Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Recording & Transcript
The Great Mother (Creator) on the Gift of Grace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Great Mother of All, Creator of All, the Universe, God, All That Is, whatever name you choose to use for me. It is I who is your Creator, your mother.
And, I would speak to you at this time about the gift of Grace.
What is Grace?
Do you know?
Many people do not know. And, some of you have an inkling.
And yet, I say to you that Grace is many, many things. And it might well be impossible for one to know all the meanings of Grace.
But, let us speak in terms of a time of Peace, for that is what we are all speaking of during this celebration of the Age and Dimension of Peace.
It is true that I have given the edict that Peace shall now reign throughout the Universe of Universes.
It is very much true.
Duality has had its day, and it does not need to be present any more. And, so I have called for Peace. That is my wish. That is my desire. And, that is my hope for each and every one of you. That you will look within yourselves and find within your own Hearts the gift of Peace.
And, yet, how can you do this without being in a state of Grace?
You see, one of the most important aspects of Grace is acceptance unconditionally, Love unconditionally, and Forgiveness unconditionally.
It is quite impossible for anyone to experience a true state of Grace if one cannot unconditionally accept others, accept themselves, accept equality in others. It is quite impossible for one to experience the state of Grace if one cannot accept -
if one cannot accept the concept of unconditional Love.
You must be able to accept the Love yourself, and accept that you must give unconditional Love. And, we will speak more of that in a moment.
But, let us speak first for a moment of unconditional Forgiveness.
You cannot truly Love if you cannot Forgive. And, you cannot Forgive if you cannot Understand. And, you cannot Understand if you do not seek Truth. And, you will never experience your Joy if you cannot Forgive.
You see, all of these gifts are tied together and they are all part of Grace. They are all part of Life. There is no one that is a stand alone gift unto itself. For, all things are many different aspects of the One Thing.
And, the One Thing is Love.
And, you cannot have Grace without Love.
And, Love must be born in Illumination and not in Illusion.
And so, you are at that point in your evolution where you must you must accept all or you must accept none, so to speak. There can be no more half measures, no more riding the middle of the fence, so to speak, driving down the middle of the road. You have to be on one side or another.
It is ironic, is it not, that in a time of Peace - a time when you are being called into Peace, you must fall back into Duality to help get you into Peace?
And, it is quite simple. It is as simple as making a choice. You must make the choice.
You must make the choice to accept my offer of a state of Grace. And, when you do accept the offer of the state of Grace, then you will know Peace. For all things come together in the scope of this one great gift, which is composed of all other gifts. You cannot have one without the other.
So let us speak for a moment of Understanding - Understanding the acceptance unconditionally. What does this mean? It means you must accept all of your brothers and sisters as your brothers and sisters – like it or not, you might say. Some of you will have a real problem considering the neighbor down the street to be your brother or sister. But the very idea that you are human and they are human makes it a little more bearable even if you do not like it.
But when I say to you that the dog who lives down the street, or the bird in the air, or the across the neighbor's yard is also your brother or sister, then you may begin to frown.
Some of you will embrace this idea readily with a smile upon your face and deeply within your Hearts, and others of you will think that I am quite daft.
If I tell you that your tree in the front yard is also your brother or sister then you will really raise your eyebrows.
And what if I tell you that the air you breathe is also your brother or sister, or the water that you drink, the rock underneath your foot?
Yes, beloved children, they are all your brothers and sisters, and you must accept them all unconditionally. And, likewise, you must Love them all unconditionally. Love them as you would Love yourself. For if you do not, then you do not truly Love yourself, for you are each and all a part of each other.
So if you disown or disinherit the bird or the rock beneath your foot, then that is the same as disowning your finger or your toe – perhaps even your arm or your eye.
You are all connected. There is no separation. And, it truly breaks my Heart whenever you see yourselves as being separate. You see yourselves as being in some elevated position – that you are better than others – and that only your pleasure and satisfaction should be thought of, should be considered.
This is wrong, my beloved children. This is very much wrong.
You cannot go through your lives destroying everything except that which pleases you.
You cannot use everything up and leave nothing for others. That is selfish. It is greedy. And, it is wrong.
Think about those words for just a moment.
(long pause)
You must come to Understand that you must unconditionally Love every being of Life, and you must begin with yourself. There are so many of you who have parts of yourselves that you do not Love. You do not accept yourself. You place conditions.
“Yes, I will satisfied with myself when I look like this, when I weigh this much, when I have achieved this in my job, when I have “x” amount of money in the bank, when I have so many crops that have been harvested, when I am married, when I am not married, when I have children or when I do not, or when I reach a certain age” and so on and so on and so on and so on.
