Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Recording & Transcript
Archangel Michael on the Gift of Illumination
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then it is I, the Archangel Michael,
and I would speak to you at this time on the gift of Illumination, especially as it pertains to this time and age and era of Peace.
We speak much of Peace. We speak of it often. And we always encourage you to make your choices regarding Peace. Many of you have begun to see this as old hat, so to speak. And you wonder why it is that we continue to harp on the same subject, to nag you to make your choices, you might say. And there are many reasons why. If it were not important, we would not continually be bringing it to your attention.
But let us talk for a moment about the gift of Illumination, and you will see how it fits in with Peace. First, what is Illumination?
You hear us speak sometimes of the Illusion of this or the Illumination of the same subject, and there is a vast difference, for one is Truth, and one is not. You live in a world of Duality. You are in the Dimension of Duality, for the most part. And within the world of Duality, you have, of course, two choices always to make. And those two choices are Illusion or Illumination. One is Truth, the other is not. So if you choose Illusion, you are continuously being fooled. You are being presented with the opposite of what is actually true. Now think about that for just a moment.
If you can choose Truth or non-Truth, which would you choose?
Well, of course you would say I will always choose Truth. Ah, but what happens when the Truth is not always a matter of convenience? What if it is not easy to choose Truth? What if it is not comfortable to choose Illumination, or Truth, rather than Illusion, or the non-Truth?
Sometimes the easy road is the one that is less Truthful. Sometimes is it more difficult and challenging and inconvenient for you to choose the road of Illumination.
Now this is one aspect of Illumination. And you're coming to the point where your world is segregating. You are dividing yourselves into two groups. Some of you would say yes, the haves and have-nots. Yes, and this is true. But you are also separating yourself into two different groups, those who would continue with Illusion and those who would live in Illumination.
Those who would live in Truth.
What happens when you live in Truth? You must ask yourself that question. What happens when you live in Truth? You become Illumined. In other words, the Light shines. The Light blesses what you do, because you are living in a state of Truth. The energy flows. The Light flows. The Love flows. The Peace flows, and so does the Abundance.
Can you see an opportunity here to choose a different path in Life? If your Life is filled with struggle, on any level, then you are literally trying to swim upstream, you might say. You are working against the flow of Life, for if you are going with the flow of Life, then your Life will be smooth. It will be easy. There will always be challenges of one sort or another. But if you follow your Heart, follow the Illumination, follow the path of Love, and the path of Peace, then it all flows.
Even changes flow.
When you allow Life to flow,
then the struggles are not there. The only struggle, you might say, that is left is negotiating right or left, instead of trying to go backwards. And when you go backwards, that is when you are stepping into Illusion, especially at this time in the evolution of the Universe, the evolution of your planet, the evolution of humanity and all the other Life beings who are here as well. You see, as we move forward into Peace, we are actually moving forward into Illumination,
Truth, Love, Abundance, and so on.
If you would continue with the old ways, because they are comfortable, they are familiar, and so on, then you are literally going backwards, and your Life will be filled with struggle. Now, you're seeing this all in the world around you these days. There is struggle everywhere as people struggle for Truth. They struggle for Peace. They struggle for Love. They struggle for Life. They struggle for food and water, and clean air to breathe. They struggle for a roof over their heads, and clothes for their children, and so on and so on and so on. Your world is filled with struggle right now, and part of that struggle is in place because there are too many trying to swim backwards upstream and live in Illusion. They're refusing Illumination.
And this you cannot do. Life itself is moving you into a state of Illumination. You must flow with it. You must let the old ways go, the old ways that are of Illusion.
What is good for you? What is good for you?
Do you drive the gasoline powered vehicle and say, “Yes this is good for me, because it's cheap. It's easy, and it gets me from here to there?” Maybe it's not so cheap, but it's the cheapest opportunity you have to have transportation to get you from here to there. And it allows you to go to work, where you can make money, to pay for this and so on and so on. But what if you didn't have that?
What if there were another mode of transportation,
one that was not harmful
to anybody?
Would that not be the better choice then?
And you would say, “Ah, but Michael, we don't have access to these things. And if we do, we cannot afford them.” And you will come up with a million excuses why you cannot use a different option, why you cannot make that choice. And so you continue on in the old path. And I say to you that all of the old paths are about to be faced with great struggle,
great resistance.
Because the flow of Life is moving on then toward Illumination, toward Truth, Love, Peace, Abundance, and so on. And you can either flow with Life
or continue to try to swim upstream.
And I promise you the current is going to be very strong.
So it is time to make changes.
It is time to embrace Illumination. Now Illumination has many meanings and many facets, we have just discussed one. Another facet of Illumination is when you begin to Understand.
When you begin to Understand, then all things are Illumined. The Light is shone upon them. And as the Light shines and then you can see,
you will Understand more, and see more Truth. And as you do, then you are better Empowered to make more and better choices, choices that flow with Life rather than against it.
So as you seek Understanding, and you wake up and allow the Lights to come on within yourself,
then you begin to see your world in a different way. What is the big picture in your Life?
