Voices of the Archangels
2017 Channeling
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. We do request donations for private channeling. If you're interested, just contact us to find out more.
Mother Earth for Earth Day
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Mother Earth gives us an interesting message here discussing the state of our troubled and violent world, climate change, why she has the need to make changes, her choices of Peace, and more. Her message is serious, as is her tone. She gives us an urgent call to return home to her, and to change our ways before it is too late.
For those of you who wish to "come home" to Mother Earth after you hear her message, we suggest you use our "Grounding with Gaea" meditation to help.
For those of you who wish to "come home" to Mother Earth after you hear her message, we suggest you use our "Grounding with Gaea" meditation to help.
“Yes then, beloved children, it is I, your Mother Earth, Sister Gaea, friend Terra, and I would speak to you on this day, this time that you set aside to honor your Earth, your planet, your home, and I say thank you as always.
Thank you for acknowledging the importance of your home. And for those of you who acknowledge me as the being that I am I thank you from the depths of my Heart - for there is no greater Joy than when the mother receives an acknowledgment, a thank you, a gift of Love from her children. And that is how I see it, and that is how I see you. And I say to you each and every one, my beloved children,
come home to me.
Now is the time.
You live in a troubled world, a world of your own making, and I speak not of individuals, but collectively.
You live in a troubled time that you have created for yourselves. I have not created this for you.
There is none other,
none other,
who walks the faces of my being who has created these situations.
But, it is the hand of mankind.
And, that fills me with great sorrow, for you see for all the capacity that human beings have for Love
you do not share it.
You share the Illusion of it. You share hate. You share violence. And, you share greed. And, you perpetrate these things not only upon each other, but upon me.
As I have spoken many times, these things must stop. As I have spoken in the past, we are at a point of no return, a point where we have crossed a line that not even I have experienced.
Many of you speak of climate change. And, there are those of you who say, “Yes, the climate is changing, and it is due to human hands.” And, there are others who say, “Yes, the climate is changing, and it has nothing to do with humans.” And, there are those who say that the climate isn’t changing at all. And, I say this: I am a being of Life.
I change.
Just like you change.
Does your body stay stagnant?
No. Nor does mine.
But, I say to you this: Just as within your own bodies, if you have a cancer, if you have a growth, something within you that is taking over parts of your body and destroying it, you would do everything in your power to rid yourself of it.
And, that is the position that I am at.
And yet, I would not kill you all and be rid of humans forever.
And, yes, my beloved ones, it is that serious. I do not wish to see any of you killed. But, I say to you that you will kill each other,
if I do not intervene.
You will kill each other if other higher powers do not intervene.
And, you must stop these things.
You must take care for each other and the home that you have been given
with all other beings of Life.
Human beings are not at the top of the totem pole by any means.
There is no totem pole. There is a Circle of Life.
And, you are all a part of that Circle of Life.
None is more important than the other.
You have many lessons to learn collectively as a type of being. And, that saddens my Heart beyond words.
For, so many times have you been spoken to through this prophecy and that oracle, and this message and that message.
The voices of those who keep the Earth have spoken to you, each of you, loudly many times, and yet I say who among you listens? Perhaps if those of you who are listening to my words at this moment would agree,
perhaps you have listened.
And yet, you would also agree that there are many, many, many among the human race who do not. Who will not.
You have gone too far from your Mother.
You have gone too far from your Father.
You have gone too far from each other,
and from the home that I have given you.
Your world I filled with plastic and glass,
metals that I have not given.
You tamper with this and you tamper with that. Change a gene and splice it over here.
You take the power of creation from Creator herself, and from me, and we are the ones, we are the mothers who give you Life.
And yet you would play with it as if it is a toy.
And it is not. And, there are serious repercussions for intervening. Repercussions that you have not thought of.
In many ways, you are still like the children in grade school. You have learned a little, but yet there is so much more to learn.
And yet, you take the knowledge that you have and you wield it like an almighty sword to change the world around you. And yet, I say it is not yours to change.
It is mine.
It is Creator’s Will.
It is not yours.
It is not your place.
I would say it is time to humble yourselves.
Humble yourselves, and remember who you are. Come back to the Love that is here for you. The nourishment. The sustenance.
Where is the gratitude?
I am grateful for you, but are you grateful for me?
Have you forgotten our mother-child relationship?
