own choices so that you may better yourself. You may go upon this path, this journey, into your state of Peacefulness,
your state of Joyousness.
And, there are many things to look at, as has been spoken. The way you live. Your energy sources. How to you travel? What is your job? What are your foods like? What about your clothes? What about your furniture, etcetera, etcetera?
These things are all very convenient, and you’ve all gotten into this nice, convenient, comfortable little rut in Life, and you’ve turned a blind eye to the Truth of Joy.
Many of you have turned a blind eye to Truth itself, and you must come out of this.
You cannot live a Life of Joy, unless it is truly a Life of Joy. And, if it is truly a Life of Joy, you cannot cause harm to another.
It is plain and simple.
And, yes, we hear from those in the other camp, the other side of the Great Segregation, who live in violence and Illusion and so on, and they say, ‘Well, I feel Joy. I’m happy.’
And, I say to you this: Maybe parts of their conscious mind are, but I guarantee you that their Spirit is not happy, and their Soul is most decidedly not happy. And, they will continue on living lifetime after lifetime in a state of violence until they figure it out.
And, once they have learned and mastered the lesson, then perhaps they will realize that all the time they thought they were living Joyously,
they were not.
There are many lessons involved.
And, there are many karmic repercussions to (for) doing harm to another being. You should consider that when you consider your own Joy.
But, let us go back to (for) a moment to this place and space and Time and Dimension of Joy, for they are coming throughout the Universe of Universes, as has been spoken.
No matter what kind of being of Life you are, no matter where you live, it is time for you to come into a state of Peace and a state of Joyousness.
Now, imagine for a moment, if you will, just to get a glimpse of this state of Joy, imagine that every person with whom you interacted every day,
every being of LIFE with whom you interacted every day,
was kind, and thoughtful, and Loving, and considerate, and Joyous.
Now, I am not speaking of the kind of Joy where we all sit back and sing a happy song around a campfire and hold hands and look into each other’s eyes and say, ‘My, aren’t we happy.’
I am talking about the real fun of Life.
Joy, itself, perhaps needs to be revisited as far as its definition goes. What is Joy?
It is Love.
What is that kind of Love?
Is it happiness? Yes, but it is more.
Is it fun? Yes, but it is more.
How about an adrenaline rush? Yes, but it is more.
Real Joy comes with a sense of Completion inside.
It comes with a sense of contentment,
of satisfaction,
of knowing that there could not be anything POSSIBLY better.
It simply is the best of that moment.
So, you see, it is fun. It is adrenaline. It is happiness. It is Love.
It is Light.
Take, for a moment, and think of what the snow looks like, a freshly fallen snow, as if sparkles in the sunlight and it shines like a diamond,
a million diamonds,
a trillion diamonds,
all sparkling in the sun.
And, each one them is putting out their own Light.
They’re reflecting the Light that comes into them back out in their own unique way.
That is Joy.
When you can allow the Love that you are to come into your being and Flow outward from your being, that is Joy that you are giving. When you put no filters, no barriers, no conditions that is Joy that you are sharing.
And, when you accept the same from others – no filters, no barriers, no conditions – that is Joy.
And, when you share Joy in this fashion, it leaves you Completely content and satisfied, for than can be nothing better in that moment.
THAT is Joy.
And, that is Life that is coming. And, that is where you are headed down this path of Peacefulness.
And, so how to you get there? Well, it goes back to making your choice to live Peacefully, looking for the Truth, Understanding it, following the Illumination. You must allow the Light of Love to guide you. And, one of the ways you can find this is by looking in your own Heart, and searching out the things that bring you TRUE
Not the Illusion of it.
If it harms anyone or anything,
it is not true.
But, if it does not, then it is very likely the Truth of Joy.
So, you must follow that path that’s in your Heart. Everyone has a road map for your Life. Every one of you. Within your own Heart there is a road map.
There is a road map.
And, it is for your Life, and you will find it. The markers to help guide you in your choices are those that reflect the greatest Joy, the greatest Love, the greatest Truth.
It is easy to follow.
But, you must put aside the blinders and conditions that the mind will give you because of this world that you live in that is so fraught with Illusion.
And, the mind will say, ‘Oh, but wait, we need this. Oh, but wait, I have to do that. Oh, but wait, this can’t possibly work.’
