Voices of the Archangels
2015 Channeling
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
Archangel of Love
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
This is a most exceptional message from the Archangel of Love. He is always soft and gentle with his words, but we have not heard the Archangel of Love quite as passionate as he is in this message. If you have ever had a broken Heart, felt unloved, or not worth of being Loved, you need to hear his words spoken here. This is truly a beautiful and very Healing message that will empower you with hope and Love. As with his last message during the Season of Peace celebrations, the Archangel of Love gives us a new challenge in Loving. We urge each of you to accept it.
Note: Partly by the inspiration of the Archangel of Love's challenge as presented in his message here, we have begun a new program through the Healing Arts Center called "Connections of the Heart". Through this program, we are sharing the energies of Love and Peace with all who request it of us. Won't you all join us as we share Love the way it is meant to be - in Illumination and unconditionally without labels or measurements?
“Yes then, it is I the Archangel of Love.
And, I would speak to you this day on the gift and the energy of Love – this day that is set aside by many of you to celebrate the gift of Love, the energy of Love. And, I say to you that there should be no special day set aside for Love, for every day should be a day of Love. Love should be the very focus of your Life, for it is Life itself and without it, you have no Life at all.
The question is: How do you share your Love? Do you even recognize it? There is Love around you in every form, every shape, every breath you take is filled with Love, and yet most of you do not see this. You think of Love only in terms of romance. Your Lover. Perhaps your children and your family. Perhaps a neighbor or a special friend.
And, I say to you this is only the tip of the iceberg. For you see, everything in your Life that Supports your Life, and the lives of those you Love,
is Love -
for Love
is Life and Life is Love.
And, as I have spoken, without Love there is no Life. And, it is greatly unfortunate that so many of you have chosen to live Life in the Illusions of Love.
Your world is filled with Illusion,
and perhaps even worse than seeing Illusion, there are many of you who do not see anything at all.
You do not look. You do not seek.
And, why, I ask you. Do you not wish for greater Love in your own Life?
Do you not wish for the greatest Joy in Life? You can never have the greatest Joy without also having the greatest Love. For you see, an experience that is not shared in Love is not shared at all. And, if it is not shared, it is not fully brought into fruition or manifestation. Therefore, you cannot enjoy it to its fullest. And so you see, it all ties back to Love.
Many of you Love your job. You Love your favorite TV show. You Love a book. You Love a car. You Love some possession, and these are empty Loves, for they cannot Love you back.
They cannot Love you back.
It is only true Love when it can come back to you. And, if it cannot come back to you, then it is not true Love.
Now there are many of you out there right now who are hearing my words who are thinking of something besides possession. You are thinking of lost Loves in romantic terms, or family terms, or friend Loves. And, I say to you this:
If it was true Love,
it would be given back to you.
And, if it is not given back to you,
then it is not true Love. It is false. It is Illusion.
There are times in the lives of many people – and I say none of you are ever alone in this thought – there are times when one gives Love to another and it is not returned.
Perhaps it is for a while. And, then one person seems to grow weary of the Love, or perhaps they forget it. It has no more meaning to them, and they walk away. And, what does the other party do? They still have Love in their Heart. They feel their Heart is broken. And, I say to you the Heart cannot be broken.
It absolutely cannot. For, the Heart is but a conduit for Love. You see, in many ways it is similar to a vessel. You fill it up. You pour it out. And yet, a vessel can crack, but a vessel cannot hold. And, if the vessel is used only to bring something in, and allow something to come out,
then the vessel cannot break.
Likewise a conduit only allows energy to flow through it. It cannot hold it.
And, what happens when you allow something to sit in the vessel and be held?
It stagnates.
It looses its energy.
And, this is what happens when you do not let Love flow. So those of you who feel at this moment that you have a broken Heart, I say to you (that) you do not. You have simply allowed the Love that should be flowing through your Life to stop. And the reason you have allowed it to stop is because you see no one on the other end to accept it.
