Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Recording & Transcript
Archangel Metatron on the Gift of Empowerment
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then it is I, the Archangel Metatron, and I would speak to you at this moment of the gift of Empowerment.
What is Empowerment?
What does it mean to you?
Many people think that it means to be filled with power. And I say yes, to some degree, this is true. But the question is, what kind of power? You see, power itself is something that is vastly misunderstood, in your realms, at this time, and always has been. And that is this. It is perceived that power is the ability to control. Many, many human beings have thought this over the eons that human beings have been in existence here and elsewhere.
Too many believe that power means the ability to control, when what it really means is to be filled with power. That is what Empowerment means. But what is true power? If you see power in the sense of Illumination rather than Illusion, power is the greatest energetic force within the Universe.
And what is the greatest energetic force in the Universe?
It is Love.
Love has power similar to the way water has power, you might say. It can be soft and gentle, or it can be a defining force that creates worlds or destroys them.
Now, if you think for a moment about my words, is it true, then, that Love can either create a world or destroy it? And I tell you that yes, it can do either one.
Now that may raise and eyebrow or two. Think about that for a moment. Can Love actually destroy something? And I say yes. What can it destroy? Illusion.
Love can destroy any form of Illusion, for Love is more powerful than Illusion. Love in Illusion is hate.
Love in Illusion is control.
There are many different forms of Love in Illusion, just like there are many different forms of Love in Illumination. You kiss your baby's cheek. That is Love. You hold hands with your lover. That is Love. That is the power. You caress your mother's face, or your father's face. That is Love. That is power.
Love has many, many, many different forms in Illumination, as well as in Illusion. However, always remember that Love in Illumination is a greater power than Love in Illusion. Illusion always gives way to Illumination. Now this is a mark of true Empowerment, simply in Understanding this. And it is very important, particularly in the times that you are living in right now.
Illumination always is more powerful than Illusion.
Think about that for just a moment. Now, if you have someone in front of you who hates you, it might be a human being, it might be a rabid dog, it might be the lion that wants to eat you for dinner, whatever it might be, whoever it might be, you have something in front of you that reflects hatred. What do you do?
Well, first you save your Life.
But secondly, you use the power of Love to save that creature, that being, that situation from Illusion. You do not have to succumb to Illusion. You do not have to give in to Illusion. You do not have to live in Illusion.
There is a choice.
In your world, and particularly at this time, you have all collectively agreed to many things, and one of the things that you have agreed to is Illusion in general.
You give away your power each and every day. Every time you let someone else tell you how you can live,
how you can interact,
when you can do this,
when you can do that, and so on, you are giving away your power.
Now there is nothing wrong with this if you have collectively agreed
to play by certain rules, so to speak,
as a community,
as family,
as the greater family of humanity, and the Earth, and the Universe, and so on. When you agree to these rules, and they serve your Purpose and everyone else's Purpose, then these are good rules, and it is a good way to live. But when you give away your power in a way that takes away from your Purpose, from your Heart's desires, from your Truth,
from your Joy, from your state of Grace, and your being and place in your world as a child of the Universe, then you have given away power erroneously. You have given it away in Illusion, and that is wrong.
That is not Empowerment, that is the Illusion of it.
And so what you must do to Free yourself from the Illusions of Empowerment and claim your God-given right to Empowerment in Illumination, is you simply must take it back, and you do that by choice.
You have to make a choice.
Some of you will have to make a stand, you might say. You have to stand in your Truth, claim your Empowerment, and live by it. And that will mean changes for you.
Some changes will be radical.
Some changes will be Life-shattering for you, because you must shatter the old ways. You see, again, you're using the power of Love to destroy now. You must shatter the old ways in order to create the new ways. So you use Love to do away with what was bad in your Life, what was no longer serving you. And by the same token, you use Love then to create what is good for you, what is a good Life. And it is time for each and every one of you to do this individually, within your own Hearts. Begin there and work outward. And as you do, you need to be collecting yourselves together.
Empowering each other.
Help your neighbor to Empower him or herself, your family members, your spouse, your Loved ones, people you don't even know, people around your world and throughout the Universe. And remember, we are not just speaking of humans here. We are also speaking of every form of Life.
Empower the bees. If you don't, you're going to die. You will have no food. There. Point blank and blunt.
If you kill the bees, you will die. Period. Empower them with Life and Protection.
