Voices of the Archangels
2015 Channeling
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
Mother Earth - A Message for Earth Day
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
This message from Mother Earth is a rather short one, but it is most thought provoking. In her message, Gaea asks whether or not we celebrate Earth Day because it is fashionable or if it just makes us feel good to plant a tree or whatever it is that we do on Earth Day. She asks us to think more about our relationship with her as a being of Life. It is a very personal message this year. We hope you take Gaea's invitation to live Life with her to Heart, accept it, and act upon it!
“Yes then, it is I, Mother Earth, Sister Gaea, Friend Terra, and I would speak to you this day that you set aside and call Earth Day – a day to celebrate my being. But, is it really? How many of you think of me as a being? What do you celebrate on Earth Day?
You care about your environment, yes, and that is a wonderful thing. And, it is most important and pertinent at this time that you do so, for your environment is in deep trouble.
All of you must join hands together to help save that which I have given you, that which is me. But, how many of you think of me as a being –
a being with thoughts and feelings and needs and wants and desires and a Purpose? Most importantly, a Purpose just as you have a Purpose. Each of you has a Purpose, and so do I.
I have a Purpose.
I have needs. You have needs. I meet every one of your needs. I provide you with clothing, with shelter, with food, and so on – all that you require to live Life here, except for the warmth that comes from the Sun – Brother Helios, Father Sun.
When you celebrate Earth Day, what do you celebrate?
Has it become a party?
Has it become fashionable to celebrate Earth Day?
What kind of thought do you put into it?
You plant a tree and feel good? It is good to plant trees, and I thank you for each and every one of them.
Do you clean up trash in your neighborhood or on the highways? If you do, I thank you, for this is good, too.
Whatever you do to celebrate Earth Day, it is good and I thank you for it. But, I ask you this:
Are you celebrating what your environment is calling for and how you are responding to it,
or are you looking at the “Big Picture”?
What is your Earth?
What am I?
What am I to you?
Think about that for a moment, and think about it in the personal sense. What am I to you?
What is my relationship with you?
Do you acknowledge me?
Do you ever think of me?
Every day when you draw your breath, when you eat your food, when you drink your water, when you clothe your body, and sleep in your beds, and so on and so on, do you think that it is I who gifts these things to you?
And, where do they come from?
You see, when you think of your environment you must think far, far, far more deep(ly) than simply planting trees, or stopping oil exploration or drilling, or stopping the contamination of rivers and so on and so on. Yes, these things are all very important and they must be done, and I salute and thank each of you who participates in making changes in this respect. But, I say to you this:
We need to go further – together.
On Earth Day, whenever you think of me – Earth Day or any other day – you must remember that I am a being of Light and Love, and I am a being of Peace. I have a Purpose.
Many times now you have been invited to join in my Purpose – for my Purpose is Peace now. I provide a place for those who would dwell in Peace to live together Harmoniously sharing the Illumination of Life and Love and Light and so on. And, that is a great part of my Purpose.
I say to you this: To those of you who wish to also live in Peace and share Life Harmoniously and so on and so on, join with me. There are many changes coming. Some of them will be severe. Drastic changes must happen if I am to stay alive, and as such, if you shall stay alive I must make changes. And if you would stay alive, you must change with me.
You must join with me. You must allow me to care for you as a mother cares for her young, for her child, those whom she Loves more than anything – even more than Life itself. And, so you see, when changes come do not think that I am being selfish. Remember that what I do, I do for those of you who are my children and who have not cast me away.
There are many who think of me as nothing more than a rock – a hunk of metals and minerals and so on hurling itself around and around and around the Sun. And, this is not correct. They have cast me aside. I can no longer reach them, for they do not reach me. But, those of you who do reach to me, those of you who would accept my embrace, you remember.
I provide place for you. I provide Life for you – sustenance for you for your biological bodies.
And, I shall continue to do so regardless of what it costs, you might say, for me to do it. Not all costs in this world, in this Life, are measured in dollars and cents and profits and greed.
They are measured in Love.
True costs are measured in Love.