And I say to you this: You don't need another person to give your Love to.
You can allow the Love to flow through your Heart and out into the air,
open space.
You can give it to a flower, a blade of grass, a cloud in the sky.
You do not need another person.
But, likewise, I will also say to you that if you want the Love that you feel in your Heart to have an outlet so that it stops hurting – because it hurts to hold Love, you see – you don't have a broken Heart. You have a Heart that's holding back the greatest force in the entire Universe – and that is Love. And that's painful.
Let it go.
Allow the Love to flow.
Give it to every person you meet,
and I don't mean romantically.
There are so, so many of you who are caught up in your heads, you might say, with this romantic Love, as if that is the greatest Love there ever was. You have stories and songs about the great Loves in Life, and yet you've missed the entire point of Love. And, the point of Love is that it never stops, and it's equal for everything and everyone with whom you share it. And, the more you share it, the greater you feel it. The greater it flows. The more powerful it becomes.
Imagine what your world would be like if every single person shared Love with everything and everyone he or she ever came across.
You would not know war.
You would not know greed, or violence, or poverty.
Most of your disease would disappear.
Your world would know utopia -
paradise -
simply through the act of Loving. It is that powerful, and it is that natural.
So, if you think you have a broken Heart,
I say you do not.
You are giving yourself an Illusion.
And, I ask you this: Who are you to control Love?
And, you would say to me perhaps, “Well, it is my Love.”
And, I say no, it is not. Love does not belong to anyone.
Love is Love. It is the greatest force in the Universe.
No one owns Love.
It is not your Love. That is only a figure of speech. “I give you my Love.”
“You give me your Love.”
“I share with you the Love through me” is a better way to think. You share with me the Love that flows through you.
That is the proper way to think.
You do not own Love, so who are you to try and hold Love back? For, each one of you is a vessel and a conduit for Love. That is part of your Life. It is part of your Purpose for being.
You are alive, are you not?
And, because you are alive,
you are a being of Love.
Stop trying to hold it back.
Now there are some who are so far from the Truth of Love that they would laugh at my words and mock them. And, I say to you this:
To those people, I say this:
The day you die
is the day you will know the Truth of your own Life
and just how far you were in Illusion,
for you have missed the boat, so to speak,
and you have wasted a lifetime.
You see, my beloved ones, every day, every moment, with every breath you take is an opportunity to Love, to feel Joy, to experience the greatest Abundance that the Universe – your Creator – has to offer you.
Every single day.
Every moment.
And every moment that you hold back on Loving, you have missed the boat.
You've missed an opportunity. You've missed a little Joy. So those of you who are feeling melancholy,
just start Loving.
Embrace the Love within.
And yet still, there would be those of you who say, “But, I Loved so and so, and he or she no longer Loves me and now my Heart hurts.”
And, I would say, yes, your Heart hurts because you placed your Love in the wrong place, because to begin with it was not your Love.
And, secondly, it was not yours to give. And, thirdly, no one else can hold your Love,
for no one can hold Love. Not you. Not the person you think you've given it to. So, if that person no longer wants to share Love with you, that doesn't mean you have to stop sharing with them.
You may send them Love. You may always Love them. It doesn't mean you continue to be romantic with them. It doesn't mean you have to live with them. It doesn't mean you even have to know them. You do not need to know someone in order to Love them.
Not long ago I gave each of you the challenge of saying “I Love you” and sharing your Love throughout the world.
How many of you participated in that challenge?
Not many, I can say. And, so I challenge you again.
Love someone that you do not know.
Think of a person on the other side of the world. You may not know the name. You may not even know what they look like. But, send them Love – Love that you would term as “your Love”, which is really not. It is Love itself.
How do you do this?
Simply think it.
“There's a person on the other side of the world, perhaps they're having a bad day today. I would like to share Love with them. I send them Love.”
Voila! It is shared.
It is that simple.
You step outside. Look at your sky. Do you see a cloud? Do you see blue skies? Do you see the Sun? “I Love you.”
