Voices of the Archangels
2018 Channeling
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
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Archangel of Love
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
This is a beautiful and passionate message from the Archangel of Love shared as many celebrate Valentine's Day - a day of Love. In this message, the Archangel of Love shares some very insightful guidance on how to Love, how to Forgive, and how to change our world with the power of Love. If you want to live in a world that is more kind, Loving, Peaceful, and Harmonious, you will want to listen to this message. We know you will enjoy it!
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel of Love, and I would speak to at this time as you celebrate a day of Love. And, I would say to you, as always, that every day should be a day to celebrate Love, for there is no greater gift in Life than that of Love. All things in Life come from Love if they are true, if they are in Illumination rather than Illusion, they are of Love.
That is where all things originate, you might say.
As you consider Love in your Life and in your world today, there is much thought that can be shared. There is much thought that should be given to the idea of Love in your world.
It is one thing to Love romantically, and it is one thing to Love within a family. It is another thing to Love with friends, and so on and so on. But, how do you Love strangers in a world so filled with strife?
How do you Love the enemy on the other side of the world?
And, I ask you this: How do you know that person is an “enemy”?
Is it a label that you are trying to Love and cannot because that label says “enemy”?
I say to you that at this time, in the evolution of humanity, you must come together as ONE people sharing ONE Love and ONE Life. Your lives are not
separate from one another, even though you see them as individual lives, they are not. You are all connected, and you are all bound by the Love that you are, the Love that you are created from, and by, and with,
and for.
You are ONE Love. You are ONE people. You are ONE family. You are ONE aspect of ONE Creator. And yet you are all the same, even while you are all uniquely different.
None is better than the other. None is worse than the other. And, yes, there are those who practice the Illusion of Love, and there always has been, and there always will be to some degree and in some places. But, in the world that you live in right now, you have an opportunity to turn the tide, so to speak, and make the world that you live in a Loving place.
So, how do you do this?
How is it relevant on this day of Love? This day that you set aside, mostly for romantic Love, perhaps it is Love of family, a neighbor, a friend, and so on. But, how to you, on this day, stop and think about Love throughout the world?
And, I say you must open your Heart and you must open your eyes,
and then you can open your minds.
Because, right now, your mind will not allow you to see that that person on the other side of the world that you call “enemy”
is actually your brother, your sister, your friend,
your fellow human being,
and that person is someone whom you can Love.
You must look with the Heart,
and allow the Heart to open the eyes.
So, feel the Love. And, how do you do this? You begin by sending Love. You share it. You send it.
“I send Love to all of those on the other side of the world,
on the other side of the street, on the other side of the town.” Whatever it might be send Love out in all directions, and I guarantee that what you receive back will also be Love.
It is not going to happen overnight.
There have been too many years and too many generations who have been taught to hate. You have been taught to fear anything and anyone that is not like you, anything and anyone that you cannot control.
And, I say to you this: You need not control Love, for it is impossible for you to do so.
Love cannot be controlled. It can only be given. It can only be shared. It can only be received. But, it cannot be controlled. It cannot be manipulated. It cannot be bought or sold. There can be no price put upon Love.
It cannot be taxed.
It is beyond the control of any
And, it is more powerful than
All you need to do is open your Heart and allow the Love of All That Is to Flow into you, and then allow it to Flow out from you.
Now some of you might have a problem with the idea of letting Love Flow out from you. And, I say to you that you need not worry about this whatsoever, because when you allow yourself to be filled up with Love,
you cannot help but to share it.
You cannot help the overflow of Love coming from your being, emanating from you.
It is a simple matter of: Where do you put your focus?
That is a simple question.
Your spouse. Your romantic partner. Your children. Your parents. Your brothers and sisters, and so on, and so on. Family. Friends. Community.
Any place that you allow your focus to be when you are in a state where you are filled up with Love, that is where the overflow will go.
So, stop for a moment every day and consciously think – focus your mind – on every person in the world.
If there are places that you are aware of where there is a tragedy that has happened,
where there are severe weather issues that are at hand,
where there is war,
where there is violence,
where there is greed, and hatred, and so on, all the Illusions of Life. If you know of places where these things are running rampant, stop and focus on the people – not on the violence being shared, not on the hatred, not on the abuse, not on the weather.
Think of the people – the people in this place, the people in that place, a mother, a father, a child, a grandparent, a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin. These are all people.
Think of them. You need not know their names.
Simply think of them, and when you do allow the Love that has filled you up to Flow outward and Flow to these people.
Think: Your Heart to their Heart. Heart chakra to Heart chakra. Connect. Send the Love. Let it Flow. You will never run dry.
It is impossible to stop the Flow of Love,
unless you stop it within yourself.
And, that brings us to an entirely different subject.
On this day of Love, you must also Love yourself.