No. Put these things aside. Listen to the Heart. And, follow the Joy.
Follow the Love.
Follow the Light of Truth.
It will never, ever fail you.
Not once.
Now, if you wish to amplify this Joy, go back to the scene of the snow sparkling in the sun. You are but one snowflake.
The more you share your Light, and the more others share, and you come together and accept the sharing of each other, then you’re making a blanket of snow. The more of you who come together, the brighter the Light,
the more the Joy,
the greater the Love that will Flow amongst you.
And, then you amplify, you amplify. And, you anchor. It is very important to anchor this Joy,
because it is a form of Love.
And, the more Love you can anchor into this world, the more Joy you can anchor into this world,
the brighter the world will be,
the Lighter, in so many ways. Not just Light as in Love. Not just Light as in the Lightness itself, but Lightness of Heart,
the burdens lifted.
Any burden can be lifted when it is shared, and the more that share it, the lighter the burden. And, when you come together and you share Joys, and you lift up the burdens,
they will go away.
And, the more you share with others, in a way that does not harm, but helps, the Lighter you make the world.
Right now, it is a heavy place. It is a very heavy place, and for some, it is almost too heavy to bear. There are places in this world where people die every day, and it is not their fault, and it is not their choice. And, that is not Joy.
And, in some ways, I pity those who perpetrate violence against these people, cause these conditions for them to die. Whether they do it directly or indirectly, they are still causing it, and it is still violence, no matter how you term it. It is still violence. It is the Illusion of Joy.
And, there will be lessons that must be learned and karmic repercussions for these deaths that are caused and this pain that is caused.
It is heavy. You live in a heavy world. Lighten it up.
This doesn’t mean to ignore the pain and suffering in the world. What it means is to shine your Light and your Joy and your Love so brightly,
and share it so freely,
that you lift the burdens and Lighten your world by your very presence within it.
It is time for each and every one of you to come together, and join hands, and join Hearts, and join minds. Minds. This is what is missed SO often when people come together.
For many years, people have come together and said, ‘We, we are like-Hearted, and we’re joining hands. We’re joining forces, and so on.’ And, they accomplish some things. But, they do not accomplish nearly what they could if they could all become One in mind. Share a vision and hold it.
Too many people have too many different ideas of what Love is, of what Joy is, of what Truth is, and so on. And, the only way you will ever find common ground and that common mind, is if you agree on certain definitions.
What is Joy?
What is Love?
What is Truth?
And, you cannot agree on those definitions until you Understand. And to do that you must look at the big picture, and there you need your Illumination because you need the Light
of Truth
upon everything.
You need the Light of Life, and let that be your sounding board for that right there is the greatest Joy of all. It is Life. And, that is the greatest Truth of all. It is Life.
So, when you look for your Joy, when you look for Truth, and you are gauging and trying to decide, ‘Is this Truth, or is it not?’, how do you Understand? And, I say to you this: Hold it up to the candle of Life. Does it Support Life, or does it not? And, if it does not, it is not true.
It is not Joy.
It’s not Peace.
It is Illusion.
It must be Life sustaining and Life affirming, Life enriching. THAT is Joy. When you have experiences that enrich your Life, they make you a better person for having experienced them, having shared them, THAT is Joy.
It is not listening to somebody’s bad joke.
It is not watching comedy on television,
or watching a funny video.
That is amusement,
or worse.
Real Joy affirms Life. It enriches Life. It leaves all who share it better than they were before.
In the days of Leonardo DaVinci, it was spoken that each person who was mastering a craft, or an art, a knowledge, a wisdom, each person had the obligation to better their field. You stood upon the shoulders of the masters before you, and created a nice, safe, steady place for the masters to follow you so that they might stand on your shoulders. And, it is the same when you look at real Joy.
When you look at enriching one’s Life.
Because, as you continue to elevate, you raise yourself and allow more and more to come before you, to come beneath you. You raise everything and everyone up with you.
There is none of this competition and “dog-eat-dog” stuff. It’s not a “rat race”.
It is a coming together to enrich other’s lives.
If you wish to share Joy, make someone else’s Life better, and allow them to make your Life better.
You must reach for the stars and keep your feet firmly planted on the Earth.
And, it is in that space in between where you live and where you share.
And, when you experience a moment of Joy, take a moment out of your time and acknowledge that Joy, and then send it out into the world
to every being of Life.