You put SO many conditions on yourselves
that you cannot Love yourself.
Why do you do this?
I say to you that most of the reason why you do this is because you have forgotten how to Love yourself. And, to some degree, it has been schooled out of you by the world that you live in, both in school and by societal demands in many, many aspects.
These things are not necessary.
You are a child of the Universe.
You are MY child.
You are the child of your Soul Families.
You do not need to achieve in order to be Loved. You do not need to possess in order to be Loved.
You must Love yourself -
just as you are,
with no conditions.
And, likewise, this is how you must Love others. Do not Love them by bits and pieces and measurements. Do not Love them by labels. Simply open your Heart and allow the Love to flow. Once you begin to Love yourself, even in a small measure,
the Love itself will blossom within you, and you will Love yourself more and more.
As you Love yourself more and more, then you are capable of Loving others. And, you must Love them unconditionally, as well. And, the more you do this the easier it will become.
Love the neighbor's dog, no matter how much it barks, at what hour of the day. Perhaps it has something to say. Perhaps it is lonely. Perhaps it is shouting its Joy to the world, because it is happy at being alive.
Love your neighbors. Love all peoples in the world, and all forms of Life.
Do not cut down the trees. Love them. Love them, and let them Love you back. You need them. The very tree that you would cut down is the very tree that allows you to breathe and to live. You need each other. The tree needs you. You need the tree. Do not kill it.
Do not kill the bees. You need the bees. The bees need you. You need each other.
That is what being family is all about. And, you are all family.
You are all connected.
You are all MY children!
Stop killing each other!
Love each other instead. And, Love each other without condition.
(long pause)
Sometimes in order to Love without condition you must Forgive, and you cannot place conditions upon Forgiveness. It is back to that middle of the road “thing”. You either do or you do not Forgive. You either do or you do not accept Forgiveness. Sometimes Forgiving yourself is harder than Forgiving any other being. And, I speak not just of this lifetime. Many of you have an opportunity in this lifetime to exchange Forgiveness for hurts and wrongs that have been done in other lifetimes and in other Life forms, for you are not always human, you know.
I realize that may raise an eyebrow or two, but I swear to you it is true.
I do not speak falsehoods. Nor should you.
You must be open in your Forgiveness. And, I recognize that this requires Trust in order to Forgive. Sometimes you are facing someone, some group, some idea even that is a long-standing enemy.
And yet, I say to you that enemies are Loves in Illusion. They are in disguise. They are only presented to you as an Illusion so that you might master the lesson of Forgiveness. And, in order to do that, you must Trust them. And, how can you Trust your enemy? And, I say to you this, Love with all your Heart.
I do not mean that you must stand in front of someone with a loaded gun who is ready to blow you to bits.
Although there may be those of you who are called to do that if your situation demands it.
What I am saying is sit for a moment and pray
and meditate
and send your Love, all of your Love, to these people, these beings, these ideas that are your enemies. And, Love them with everything you have. And when you do, you will find that if you truly will accept them unconditionally, and Love them unconditionally, then you can Forgive them unconditionally.
And when you Forgive them,
you release all the Karma that is connected to it, to them, to the ideas, to the situations, to the hurt, the harm, to the wrongs.
It does not excuse it.
They have their own lessons to learn.
But if Frees you to Love.
And, when you Love this way, when you Forgive this way, then you know the moment of Grace.
You are Free. You are clear. You are clean. You are home. Because then you can find your Peace inside and then you will know the Grace of being a child of the Great Mother, the Universe, of God, of Creator, and so on.
This is how you know a state of Grace.
And I say this to you, each and every one of you should live in a state of Grace, for I have given it to you. And remember, when you resist Forgiveness, when you resist unconditional Love, when you resist unconditional acceptance, remember I accept you unconditionally.
I Love you unconditionally.
And, I Forgive you unconditionally for everything -
every deed you have ever done in every lifetime, every thought,
every “Oops! I didn't mean to do that”,
and every “Yeah, I really did mean to do that”, too.
As I give you Grace, be Grace-full and share that Grace with others,
for this, too, is a part of the path of Peace.
Think upon my words, my beloved ones.
Be full of Grace.
And, be generous with Grace.
There can be no other way. You either are or you are not.
And, as I give you the gift of Grace, accept it unconditionally.
Love it unconditionally.
And, Forgive all the misconceptions you have had about it unconditionally.
And, then, share it.
Share the acceptance. Share the Love. Share the Forgiveness. And, share it all without condition.
These are my words to you at this time. And, I want you to know that this, too, is a part of the path of Peace.
It is my will. Please let it be yours. And, I shall Support you -
I shall Support you in your state of Grace.
That is all for this time.