You live in a time that is troubled. A time of great change and challenge.
And, I say to you that your times will grow worse before they grow better. And, again, I speak with a heavy Heart,
because the times are the times that you create.
When you take the power of creation away from she who is the Great Mother -
the Great Mother,
Creator herself -
when you take that power from her,
you know not what you wield.
And, without Love in your Hearts, all you can create is destruction.
That is a powerful thing,
but it is a deadly thing,
and it is something which you must cease
It would be nice if I could say words of sweetness and flowery things to you. Words of kind Peacefulness, of how wonderful you are and how wonderful Life is, and how wonderful tomorrow and the next day and the day after that shall be.
But, I cannot speak these words to you because they are not true.
Were it my choice, yes, of course, we would all live in a time of Peace. That is my choice. That is Creator’s choice. That is the edict that has been given to every single one of us, including every one of you.
Every being of Life throughout the Universe of Universes has been called into a time of Peace. You have been spoken to of this many, many times.
And yet, how many of you have chosen?
How many of you have acted?
How many of you are ready to move into that Time of Peace?
In order to make those changes, you must change the way you think,
the way you act and interact and react.
I do not foster violence.
I only foster Peace.
Listen to what I am saying. There is greater meaning in this than what there appears to be on the surface.
I only foster Peace.
I do not foster violence.
Think about those words, for they carry great importance for each and every one of you.
Even when you choose to live Peacefully, you cannot make that choice and go out and commit violence in any form. You must start with Peace within your own Heart, within your own being, within your own home. How you live your daily Life, you must bring Peace there, and then spread it outward. You cannot go out and fight for Peace.
And yet you can go out together Peacefully and say, “We stand for Peace.”
And, there are those of you who would ask me, “How then, how then, do we stand up to those who would bring violence against us and against you?”
And, I would say to you this:
There is only so much you can do without breaking your oath of Peace. The rest you must leave to higher powers. And, you may rest assured that those higher powers are very much aware of every situation that is happening more so than you are. They know what is behind the scenes.
Creator knows.
All the Spirits know.
All the Spirits within my being.
I know.
I know.
So, for those of you right now who are Earth Keepers, no matter the color of your skin – that is irrelevant, it is what is in your Heart that is important - and for those of you who consider yourselves to be Earth Keepers – Peaceful people – and those who wish to be, I
say to you this: It is time to come home.
Right now.
Right in this moment.
Do not wait. Now is the time. Come back to me.
Come back to me.
You need me, and I need you.
You are my beloved children. And, I wish to care for you, to Protect you and shield you from that which is to come.
And, believe me, there are many things that are coming.
Again, there are those of you who would say, “But, Mother Earth, it’s Earth Day, and you should be speaking words of Love and Peace and happiness and Joy and so on.” And, I say to you again I wish that I could. But, I Love you too much to spare you the Truth that will save your Life.
Listen to me.
It is time to come back.
It is time to come home.
Connect with me. Reunite with me. Together we can be strong.
I am not dying,
and likewise, I do not wish to see you die.
There are those who say that I am dying, because of the activities of mankind. And, I say that I am damaged, yes, and parts of me are sick, yes, but I am not dying. Nor shall I.
But, if I am pushed beyond a certain point, many of you will be
And, if you continue to push each other beyond certain points, you will be dying by your own hand.
It is time to stop.
You must come home.
You must reconnect.
That is where your power is. That is where your calling is. I am calling to you, and I would offer to you my power.
Connect with me and feel my Strength.
Find your own, and then use it for good. Use it for Peace. Use it to spread Light and Love throughout the planet. You wish to live in a Time and a place of Peace? Make it!
Work with me. I already have created the Dimensional space. But, you cannot access it until you are ready to live in it and you cannot live in it if you have not climbed the ladder of evolution that will allow you to live Peaceably with every other being of Life.
It is a process of evolution.
It is an awakening.
It is a mastering.
And, now it is a time for you to come home, so that you can begin this process in earnest.
Events are going to escalate in your world – substantially so. And, you will see greater division between you than you ever have before.
The world is no longer at a crossroads. It is at a time of reckoning, a time of division, a time of segregation.
You must decide which side you are on.
How do you wish to see your future unfold for yourself, for your children, and their children, and all the generations to come?
What do you wish to see?