‘Right now, I share my Joy.’
And, they will feel it.
Every one of them.
You will make Life a better place.
That is the gift of Joy.
Creator has given you the gift of Joy. How often do you receive it from her?
I have given you the gift of Joy. How often do you receive it from me?
How many times are you too busy to notice?
A child draws a picture of a flower and gives it to his or her parent.
‘I made this for you.’
How many times is that gift really received?
And, how many times is it missed?
Look for the spark in the eyes of another. There you will know if they are experiencing and sharing true Joy with you.
Think about these words.
And, know that there is Joy awaiting you that is greater than you can fathom at this moment.
And so, I hope that my words are not only bringing you a lesson in the gift of Joy, but also encouragement to not give up,
because Joy is waiting for you
in grand Abundance.
And, I will be there to serve it to you all
on the Divine platter
of Love.
Think about my words.
And be Truthful in your Joys.
Remember to do no harm.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
That is all for this time.
as you celebrate the Season of Peace once again, about the gift of Joy.
To those of you who have made your choice to live in Peace, please know that you bring me Joy. Even as I am the Archangel of Joy, and it is my gift to give, I also receive this gift from you, and for that I say thank you to each and every one of you. And if you have not yet made your choice, please do so.
Please do so. Time is of the Essence. And, you must.
But, as we speak of the gift of Joy, let us speak of a Time of Peace,
and a place of Peace,
a Dimension of Peace.
And, I say to that there will be no greater Joy than living in a complete and utter state of Peacefulness,
Harmony with all things,
with Life itself.
Some of you cannot imagine living Life without some kind of crisis happening in your world. You cannot imagine living without a problem to solve, an issue to fix, to repair, to remedy,
something that has gone wrong. You cannot imagine living in a state without these things.
And yet, living without these things is part of living in a state of Peace and that is Joy.
Imagine your most Joyous moments in Life.
Imagine if EVERY moment carried that kind of Joy.
And, I say to you that it can.
And, it shall,
at some point.
But, in order to find that Joy and live in that state, there are steps which you must follow. You must make your choice. You must live Peacefully. How can you experience Joy if your actions are causing someone else to live in sorrow,
to live in pain,
to live in poverty,
to face death?
How about torture?
How can you be Joyous,
if your actions are causing someone else to feel such an Illusion of Joy -
the opposite of true Joy?
What is the Truth of Joy?
It is utter Harmony. It is Love. It is unconditional, unfettered, unresisted Love.
THAT is Joy.
You see, Love takes on many forms, and Joy is but one of them – one of the most pleasurable, of course – but it is simply a facet of Love. And, how can YOU experience this Love and this Joy when you know that your actions have caused another to feel great pain, great discomfort?
You can’t.
You cannot
know that Joy.
So, if you wish to experience that Time, and that place, and that space of Peace, and the Joy that comes with that, then you must begin now by looking to see where Joy is in your Life in Illusion.
You see, when you live Life in such a way that causes discomfort to another, you are living the Illusion of Joy.
So, look at your Life and how you live it. And, look at your interactions with others and then look at the world around you. What are you Supporting with your choices?
Are you Supporting the Truth and the Illumination of Joy?
Or, are you Supporting the Illusion
of Joy?
That is a tough one to swallow for many. But, it is a good filter to help you gauge your Life, to scrutinize your own Life and your own choices so that you may better yourself. You may go upon this path, this journey, into your state of Peacefulness,
your state of Joyousness.
And, there are many things to look at, as has been spoken. The way you live. Your energy sources. How to you travel? What is your job? What are your foods like? What about your clothes? What about your furniture, etcetera, etcetera?
These things are all very convenient, and you’ve all gotten into this nice, convenient, comfortable little rut in Life, and you’ve turned a blind eye to the Truth of Joy.
Many of you have turned a blind eye to Truth itself, and you must come out of this.
You cannot live a Life of Joy, unless it is truly a Life of Joy. And, if it is truly a Life of Joy, you cannot cause harm to another.
It is plain and simple.
And, yes, we hear from those in the other camp, the other side of the Great Segregation, who live in violence and Illusion and so on, and they say, ‘Well, I feel Joy. I’m happy.’
And, I say to you this: Maybe parts of their conscious mind are, but I guarantee you that their Spirit is not happy, and their Soul is most decidedly not happy. And, they will continue on living lifetime after lifetime in a state of violence until they figure it out.