Give it back to them.
The same is true of the trees, your soil, your water, your air, and so on. And most importantly, it is true with each other. If you continue
to take away the power from peoples around the world, you will end up killing yourselves.
This intense need for control must stop.
And it only continues because each and every one of you allow it to happen.
It is time for you each to make choices. Choices that reflect living in Love, living Peacefully, living Harmoniously with each other. Empower each other, and stop trying to Empower through control, for that is Illusion.
You must come together in Illumination.
Every day, people give away their power, and a little bit of them dies. You only have one Life,
at least for this Lifetime.
You have so many days that you will be alive, so many minutes, so many hours, so many months and years. Will you waste this great gift of Life
by giving it away
to something that you do not believe in, something that does not support you, something that does not bring you Joy, a sense of contentment, security, and so on? Will you give this gift away?
Think about that for just a moment.
You must collect yourself.
Pull back all the little pieces of power that you have given away. And you have been doing this since you were children. First giving away power to your parents, to teachers at school, to authoritative figures, to your girlfriends, and your boyfriends, and your lovers, and your spouse, if you have one, and so on and so on, your employer. And it is not necessary to give of yourself away. Not your power.
And what do I mean by giving away your power? I am talking about the Illusion of Empowerment. You are giving away your own self control.
If you choose to go to work every day, and work ten, twelve hours a day, that is your choice.
But if you are going to work ten or twelve hours a day because you are afraid your boss will fire you if you do not, then you have given your boss your Life. You are a slave.
You have given away your power, you have no more. You are giving away little pieces of your Life.
Does it bring you Joy?
Some would say “yes, it gives me a paycheck. I can pay my bills, feed my family, and so on”, and that is true. But does it give you Joy? Does it serve your Purpose? Sometimes you're in the wrong job. And if you are in a job where your boss does not appreciate you, does not allow you to be who you are, then you are in the wrong job.
And I know that many of you are trapped in this situation, and you may not know the way out. And so what I am telling you at this moment in time is it's okay to continue in those jobs. What is important is for you to realize that you can own your own power.
Instead of letting someone take something from you, simply give it to them. If you're giving it and not allowing them to take it, it seems like a fine line, and yes, I agree that it is, but it is an important fine line. And that fine line says, I am Empowered, and I choose to come to work and work for you. And you will be amazed at the difference you will start to see with the people with who you interact.
You do not have to be a victim of anything. You do not have to be controlled. It is not necessary. You're not animals, as you see it. I say animals don't need to be controlled either. But from the human perspective, and for the sake of an example, let us say the caged, ignorant beast. You are not ignorant beasts who need to be caged and controlled.
You are beautiful, unique individuals who need to be allowed to shine. Do what you do best, that which brings you the greatest Joy, the greatest sense of satisfaction. People who Love what they do work harder at that than they will anything else. And a wise employer allows his employees to shine at what they do.
Now the same situation might be found in a marriage, in a family. No member of any family, community, society, world, whatever, should ever be under the control of another. Yes, watching over the children while they play, that is Understandable, but you are still not taking their power. You see, you can give them choices too.
When you are married, you still are two individuals who should allow each other to shine, and Support each other in shining. And the same with every family member that you have. In your communities. This is a form of Empowerment. And it is an important part of Empowerment, especially in this time of Peace, because when you live in a time of Peace, in an Age of Peace, in a Dimension of Peace, you do not live by control. You do not live by the Illusions of Empowerment. You live by the Illumination of it. And the Illumination of Empowerment says “Love”.
Feed each other Love. Give to each other Love. Appreciate each other. Tell each other you appreciate. Show it. Show it to the plants in your garden. Show it to the grass and the trees, and the sky, and the birds, and the fishes, and so on. Show Love and appreciation to every form of Life.
If you would find your own Empowerment within, appreciate yourself.
Every part of yourself.
Even the parts you do not like.
Love yourself.
I am not telling you to be selfish nor self centered. I am telling you to accept unconditionally the being of Life and Light that you are, and Love what you see.
Love what you feel.
Each and every one of you is a unique and exquisitely beautiful being of Life and Light, and Love. Accept yourself as who you are. And that Light that is within you can never be controlled, unless you give control of it away.
That is the Illusion of Empowerment.
You must claim Empowerment in Illumination.
And so at this time, I tell you to think about my words and claim your own Empowerment.