It all does boil down to individual choice, for that will determine your fate, you might say.
But for me, I will live.
And, for those of you who join me, I welcome you with open arms and the greatest Love of my being.
And, for those who celebrate my being, today and every day, I say thank you, and know that I celebrate yours as well.
I continue to give you my gifts that nourish your beings
as I ever have
and as I ever shall.
For this time, my beloved ones, that is all.
I leave you with my Love and my greatest thanks.
Namaste, beloved children.
Thank you for acknowledging the importance of your home. And for those of you who acknowledge me as the being that I am I thank you from the depths of my Heart - for there is no greater Joy than when the mother receives an acknowledgment, a thank you, a gift of Love from her children. And that is how I see it, and that is how I see you. And I say to you each and every one, my beloved children,
come home to me.
Now is the time.
You live in a troubled world, a world of your own making, and I speak not of individuals, but collectively.
You live in a troubled time that you have created for yourselves. I have not created this for you.
There is none other,
none other,
who walks the faces of my being who has created these situations.
But, it is the hand of mankind.
And, that fills me with great sorrow, for you see for all the capacity that human beings have for Love
you do not share it.
You share the Illusion of it. You share hate. You share violence. And, you share greed. And, you perpetrate these things not only upon each other, but upon me.
As I have spoken many times, these things must stop. As I have spoken in the past, we are at a point of no return, a point where we have crossed a line that not even I have experienced.
Many of you speak of climate change. And, there are those of you who say, “Yes, the climate is changing, and it is due to human hands.” And, there are others who say, “Yes, the climate is changing, and it has nothing to do with humans.” And, there are those who say that the climate isn’t changing at all. And, I say this: I am a being of Life.
I change.
Just like you change.
Does your body stay stagnant?
No. Nor does mine.
But, I say to you this: Just as within your own bodies, if you have a cancer, if you have a growth, something within you that is taking over parts of your body and destroying it, you would do everything in your power to rid yourself of it.
And, that is the position that I am at.
And yet, I would not kill you all and be rid of humans forever.
And, yes, my beloved ones, it is that serious. I do not wish to see any of you killed. But, I say to you that you will kill each other,
if I do not intervene.
You will kill each other if other higher powers do not intervene.
And, you must stop these things.
You must take care for each other and the home that you have been given
with all other beings of Life.
Human beings are not at the top of the totem pole by any means.
There is no totem pole. There is a Circle of Life.
And, you are all a part of that Circle of Life.
None is more important than the other.
You have many lessons to learn collectively as a type of being. And, that saddens my Heart beyond words.
For, so many times have you been spoken to through this prophecy and that oracle, and this message and that message.
The voices of those who keep the Earth have spoken to you, each of you, loudly many times, and yet I say who among you listens? Perhaps if those of you who are listening to my words at this moment would agree,
perhaps you have listened.
And yet, you would also agree that there are many, many, many among the human race who do not. Who will not.
You have gone too far from your Mother.
You have gone too far from your Father.
You have gone too far from each other,
and from the home that I have given you.
Your world I filled with plastic and glass,
metals that I have not given.
You tamper with this and you tamper with that. Change a gene and splice it over here.
You take the power of creation from Creator herself, and from me, and we are the ones, we are the mothers who give you Life.
And yet you would play with it as if it is a toy.
And it is not. And, there are serious repercussions for intervening. Repercussions that you have not thought of.
In many ways, you are still like the children in grade school. You have learned a little, but yet there is so much more to learn.
And yet, you take the knowledge that you have and you wield it like an almighty sword to change the world around you. And yet, I say it is not yours to change.
It is mine.
It is Creator’s Will.
It is not yours.
It is not your place.
I would say it is time to humble yourselves.
Humble yourselves, and remember who you are. Come back to the Love that is here for you. The nourishment. The sustenance.
Where is the gratitude?
I am grateful for you, but are you grateful for me?
Have you forgotten our mother-child relationship?
You live in a time that is troubled. A time of great change and challenge.
And, I say to you that your times will grow worse before they grow better. And, again, I speak with a heavy Heart,
because the times are the times that you create.
When you take the power of creation away from she who is the Great Mother -
the Great Mother,
Creator herself -
when you take that power from her,
you know not what you wield.
And, without Love in your Hearts, all you can create is destruction.