Thank you for hearing my words, and for opening your Hearts to acceptance, to Love, and to Forgiveness, and Grace."
And, I would speak to you at this time about the gift of Grace.
What is Grace?
Do you know?
Many people do not know. And, some of you have an inkling.
And yet, I say to you that Grace is many, many things. And it might well be impossible for one to know all the meanings of Grace.
But, let us speak in terms of a time of Peace, for that is what we are all speaking of during this celebration of the Age and Dimension of Peace.
It is true that I have given the edict that Peace shall now reign throughout the Universe of Universes.
It is very much true.
Duality has had its day, and it does not need to be present any more. And, so I have called for Peace. That is my wish. That is my desire. And, that is my hope for each and every one of you. That you will look within yourselves and find within your own Hearts the gift of Peace.
And, yet, how can you do this without being in a state of Grace?
You see, one of the most important aspects of Grace is acceptance unconditionally, Love unconditionally, and Forgiveness unconditionally.
It is quite impossible for anyone to experience a true state of Grace if one cannot unconditionally accept others, accept themselves, accept equality in others. It is quite impossible for one to experience the state of Grace if one cannot accept -
if one cannot accept the concept of unconditional Love.
You must be able to accept the Love yourself, and accept that you must give unconditional Love. And, we will speak more of that in a moment.
But, let us speak first for a moment of unconditional Forgiveness.
You cannot truly Love if you cannot Forgive. And, you cannot Forgive if you cannot Understand. And, you cannot Understand if you do not seek Truth. And, you will never experience your Joy if you cannot Forgive.
You see, all of these gifts are tied together and they are all part of Grace. They are all part of Life. There is no one that is a stand alone gift unto itself. For, all things are many different aspects of the One Thing.
And, the One Thing is Love.
And, you cannot have Grace without Love.
And, Love must be born in Illumination and not in Illusion.
And so, you are at that point in your evolution where you must you must accept all or you must accept none, so to speak. There can be no more half measures, no more riding the middle of the fence, so to speak, driving down the middle of the road. You have to be on one side or another.
It is ironic, is it not, that in a time of Peace - a time when you are being called into Peace, you must fall back into Duality to help get you into Peace?
And, it is quite simple. It is as simple as making a choice. You must make the choice.
You must make the choice to accept my offer of a state of Grace. And, when you do accept the offer of the state of Grace, then you will know Peace. For all things come together in the scope of this one great gift, which is composed of all other gifts. You cannot have one without the other.
So let us speak for a moment of Understanding - Understanding the acceptance unconditionally. What does this mean? It means you must accept all of your brothers and sisters as your brothers and sisters – like it or not, you might say. Some of you will have a real problem considering the neighbor down the street to be your brother or sister. But the very idea that you are human and they are human makes it a little more bearable even if you do not like it.
But when I say to you that the dog who lives down the street, or the bird in the air, or the across the neighbor's yard is also your brother or sister, then you may begin to frown.
Some of you will embrace this idea readily with a smile upon your face and deeply within your Hearts, and others of you will think that I am quite daft.
If I tell you that your tree in the front yard is also your brother or sister then you will really raise your eyebrows.
And what if I tell you that the air you breathe is also your brother or sister, or the water that you drink, the rock underneath your foot?
Yes, beloved children, they are all your brothers and sisters, and you must accept them all unconditionally. And, likewise, you must Love them all unconditionally. Love them as you would Love yourself. For if you do not, then you do not truly Love yourself, for you are each and all a part of each other.
So if you disown or disinherit the bird or the rock beneath your foot, then that is the same as disowning your finger or your toe – perhaps even your arm or your eye.
You are all connected. There is no separation. And, it truly breaks my Heart whenever you see yourselves as being separate. You see yourselves as being in some elevated position – that you are better than others – and that only your pleasure and satisfaction should be thought of, should be considered.
This is wrong, my beloved children. This is very much wrong.
You cannot go through your lives destroying everything except that which pleases you.
You cannot use everything up and leave nothing for others. That is selfish. It is greedy. And, it is wrong.
Think about those words for just a moment.
(long pause)
You must come to Understand that you must unconditionally Love every being of Life, and you must begin with yourself. There are so many of you who have parts of yourselves that you do not Love. You do not accept yourself. You place conditions.
“Yes, I will satisfied with myself when I look like this, when I weigh this much, when I have achieved this in my job, when I have “x” amount of money in the bank, when I have so many crops that have been harvested, when I am married, when I am not married, when I have children or when I do not, or when I reach a certain age” and so on and so on and so on and so on.
You put SO many conditions on yourselves
that you cannot Love yourself.
Why do you do this?
