Voices of the Archangels
2013-2014 Season of Peace Channeling
Archangel of Truth on the Gift of Truth
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Day two of our Season of Peace celebration focuses on the gift of Truth. We have another powerful and passionate message here from the Archangel of Truth. We Trust you will enjoy this little lesson that he shares with us.
Note: This recording is "raw" unedited channeling. We like to edit our recordings to remove the "dead air spaces" at the beginning and ending of the channeling session, as well as the pauses that are sometimes present in the channeling itself. However, this year, we have been requested by Guidance to leave the pauses in the recordings. We have been asked to leave the sighs and deep breaths, too. It is the wish of the speakers that you hear their recordings as they have been spoken, so that you may have a more "in-person" sense of the channeling. Additionally, the pauses and the deep sighs are indicative of the sense of emotion imparted with the words spoken. Sometimes a deep sigh comes with words that are spoken with difficulty or sadness. Other times it indicates that the words spoken carry great importance. We Trust you will appreciate these channelings as they were spoken and recorded.
The Voices of the Archangels.....
On this page, you will find an opportunity to listen to channeled information coming directly from the Council of Archangels (the Archangels Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, Agahaphael, and the Archangels of Truth, Vision, Love, Abundance, Cosmic Affairs, and Physical Principalities). The Great Mother (God, Universe, Creator, or whatever name you choose to use) and for Mother Earth (Gaea, Terra, and so on) also have a voice through our channeling.
This information is the direct channeling of the Archangels, the Great Mother, or Mother Earth through Mia Mona Amore'. These channelings are shared here not to arouse debate or to challenge another's belief system. They are not predictions, fortune telling, or doomsday material. They are simply the sharing of conversations that we at the Center have had with these great beings of Life - and we are sharing them with you. You may also find answers to questions that our listening audience, clients, and/or students have requested that we ask on their behalf. Sometimes the Archangels, Mother Earth/Gaea, or the Great Mother/Creator/Universe/God also asks for the opportunity to deliver a message from them through Mia's voice. Whatever the case, know that it is shared in Love and Truth, Peace and Joy.
This information is the direct channeling of the Archangels, the Great Mother, or Mother Earth through Mia Mona Amore'. These channelings are shared here not to arouse debate or to challenge another's belief system. They are not predictions, fortune telling, or doomsday material. They are simply the sharing of conversations that we at the Center have had with these great beings of Life - and we are sharing them with you. You may also find answers to questions that our listening audience, clients, and/or students have requested that we ask on their behalf. Sometimes the Archangels, Mother Earth/Gaea, or the Great Mother/Creator/Universe/God also asks for the opportunity to deliver a message from them through Mia's voice. Whatever the case, know that it is shared in Love and Truth, Peace and Joy.
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.