And, once they have learned and mastered the lesson, then perhaps they will realize that all the time they thought they were living Joyously,
they were not.
There are many lessons involved.
And, there are many karmic repercussions to (for) doing harm to another being. You should consider that when you consider your own Joy.
But, let us go back to (for) a moment to this place and space and Time and Dimension of Joy, for they are coming throughout the Universe of Universes, as has been spoken.
No matter what kind of being of Life you are, no matter where you live, it is time for you to come into a state of Peace and a state of Joyousness.
Now, imagine for a moment, if you will, just to get a glimpse of this state of Joy, imagine that every person with whom you interacted every day,
every being of LIFE with whom you interacted every day,
was kind, and thoughtful, and Loving, and considerate, and Joyous.
Now, I am not speaking of the kind of Joy where we all sit back and sing a happy song around a campfire and hold hands and look into each other’s eyes and say, ‘My, aren’t we happy.’
I am talking about the real fun of Life.
Joy, itself, perhaps needs to be revisited as far as its definition goes. What is Joy?
It is Love.
What is that kind of Love?
Is it happiness? Yes, but it is more.
Is it fun? Yes, but it is more.
How about an adrenaline rush? Yes, but it is more.
Real Joy comes with a sense of Completion inside.
It comes with a sense of contentment,
of satisfaction,
of knowing that there could not be anything POSSIBLY better.
It simply is the best of that moment.
So, you see, it is fun. It is adrenaline. It is happiness. It is Love.
It is Light.
Take, for a moment, and think of what the snow looks like, a freshly fallen snow, as if sparkles in the sunlight and it shines like a diamond,
a million diamonds,
a trillion diamonds,
all sparkling in the sun.
And, each one them is putting out their own Light.
They’re reflecting the Light that comes into them back out in their own unique way.
That is Joy.
When you can allow the Love that you are to come into your being and Flow outward from your being, that is Joy that you are giving. When you put no filters, no barriers, no conditions that is Joy that you are sharing.
And, when you accept the same from others – no filters, no barriers, no conditions – that is Joy.
And, when you share Joy in this fashion, it leaves you Completely content and satisfied, for than can be nothing better in that moment.
THAT is Joy.
And, that is Life that is coming. And, that is where you are headed down this path of Peacefulness.
And, so how to you get there? Well, it goes back to making your choice to live Peacefully, looking for the Truth, Understanding it, following the Illumination. You must allow the Light of Love to guide you. And, one of the ways you can find this is by looking in your own Heart, and searching out the things that bring you TRUE
Not the Illusion of it.
If it harms anyone or anything,
it is not true.
But, if it does not, then it is very likely the Truth of Joy.
So, you must follow that path that’s in your Heart. Everyone has a road map for your Life. Every one of you. Within your own Heart there is a road map.
There is a road map.
And, it is for your Life, and you will find it. The markers to help guide you in your choices are those that reflect the greatest Joy, the greatest Love, the greatest Truth.
It is easy to follow.
But, you must put aside the blinders and conditions that the mind will give you because of this world that you live in that is so fraught with Illusion.
And, the mind will say, ‘Oh, but wait, we need this. Oh, but wait, I have to do that. Oh, but wait, this can’t possibly work.’
No. Put these things aside. Listen to the Heart. And, follow the Joy.
Follow the Love.
Follow the Light of Truth.
It will never, ever fail you.
Not once.
Now, if you wish to amplify this Joy, go back to the scene of the snow sparkling in the sun. You are but one snowflake.
The more you share your Light, and the more others share, and you come together and accept the sharing of each other, then you’re making a blanket of snow. The more of you who come together, the brighter the Light,
the more the Joy,
the greater the Love that will Flow amongst you.
And, then you amplify, you amplify. And, you anchor. It is very important to anchor this Joy,
because it is a form of Love.
And, the more Love you can anchor into this world, the more Joy you can anchor into this world,
the brighter the world will be,
the Lighter, in so many ways. Not just Light as in Love. Not just Light as in the Lightness itself, but Lightness of Heart,
the burdens lifted.
Any burden can be lifted when it is shared, and the more that share it, the lighter the burden. And, when you come together and you share Joys, and you lift up the burdens,
they will go away.