It is that simple.
Do you see a flower? A blade of grass? A pile of snow? Perhaps it's mud.
Look at it, and know that you are looking at Love. For, someone Loved you enough to make these things present in the world that you live(d) in. Someone Loved you enough to place you in a world with this much beauty. Yes, you may be tired of mud and you may be tired of shoveling snow somewhere in the world.
And yet, that is part of Life. And it is part of living. And it is part of what keeps you alive.
You must Love it.
You cannot make it through the day without Love.
For those of you who are feeling that you might be unloved, or maybe not worthy of being Loved, I say to you (that) you are absolutely wrong. And, again, I ask, who are you to try and hold the power of Love? Not only can you (not) hold it within and not give it to another, but likewise, you cannot prevent another from giving it to you. If you do, it hurts.
That is why you feel unloved. And, that is why you feel unworthy.
Both of those two feelings are incorrect. You are Loved, and you are worthy. You are a child of the Universe, therefore you are worthy of Love. You are a being of Life, therefore you are worthy of Love.
You do not need to achieve something in order to be worthy.
You do not need ritual to accept Love.
Let it fill your being.
Feel it wrap itself around you like a warm blanket on a chilly day.
Like the cool breeze on a hot day, when it caresses your skin and teases your hair.
That is how soft Love can be when you let it come in. It can be comforting. And, it can be Healing.
And, some of you may feel tears when you hear my words. And, if you do, I say that is Joyously wonderful,
for that means you are letting go of the resistances to feeling the Love that there is always there for you.
To each and every one of you, I say this:
I Love you.
Your angelic families Love you.
Your Creator Loves you.
Your Earth Mother Loves you.
The Sun – Brother Helios – Loves you.
The entire Universe of Universes Loves you.
Each of you Loves the other, whether you know it or not,
because you must. It is a part of how you are designed. As I said, every being of Life is Love. So, the only question that remains is: Do you Love yourself?
You are the only one who can hold back
with accepting
the Love that is always present for you.
You are the only one.
Do you enjoy the solitude of being the only one?
Do you feel powerful
in pushing away the Love that is Freely given to you?
I say to you this:
You will not be happy, and you will not last long in your Life if you persist in this.
And, not all of you do. But, there are some who push it away with everything they've got, because they are afraid. You see, when you open your Heart and you allow Love to flow out and Love to flow in, you lose a little bit of your self identity. You lose just a little bit of ego.
Who are you?
You forget these things, because so many of you build up your own identity in your mind, your persona, that does not include Love. You must be tough. You must be streetwise. You must be in control and powerful and so on. And, I say to you these are all Illusion.
If one is to truly be powerful in Life, then one must fill their being with Love. Allow it to flow in. Allow it to flow out, because the greater it grows when you allow it to flow, thus the more powerful you become. But, you are powerful in a sense of Love, not Illusion.
Not control.
Not greed.
No faction of Illusion.
Simply Love.
Think for a moment, what would it be like if every person you encountered all day, every day, met you with a smile and an embrace. How would you feel? Each and every one of you can have that feeling each and every day. And, the way that you find that feeling, the way you tap into that feeling is simply by Loving.
Open your Hearts and Love.
Let flow in. Let it flow out.
And, as you think about Love on this day, remember that every day should be a day of Love. There should never be a special day set aside just for Love, because every day should be a special day of Love.
Love is Life and Life is Love. Never forget that.
Open your Hearts and do not be afraid.
Allow the Love to flow.
And, I leave each of you with another challenge, and that is this:
Say “I Love you” to every one you meet.
If you can't say it out loud, at least think it - “I Love you” (to) everyone, everything that can Love you back. Remember, your car cannot Love you. A piece of furniture cannot Love you. Possessions cannot Love you. Beings of Life can. So, look around you, and anything that you see that is alive is not a thing.
It is a someone –
a being of Life.
Share your Love – figuratively speaking, of course.