As always, we are all here to help you. You need only to ask.
That is all for this time. Thank you for listening.”
What is Empowerment?
What does it mean to you?
Many people think that it means to be filled with power. And I say yes, to some degree, this is true. But the question is, what kind of power? You see, power itself is something that is vastly misunderstood, in your realms, at this time, and always has been. And that is this. It is perceived that power is the ability to control. Many, many human beings have thought this over the eons that human beings have been in existence here and elsewhere.
Too many believe that power means the ability to control, when what it really means is to be filled with power. That is what Empowerment means. But what is true power? If you see power in the sense of Illumination rather than Illusion, power is the greatest energetic force within the Universe.
And what is the greatest energetic force in the Universe?
It is Love.
Love has power similar to the way water has power, you might say. It can be soft and gentle, or it can be a defining force that creates worlds or destroys them.
Now, if you think for a moment about my words, is it true, then, that Love can either create a world or destroy it? And I tell you that yes, it can do either one.
Now that may raise and eyebrow or two. Think about that for a moment. Can Love actually destroy something? And I say yes. What can it destroy? Illusion.
Love can destroy any form of Illusion, for Love is more powerful than Illusion. Love in Illusion is hate.
Love in Illusion is control.
There are many different forms of Love in Illusion, just like there are many different forms of Love in Illumination. You kiss your baby's cheek. That is Love. You hold hands with your lover. That is Love. That is the power. You caress your mother's face, or your father's face. That is Love. That is power.
Love has many, many, many different forms in Illumination, as well as in Illusion. However, always remember that Love in Illumination is a greater power than Love in Illusion. Illusion always gives way to Illumination. Now this is a mark of true Empowerment, simply in Understanding this. And it is very important, particularly in the times that you are living in right now.
Illumination always is more powerful than Illusion.
Think about that for just a moment. Now, if you have someone in front of you who hates you, it might be a human being, it might be a rabid dog, it might be the lion that wants to eat you for dinner, whatever it might be, whoever it might be, you have something in front of you that reflects hatred. What do you do?
Well, first you save your Life.
But secondly, you use the power of Love to save that creature, that being, that situation from Illusion. You do not have to succumb to Illusion. You do not have to give in to Illusion. You do not have to live in Illusion.
There is a choice.
In your world, and particularly at this time, you have all collectively agreed to many things, and one of the things that you have agreed to is Illusion in general.
You give away your power each and every day. Every time you let someone else tell you how you can live,
how you can interact,
when you can do this,
when you can do that, and so on, you are giving away your power.
Now there is nothing wrong with this if you have collectively agreed
to play by certain rules, so to speak,
as a community,
as family,
as the greater family of humanity, and the Earth, and the Universe, and so on. When you agree to these rules, and they serve your Purpose and everyone else's Purpose, then these are good rules, and it is a good way to live. But when you give away your power in a way that takes away from your Purpose, from your Heart's desires, from your Truth,
from your Joy, from your state of Grace, and your being and place in your world as a child of the Universe, then you have given away power erroneously. You have given it away in Illusion, and that is wrong.
That is not Empowerment, that is the Illusion of it.
And so what you must do to Free yourself from the Illusions of Empowerment and claim your God-given right to Empowerment in Illumination, is you simply must take it back, and you do that by choice.
You have to make a choice.
Some of you will have to make a stand, you might say. You have to stand in your Truth, claim your Empowerment, and live by it. And that will mean changes for you.
Some changes will be radical.
Some changes will be Life-shattering for you, because you must shatter the old ways. You see, again, you're using the power of Love to destroy now. You must shatter the old ways in order to create the new ways. So you use Love to do away with what was bad in your Life, what was no longer serving you. And by the same token, you use Love then to create what is good for you, what is a good Life. And it is time for each and every one of you to do this individually, within your own Hearts. Begin there and work outward. And as you do, you need to be collecting yourselves together.
Empowering each other.
Help your neighbor to Empower him or herself, your family members, your spouse, your Loved ones, people you don't even know, people around your world and throughout the Universe. And remember, we are not just speaking of humans here. We are also speaking of every form of Life.
Empower the bees. If you don't, you're going to die. You will have no food. There. Point blank and blunt.
If you kill the bees, you will die. Period. Empower them with Life and Protection.
Give it back to them.