What is the big picture in the world at this time?
Is it all about going to work, making money, feeding the children, putting food on the table, having a roof over your head and so on? Is that all there is to Life?
Is there not more to Life than this? What is your reason for being in existence? Why are you here? Are you sheerly the product of procreation?
Or is there a purpose and a reason for your presence in this world?
Did you know that each and every one of you has a function to fulfill in the scope of the entire world? There's a little place just for you, that only you can fill,
in your world.
And the entire world is depending on you to fulfill that little place. You are like the piece in the puzzle, and without you, fulfilling your purpose for being, the puzzle will never be complete. Did you know that?
That is how important each and every one of you is to the rest of you. That is how important you fulfilling whatever you were created to fulfill is.
Everyone depends on you to be exactly who you were meant to be, and to do exactly what you were meant to do. And how do you know what these things are? First you must look into your Heart.
What brings you the greatest Joy,
the greatest Understanding, the greatest sense of Peacefulness and contentment? These are keys to following your Heart right there.
And so when you move forward
with these things, looking into your Heart, look for the Illumination, look for the Light.
The “aha” moment that happens
when you finally realize something important.
And go from that place inside and go out. And when you go out, you must also continue to look for the path of Illumination, the path of Truth, the path of Light and Love and so on.
How do you do this?
Join with others who are doing the same things that you are, who feel the same way that you are. And if you cannot find any or are unsure, look for guidance in the world. There are many out there at this point in time who can assist just about any other. There is always someone to ask. We have made many teachers available. And while each of them has their own way of teaching – and sometimes they teach things a little differently – ultimately, if they are teaching the path of Love, if they are teaching unconditional Love, acceptance, Oneness, tolerance for all, respect for every form of Life everywhere, no matter what form it is,
then these people are good teachers.
If you have trouble finding your own path within your own Heart,
listen to the words of the teachers in the world. There is wisdom there.
It doesn't necessarily mean it's the exact Truth for you, but perhaps it will help you to shine a little Light in so that you may see better and find your own Light switch, so to speak.
You must always follow your Heart, for you will never, ever find any Illumination greater than that which lies within you. That is the Illumination for you, for your Life, for your path, for your journey, for your Purpose.
And when you turn the Light on inside, when you allow your own Light to come out, your own Illumination to shine, then you become the teacher for others.
You see, you are all students, and some of you will become masters. But the master will still always be the student, for there is always something more to learn.
So when you seek teachers, you be sure that you seek teachers who are still learning, for you will never, ever learn everything. There is no being, not even myself, who knows everything. It is not possible. And the reason it is not possible is because every moment, every second, there are new things being born to learn.
It is like the Illumination itself. For this is what knowledge is. This is what learning is. It is Illumination. It is turning the Lights on. It is being able to see the big picture. And just like Light, there is no end to it. There is never an end to Light, just as there is never an end to Love, there is never an end to Illumination. You must always seek it, for that is what guides you every moment of your Life, every choice, every decision, every question to be answered. You must always seek Illumination.
When you look at the leaders in your world today,
do you see Illumination within them?
Do you see wisdom?
Sometimes there are great burdens placed upon the shoulders of those who lead, because people do not want to claim the power for themselves to make their own choices and determine their own paths. And so they place all of that burden of power onto one person who might be the leader.
And that one person can bear the burdens of that responsibility in a responsible manner and guide the people with Illumination, or he or she can guide the people in Illusion.
And you must be wise enough to see that it is never appropriate to push your power onto someone else.
For you must make decisions, you cannot be complacent. You cannot say, I can only drive this car because it is all that my government allows me to drive, or my leader, whoever that might be.
And this is sheerly an example.
You must make your own choices and live accordingly. You must live according to your own Illumination within and allow your Illumination to Light your Life, and the lives of those whom you touch, your family, your spouse, your significant other, as the term is used, your children, your parents, other family members, friends, community, and so on and so on and so on. You can be the Light for others, but first you must be the Light for yourself. And therein lies the gift of Illumination.
And so if you would have the gift of Illumination, then you must look within.
And you must know that if you sincerely wish to have assistance in finding your own Illumination, you have only to ask, for we are always here and ready and willing and waiting to assist you. It is amazing every day how very few people will ask for assistance. They are too busy doing to be. And when you become too busy to be,
then you are doing the wrong things.
If you do not have time to simply be
who you are meant to be,
what you are meant to be,
how you are meant to be, and so on, then you are busy doing the wrong things.
When you do the right things, there is always time to be, because every action comes from the state of being inside. Your states of being should define your states of motion.
Find your inner Peace inside. Find your inner Truth, your Understanding, your Illumination, and when you do, and you establish your sense of being, from that position,
then the doing becomes effortless.
The motion becomes effortless. It becomes a matter of non-choice, for the choice doesn't even have to be made. It simply is already there.
Think about these words, and search for your own Illumination.
We all await your request for assistance. Simply close your eyes, be quiet, ask, and wait for an answer. And we shall provide it to you.
That is all for this time. I leave you with my Love, and my blessings of Illumination.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.