Open your Hearts and share Love with that being of Life, and accept it from that being of Life in return. You may be very much surprised to find out who your real friends and Loves in Life are.
With these words, I thank you for listening.
And, I share the greatest of MY Love with you.
Will you open up your Hearts to the Love that I can share?
Feel it now.
Open your Heart,
and accept what it is that I have to share with you,
for the Love that I share comes from the Creator directly to you.
That is all, my beloved children.
I Love you.”
And, I would speak to you this day on the gift and the energy of Love – this day that is set aside by many of you to celebrate the gift of Love, the energy of Love. And, I say to you that there should be no special day set aside for Love, for every day should be a day of Love. Love should be the very focus of your Life, for it is Life itself and without it, you have no Life at all.
The question is: How do you share your Love? Do you even recognize it? There is Love around you in every form, every shape, every breath you take is filled with Love, and yet most of you do not see this. You think of Love only in terms of romance. Your Lover. Perhaps your children and your family. Perhaps a neighbor or a special friend.
And, I say to you this is only the tip of the iceberg. For you see, everything in your Life that Supports your Life, and the lives of those you Love,
is Love -
for Love
is Life and Life is Love.
And, as I have spoken, without Love there is no Life. And, it is greatly unfortunate that so many of you have chosen to live Life in the Illusions of Love.
Your world is filled with Illusion,
and perhaps even worse than seeing Illusion, there are many of you who do not see anything at all.
You do not look. You do not seek.
And, why, I ask you. Do you not wish for greater Love in your own Life?
Do you not wish for the greatest Joy in Life? You can never have the greatest Joy without also having the greatest Love. For you see, an experience that is not shared in Love is not shared at all. And, if it is not shared, it is not fully brought into fruition or manifestation. Therefore, you cannot enjoy it to its fullest. And so you see, it all ties back to Love.
Many of you Love your job. You Love your favorite TV show. You Love a book. You Love a car. You Love some possession, and these are empty Loves, for they cannot Love you back.
They cannot Love you back.
It is only true Love when it can come back to you. And, if it cannot come back to you, then it is not true Love.
Now there are many of you out there right now who are hearing my words who are thinking of something besides possession. You are thinking of lost Loves in romantic terms, or family terms, or friend Loves. And, I say to you this:
If it was true Love,
it would be given back to you.
And, if it is not given back to you,
then it is not true Love. It is false. It is Illusion.
There are times in the lives of many people – and I say none of you are ever alone in this thought – there are times when one gives Love to another and it is not returned.
Perhaps it is for a while. And, then one person seems to grow weary of the Love, or perhaps they forget it. It has no more meaning to them, and they walk away. And, what does the other party do? They still have Love in their Heart. They feel their Heart is broken. And, I say to you the Heart cannot be broken.
It absolutely cannot. For, the Heart is but a conduit for Love. You see, in many ways it is similar to a vessel. You fill it up. You pour it out. And yet, a vessel can crack, but a vessel cannot hold. And, if the vessel is used only to bring something in, and allow something to come out,
then the vessel cannot break.
Likewise a conduit only allows energy to flow through it. It cannot hold it.
And, what happens when you allow something to sit in the vessel and be held?
It stagnates.
It looses its energy.
And, this is what happens when you do not let Love flow. So those of you who feel at this moment that you have a broken Heart, I say to you (that) you do not. You have simply allowed the Love that should be flowing through your Life to stop. And the reason you have allowed it to stop is because you see no one on the other end to accept it.
And I say to you this: You don't need another person to give your Love to.
You can allow the Love to flow through your Heart and out into the air,
open space.
You can give it to a flower, a blade of grass, a cloud in the sky.
You do not need another person.
But, likewise, I will also say to you that if you want the Love that you feel in your Heart to have an outlet so that it stops hurting – because it hurts to hold Love, you see – you don't have a broken Heart. You have a Heart that's holding back the greatest force in the entire Universe – and that is Love. And that's painful.