And, when something is important, then the cost does not matter for the Love is there to Support it. And I Support each and every one of you.
So, those of you who celebrate Earth Day this day, or any other day, remember to connect with me and allow me to embrace you with the Love that I am and that which I have for you.
Do not be caught up in the world's chaos. Do not lose sight of what is important, and it is the Love shared between us that is important. It is right relationship between each of us, and it is right relationship between each of you with each other.
You must join together as the brothers and sisters that you are. You must join together as the children of mine that you are.
And, together we must build a new future -
a future of Love and Life,
a place of Peace and Harmony,
a place of equality for all.
And I do not mean equality in the sense that many pay what you might say lip service to. They speak it. They say it. But, they do not live it. And, I mean living it.
All beings of Life are equal. There is none who is more important than the other.
Share this Journey with me as we embark upon
as we embark upon a Journey of Life,
new Life,
a Life of Peace.
Imagine what Peace is like.
Imagine if the priorities in Life were set appropriately –
priorities that reflected daily living and sharing,
interacting one with another. The true priorities in Life have nothing to do with money,
These things are all Illusion.
They have nothing to do with politics.
Truly, they have nothing to do with activism. Yes, activism is necessary in this day and age in which you live, but it cannot be your focus. It is not a priority. What is (a) priority is right relationship, as I have said, with each of you with the other and with me.
Let us be One in thought, in mind, in Heart, and in deed. Let us build a new Life together. I issue you this invitation, now at this moment, and say that this moment is the time -
is the time.
Join with me.
Breathe with me.
Live with me.
And, let us Love together, as we are meant to Love together.
No more Illusions.
I am a being of Peace.
If you are to stay with me,
if you are to stay with me, then you must live this Truth with me, for I shall live no other.
My Life and my being are Truth, and my Truth is Peace.
It is Harmony. It is Love. It is Light. It is Joy, and infinite Abundance for those who would share it with me
as I share it with any who will share the Truth with me –
the Truth of these gifts of Life.
And, so I say now to each and every one of you, thank you for whatever you do on this Earth Day.
Thank you for every day that you think of me.
But, join with me. Live with me. Connect with me. Know me and Love me,
for I Love you and I know you and I connect with you every day,
whether you are aware of it or not.
Let us build a new Life together.
It is Time, my beloved children.
It is Time,
here and now in this very moment.
So, join with me and let us live
as we have never lived before.
That is all for this time.
I leave you with my Love
as always."
You care about your environment, yes, and that is a wonderful thing. And, it is most important and pertinent at this time that you do so, for your environment is in deep trouble.
All of you must join hands together to help save that which I have given you, that which is me. But, how many of you think of me as a being –
a being with thoughts and feelings and needs and wants and desires and a Purpose? Most importantly, a Purpose just as you have a Purpose. Each of you has a Purpose, and so do I.
I have a Purpose.
I have needs. You have needs. I meet every one of your needs. I provide you with clothing, with shelter, with food, and so on – all that you require to live Life here, except for the warmth that comes from the Sun – Brother Helios, Father Sun.
When you celebrate Earth Day, what do you celebrate?
Has it become a party?
Has it become fashionable to celebrate Earth Day?
What kind of thought do you put into it?
You plant a tree and feel good? It is good to plant trees, and I thank you for each and every one of them.
Do you clean up trash in your neighborhood or on the highways? If you do, I thank you, for this is good, too.
Whatever you do to celebrate Earth Day, it is good and I thank you for it. But, I ask you this:
Are you celebrating what your environment is calling for and how you are responding to it,
or are you looking at the “Big Picture”?
What is your Earth?
What am I?
What am I to you?
Think about that for a moment, and think about it in the personal sense. What am I to you?
What is my relationship with you?
Do you acknowledge me?
Do you ever think of me?
Every day when you draw your breath, when you eat your food, when you drink your water, when you clothe your body, and sleep in your beds, and so on and so on, do you think that it is I who gifts these things to you?
And, where do they come from?