The same is true of the trees, your soil, your water, your air, and so on. And most importantly, it is true with each other. If you continue
to take away the power from peoples around the world, you will end up killing yourselves.
This intense need for control must stop.
And it only continues because each and every one of you allow it to happen.
It is time for you each to make choices. Choices that reflect living in Love, living Peacefully, living Harmoniously with each other. Empower each other, and stop trying to Empower through control, for that is Illusion.
You must come together in Illumination.
Every day, people give away their power, and a little bit of them dies. You only have one Life,
at least for this Lifetime.
You have so many days that you will be alive, so many minutes, so many hours, so many months and years. Will you waste this great gift of Life
by giving it away
to something that you do not believe in, something that does not support you, something that does not bring you Joy, a sense of contentment, security, and so on? Will you give this gift away?
Think about that for just a moment.
You must collect yourself.
Pull back all the little pieces of power that you have given away. And you have been doing this since you were children. First giving away power to your parents, to teachers at school, to authoritative figures, to your girlfriends, and your boyfriends, and your lovers, and your spouse, if you have one, and so on and so on, your employer. And it is not necessary to give of yourself away. Not your power.
And what do I mean by giving away your power? I am talking about the Illusion of Empowerment. You are giving away your own self control.
If you choose to go to work every day, and work ten, twelve hours a day, that is your choice.
But if you are going to work ten or twelve hours a day because you are afraid your boss will fire you if you do not, then you have given your boss your Life. You are a slave.
You have given away your power, you have no more. You are giving away little pieces of your Life.
Does it bring you Joy?
Some would say “yes, it gives me a paycheck. I can pay my bills, feed my family, and so on”, and that is true. But does it give you Joy? Does it serve your Purpose? Sometimes you're in the wrong job. And if you are in a job where your boss does not appreciate you, does not allow you to be who you are, then you are in the wrong job.
And I know that many of you are trapped in this situation, and you may not know the way out. And so what I am telling you at this moment in time is it's okay to continue in those jobs. What is important is for you to realize that you can own your own power.
Instead of letting someone take something from you, simply give it to them. If you're giving it and not allowing them to take it, it seems like a fine line, and yes, I agree that it is, but it is an important fine line. And that fine line says, I am Empowered, and I choose to come to work and work for you. And you will be amazed at the difference you will start to see with the people with who you interact.
You do not have to be a victim of anything. You do not have to be controlled. It is not necessary. You're not animals, as you see it. I say animals don't need to be controlled either. But from the human perspective, and for the sake of an example, let us say the caged, ignorant beast. You are not ignorant beasts who need to be caged and controlled.
You are beautiful, unique individuals who need to be allowed to shine. Do what you do best, that which brings you the greatest Joy, the greatest sense of satisfaction. People who Love what they do work harder at that than they will anything else. And a wise employer allows his employees to shine at what they do.
Now the same situation might be found in a marriage, in a family. No member of any family, community, society, world, whatever, should ever be under the control of another. Yes, watching over the children while they play, that is Understandable, but you are still not taking their power. You see, you can give them choices too.
When you are married, you still are two individuals who should allow each other to shine, and Support each other in shining. And the same with every family member that you have. In your communities. This is a form of Empowerment. And it is an important part of Empowerment, especially in this time of Peace, because when you live in a time of Peace, in an Age of Peace, in a Dimension of Peace, you do not live by control. You do not live by the Illusions of Empowerment. You live by the Illumination of it. And the Illumination of Empowerment says “Love”.
Feed each other Love. Give to each other Love. Appreciate each other. Tell each other you appreciate. Show it. Show it to the plants in your garden. Show it to the grass and the trees, and the sky, and the birds, and the fishes, and so on. Show Love and appreciation to every form of Life.
If you would find your own Empowerment within, appreciate yourself.
Every part of yourself.
Even the parts you do not like.
Love yourself.
I am not telling you to be selfish nor self centered. I am telling you to accept unconditionally the being of Life and Light that you are, and Love what you see.
Love what you feel.
Each and every one of you is a unique and exquisitely beautiful being of Life and Light, and Love. Accept yourself as who you are. And that Light that is within you can never be controlled, unless you give control of it away.
That is the Illusion of Empowerment.
You must claim Empowerment in Illumination.
And so at this time, I tell you to think about my words and claim your own Empowerment.
As always, we are all here to help you. You need only to ask.
That is all for this time. Thank you for listening.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.