Voices of the Archangels
2018 Channeling
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
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Mother Earth for Earth Day
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Mother Earth gives us a shorter, but powerful message for Earth Day this year. She is quite serious in asking us when is enough will be enough when it comes to war, violence, and so on. It is an interesting message we are sure you will find thought provoking.
“Yes then, Beloved Children, it is I, Mother Earth.
I am your sister, Gaea,
and I am your friend, Terra
and I come to you with a heavy Heart as you celebrate Earth Day once again. And, I thank you again for your celebrations that you engage in every year in my honor. And, I ask you this:
How many of you truly honor me?
How many of you truly see me?
I ask you these things because I have a heavy Heart.
You live in a time of great change and great challenge, and those changes and challenges at the moment are within your hands, to some degree, to define.
And, so I ask you this: How will you define the changes in your world today? How will you meet the challenges that are being presented to you?
And, I ask you this:
How would you have me meet the challenges that you are presenting to me?
This is a time of great difficulty, and I am being put in a very difficult position.
How do I sustain Life when there are so many who would take it away?
When do I say enough is enough,
and put an end to the disgrace
and the destruction of all that is not created by the human god? And, I do not mean God in a religious sense. I mean humans with an inappropriate sense of themselves.
When do I say enough is enough?
And, how do I do this without harming those of you who would honor the Circle of Life,
and recognize your part within it?
And, I say that this is a question that is weighing very heavily upon my Heart at this time, for this cannot continue.
Even now, at this current moment, you have weapons of war lined up against each other with absolutely no thought to the repercussions of the usage of these things.
The human capacity for Understanding is not present,
not enough to Understand the magnitude of what you can do if you are allowed to do it.
And, that brings me back to the question:
How much longer can I wait before I say enough is enough?
It is a difficult position for me,
especially so since I Love each and every one of you with all of my being, with all of my Heart. You are all my children, even those of you who are erring in your ways.
No matter how bad the person, you are still one of my children, and I have Love for you while you have none for me,
and, more importantly, you have none for those around you.
It is time to remember that you are all part of the Circle of Life.
It is also time to remember that you are not without power within that Circle of Life.
Those of you who would have Peace to live in, and put away the weapons of war, I say to you this:
Join your hands together and say ‘No’. It is a very simple thing.
Say ‘No’.
Do not engage in it. Refuse to be a part of it. You have that choice.
Use it!
If you do not use it, then you are lending your voice – by your silence – to the opposition who would continue on and destroy the very Life that you are given.
They will destroy you. They will destroy Life in general.
Why must you do these things?
And, why must you allow them?
There are many among you who have good Hearts, and you have good minds. There are brilliant minds among you. And, there are those of you who that shine the Light of your Heart and your Love every moment of every day.
And, yet, when it comes to taking a stand and saying, “No more war. No more greed. No more destruction. No more divisiveness.”,
how many of you stand up and say this?
It is not enough to sit in mediation and work on your own self,
and the reason why is because you are a part of the Circle of Life. You must reach out and touch your brothers and sisters across the board. All of Life. You must touch all of your brothers and sisters in Life,
and share with them those moments of Love and compassion and kindness and Peace. And, you must put aside the war mongering, and the greed, and those who would divide you one against another,
for you are all One family.
You are all brothers and sisters in Love, and in Life, and on this Earth that you call your planet, which is me.
You come from my body.
You are my children,
and as your mother, I say to you enough is enough.
I call each and every one of you into a state of Love, and Loving Harmony with your neighbors all across the world.
Every neighbor.
Enough is enough.
No more.
I am being put in a very difficult position, and I hope that each and every one of you Understands this.
It will not be easy -
not for you, and not for me.
But, as I have spoken many times, I will only Support Peacefulness.
I have stated this many times, and the time has come for me now to say no more. No more, unless it is Peaceful in nature.
And, you are leaving me no choice, so yes, you may take this as a caution, and the wake up call, and a call to action, and a call to duty, but more importantly a call to Love.
It is time to Love.
It is time to live.
It is time to be together,
in the Oneness that you are,
and the Oneness that we are,
and the Oneness that is the Circle of Life.
You cannot break it.
It will break you.
It is that strong.
Even whenever there are cracks and damages in the Circle of Life, it still holds strong.
And, that is my will, and it is Creator’s Will. This will never stop, and it will never go away.
But, it is time for human beings to remember their place and act accordingly.
It is time for each and every one of you to do all that is within your power – be it small, be it large – to create a Loving and Peaceful Harmony in the world that you live in.
It is time for you to remember your place.
And, it is time for you to live Peacefully if you wish to continue to live with me.
Very soon now, I will put an end to all that is not Peaceful.
It will not happen on my being anymore. (violence, war, greed, etc.)
So, again, here my words and listen to them well.
Make your choices and act accordingly.
I thank you for considering me on your Earth Day celebration,
but remember that I am about more than picking up trash and planting trees.
I am about Life.
All of Life.
So, keep that in your mind as you celebrate your Earth Day.
Thank you for this time and thank you for listening to my words.
My Love is with you all, and my Love is with you always.
