Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Recording & Transcript
Archangel Michael on the Gift of Understanding
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I the Archangel Michael,
and I would speak to you this day
(long pause)
of Understanding.
You have already been spoken to about Peace and Truth, and now I would add a few thoughts about Understanding
to this idea. For you see, you do indeed live in a time of change and challenge, and it is also a time of choice. At no time in the history of all that is has there ever been a more opportune time to use the powers of Free Will and Choice.
I speak these words to you to help you Understand that you are not without power in a world that seemingly is too large to get away from. There are too many oppositions in place, you might think, you might even say. And I say to you that yes, there may be deep challenges for many of you. But, I also want you to Understand that you are not powerless, and you do have the ability to choose. And when you make your choice, it is fully Supported by we who are here to Support you in Life. You must Understand this. However, in Understanding this, you must also know that your choice can be made in many ways. You can make your choice consciously through prayer, through meditation, through simple asking, through simple intent. However, your choice can also be made by your lack of prayer, your lack of asking, your lack of meditation, your lack of intent, and so on.
That which you do not choose may be chosen for you by default. For example, if you do not choose to live in a state of Peace,
then by default you have chosen to live in a state of non-Peace.
(long pause)
Now, you will protest this idea, and say, “No, this is not my intention”. Well, of course it is not your intention, but you did not set your intention. You did not state it, therefore default goes to majority. Majority rules. And in your world, at this time, the majority says we do not want to live in Peace.
Until the majority of you say you do want to live in Peace, then it will not be Supported as a whole.
That is why your choice has to be made if you wish to live in Peace, and if you want to be part of the Peace movement, you might say, bringing the entire world into a place, and a state of Peacefulness.
But again, it is important to Understand it goes beyond a simple choice. You must, as the saying has already been spoken, walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
You must Understand how to live Peace.
You must Understand that Peacefulness is the same as Oneness. It is the same as unconditional Love. Peacefulness is the same as complete Harmony with all that is. Look around your world at this moment in time. How much of it do you Understand? Do you Understand enough to even make a choice? Look at your foods, for example. Do you Understand what your food actually is?
Do you Understand whether or not it is natural? Whether it is something that is freely given to you from the Earth in its original form as it was designed for your body, or do you know whether or not it is something that has been falsely created in a laboratory? Do you Understand the difference? Do you Understand what you eat? Do you Understand what you drink? Do you Understand the air you breathe? Do you Understand the illnesses in your own body, or those you see in those around you? Do you Understand the things you see in your society
your peers, your governments, your family, your friends? Do you Understand what is happening? What is going on? Do you Understand your climate? There is much talk in your world these days about climate change. Do you Understand that? If you do not Understand it, how can you make a choice one way or the other?
And so you see, each of you has a responsibility to reach out and Understand the world around you, to Understand yourself. And you will not be able to do these things without first seeking out Truth. And if you cannot find your own Truth within yourself in order to gauge information against, then you cannot Understand because you have not found Truth. And when you find Truth, you will Understand. So you see the two work synergistically together.
You cannot have one without the other.
What do you do with Truth when you find it?
You must act upon it. How can you act upon it if you do not Understand the ramifications of whatever action you choose?
(long pause)
There are ramifications for the inaction that you choose as well.
Look at the protests that go on in your world today. Do you choose to ignore them? “Oh, well, that's over there. That's not part of my world.” What happens when it comes to your doorstep, to your town, to your neighborhood, to your community, to your state, to your country? What happens when it comes to body, for ultimately these things will.
What is out there right now as sentiment, you must Understand. Sentiment, thoughts -
these will manifest in bodies.
Because everything that manifests in the body first begins
in the etheric levels because this is where thoughts are.
Poisonous thoughts in the world, poisonous things come into the body.
The body reacts to these poisons,
and you will see more illness.
Do you Understand the relationships with each other?
Do you Understand how important your choice is every single day? It is never one choice. It is a continual process of making choices one after another, day after day after day, until it becomes a part of you.
You must seek to Understand the world you live in if you are to change this world. Now if you are happy with the world the way it is, then you have nothing to worry about. Sit back and enjoy it, by all means.
But if you are unhappy with your world
then you must seek to change it.
And you cannot change it if you do not Understand it. You cannot Understand it if you do not know the Truth of it. And you will never find your Peace with any of it
if you cannot find the Truth and Understand it, and then choose to act upon it.
So you see, all of these things work together. And this is the time - this is THE time – when it is absolutely necessary that you do so.
Your world will not survive if it continues down the path that it is on at this moment in time.
You know that I am the Archangel of Understanding, among many other things, and one of those things is Life. I am the Archangel of Life.
And it troubles my Heart greatly and makes me sad whenever I see the lack of Understanding in your world that leads to the loss of Life, the compromising of Life, for you have no idea what Life will become if you do not change the world you live in – and change it now.
Be not afraid to speak about your changes. Talk to your family. Talk to your friends. Talk to your neighbors and your coworkers, your peers, your community, your countries. Talk to each other. Do not let barriers of political lines stop you. Talk to the person in the next country, and in the country around the world. You are all of one family, and that is the human family. And furthermore, you are all of one family because you all belong to the Earth. And furthermore, you are all one family because you belong to the cosmos, the Universe. We are all One.
And you must Understand this, because that Understanding must guide you in the choices that you make.
Every choice you make has ramifications that affect every other member of your family on every level.
Yes, they may be small. They may be as small as a teardrop in an ocean. But enough of those teardrops, and they will add up to enough to change the ocean. And so you see, you must be very careful in your choices. Be consciously aware of your choices. Live with a purpose. That is very, very important. Live every moment of your Life with a purpose in mind.
Keep it in your mind. Listen to your Heart. Put it up into your mind. Act upon it. That should be your process. Listen to your Heart. Take those choices, those convictions, those passions, those desires that are in your Heart, take them into your mind and then act upon them. Let your mind work for your Heart and not the other way around. That will lead you to nothing but internal conflict, for the Heart will never follow the mind. There will always be an inner battle. And you will never know your inner Peace until you harness the mind to work for the Heart. Understand that Truth, for it is a powerful one for you. And there is great power in your being able to follow your Heart. Work it through your mind. Let your mind do the work for the Heart. Put it into action. Make your choices. Live day by day. Understand your world. You must. Understand yourselves.
In coming to Understand yourselves, you will learn more and more about your own world. There has never been a time when the classroom is more important than right here, right now,
right in this very moment.
Do something.
Do not be an armchair observer of Life.
Be a part of it.
Participate in Life.
That is why you are given Life.
You have something to do. Each and every one of you has a Purpose. Find that Purpose. Look into your own Hearts.
Go to those who can help you find your Purpose, (and) look into your own Hearts, if you must. It is there for anyone to see.
It is a good bonding experience to allow someone to help you find it. But never ever let anyone tell you what your Purpose is, for only you will know the Truth of that.
You know it within your own Heart. You only need to be reminded to look there first, which I am doing at this very moment.
So take these Understandings, and it is my hope that my word has helped you move to greater Understanding, that which is before you, right here, right now, what the call is. Find your Truth. Understand it. Act upon it. Find your Peace. Live in Oneness.
I believe you Understand my words.
With that said then I thank you for listening, and always Understand
that the entirety of the Heavens,
all of the Leagues of Light, the Angels of Lightness and Illumination,
we are all here to Support you, each and every one of you. Make your choice, and live by it.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.