Voices of the Archangels
2012-2013 Season of Peace Channeling
Archangel Gabriel on the Gift of Peace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
This the first of our channelings for this year's Season of Peace celebration. Archangel Gabriel speaks on the Gift of Peace, as well as the dawning of the Age of Peace (aka the Age of Aquarius). Gabriel is as passionate as ever in this channeling session. For those of you who are seriously interested in the workings of the Transition into this new Age and the dimensional space that comes with it, you will find Gabriel's dissertation - and likely all the channeled messages this year - most pointed as to how we should progress into these Times.
We have a couple of notes regarding the Season of Peace channelings. This year, we have restructured our format for the channeling sessions to accommodate both our in-person participants as well as our web-audience. So, we will be sharing the recordings that were specifically given for those of you who listen to the Voices of the Archangels here.
The other note has to do with the quality of the voices this year. They may seem not as robust as the other recordings have shown. This is not due to the speakers (the Archangels) themselves, but rather is a reflection of the state of the channeler. It has been our channeler who has been recuperating from a health issue as mentioned in our blog post. It is due to her still weakened condition that the voices are not quite what they normally are.
We have a couple of notes regarding the Season of Peace channelings. This year, we have restructured our format for the channeling sessions to accommodate both our in-person participants as well as our web-audience. So, we will be sharing the recordings that were specifically given for those of you who listen to the Voices of the Archangels here.
The other note has to do with the quality of the voices this year. They may seem not as robust as the other recordings have shown. This is not due to the speakers (the Archangels) themselves, but rather is a reflection of the state of the channeler. It has been our channeler who has been recuperating from a health issue as mentioned in our blog post. It is due to her still weakened condition that the voices are not quite what they normally are.
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