That is a powerful thing,
but it is a deadly thing,
and it is something which you must cease
It would be nice if I could say words of sweetness and flowery things to you. Words of kind Peacefulness, of how wonderful you are and how wonderful Life is, and how wonderful tomorrow and the next day and the day after that shall be.
But, I cannot speak these words to you because they are not true.
Were it my choice, yes, of course, we would all live in a time of Peace. That is my choice. That is Creator’s choice. That is the edict that has been given to every single one of us, including every one of you.
Every being of Life throughout the Universe of Universes has been called into a time of Peace. You have been spoken to of this many, many times.
And yet, how many of you have chosen?
How many of you have acted?
How many of you are ready to move into that Time of Peace?
In order to make those changes, you must change the way you think,
the way you act and interact and react.
I do not foster violence.
I only foster Peace.
Listen to what I am saying. There is greater meaning in this than what there appears to be on the surface.
I only foster Peace.
I do not foster violence.
Think about those words, for they carry great importance for each and every one of you.
Even when you choose to live Peacefully, you cannot make that choice and go out and commit violence in any form. You must start with Peace within your own Heart, within your own being, within your own home. How you live your daily Life, you must bring Peace there, and then spread it outward. You cannot go out and fight for Peace.
And yet you can go out together Peacefully and say, “We stand for Peace.”
And, there are those of you who would ask me, “How then, how then, do we stand up to those who would bring violence against us and against you?”
And, I would say to you this:
There is only so much you can do without breaking your oath of Peace. The rest you must leave to higher powers. And, you may rest assured that those higher powers are very much aware of every situation that is happening more so than you are. They know what is behind the scenes.
Creator knows.
All the Spirits know.
All the Spirits within my being.
I know.
I know.
So, for those of you right now who are Earth Keepers, no matter the color of your skin – that is irrelevant, it is what is in your Heart that is important - and for those of you who consider yourselves to be Earth Keepers – Peaceful people – and those who wish to be, I
say to you this: It is time to come home.
Right now.
Right in this moment.
Do not wait. Now is the time. Come back to me.
Come back to me.
You need me, and I need you.
You are my beloved children. And, I wish to care for you, to Protect you and shield you from that which is to come.
And, believe me, there are many things that are coming.
Again, there are those of you who would say, “But, Mother Earth, it’s Earth Day, and you should be speaking words of Love and Peace and happiness and Joy and so on.” And, I say to you again I wish that I could. But, I Love you too much to spare you the Truth that will save your Life.
Listen to me.
It is time to come back.
It is time to come home.
Connect with me. Reunite with me. Together we can be strong.
I am not dying,
and likewise, I do not wish to see you die.
There are those who say that I am dying, because of the activities of mankind. And, I say that I am damaged, yes, and parts of me are sick, yes, but I am not dying. Nor shall I.
But, if I am pushed beyond a certain point, many of you will be
And, if you continue to push each other beyond certain points, you will be dying by your own hand.
It is time to stop.
You must come home.
You must reconnect.
That is where your power is. That is where your calling is. I am calling to you, and I would offer to you my power.
Connect with me and feel my Strength.
Find your own, and then use it for good. Use it for Peace. Use it to spread Light and Love throughout the planet. You wish to live in a Time and a place of Peace? Make it!
Work with me. I already have created the Dimensional space. But, you cannot access it until you are ready to live in it and you cannot live in it if you have not climbed the ladder of evolution that will allow you to live Peaceably with every other being of Life.
It is a process of evolution.
It is an awakening.
It is a mastering.
And, now it is a time for you to come home, so that you can begin this process in earnest.
Events are going to escalate in your world – substantially so. And, you will see greater division between you than you ever have before.
The world is no longer at a crossroads. It is at a time of reckoning, a time of division, a time of segregation.
You must decide which side you are on.
How do you wish to see your future unfold for yourself, for your children, and their children, and all the generations to come?
What do you wish to see?
It all does boil down to individual choice, for that will determine your fate, you might say.
But for me, I will live.
And, for those of you who join me, I welcome you with open arms and the greatest Love of my being.
And, for those who celebrate my being, today and every day, I say thank you, and know that I celebrate yours as well.
I continue to give you my gifts that nourish your beings
as I ever have
and as I ever shall.
For this time, my beloved ones, that is all.
I leave you with my Love and my greatest thanks.
Namaste, beloved children.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.