Let it go.
Allow the Love to flow.
Give it to every person you meet,
and I don't mean romantically.
There are so, so many of you who are caught up in your heads, you might say, with this romantic Love, as if that is the greatest Love there ever was. You have stories and songs about the great Loves in Life, and yet you've missed the entire point of Love. And, the point of Love is that it never stops, and it's equal for everything and everyone with whom you share it. And, the more you share it, the greater you feel it. The greater it flows. The more powerful it becomes.
Imagine what your world would be like if every single person shared Love with everything and everyone he or she ever came across.
You would not know war.
You would not know greed, or violence, or poverty.
Most of your disease would disappear.
Your world would know utopia -
paradise -
simply through the act of Loving. It is that powerful, and it is that natural.
So, if you think you have a broken Heart,
I say you do not.
You are giving yourself an Illusion.
And, I ask you this: Who are you to control Love?
And, you would say to me perhaps, “Well, it is my Love.”
And, I say no, it is not. Love does not belong to anyone.
Love is Love. It is the greatest force in the Universe.
No one owns Love.
It is not your Love. That is only a figure of speech. “I give you my Love.”
“You give me your Love.”
“I share with you the Love through me” is a better way to think. You share with me the Love that flows through you.
That is the proper way to think.
You do not own Love, so who are you to try and hold Love back? For, each one of you is a vessel and a conduit for Love. That is part of your Life. It is part of your Purpose for being.
You are alive, are you not?
And, because you are alive,
you are a being of Love.
Stop trying to hold it back.
Now there are some who are so far from the Truth of Love that they would laugh at my words and mock them. And, I say to you this:
To those people, I say this:
The day you die
is the day you will know the Truth of your own Life
and just how far you were in Illusion,
for you have missed the boat, so to speak,
and you have wasted a lifetime.
You see, my beloved ones, every day, every moment, with every breath you take is an opportunity to Love, to feel Joy, to experience the greatest Abundance that the Universe – your Creator – has to offer you.
Every single day.
Every moment.
And every moment that you hold back on Loving, you have missed the boat.
You've missed an opportunity. You've missed a little Joy. So those of you who are feeling melancholy,
just start Loving.
Embrace the Love within.
And yet still, there would be those of you who say, “But, I Loved so and so, and he or she no longer Loves me and now my Heart hurts.”
And, I would say, yes, your Heart hurts because you placed your Love in the wrong place, because to begin with it was not your Love.
And, secondly, it was not yours to give. And, thirdly, no one else can hold your Love,
for no one can hold Love. Not you. Not the person you think you've given it to. So, if that person no longer wants to share Love with you, that doesn't mean you have to stop sharing with them.
You may send them Love. You may always Love them. It doesn't mean you continue to be romantic with them. It doesn't mean you have to live with them. It doesn't mean you even have to know them. You do not need to know someone in order to Love them.
Not long ago I gave each of you the challenge of saying “I Love you” and sharing your Love throughout the world.
How many of you participated in that challenge?
Not many, I can say. And, so I challenge you again.
Love someone that you do not know.
Think of a person on the other side of the world. You may not know the name. You may not even know what they look like. But, send them Love – Love that you would term as “your Love”, which is really not. It is Love itself.
How do you do this?
Simply think it.
“There's a person on the other side of the world, perhaps they're having a bad day today. I would like to share Love with them. I send them Love.”
Voila! It is shared.
It is that simple.
You step outside. Look at your sky. Do you see a cloud? Do you see blue skies? Do you see the Sun? “I Love you.”
It is that simple.
Do you see a flower? A blade of grass? A pile of snow? Perhaps it's mud.
Look at it, and know that you are looking at Love. For, someone Loved you enough to make these things present in the world that you live(d) in. Someone Loved you enough to place you in a world with this much beauty. Yes, you may be tired of mud and you may be tired of shoveling snow somewhere in the world.
And yet, that is part of Life. And it is part of living. And it is part of what keeps you alive.