You see, when you think of your environment you must think far, far, far more deep(ly) than simply planting trees, or stopping oil exploration or drilling, or stopping the contamination of rivers and so on and so on. Yes, these things are all very important and they must be done, and I salute and thank each of you who participates in making changes in this respect. But, I say to you this:
We need to go further – together.
On Earth Day, whenever you think of me – Earth Day or any other day – you must remember that I am a being of Light and Love, and I am a being of Peace. I have a Purpose.
Many times now you have been invited to join in my Purpose – for my Purpose is Peace now. I provide a place for those who would dwell in Peace to live together Harmoniously sharing the Illumination of Life and Love and Light and so on. And, that is a great part of my Purpose.
I say to you this: To those of you who wish to also live in Peace and share Life Harmoniously and so on and so on, join with me. There are many changes coming. Some of them will be severe. Drastic changes must happen if I am to stay alive, and as such, if you shall stay alive I must make changes. And if you would stay alive, you must change with me.
You must join with me. You must allow me to care for you as a mother cares for her young, for her child, those whom she Loves more than anything – even more than Life itself. And, so you see, when changes come do not think that I am being selfish. Remember that what I do, I do for those of you who are my children and who have not cast me away.
There are many who think of me as nothing more than a rock – a hunk of metals and minerals and so on hurling itself around and around and around the Sun. And, this is not correct. They have cast me aside. I can no longer reach them, for they do not reach me. But, those of you who do reach to me, those of you who would accept my embrace, you remember.
I provide place for you. I provide Life for you – sustenance for you for your biological bodies.
And, I shall continue to do so regardless of what it costs, you might say, for me to do it. Not all costs in this world, in this Life, are measured in dollars and cents and profits and greed.
They are measured in Love.
True costs are measured in Love.
And, when something is important, then the cost does not matter for the Love is there to Support it. And I Support each and every one of you.
So, those of you who celebrate Earth Day this day, or any other day, remember to connect with me and allow me to embrace you with the Love that I am and that which I have for you.
Do not be caught up in the world's chaos. Do not lose sight of what is important, and it is the Love shared between us that is important. It is right relationship between each of us, and it is right relationship between each of you with each other.
You must join together as the brothers and sisters that you are. You must join together as the children of mine that you are.
And, together we must build a new future -
a future of Love and Life,
a place of Peace and Harmony,
a place of equality for all.
And I do not mean equality in the sense that many pay what you might say lip service to. They speak it. They say it. But, they do not live it. And, I mean living it.
All beings of Life are equal. There is none who is more important than the other.
Share this Journey with me as we embark upon
as we embark upon a Journey of Life,
new Life,
a Life of Peace.
Imagine what Peace is like.
Imagine if the priorities in Life were set appropriately –
priorities that reflected daily living and sharing,
interacting one with another. The true priorities in Life have nothing to do with money,
These things are all Illusion.
They have nothing to do with politics.
Truly, they have nothing to do with activism. Yes, activism is necessary in this day and age in which you live, but it cannot be your focus. It is not a priority. What is (a) priority is right relationship, as I have said, with each of you with the other and with me.
Let us be One in thought, in mind, in Heart, and in deed. Let us build a new Life together. I issue you this invitation, now at this moment, and say that this moment is the time -
is the time.
Join with me.
Breathe with me.
Live with me.
And, let us Love together, as we are meant to Love together.
No more Illusions.
I am a being of Peace.
If you are to stay with me,
if you are to stay with me, then you must live this Truth with me, for I shall live no other.
My Life and my being are Truth, and my Truth is Peace.
It is Harmony. It is Love. It is Light. It is Joy, and infinite Abundance for those who would share it with me
as I share it with any who will share the Truth with me –
the Truth of these gifts of Life.
And, so I say now to each and every one of you, thank you for whatever you do on this Earth Day.
Thank you for every day that you think of me.
But, join with me. Live with me. Connect with me. Know me and Love me,
for I Love you and I know you and I connect with you every day,
whether you are aware of it or not.
Let us build a new Life together.
It is Time, my beloved children.
It is Time,
here and now in this very moment.
So, join with me and let us live
as we have never lived before.
That is all for this time.
I leave you with my Love
as always."
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.