You must Love yourself first
before you can Love another, because, you see, you must first allow yourself to be filled up. And, how can you do that when you bear such things as guilt?
How about anger?
Do you have hatred within your being?
You must let these things go, Beloved Children, for they do not serve you and they are not necessary.
Everything that you feel guilt for at this moment, I Forgive you for.
Let Love wash away the guilt.
Let Love wash away the fear,
and the anger,
and bear not hatred for any, including yourself.
Hatred is but the Illusion of Love.
It is true that there are many in this world that have committed violence to another – and violence in many, many forms. And, yes, those who have been victim of this violence may feel hatred.
But, I say to you this: Forgive.
Let it go.
Let it go. You cannot change what happened.
But, you can change how it has affected your Life.
Let it make you a better person.
Let it make you a person filled with Love.
Let it make you a warrior of Love committed to sharing Love and changing your world into a place of Love and Peace and kindness so that no other must bear what you had to bear.
You will not accomplish this by continuing to foster hate,
by fostering divisiveness.
You must allow Love to Heal the wounds,
to change the Hearts, to open the eyes, and open the minds so that you might change your world.
For those of you who have perpetrated things against another and caused hurt or harm,
and you bear guilt,
again I say I Forgive you,
even though you did not ask.
By the power of Love, I Forgive you. By the power of Love, you may Forgive yourself.
Send Love to the person or persons whom you have harmed.
It does not matter whether they are alive or not.
Send Love.
Ask for Forgiveness. Forgive yourself.
It is only Love that will save all of you -
in your personal lives, in those quiet moments inside your mind that no one else knows about, in the shadows that lurk about in your Heart.
Only Love can cast away the shadows
and bring Light into your Life again.
It is only Love that can bring Light and Love into a broken family,
into a broken friendship,
a broken community,
a broken country,
and a broken world.
It is only Love that can Heal the wounds and make you all whole again.
Each of you is wounded.
This is one thing that many, many do not Understand, and yet you must if you are ever to experience wholeness and a state of Love,
and that is this:
What happens to one happens to all, for you are all One.
When there is violence of any kind that is perpetrated against one, it damages all.
As a species,
as a race,
as humanity,
you are damaging each other and yourselves
every moment.
Every moment somewhere on your planet – Mother Earth -
somewhere someone is having violence perpetrated against them -
abuse, language, emotional hurt, mental hurt, physical hurt, spiritual hurt.
Everywhere, every moment, there is someone who is experiencing this. And, when that person hurts, you hurt.
You all hurt.
When that person bleeds, you all bleed. Not at a biological level, but at an energetic level where you are all One.
You must
And, likewise, if you turn the tables and you look at it from a different perspective,
then you could say the same is true of Love.
If you experience Love, then everyone in the world is experiencing Love. And, the more Love you experience, and the more Love you share to be experienced, the greater there will be Love in the world.
When you reach a point where you have hit critical mass, which is 51%,
then it will be a downhill slide, so to speak, where Love will take command. And there, you will see massive changes that cannot be stopped by any who would oppose the power of Love.
Each of you can help to reach this critical mass, and help in changing your world to a place that is Loving and kind and Peaceful, by opening your Hearts every moment of every day, and allowing Love to fill you up and then allowing it to spill over and be shared with all around you. And, again, focus with other people in the world.
Now, keep in mind, right now, I have spoken only of humans, but the power of Love and the sharing of Love should certainly go beyond humans to every being of Life whether it is a flower that you Love, the pig in the backyard, someone else’s cat, a bird, an elephant, a tiger. It doesn’t matter. A blade of grass.
Every being
is made of Love.
And, when you connect that way, you solidify your world into a Loving being, a Loving place, and you Harmonize all together with your Creator, with the angelic realms, with all of your Soul Families, and with the Earth herself and the Universe at large.
It is a powerful thing to Love. And, you will find that is THE most powerful thing that you, as a human being, can ever do.
Love is the most powerful thing that you can do, that you can experience, that you can give, that you can receive, that you can share.
So, Love one another,
and not just on this day of Love.
Love yourselves. Love each other. Love EVERY being of Life – human and non-human alike.
Each and every one of you is Love. Remember that. It is your inherent goodness within, and it is within each and every one of you.
Love is always the path of right action.
Love is always the path to the greatest Joy in Life.
Love is the only path of righteousness,
of Justice,
of Harmony.
Love is the only path there is.
The only question is: Do you live it in experience and expression
in Illumination
or Illusion?
Love each other. Love yourselves.
Today and every day.
Thank you for listening to my words,
and I leave you all with my blessings
for the greatest of Love to come into your Hearts,
and to work its way through your Life.
That is all for this time.
Namaste, Beloved Ones.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation® and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved.
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No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation® and Mia Mona Muriel Amore