That is all for this time.
Namaste, Beloved Children. Namaste.
Remember the Circle of Life
and your place within it.”
I am your sister, Gaea,
and I am your friend, Terra
and I come to you with a heavy Heart as you celebrate Earth Day once again. And, I thank you again for your celebrations that you engage in every year in my honor. And, I ask you this:
How many of you truly honor me?
How many of you truly see me?
I ask you these things because I have a heavy Heart.
You live in a time of great change and great challenge, and those changes and challenges at the moment are within your hands, to some degree, to define.
And, so I ask you this: How will you define the changes in your world today? How will you meet the challenges that are being presented to you?
And, I ask you this:
How would you have me meet the challenges that you are presenting to me?
This is a time of great difficulty, and I am being put in a very difficult position.
How do I sustain Life when there are so many who would take it away?
When do I say enough is enough,
and put an end to the disgrace
and the destruction of all that is not created by the human god? And, I do not mean God in a religious sense. I mean humans with an inappropriate sense of themselves.
When do I say enough is enough?
And, how do I do this without harming those of you who would honor the Circle of Life,
and recognize your part within it?
And, I say that this is a question that is weighing very heavily upon my Heart at this time, for this cannot continue.
Even now, at this current moment, you have weapons of war lined up against each other with absolutely no thought to the repercussions of the usage of these things.
The human capacity for Understanding is not present,
not enough to Understand the magnitude of what you can do if you are allowed to do it.
And, that brings me back to the question:
How much longer can I wait before I say enough is enough?
It is a difficult position for me,
especially so since I Love each and every one of you with all of my being, with all of my Heart. You are all my children, even those of you who are erring in your ways.
No matter how bad the person, you are still one of my children, and I have Love for you while you have none for me,
and, more importantly, you have none for those around you.
It is time to remember that you are all part of the Circle of Life.
It is also time to remember that you are not without power within that Circle of Life.
Those of you who would have Peace to live in, and put away the weapons of war, I say to you this:
Join your hands together and say ‘No’. It is a very simple thing.
Say ‘No’.
Do not engage in it. Refuse to be a part of it. You have that choice.
Use it!
If you do not use it, then you are lending your voice – by your silence – to the opposition who would continue on and destroy the very Life that you are given.
They will destroy you. They will destroy Life in general.
Why must you do these things?
And, why must you allow them?
There are many among you who have good Hearts, and you have good minds. There are brilliant minds among you. And, there are those of you who that shine the Light of your Heart and your Love every moment of every day.
And, yet, when it comes to taking a stand and saying, “No more war. No more greed. No more destruction. No more divisiveness.”,
how many of you stand up and say this?
It is not enough to sit in mediation and work on your own self,
and the reason why is because you are a part of the Circle of Life. You must reach out and touch your brothers and sisters across the board. All of Life. You must touch all of your brothers and sisters in Life,
and share with them those moments of Love and compassion and kindness and Peace. And, you must put aside the war mongering, and the greed, and those who would divide you one against another,
for you are all One family.
You are all brothers and sisters in Love, and in Life, and on this Earth that you call your planet, which is me.
You come from my body.
You are my children,
and as your mother, I say to you enough is enough.
I call each and every one of you into a state of Love, and Loving Harmony with your neighbors all across the world.
Every neighbor.
Enough is enough.
No more.
I am being put in a very difficult position, and I hope that each and every one of you Understands this.
It will not be easy -
not for you, and not for me.
But, as I have spoken many times, I will only Support Peacefulness.
I have stated this many times, and the time has come for me now to say no more. No more, unless it is Peaceful in nature.
And, you are leaving me no choice, so yes, you may take this as a caution, and the wake up call, and a call to action, and a call to duty, but more importantly a call to Love.
It is time to Love.
It is time to live.
It is time to be together,
in the Oneness that you are,
and the Oneness that we are,
and the Oneness that is the Circle of Life.
You cannot break it.
It will break you.
It is that strong.
Even whenever there are cracks and damages in the Circle of Life, it still holds strong.
And, that is my will, and it is Creator’s Will. This will never stop, and it will never go away.
But, it is time for human beings to remember their place and act accordingly.
It is time for each and every one of you to do all that is within your power – be it small, be it large – to create a Loving and Peaceful Harmony in the world that you live in.
It is time for you to remember your place.
And, it is time for you to live Peacefully if you wish to continue to live with me.
Very soon now, I will put an end to all that is not Peaceful.
It will not happen on my being anymore. (violence, war, greed, etc.)
So, again, here my words and listen to them well.
Make your choices and act accordingly.
I thank you for considering me on your Earth Day celebration,
but remember that I am about more than picking up trash and planting trees.
I am about Life.
All of Life.
So, keep that in your mind as you celebrate your Earth Day.
Thank you for this time and thank you for listening to my words.
My Love is with you all, and my Love is with you always.
That is all for this time.
Namaste, Beloved Children. Namaste.
Remember the Circle of Life
and your place within it.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation® and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved.
No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation® and Mia Mona Muriel Amore
No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation® and Mia Mona Muriel Amore