You must Love it.
You cannot make it through the day without Love.
For those of you who are feeling that you might be unloved, or maybe not worthy of being Loved, I say to you (that) you are absolutely wrong. And, again, I ask, who are you to try and hold the power of Love? Not only can you (not) hold it within and not give it to another, but likewise, you cannot prevent another from giving it to you. If you do, it hurts.
That is why you feel unloved. And, that is why you feel unworthy.
Both of those two feelings are incorrect. You are Loved, and you are worthy. You are a child of the Universe, therefore you are worthy of Love. You are a being of Life, therefore you are worthy of Love.
You do not need to achieve something in order to be worthy.
You do not need ritual to accept Love.
Let it fill your being.
Feel it wrap itself around you like a warm blanket on a chilly day.
Like the cool breeze on a hot day, when it caresses your skin and teases your hair.
That is how soft Love can be when you let it come in. It can be comforting. And, it can be Healing.
And, some of you may feel tears when you hear my words. And, if you do, I say that is Joyously wonderful,
for that means you are letting go of the resistances to feeling the Love that there is always there for you.
To each and every one of you, I say this:
I Love you.
Your angelic families Love you.
Your Creator Loves you.
Your Earth Mother Loves you.
The Sun – Brother Helios – Loves you.
The entire Universe of Universes Loves you.
Each of you Loves the other, whether you know it or not,
because you must. It is a part of how you are designed. As I said, every being of Life is Love. So, the only question that remains is: Do you Love yourself?
You are the only one who can hold back
with accepting
the Love that is always present for you.
You are the only one.
Do you enjoy the solitude of being the only one?
Do you feel powerful
in pushing away the Love that is Freely given to you?
I say to you this:
You will not be happy, and you will not last long in your Life if you persist in this.
And, not all of you do. But, there are some who push it away with everything they've got, because they are afraid. You see, when you open your Heart and you allow Love to flow out and Love to flow in, you lose a little bit of your self identity. You lose just a little bit of ego.
Who are you?
You forget these things, because so many of you build up your own identity in your mind, your persona, that does not include Love. You must be tough. You must be streetwise. You must be in control and powerful and so on. And, I say to you these are all Illusion.
If one is to truly be powerful in Life, then one must fill their being with Love. Allow it to flow in. Allow it to flow out, because the greater it grows when you allow it to flow, thus the more powerful you become. But, you are powerful in a sense of Love, not Illusion.
Not control.
Not greed.
No faction of Illusion.
Simply Love.
Think for a moment, what would it be like if every person you encountered all day, every day, met you with a smile and an embrace. How would you feel? Each and every one of you can have that feeling each and every day. And, the way that you find that feeling, the way you tap into that feeling is simply by Loving.
Open your Hearts and Love.
Let flow in. Let it flow out.
And, as you think about Love on this day, remember that every day should be a day of Love. There should never be a special day set aside just for Love, because every day should be a special day of Love.
Love is Life and Life is Love. Never forget that.
Open your Hearts and do not be afraid.
Allow the Love to flow.
And, I leave each of you with another challenge, and that is this:
Say “I Love you” to every one you meet.
If you can't say it out loud, at least think it - “I Love you” (to) everyone, everything that can Love you back. Remember, your car cannot Love you. A piece of furniture cannot Love you. Possessions cannot Love you. Beings of Life can. So, look around you, and anything that you see that is alive is not a thing.
It is a someone –
a being of Life.
Share your Love – figuratively speaking, of course.
Open your Hearts and share Love with that being of Life, and accept it from that being of Life in return. You may be very much surprised to find out who your real friends and Loves in Life are.
With these words, I thank you for listening.
And, I share the greatest of MY Love with you.
Will you open up your Hearts to the Love that I can share?
Feel it now.
Open your Heart,
and accept what it is that I have to share with you,
for the Love that I share comes from the Creator directly to you.
That is all, my beloved children.
I Love you.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.