I say to you that most of the reason why you do this is because you have forgotten how to Love yourself. And, to some degree, it has been schooled out of you by the world that you live in, both in school and by societal demands in many, many aspects.
These things are not necessary.
You are a child of the Universe.
You are MY child.
You are the child of your Soul Families.
You do not need to achieve in order to be Loved. You do not need to possess in order to be Loved.
You must Love yourself -
just as you are,
with no conditions.
And, likewise, this is how you must Love others. Do not Love them by bits and pieces and measurements. Do not Love them by labels. Simply open your Heart and allow the Love to flow. Once you begin to Love yourself, even in a small measure,
the Love itself will blossom within you, and you will Love yourself more and more.
As you Love yourself more and more, then you are capable of Loving others. And, you must Love them unconditionally, as well. And, the more you do this the easier it will become.
Love the neighbor's dog, no matter how much it barks, at what hour of the day. Perhaps it has something to say. Perhaps it is lonely. Perhaps it is shouting its Joy to the world, because it is happy at being alive.
Love your neighbors. Love all peoples in the world, and all forms of Life.
Do not cut down the trees. Love them. Love them, and let them Love you back. You need them. The very tree that you would cut down is the very tree that allows you to breathe and to live. You need each other. The tree needs you. You need the tree. Do not kill it.
Do not kill the bees. You need the bees. The bees need you. You need each other.
That is what being family is all about. And, you are all family.
You are all connected.
You are all MY children!
Stop killing each other!
Love each other instead. And, Love each other without condition.
(long pause)
Sometimes in order to Love without condition you must Forgive, and you cannot place conditions upon Forgiveness. It is back to that middle of the road “thing”. You either do or you do not Forgive. You either do or you do not accept Forgiveness. Sometimes Forgiving yourself is harder than Forgiving any other being. And, I speak not just of this lifetime. Many of you have an opportunity in this lifetime to exchange Forgiveness for hurts and wrongs that have been done in other lifetimes and in other Life forms, for you are not always human, you know.
I realize that may raise an eyebrow or two, but I swear to you it is true.
I do not speak falsehoods. Nor should you.
You must be open in your Forgiveness. And, I recognize that this requires Trust in order to Forgive. Sometimes you are facing someone, some group, some idea even that is a long-standing enemy.
And yet, I say to you that enemies are Loves in Illusion. They are in disguise. They are only presented to you as an Illusion so that you might master the lesson of Forgiveness. And, in order to do that, you must Trust them. And, how can you Trust your enemy? And, I say to you this, Love with all your Heart.
I do not mean that you must stand in front of someone with a loaded gun who is ready to blow you to bits.
Although there may be those of you who are called to do that if your situation demands it.
What I am saying is sit for a moment and pray
and meditate
and send your Love, all of your Love, to these people, these beings, these ideas that are your enemies. And, Love them with everything you have. And when you do, you will find that if you truly will accept them unconditionally, and Love them unconditionally, then you can Forgive them unconditionally.
And when you Forgive them,
you release all the Karma that is connected to it, to them, to the ideas, to the situations, to the hurt, the harm, to the wrongs.
It does not excuse it.
They have their own lessons to learn.
But if Frees you to Love.
And, when you Love this way, when you Forgive this way, then you know the moment of Grace.
You are Free. You are clear. You are clean. You are home. Because then you can find your Peace inside and then you will know the Grace of being a child of the Great Mother, the Universe, of God, of Creator, and so on.
This is how you know a state of Grace.
And I say this to you, each and every one of you should live in a state of Grace, for I have given it to you. And remember, when you resist Forgiveness, when you resist unconditional Love, when you resist unconditional acceptance, remember I accept you unconditionally.
I Love you unconditionally.
And, I Forgive you unconditionally for everything -
every deed you have ever done in every lifetime, every thought,
every “Oops! I didn't mean to do that”,
and every “Yeah, I really did mean to do that”, too.
As I give you Grace, be Grace-full and share that Grace with others,
for this, too, is a part of the path of Peace.
Think upon my words, my beloved ones.
Be full of Grace.
And, be generous with Grace.
There can be no other way. You either are or you are not.
And, as I give you the gift of Grace, accept it unconditionally.
Love it unconditionally.
And, Forgive all the misconceptions you have had about it unconditionally.
And, then, share it.
Share the acceptance. Share the Love. Share the Forgiveness. And, share it all without condition.
These are my words to you at this time. And, I want you to know that this, too, is a part of the path of Peace.
It is my will. Please let it be yours. And, I shall Support you -
I shall Support you in your state of Grace.
That is all for this time.
Thank you for hearing my words, and for opening your Hearts to acceptance, to Love, and to Forgiveness, and Grace."
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.