And, the more you share with others, in a way that does not harm, but helps, the Lighter you make the world.
Right now, it is a heavy place. It is a very heavy place, and for some, it is almost too heavy to bear. There are places in this world where people die every day, and it is not their fault, and it is not their choice. And, that is not Joy.
And, in some ways, I pity those who perpetrate violence against these people, cause these conditions for them to die. Whether they do it directly or indirectly, they are still causing it, and it is still violence, no matter how you term it. It is still violence. It is the Illusion of Joy.
And, there will be lessons that must be learned and karmic repercussions for these deaths that are caused and this pain that is caused.
It is heavy. You live in a heavy world. Lighten it up.
This doesn’t mean to ignore the pain and suffering in the world. What it means is to shine your Light and your Joy and your Love so brightly,
and share it so freely,
that you lift the burdens and Lighten your world by your very presence within it.
It is time for each and every one of you to come together, and join hands, and join Hearts, and join minds. Minds. This is what is missed SO often when people come together.
For many years, people have come together and said, ‘We, we are like-Hearted, and we’re joining hands. We’re joining forces, and so on.’ And, they accomplish some things. But, they do not accomplish nearly what they could if they could all become One in mind. Share a vision and hold it.
Too many people have too many different ideas of what Love is, of what Joy is, of what Truth is, and so on. And, the only way you will ever find common ground and that common mind, is if you agree on certain definitions.
What is Joy?
What is Love?
What is Truth?
And, you cannot agree on those definitions until you Understand. And to do that you must look at the big picture, and there you need your Illumination because you need the Light
of Truth
upon everything.
You need the Light of Life, and let that be your sounding board for that right there is the greatest Joy of all. It is Life. And, that is the greatest Truth of all. It is Life.
So, when you look for your Joy, when you look for Truth, and you are gauging and trying to decide, ‘Is this Truth, or is it not?’, how do you Understand? And, I say to you this: Hold it up to the candle of Life. Does it Support Life, or does it not? And, if it does not, it is not true.
It is not Joy.
It’s not Peace.
It is Illusion.
It must be Life sustaining and Life affirming, Life enriching. THAT is Joy. When you have experiences that enrich your Life, they make you a better person for having experienced them, having shared them, THAT is Joy.
It is not listening to somebody’s bad joke.
It is not watching comedy on television,
or watching a funny video.
That is amusement,
or worse.
Real Joy affirms Life. It enriches Life. It leaves all who share it better than they were before.
In the days of Leonardo DaVinci, it was spoken that each person who was mastering a craft, or an art, a knowledge, a wisdom, each person had the obligation to better their field. You stood upon the shoulders of the masters before you, and created a nice, safe, steady place for the masters to follow you so that they might stand on your shoulders. And, it is the same when you look at real Joy.
When you look at enriching one’s Life.
Because, as you continue to elevate, you raise yourself and allow more and more to come before you, to come beneath you. You raise everything and everyone up with you.
There is none of this competition and “dog-eat-dog” stuff. It’s not a “rat race”.
It is a coming together to enrich other’s lives.
If you wish to share Joy, make someone else’s Life better, and allow them to make your Life better.
You must reach for the stars and keep your feet firmly planted on the Earth.
And, it is in that space in between where you live and where you share.
And, when you experience a moment of Joy, take a moment out of your time and acknowledge that Joy, and then send it out into the world
to every being of Life.
‘Right now, I share my Joy.’
And, they will feel it.
Every one of them.
You will make Life a better place.
That is the gift of Joy.
Creator has given you the gift of Joy. How often do you receive it from her?
I have given you the gift of Joy. How often do you receive it from me?
How many times are you too busy to notice?
A child draws a picture of a flower and gives it to his or her parent.
‘I made this for you.’
How many times is that gift really received?
And, how many times is it missed?
Look for the spark in the eyes of another. There you will know if they are experiencing and sharing true Joy with you.
Think about these words.
And, know that there is Joy awaiting you that is greater than you can fathom at this moment.
And so, I hope that my words are not only bringing you a lesson in the gift of Joy, but also encouragement to not give up,
because Joy is waiting for you
in grand Abundance.
And, I will be there to serve it to you all
on the Divine platter
of Love.
Think about my words.
And be Truthful in your Joys.
Remember to do no harm.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
That is all for this time.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.